Reflection On Personal Development Through Learning

Factors that Have Helped in Shaping the Experience and the Outcomes

Your work should be personal to you and provide an insight into your development through the module both in terms of actual learning, knowledge and understanding gained, and your reactions and responses to group situations. Consider how you might reflect on your own development going forward.

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The statement is your personal reflection and commentary on people and processes, skills and knowledge, about yourself and others. It is an individual and personal statement, but evidence of referenced academic underpinning should be included. Absence of academic referencing will adversely affect your grade.

The content of your statement might include:

• Identifying your own strengths and weaknesses and undertaking appropriate remediation (self-directed learning)

• Consciousness of your personal learning – where did you start, how far have you come, “direction of travel”?

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• What questions have been raised?

• What have you learned about yourself, about working with other people, often in unfamiliar territory, under time and other conflicting pressures

• Your feelings about the course, tutor and progress

• Thoughts about how you learn best

• How your studies relate to real life

• The way you tackle things- your strategies

Reflection is a way by which we can learn the ways by which we have improved in the way we used to perform earlier, as a result of the learning (Adair and Allen, 2003). It is a way by which we can help to develop our critical thinking skills as well as make connections of what we learn in the institutions and we apply it in the practical field. Reflection of the learning in the class can help us in realising the importance of the learning in the related to our education as well as from the live situations (Baldonado, 2010). It is seen that the sharing the reflection with others can be beneficial as it can help in the self assessment of an individual.

 In doing all the assignments a wide range of topics were discussed and researched by me and the other group members that helped me in the overall development of me and the other members of the group (Barcham, 2011).

Before the starting of the project I was very nervous as to whether I will be able to present all the projects correctly in the report format as well as in the presentation that we needed to give in front of large audience. At the end of completing all the assignments I am more confident than I was before (Boteach, 2011).

Goal Setting and Judgement

For this I need to analyse the relevant issues that has emerged in the teaching process and the factors that have an impact on the teaching. I need to link the various theories that I have learned in the course curriculum, and analyse the experience with the practical events and the live situations (Cottrell, 2010). There are various segments that are taught and we are given assignments based on it. It is a way for us to evaluate the necessary changes that can be brought within us so that we are benefitted from the course and the assignments. The assignments are a way to find the drawbacks that we have and identify those areas and make necessary changes that may be beneficial for us in the long run. The correction measures can make us better by improving on the weak areas that we have (Eggers, 2002).

In the beginning we need to identify the short term as well as long term goal that we need to focus upon (George, McLean and Craig, 2008). To set a goal is important in the sense that we can move in a specific direction while doing the assignment and can see the whether the results are according to the standard that is set in the goals. We can judge our own learning and analyse what we have learnt from the practical experience that we have (Grit et al., 2006). The judgement is necessary to make us realise the areas that we can make improvements and see that these improvements have a lasting impact on the people and in this case on the students who are doing the assignments (Ryder, 2015).

For doing first assignment we needed to collect all the information regarding the marketing strategies that are adopted by the British Heart Foundation. The work was not easy as it seems to be (Heyck-Merlin, 2012). To identify the detailed strategy that they adopted we need to gather all the relevant information from the market place and meeting all the possible people who would help us in giving the detailed information regarding the strategy that they have adopted. PESTLE factors were identified by talking to the company personnel. The various opportunities that the company have as well as the constraints were identified.

In doing so it was we were able to plan the way we will conduct the interviews and collect the necessary information. From this I was beneficial as I was afraid of speaking in the public and I over came that fear (Strawbridge, 2004). I could come up with innovative ideas as to how the interview would be done and the procedure that will be taken by us.

Learning from Assignments

In the second project we have to plan the topic related to the drivers that were responsible for the economic growth of a country. We did an analysis on the BRICS Countries and Investigate the evidence for enterprise and innovation being drivers and/or facilitators of business and economic growth. I was able to learn the about the various ways by which the country could be benefitted economically. There are various factors that we needed to identify for doing the project. We came to know about the individual countries that are there in the BRICS.

From the third assignment I was able do a research analysis on the email technology. A report generation needs a detailed study of all the elements that come under the umbrella of the email. We asked different people on the use of the email and how they are benefitted from the use of the email and whether they the use of it have made their life easier. The interactions with the people have made us know many facts that were not known to us earlier. Thus we were beneficial since we were able to learn the ways by which we could frame a report. We discussed the critical outcomes that were possible form the report. The recommendation was also provided along with the findings and the conclusion.

After the completion of all the assignments we were much knowledgeable on the different aspects regarding the theory that were taught in the class room and we gained an insight to the practical field (Winningham, 2010). The practical knowledge was helpful in making us confident and we were able to take decisions independently and make rational decisions. More over we were more confident to speak to unknown (Rodale and Rodale, 2005).


Have Sufficient Knowledge

Needs Improvement

Managerial skills required in a business


Communication and presentation skills


Analytical skills and data interpretation skills


Thorough knowledge of the subject matter


Practical knowledge of the industry and the business world


Research and data collection technique


Understand the ethics of the business world


Overall personality development


Teamwork and ability to handle pressure


Ability to manage work in time


During the course of the semester, I have gained sufficient knowledge on various aspects. I have acquired a very good communication skill while carrying out my project on the ethical issue of a business. I have also gained knowledge on how to collect data to carry out a research by interacting with the people (Kushel, 2003). For doing them research work I have gained a lot of knowledge on the subjects and also from the studies required for my course. I have also learned to prepare a questionnaire through which I had conducted the study. Apart from this I have also learned how to handle pressure and work under pressure and the importance of group work. I have learnt to work in groups while making presentation and activities (Rich and Barker, 2002).

There are certain areas that needed improvement on my side and that was evident from the above table. Though I had the thorough knowledge of the subject matter but I had no real experience of the fact. I needed to improve on that area and for that I had to step out in the market place and meet the people personally, talk with them and collect as much information that we will need for the assignment (McCabe, 2006). Nowadays all the information are available on the internet, but we wanted to collect all the information personally so that we are able to get a firsthand experience on how the business works and this will  in turn increase the level of our confidence. Talking with random people in the street and unknown people in the offices made me bold enough to speak in a large platform with a huge crowd (Personal Reflection – Laughter and Tears, 2012).

Achievement from the learning activity

Process of carrying out the activity

How will I know the result


To gain knowledge about the research process

This can be achieved by attending the lectures about the business in the semester

By reading the subject under review

By meeting the supervisor and the professors and arranging discussions

I will be able to share my knowledge on the subject with my classmates

I will be able to undertake the researches while doing a project in a more detailed manner.

It is very important to learn the research process which is helpful in the evidence based researches that are carried out.

To develop the time management skills and quality of the work

I have earlier completed some of my work on time but I need to improve on that.

By conducting researches and also trying to finish the work within the time limit along with maintaining the quality of the work

I will be able to complete my project on time and maintain the standard of the work, so that my performance is appreciated.

Not only time management but the quality of work is also very important in real life. Thus I should learn the ways by which I can manage time and not miss the deadlines.

To understand the ethical codes of the business as well as the values of the business

It can be done by searching the guidelines of the business and the required ethical codes of the business.

I will be more responsible towards my work and will understand business guidelines before I join any corporate sector.

It is important to know the rules and regulations before stepping into the realworld so that I do not feel the pressure

Collecting and analyzing data effectively

I can achieve this by performing different types of surveys and collect data that are primary and secondary in nature.

By using appropriate tools for the analytical purpose and conclude the findings.

It will enhance me and I will be able to collect the data and analyze them effectively

It will show my ability to take up researches and analytical skills needed to predict the future market

To improve my skills regarding the managing of people and implementing it in real life situations

It can be improved by learning how the various management skills can be incorporated and improved for the professionals

It will enhance my ability to manage situations and management skills and decision making skills will also be improved

It is important to manage people in a business. It will also enhance my personal skills.

To improve the ability to speak in public and give presentations

It can be improved by making arrangements that will allow me to give presentation in front of the students and the teachers and in future to larger audiences

It will make me confident and make me bold to speak in front of the people. It will develop my personality and make me more confident.

It is important as interaction is necessary and once I move into the corporate world I need to be more outward and extrovert and apply these skills that I learn here in the working place.

To handle pressure and manage teams

It can be improved by assigning unknown people in a team and asked to complete assignments that are based on research work and interacting with the people. More over time limit needs to be given so that the group members are able to meet the deadline and give a substantial report.

It will make us to act more responsibly in front of others. I am able to mix with the people more well. It develops the individual members of the group and helps in the overall performance of the group.

Working with a team from this level will make us beneficial in the future where we will be given to prepare more detailed report and within a limited time frame. This will enable me to learn the various obstacles and devise ways that can be used to overcome those hurdles in the future.


Adair, J. and Allen, M. (2003). The concise time management and personal development. London: Thorogood.

Baldonado, A. (2010). A Personal Reflection. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 29(3), pp.136-137.

Barcham, L. (2011). Personal development for learning disability workers. Exeter: Learning Matters.

Boteach, S. (2011). 10 conversations you need to have with yourself. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

Cottrell, S. (2010). Skills for success. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Eggers, H. (2002). Project Cycle Management: A Personal Reflection. Evaluation, 8(4), pp.496-504.

George, B., McLean, A. and Craig, N. (2008). Finding your true north. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Grit, R., Guit, R., Sijde, N. and Maclean, K. (2006). Managing your competencies. Groningen [etc.]: Wolters-Noordhoff.

Heyck-Merlin, M. (2012). The together teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint.

Kushel, G. (2003). The Inside Track to Successful Management. London: Thorogood.

McCabe, M. (2006). Accelerating teamwork: A personal reflection. Musculoskelet. Care, 4(2), pp.116-121.

Personal Reflection – Laughter and Tears. (2012). International Emergency Nursing, 20(2), p.51.

Rich, H. and Barker, T. (2002). In the moment. New York: W. Morrow.

Rodale, M. and Rodale, M. (2005). It’s my pleasure. New York: Free Press.

Ryder, S. (2015). Personal reflection (RNA journal 20th anniversary). RNA, 21(4), pp.725-726.

Strawbridge, S. (2004). STORY: A PERSONAL REFLECTION. Dramatherapy, 26(1), pp.14-17.

Winningham, R. (2010). Train your brain. Amityville, N.Y.: Baywood Pub. Co.

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