Reflection On Multi-Professional Working

Definition of the Practice of Multi-Professional Working

Give reflection on multi-professional working. The reflection must include a clear definition, an introduction to the range of professions that increasingly work alongside youth and community workers, in inter-professional settings. You are also asked to reflect on IP working from practice and then go to discuss the positives and challenges for practice.

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Standing in the starting part of twenty first century one must believe that nothing is impossible to do. Especially the youth generation is choosing their own way of life by choosing various professions according to their preferences. After completing all the studies, they are just willing to join different kind of professions like teachers, learning support worker in different office, IT sector etc. So as far as the youth work is concerned, I must say that the process is very independent i.e. it actually depends on the person who is going take the decision.

Multi-professional working is a practice where individuals from different professions come together to enhance the operation of a particular sector (Freeman, 2010). My concern of the study is to reflect how the environment of different professions impacts the social and healthcare sector of United Kingdom. In my experience as a palliative caregiver, in a popular palliative care center in Bristol, I have come across many persons from many professional backgrounds. The experience of working among various professions has increased my knowledge as well my capability to emphasize the particular impact different professions bring to achieve a particular common goal.

The clear cut definition of multi-professional work setting can be aptly suited to my subject of concern. The culture or context can be defined as an environment of people belonging from different areas of expertise or professions working towards the collective goal of improving social care in our nation. The process of multi-professional working mainly refers to the fact of a team, a generic team for workplace-based or the case of undergraduate learning (Arum & Roksa, 2011). In this process people from different background learn together. It is mainly a process or a mechanism where the effective team work ultimately improves the effectiveness and the patient care. This is actually done after finishing the under graduate courses, just exactly the time when every student try to seek job. The first step of their professional care sometimes starts with the multi-professional working where they get their individual scope to groom themselves up a lot more. This ultimately helps them to achieve better.

Community Workers

This is one of many professions that the youths may choose. Community workers are the one who work for a particular community in order to increase the level of the community (Van Rooyen, 2014). This means that every work is done according to the criteria of any community such that the community will get the benefit after completing every single work. Some of the workers here are paid and some of them are unpaid. There is no need to differ the paid and the unpaid workers as everybody does their work depending on their own ethics and principles.

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The different definition of community worker can be defined as the way the workers do their work. It means that depending on the way of working of every single worker the definition can be established.

Qualification actually refers to the fact of the studying level of each worker. It can be higher secondary education or university education. This fact actually defines the term individual qualification (Little, 2011).

Experience is another way defining the community workers. The worker, who has spent his or her more time in the working field, is considered to be the more efficient worker.

The workers are mainly described by the post in which he/she is working.

A particular organizational membership often describes the community workers (Armstrong-Stassen & Schlosser, 2011). It means that a community worker will get to be known by being a member of any particular community.

Inter professional education is mainly associated with the health care profession (Su & McGettrick, 2012). After completing the study with medical science, students need to practice their work collaborate with the other students. This actually improves the effectiveness, which results a perfect professional future. This education mainly helps to develop the doctors in the best way. The youths who are willing to join the medical science after completing the higher secondary level of education must go through this kind of communicational study in order to achieve big success.

The doctors and technicians were consulted to gain knowledge of their first-hand experience of dealing with the medical aspects of detoxification of the body.

The Youth services personnel were consulted and brought under the ambit of the panel. The inter professional setting and environment helped to resolve any doubt and conflict of views quickly. The presence of so much expertise just around the corner had helped in gaining the required knowledge for all professions to help deal with the youth and potential drug addicts. The community workers constantly voiced their opinions on engaging the parents and progeny of the addicts. They argued that if the addicts were counseled by their family members that would have a much long lasting effect on the period of staying clean.

Different Definition of Community Worker

The youth workers stated that they have experience of many years which they have accumulated while working on many sensitive and general cases. The youth workers in their possession have a huge database which they claim have been collected since the 70’s. The database has information about individuals who have been addicts and have been successful in staying clean for many years. The youth services stated that would urge those persons to come forward and give their inputs in solving this impending crisis.

The technicians were roped in for their efforts in creating technology which may better sniff out the drugs present in the system. The toxicology report is true but not in all cases that have come to light.

This environment of the multi professional working module was considered very eminent and had the capability to implement and put forward in the course of action. The standard working procedure initiated by the core committee comprising members from multiple professions was very robust, and considerable attention was devoted to the cause and effect theorem (“Organ donation procedure streamlined after murder”, 2011).

The positive aspects of this study of intermixing among many professions were that every profession now understood the challenges faced by other professions. This knowledge of each other’s problems would be better helpful in dealing with adverse situations or conflicts.

The understanding among many professions paved the way for the eventual success of the program. The community workers stopped blaming the law enforcement for their treatment of drug addicts, after coming to terms with the issues faced by law enforcement officers on a daily basis (KOLESNIK, 2013). The youth and community services were apprehensive about this joint panel of discussion, but when all professions reviewed every aspect of this situation in the panel, they were satisfied with the working of the body as a whole (VIDALL, 2010).

The doctors were also motivated to work for the addicts in providing their medical knowledge and efforts to eradicate the problems (Fainzang, Hem, & Risør, 2010).

The overall strategy was implemented with the presence of so many professionals in the board of discussion.

The presence of so many professions also hampered the fast paced progress of strategy making. The professionals belonging to different areas of professions were made to understand the realities of the situation (Meier, 2014). Considerable time and effort were dedicated to explaining the problem by all professions. Law enforcement officials proved to be the most challenging group with questions asked by them at all points, even when there isn’t any need to raise questions. The core group members were sympathetic to all professions and patiently bore with them throughout the sessions conducted over months and sought out alternatives to a challenging task that lay ahead (Foerster & Meltsner, 2012).

Individual Qualification

The primary challenges were faced from medical professions, who objected too many decisions citing lack of safety and security of the procedure to be conducted upon the drug addicts. Many parties and professions professed the idea of segregating the users and placing them apart from mainstream life. That was supported by the law enforcement but not by youth workers who suggested that placing the addicts away from home and friends would put them at further risk of overindulging in drugs. This situation wasn’t thought of before. 

Many hurdles were removed after several consultations with legal personnel to find and plug the gaps in the legislature of the kingdom, which allowed many dealers and suppliers to roam free and create havoc among the abusers and potential future abusers.


After having all the research work result in hand one thing can be said that the level of independency and the level of professionalism are increasing among the youths day by day. Inter professional work; community works are very famous these days. Students who are willing to join the service world after the completion of their education are going through various stages of professional skill development and then afterwards they are joining different job sectors as per their concerns. The youth work today is mainly representing the position of the today’s generation as well as it is showing the path of success to the next generation who may follow this path or they will find more improved way of choosing their goal of life.


Armstrong-Stassen, M. & Schlosser, F. (2011). Perceived organizational membership and the retention of older workers. Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 32(2), 319-344.

Arum, R. & Roksa, J. (2011). Academically adrift. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Fainzang, S., Hem, H., & Risør, M. (2010). The taste for knowledge. AÌŠrhus: Aarhus University Press.

Foerster, B. & Meltsner, M. (2012). Race, rape, and injustice. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

Freeman, P. (2010). Improving inter-professional collaborations: multi-agency working for children’s wellbeing. Research Papers In Education, 25(1), 133-136.


Little, L. (2011). Trend qualification and trading. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

Meier, L. (2014). Migrant Professionals in the City. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Organ donation procedure streamlined after murder. (2011). Nursing Standard, 25(49), 5-5.

Su, F. & McGettrick, B. (2012). Professional ethics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.


VIDALL, C. (2010). Providing community oral chemotherapy services. European Journal Of Cancer Care, 19, 29-34.

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