Reducing Food Wastage Among Australian Youth: A Marketing Strategy

Factors Contributing to Food Waste in Australia

Discuss about the Scale Development and Empirical Validation.

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Food wastage among the Australian youth was perceived to be a major problem. A survey among the Australians found out that, on an average every household wastes food of approximate value AU$ 1036 every year (Alden 1987). It is a major concern not only for the Australians but also for the entire world. If food is wasted in such a manner then the whole world will have to suffer as a result. Therefore, this paper will outline a suitable marketing strategy to create awareness among the youth below 35 years. While making amendments, the previous marketing strategy will be focused on to see what went wrong with that one.

Previously, certain factors were identified which were considered to play an important role in food waste. The factors included- more dependence on take- away food rather than cooking at home; weak planning of grocery shopping; no proper utilization of the left- over food; not keeping a track of the food expiry date (Anagnostou, Ingenbleek and van Trijp 2015). The survey focused on the population who was mostly involved in wasting food included families with children, young people below 35 years of age and the individuals whose income was more than AU$ 100,000. The survey highlighted that the Australians were indulged in wasting 4,000,000 tons of food every year (Armine and Cavusgil 1986).

For the past twenty years, several issues were raised due to the environmental sustainability of the recent consumption trend in association with the change in climatic conditions and biodiversity (Baalbaki and Malhotra 1993). Social media marketing and behavioral science was considered as the major challenges in implementing sustainable behavior among the consumers. Sustainable consumption refers to rejecting the mainstream concepts of marketing philosophy of pleasure, luxury and selfishness along with extravagant resources (Balderjahn, Peyer and Paulssen 2013).

The issue of food wastage in Australia took into account many social marketing campaigns to create awareness about the darker future regarding sustainable consumption. For instance, Foodwise was a prominent campaign introduced by DoSomething (Cavusgil and Nevin 1981). DoSomething is a community organization in the Newtown region of New South Wales. This campaign was started in the year 2015 with the aim of decreasing the negative impact on environment in terms of food consumption. Foodwise campaign had intended to spread knowledge among the Australian consumers regarding their consumption and wastage of food and the negative impact that is associated with the same. The campaign had stressed on its online presence by creating a website and stepping into the social media platforms of Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. The website had clearly explained the way consumers can solve the issues of food wastage and it was aimed at numerous segments of target customers. However, the focus was put on the youths of age less than 35 years ( 2018).

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Previous Marketing Strategies

The problem of the previous marketing strategy was that it was not properly followed up. The survey highlighted that the Facebook page and the main website of the campaign was last updated in 2016. There was lack of updated tweets or likes on the Twitter page too (Crittenden et al. 2011). Therefore, it can be realized that there was gap in reaching the targeted customers due to ineffective use of social media. With the ongoing change in the trend and knowledge of consumer perception and food consumption, there was necessity of new marketing strategy. The new strategy will be helpful in evaluating the wastage of food among Australians and change their attitudes regarding this severe issue (Chabowski, Mena and Gonzalez-Padron 2011).

The goal of the new marketing strategy for Foodwise 2018- 19 will be to implement strict policies for avoiding food wastage among the youths in Australia. Primarily, the 4Ps, 5Cs and STP of marketing need to be considered for designing the strategy.

Product- The product for which the social marketing will be done need to be in relevance with the issues of food wastage in Australia.

Place- The place is based on Australia but the negative impact was felt by the rest of the world.

Price- The price will play an important role in determining the value o the product for which the social marketing is being done.

Promotion- Advertising and promotion will revolve around social media. As the youth group of less than 35 years is targeted therefore social media platform will be best suited for grabbing their attention (White and Simpson 2013). 

Customer- To avoid food wastage among the Australian youth the social media marketing needs to be targeted to the customers who are more inclined to purchasing restaurant food and do not look at the expiry dates.

Company- The companies such as restaurants and cafes need to make sure that they take proper care of the left- over food items. They can implement innovative products, which will be their USP in the international market.

Context- The limitations and restrictions posed due to political, economic, social and technological issues need to be considered in designing the new marketing strategies.

Collaborators- The new marketing strategy should look into the interference of third party sources to help in terms of distributing and supplying the food components. 

Competitors- It is required to find out the immediate competitors who will get the benefit of the food wastage among the youths in Australia (Chabowski, Mena and Gonzalez-Padron 2011). 

Sustainable Consumption in Australia

STP refers to Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. In the new marketing strategy for creating awareness about food waste, the segmentation will be done based on age. This is because the survey data focused on the wastage of food mainly by youths within 35 years of age. This specific age group will be targeted along with the other Australians along with the restaurants and cafes. The positioning will be done in such a way that it modifies the previous marketing strategy by keeping a track of the social media platforms (Anagnostou, Ingenbleek and van Trijp 2015).

After looking at the issue of food waste from different aspects, it can be recommended that the Foodwise campaign for 2018- 19 should not repeat the same mistakes by not keeping a follow- up of the social media platforms. As the targeted consumers belong to the age group of 35 years who are more accustomed to the use of Facebook, Twitter and others, therefore the platforms need to be constantly updated. It will keep on reminding the customers not to waste food, as it will lead to a bleak future of food consumption.

Moreover, it can be recommended that the campaign should spread on an international level with the use of social media, which will be cost- effective as well as put an immediate effect. In this way, the marketing goal of making Australia as well as the entire world free from food wastage will be achieved. There are different channels of integrated marketing such as advertising, sales promotion, PR and others. Based on the issue, the appropriate integrated marketing channel for reaching the target market will be social media. This is because the youths in the range of 35 years are more inclined towards the social networking platform and it will be easy to grab their attention. As the non- profit organizations do not have huge budget for advertising the campaign, they can tie up with a large restaurant chain such as Pizza hut or McDonald’s. It will help in fulfilling the objective of sustainable consumption and promote the name of the specific fast food chain.


Alden, V.R., 1987. Who says you can’t crack Japanese markets?: Harvard Business Review, 87 (1), 52–56 (January–February 1987). Long Range Planning, 20(4), p.129.

Anagnostou, A., Ingenbleek, P.T. and van Trijp, H.C., 2015. Sustainability labelling as a challenge to legitimacy: spillover effects of organic Fairtrade coffee on consumer perceptions of mainstream products and retailers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(6), pp.422-431.

Armine, L.S. and Cavusgil, S.T., 1986. Consumer market environment in the Middle East. International Business in the Middle East, Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, 163(1), p.76.

Baalbaki, I.B. and Malhotra, N.K., 1993. Marketing management bases for international market segmentation: an alternate look at the standardization/customization debate. International Marketing Review, 10(1).

Balderjahn, I., Peyer, M. and Paulssen, M., 2013. Consciousness for fair consumption: conceptualization, scale development and empirical validation. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(5), pp.546-555.

Cavusgil, S.T. and Nevin, J.R., 1981. State-of-the-art in international marketing: An assessment. Review of marketing, 1981, pp.195-216.

Chabowski, B.R., Mena, J.A. and Gonzalez-Padron, T.L., 2011. The structure of sustainability research in marketing, 1958–2008: a basis for future research opportunities. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), pp.55-70.

Crittenden, V.L., Crittenden, W.F., Ferrell, L.K., Ferrell, O.C. and Pinney, C.C., 2011. Market-oriented sustainability: a conceptual framework and propositions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), pp.71-85.

Foodwise. (2018). Food Waste Fast Facts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2018].

White, K. and Simpson, B., 2013. When do (and don’t) normative appeals influence sustainable consumer behaviors?. Journal of Marketing, 77(2), pp.78-95.

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