Reducing Alcohol Misuse In Youths: Strategies For Nurses And Community

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

The first international conference on ‘Health Promotion’ organized by the WHO (World Health Organisation) in Ottawa, Canada in November 1986, called ‘Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion’ (World Health Organisation, 2018). The main objective of this charter is “health for all” by the year 2000 and after this a better health promotion of human beings. The charter stressed the importance of a socio-environmental approach to achieve better health for people. As the Ottawa charter focuses on health promotion and people has become more conscious about their health and more aware of the relationship between their lifestyle and illness, people begin to adopt various health promotion habits. People adopt various health promotional habits such as maintaining appropriate food nutrition, getting more conscious about their physical fitness, controlling, and avoiding the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (Ward & Verrinder, 2008). Nurses play a key role in health promotion in order to promote health awareness among people and prevent illness.

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For many people in our country, Alcohol consumption is an enjoyable part of daily life. However, it has been seen in the recent past in many surveys that alcohol consumption in youths has been increasing tremendously. It has been seen that the proportion of alcohol consumption and their quantity of alcohol drinking is at record levels. The bad habits of alcohol consumption in youngsters result in negative physical health and several types of mental and physical diseases. The immediate harms of excessive alcohol consumptions are road accidents, high-risk sexual activity, injuries, murder, and other crimes. Use of Alcohol in 16-24 years old age people is increasing day by day and that causes arising of numerous dangerous disease and injury burden on youths (Burns, 2017). There are numbers of countries that effectively reduce the consumption of alcohol by youths by implementing strict rule and regulations in the country. The support of community also plays an important role in implementing and proposes such changes that reduce the alcohol consumption in youths instead of focusing more on current alcohol prohibition laws. The Parents of youngster also play an important role in influencing the attitude and belief of youth to avoid the alcohol consumption. However, guardian of these youth people has indicated that they need information, skills, and social support to guide the youngsters towards avoiding the use of alcohol or safe use of alcohol. The five strategic action plan of the Ottawa charter provides a framework for nurses to support parents to promote health among people and support safe alcohol drinking habits in youths of the country. By using five actions plan of Ottawa charter on parents and community, nurses can successfully and effectively addressing the alcohol misuse of youths and guide them to reduce their alcohol consumptions that cause various dangerous disease (Linsley, Kane, & Owen, 2011).

Alcohol Consumption in Youths

The Ottawa Charter plan focuses on five-action plan to promote health promotion among people (McMurray & Clendon, 2015). Nurses can use this five-action plan to stop misuse of alcohol consumption in youths. These actions are as follow:

A healthy public policy is a key solution to improving the health of people. The government should examine its all the public policy and its impact on the health of people. If the government or any authorised body find that a particular health policy is ineffective then the policy should be changed or amend to ensure its effectiveness on people’s health. However, if these strategies and policies are effective and appropriate at the individual level then it helps very little in reducing the burden of disease at the societal level (Hutton, Cusack, & Zannettino, 2012). Society plays an important role in reducing the alcohol-related disease and harm. Regulation and restrictions on the sale of alcohol products and impose heavy taxes on alcohol and focusing on lower blood alcohol limits some is the major area where both central and local government can focus in order to reduce the alcohol-related harm (Fyffe, 2009). Nurses can directly with public and community with various government programs through spreading awareness among people about alcohol-related disease and harms. Nurses can play a key role in persuading youths, his/her families, and the society on behalf of their clients that how they can avoid alcohol and can promote effective health policy.

A strong and effective health policy can reduce the misuse of alcohol by youths. Alcohol consumption not only causes disease for youths, rather it affects the health of all members of a society who consume alcohol. A healthy public policy related to alcohol consumption assists in creating a supporting health environment that ensures a healthy, enjoyable, safe, and secure life to all people in a community (Harris, Chan, Laws, Williams, Davies, Jayasinghe, & Milat, 2013). Alcohol misuse causes a large number of road accidents and sexual crimes that is why here ‘safe’ needs to be reconsidered. Public policy designed to create a supportive environment has resulted in a quality approach towards the health promotion, where working for change occurs through partnership at the social level. The nurses can play a key role in interaction between schoolteachers and parents of youths, or between school authorities and local government bodies, so they can exchange information, ideas, strategies, policies, and required actions that will help in reducing the consumption of alcohol in order to reduce the unnecessary alcohol-related harms (Marry & Flynn, 2015). Nurses can also help in creating a plan on the ground basis in cooperation with the community that will help in reducing the alcohol consumption and improve the health of youths.

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Five Actions Plan of Ottawa Charter to Reduce Alcohol Misuse

The role of community is so important in the mission against the reduction of alcohol use in youths. Thus, strengthen community action is the vital factor in decision-making to reduce the misuse of alcohol consumption. The community is self-responsible for their progress, and for this, they should determine what their needs and how they can best meet their needs effectively. A community has a great power of influencing people as the whole tat how they can promote their health and restrict themselves against the unethical and dangerous habits such as alcohol consumption. A strong plan of community is one of the greatest ways to achieve such an objective of promoting healthcare in people (Lee, 2015). There are numbers of examples of community activities that have focused on reducing alcohol use in the society and reduce the harm related to alcohol consumption. The role of nurses in this strategy is to organize young peoples to involve in the decision-making process that adversely affects their health and wellbeing.

Develop personal skills is a necessary factor when people are more in control of their lives and have more power of decision making to transform them into a better person. Nurses can serve here as an influencer to motivate people to think about their selves and about their health (Roden, Jarvis, Campbell-Crofts, & Whitehead, 2015). People having good knowledge about their selves and have a necessity to change their bad habits, need to develop personal skills that help in protect them from such types of alcohol disease and danger. In many houses, it has been observed that parents hesitate to talk about alcoholism and its harmful effect on the body, to their young son/daughters. It is also clear that many people themselves powerless or clueless in their home to do anything to stop their young child to use alcoholism. In this case, a nurse can work as an educator who can provide formal and informal education to the youth or adolescent in coordination with parents and school teachers (Fernandez, 2015). Nurses can also educate and influence them about the various policies that help in the reduction of alcoholic products usage and their harm to their body.

Reorienting health care is an essential thing that ensures everyone that health promotion is necessary for everyone and it should be involved in people’s daily activities (Li, Babor, Zeigler, Xuan, Morisky, Hovell, & Li, 2015). Re-orientating health care services mean that nurses have a key role in the development of collaboration among various sectors of society such as the parents, adolescents, youths, police, health sector, and education sector. A brief interference of parents, educators, and community member always is helpful to protect youngsters from the harmful disease that arises because of excessive use of alcohol (Grovier & Rees, 2013). However, it has been observed that it is very tough to mentor and guide youngsters to avoid the use of alcohol as there are numbers of medical practitioners and experts are not comfortable or skilled while they working with young people. Nurses can play a role of an intervener in coordination with parents and medical experts to influence and guide younger people about their health and reduce the use of alcoholic products in order to promote their health and wellbeing.

A Healthy Public Policy


The Ottawa charter for health promotion provides a useful base to promote healthcare in people and community as well. It helps people to concentrate on their health and ensure a safe and joyful life, which is disease free by doing work toward strengthening peoples. The nurses can play an important role in implementing the Ottawa charter strategies in the reduction of harmful disease in youngsters by educating and aware them about the danger of alcohol usage. The role of community and parents is very essential to make this plan successful. However, if they are working in collaboration with the nurses, it is easy to reduce the alcohol consumption and its harm to youngsters’ mental and physical health and make their life enjoyable and safe. 


Burns, L. (2017). Reducing the Harm of Alcohol. Retrieved from:

Fernandez, J. (2015) Treating patients with underlying alcohol problems. Retrieve from:

Fyffe, T. (2009). Nursing shaping and influencing health and social care policy. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(8), 698-706.

Grovier, A., & Rees, C. (2013). Reducing alcohol-related health risks: the role of the nurse. Retrieve from:

 Harris, M. F., Chan, B. C., Laws, R. A., Williams, A. M., Davies, G. P., Jayasinghe, U. W., Milat, A. (2013). The impact of a brief lifestyle intervention delivered by generalist community nurses (CN SNAP trial). BMC Public Health, 13(7), 375. doi: 

Hutton, A., Cusack, L., & Zannettino, L. (2012). Building public policy to support young people in reducing alcohol-related harm when partying at Schoolies Festivals. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 18(2), 96-100.

Lee, M. S. (2015). The principles and values of health promotion: building upon the Ottawa charter and related WHO documents. Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion, 32(4), 1-11.

Li, Q., Babor, T. F., Zeigler, D., Xuan, Z., Morisky, D., Hovell, M. F., & Li, B. (2015). Health promotion interventions and policies addressing excessive alcohol use: a systematic review of national and global evidence as a guide to health?care reform in China. Addiction, 110(26), 68-78.

Linsley, P., Kane, R., & Owen, S. (2011). Nursing for public health: promotion, principles, and practice. UK: Oxford University Press.

Marry, A., & Flynn, T. (2015). Empowering people to be healthier: Public health nutrition through the Ottawa Charter. The proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 47(3), 303-22. doi:

McMurray, A., & Clendon, J. (2015). Community health and wellness: Primary health care in practice. 5th ed. NSW, Australia: Elsevier. 

Roden, J., Jarvis, L., Campbell-Crofts, S., & Whitehead, D. (2015). Australian rural, remote and urban community nurses’ health promotion role and function. Health promotion international, 31(3), 704-714.

Ward, B., & Verrinder, G. (2008). Young people and alcohol misuse: how can nurses use the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion?. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 25(4), 114.

World Health Organisation (2018). The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion First International Conference on Health Promotion, Ottawa, 21 November 1986. Retrieved from:

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