Recruitment Process For Bar Attendant Position

Guidelines for Recruitment Process

  • Recommendations in regards to recruitment needs to Manager…

In order to ensure the best for an organization, the management needs to adhere by a number of guidelines:

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Thorough and Lucid Job Description: Posting an elaborative job description is on one of the many fundamental of recruitment process. A detailed job description regarding the desired skills and qualities of the employees. It is essential to eliminate delay or confusion in the process of recruitment.

Strategic Questionnaire: during the interview, the management should test the capabilities of the candidate according to the right set of questions. The questions should be able to gauge how far the employee will be able to serve the position he is attributed with. Questions based on management and sales skills including a list of other technical questions like food safety and catering to customers in the best possible manner can be resourceful.

Skill testing: This would involve a thorough analysis of employee’s personality traits and whether it is suitable to the job and physical skill testing required for the position.

Employee Training: training and grooming should be an integral part of recruitment process which will familiarise the employees with the job, workplace culture, employer’s expectations and various job requirements to ensure the absence of further hindrances in proper functioning of the employee. A success recruitment process will ensure highest degree of employee retention

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  • Explain how you would consult with colleagues in regards to staffing needs.

I would call for a team meeting to ensure that the members can access to information and be a part of candidate screening process. Issues like scarcity of proper candidates or high salary expectancy would be addressed via staff meeting or confidential e-mail. The members would supervise and evaluate staffing needs and issues in this manner.

  • Consultation for…

Required skills and knowledge of potential employee- Staff members

Advertised salaries- Hiring manager

Nature and content of job advertisement- Human Resource Department

Timing and nature of induction programs-

Job Title: Bar Attendant

Job Overview: bar attendant will be responsible to properly prepare and serve drinks to the customers. The candidate will be responsible. Should be able to work 5 days a week, for 8 hours.


Graduates with bachelor or diploma degree in hotel management or related field.


The candidate should possess relevant experience and should be adept in handling Point of sale terminals, inventory management and stock. He/she should have in-depth knowledge of food and beverage products.


Must be skilled in communicating in English, verbal and written, must know other two languages. Interpersonal and multi-tasking skills in executing other duties as assigned by the hotel management team are necessary.

Job Description

5) Selection Process

In order to ensure efficiency, I would abide by the process of face-to-face Interview for cross-checking references previously provided by candidate and thereafter drafting the offer letter for the candidate. The process should be cost-effective and efficient enough to judge the right candidate suitable for the position.

6) Job Advertisement of Bar Attendant…

Position: Bar Attendant

Responsibilities: Catering superior quality services to customers in punctual manner. Ensuring food safety and general cleanliness of the work area.

Department: Food and Beverages

Hours of Work:

Job Brief: we are looking for a competent bartender who will provide utmost level of experience to the customers and will be able to create innovative drinks by utilizing mixing skills and exceeding customers’ assumptions and expectations. The candidate should be able to complying with the food and safety regulations.


Should be skilled in proper handling of receipt and checking overall transactional expenses.

Customer Service and Communicational Skills

Should be professional and friendly with the customers and able to provide diligent service. Proper mixing and serving of drinks.

Harmoniously work with staff and management personnel

Taking reservations from the guests

Taking orders

Cleaning and scrubbing of the table

Proper maintenance of glasses and silverware

Strict adherence of workplace health and safety measures

Monitoring and supervision of patrons

Ensuring restocking of bar to prevent running out of drinks and beverages

Skills Required

Communication skills

Conflict resolution skills

Multi-tasking skills

Knowledge on garnishing skills

Drink recommendation ability

Updated resume to show relevant work experience

Training Certificates (if any)

7) Mode of Job Advertising…

I would choose the medium of online job posting because over time, it has become the primary source for viewing the profiles of efficient candidates which further eases the selection process. E-recruitment ensures that the recruitment process is not getting prolonged and reduces the overall costs of job posting and employee hiring (Daher 2015).

8) What would be the approximate cost for the above advertisement? Provide a screen shot.

9) If initially you didn’t receive any suitable job applicants what would you do?

I would go with the option of referential process from the pre-existing employees as the best alternative to advertising for jobs and screening candidates (Bolman and Deal 2017). The advertisement for vacancy would be posted on a notice-board and each employee would be given the opportunity to drop references. Furthermore, it will ensure the elimination of extra costs for job postings in newspapers or public places

Strategic Questionnaire

10) Methods to process and review applications…

The selection process denotes the steps involved in reviewing the application forms and before creating a final list for the deserved candidates.

Evaluate the needs of the position with employee

It is necessary to formulate a proper plan to select only the best applications that would fit the requirements of job position. One needs to align the applications with the goals and initiatives of the company

In this criteria, a number of factors come into play for instance the age of the applicant and other related information of the employee. If the applicant is minor, one needs to be aware of the number of laws attached to hiring minors (Marchington et al. 2016).

Developing a List

The applications should be filtered according to the key traits and characteristics of the candidate, relevant skills and experience.

This should be done in order to obtain an overall impression of the employee and whether he/she will be able to fulfill the key expectations of the organization. One has to check if each and every section of the resume is properly filled with detailed answers. Highlighting the sections would take lesser amount of time to select candidates based on their strongest credentials.

11) Three applications are provided in the appendix. Which two would be relevant for an interview?

For the interview, applications 2 and 3 will be selected for a couple of reasons. In application 2, the candidate already has relevant experience in the field, working for three years as a bar attendant. It would therefore be easier for the management for swiftly implementing the candidate into the team as the candidate would already be familiar with the demands of the job (Agrawal et al. 2015).

In case of application 3, the candidate has degree in hospitality which is advantageous for a bar attendant because it will equip the candidate with management skills, maintaining harmonious guest relations and working adeptly in tight schedules. RSG and RCA course are added advantages that they would equip the candidate with alcohol serving skills to enhance the quality of services they are providing (Agrawal et al. 2015). He/she will be able to evaluate and control the risks associated with drinking and control potentially harmful gamblers within the bar area. In Australia, hiring a candidate with RSA and RCG degrees will help` in improving the bar reputation.

12) Best way to inform candidates who were unsuccessful in being granted an interview…

Skill Testing

According to me, the accurate way to turn down job applicants prior to the interview would be by sending an e-mail. A timely communication for conveying the rejection message is equally necessary to maintain the reputation of the bar as a responsible organization (Alexander and Fadden 2017). The rejection later should also state the main reasons so as not to appear discriminatory on any basis.

13) Accommodate the needs:  

A candidate who is interstate during the interview period- Video Interviewing will be an efficient way of conducting the interview. It will reduce costs better than any other alternative plans and will consume lesser amount of time in selecting the deserving candidate.

  1. A candidate who wishes to give an electronic presentation- the management should accommodate for a projector, sound box and mike to ensure that the interview panel can establish an unobstructed mode of communication with the candidate.

14) Observing Equal Employment Opportunity law during the selection process

A well-renowned organization should adhere by a step by step process to eradicate any form of discrimination during the interview process.

Equal Testing Process- the candidates should be tested based on their skills, experience and qualification the process of which should be executed in a candid manner ensuring the same for every candidate irrespective of their gender and race (Laumer, Maier and Eckhardt 2014).

Short-listing- the short-listing procedure should be based on fair and sound judgment ensuring that the candidates were selected based on their qualities and not on the grounds of a person’s race, religion, sex, and color (Lin and Krishnamurthy 2017). The candidates should be made aware of the reasons behind selection and rejection. Furthermore, the management should pay heed to the language they are using in the selection process, for instance selecting someone just because he/she is ‘young and dynamic’ is grossly discriminatory (Marchington et al. 2016).

Record-keeping- the organization should also retain documents elaborating on selection criteria which can be used in future when required. Without proper justification for recruitment and selection process the management’s decisions can appear unfair and unlawfully discriminatory (Armstrong et al. 2015).

15) In regards to candidate selection list 5 factors that will influence your choice.

  1. If the candidate has good communication skills with a strong personality which will be influential in serving customers in an effective manner.
  2. If the candidate is attentive and can synchronize a number of tasks. This will also ensure the organization that he/she can take the most productive decisions maintaining a harmonious environment (Daher 2015).
  3. Experience of a candidate will definitely accelerate his/her chance of getting the job as there are a number of investments that are required in case of a fresher. Experience will also improve the productivity level and selling of liquor.
  4. Physical fitness will be a contributing factor as it will ensure that the person is working for prolonged period, effectively managing work-pressure and mounting responsibilities.
  5. Zero criminal record of the employee will be necessary to ensure that the candidate will be able to uphold the organization`s reputation of serving best to the customers (Bolman and Deal 2017).
  • What records of the recruitment process would you maintain?

A personal file should maintain the emergency contact details of the employee, previous work experience, current address and contact details, training certificates, previous workplace recruitment letters. It is also necessary for the organization to retain the candidates’ payrolls to establish previous department and loans. It is also necessary for the management to keep employees’ medical files to know in-depth about the health and safety records in case the need arises.

  • What wouldbe included in your induction program for the new staff member?

Induction program are designed to introduce the new candidates with company’s history, goals, organizational culture, organization’s policies and immediate goals. Some of the crucial things to include in the induction programs are:

Employee Training

Employment terms and conditions- apart from the basic details like employer name and details this should distinctly withhold the non discriminatory terms and conditions of the workplace that the candidate is a part of. Other components are salary structure, type of employment, whether permanent, full-time, part-time or contractual (Armstrong et al. 2015).

Brief Introduction- This will made the employee aware of the organizational structure, from the lower strata to the highest and whom to contact in certain cases. The introduction should also include other elements like sickness and leave arrangements, holiday arrangements, financial regulations, stipulated hours of work and the entire training plan and procedure.

Probationary phrase assessment form- this should clearly enumerate company’s expectation from the candidate, and where exactly they need to fit themselves within the organization.

Induction programs should ensure that the employees are adequately aware of the organization’s behaviours and values and knowing the right way for increasing employee productivity. With the right induction program the recruiters can ensure employee retention and proper assimilation within the company’s culture and practices.

  • Ways to ensure that induction program minimizes operational disruption

Assigning a mentor- a mentor would make the candidate familiarized with the policies and guidelines of the company. The mentor should be able to approach the overall issues and complications of the candidate.

Proper Introduction to other Staff Members- this would make them aware of the functioning of departments and techniques of handling work. A proper introduction would also acquaint the employees with other team members to work in perfect harmony.

  • Steps are involved in the recruitment and selection practice

Advertising- Advertising about the job vacancy in lucid language stating the requirements and desirability criteria to receive relevant applications.

Resume screening- the process is to remove the vast number of candidates who are not adept to take the position as a bar attendant.

Interview Call- It is a second screening method whereby the candidate will be further elaborated on the essential job functions.

Face to Face Interview- it further narrows down the selection process and emphasizes more on the personal qualities of the candidates as pertinent to the job profile. It would be fundamental in collecting information about the candidate in detail.

Employment Offer: after informing the candidates the pre-employment details, one can deliver the offer latter to the prospective employees from the bunch.

  • List two effective means to advertise a job vacancy.

Employee Referencing: This is a fairly reliable source and can be used to obtain adequate amount of information regarding the candidate. It also allows recruiters to identify the grey areas from resume.

Online Job Websites: targeted to reach out to a whole new range of candidates who are technologically updated, online job posting is an effective way of posting a vacancy without pouring a lot of money. Online job posting can also happen in social networking platforms apart from portals.

  • What are the features of an effective recruitment advertisement?

Selection Process

Descriptive and Lucid: The advertising should mention in detail what the recruiters are looking into a candidate. The Description can be used to include the company details and positioning of the organization in a positive light to attract prospective candidates.

Skills and Qualifications: This needs to be written in a most skilled manner to meet the candidate with the desired requirements of the position. Candidates will apply to the position after checking this column which will furthermore ensure crowding of irrelevant applications.

Job Description: this could briefly mention in bullet points the most fundamental features of the job profile. Highlighting the exciting aspects of the job role along with its challenges, strategically, is equally important.

  • What role could a recruitment agency play in your search for a new employee?

The recruitment agencies possess best market knowledge and therefore can help the hiring team by providing a list of most well-suited candidates. The agencies also make the candidate away about your organization, goals and values and this further simplifies the selection process (Laumer, Maier and Eckhardt 2014). Therefore, if an organization is trying to come across a set of skills and qualities, agencies are the best options.

  • What is the relationship between job descriptions, selection criteria and interview questions?

The key to select an efficient employee is by providing a well-written job description while advertising, to ensure that only the filtered and qualified candidates are applying for the process. Establishing the specific requirements will help the candidates in gaining a clear picture of the job role, thereby speeding up the selection process (Bratton and Gold 2017). The interview questions should primarily be based on the job description, role and requirements which will make the candidate to prepare himself/herself in the best possible way, which will help recruiters to assess how the candidate will perform in the future ahead.

  • What industrial award would the new employee be employed under? What are the key elements of this award?

The National Employment Standards. The award confirms community service leaves, public holidays, annual leaves and parental leaves. It assures flexibility in working hours and redundancy pay by the employer amongst others (Terera and Ngirande 2014).

  • What is the role of an induction program?

It gives the new employee the objective view of organization, rules and procedures which will help the candidate to ingratiate himself/herself within the organization (Anitha and Begum 2016). It makes the employee aware of the opportunities and facilities of being a part of the team like employee health benefits, leaves and etc. it furthermore makes the employees feel welcomes, less anxious about the new responsibilities and gain new information about the organization (Terera and Ngirande 2014).

Interview Questions:

  • Why should we hire you as a bar attendant?
  • Share an experience of dealing with customers causing nuisance within the bar premises? How did you handle it?
  • What is the most difficult experience you had while serving a customer?
  • Share an instance where you managed a problem related to excess drinking by customer
  • Share an incident which had wrecked your nerve on-duty. How did you cope up with it?
  • Share an experience where you handled a customer using your skills and degrees.
  • How did you take additional responsibilities to ensure best service to your customers?
  • How have you cooperated with your team to provide the customers with best bar experience?
  • According to you, what are the skills a novice should have to become bar attendant?
  • How would you react to a customer flaunting fake ID?


A report on the best candidate entitled to the position

Job Advertisement

 I have recently conducted the employee selection process based on a series of questions and I have concluded that the best candidate selected is B has been selected for the position of bar attendant because of his sincerity level and has excellent customer serving skills. The candidate can go beyond his assigned responsibilities to serve the best to customers and has a keen memory which has helped him during multi-tasking. He has utilized his responsibilities and degrees to ensure harmonious customer relations and cleanliness in workplace. Given his past experiences it can be concluded that he can handle a number of conflicting issues pertaining to customer service in a prompt manner, maintaining the reputation of the firm.

We are pleased to inform you that you are selected with us on board to serve as a bar attendant for Hotel Babylon Nightclub. You are required to report on 16th March to the senior head of the department of food and beverages (name) at sharp 10 am. We feel that your contribution will be invaluable to our organization.

The terms of employment are attached below the letter. We look forward to welcome you as an employee at Hotel Babylon Nightclub.

Reference List:

Agrawal, A., Horton, J., Lacetera, N. and Lyons, E., 2015. Digitization and the contract labor market: A research agenda. In Economic analysis of the digital economy (pp. 219-250). University of Chicago Press.

Alexander, P.S. and Fadden, J.B., 2017. A Value-Stream Mapping Success Story: MBA Recruiting Process Improvements.

Anitha, J. and Begum, F.N., 2016. Role of organisational culture and employee commitment in employee retention. ASBM Journal of Management, 9(1), p.17.

Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015. Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education.

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Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.

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Ellis, G., 2015. The Australian Bar Attendant’s Handbook. Pearson Higher Education AU.

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Rebecca, E., Bandara, M.M.M., Weeresinghe, T.D. and De Alwis, A.C., 2016. The Nexus between Employee Induction and Job Satisfaction: A Case of Executive Level Employees in Ceylon Tea Services PLC.

Terera, S.R. and Ngirande, H., 2014. The impact of rewards on job satisfaction and employee retention. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), p.481.

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