Recruitment Procedure, Job Description, And Person Specification For Business Tutor At LSBF
Assessing Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Considerations in Recruitment Process
Task 1
LSBF needs to recruit a Business tutor for its HND Business programme for the next semester. As a Recruitment Manager, you were asked to prepare the Recruitment Procedure, job description and person specification to be followed to guide the other members of the Team and for documentation purpose. As part of the recruitment, you need to select two CVs from any job portals or website and analyse them in terms of candidates’ suitability for the job. This example will illustrate the Recruitment procedure details which cannot be all written down.
1.1 Write the Recruitment Procedure, job description and person specification to select and recruit a new Business tutor.
1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process for above case if applicable.
1.3 Write a report demonstrating the selection process that took place in order to recruit a new Business tutor.
1.4 Evaluate your contribution as the Recruitment Manager in the above selection process.
Task 2
Right Boss, Wrong Company
Brenda Hogan was continuously on top of things. In school, she had always been at the top of her class. When she went to work for her uncle’s shoe business, Fancy Footwear, she had been singled out as the most productive employee and the one with the best attendance. The company was so impressed with her that it sent her to get an M.B.A. to groom her for a top management position. In school again, and with three years of practical experience to draw on, Hogan had gobbled up every idea put in front of her, relating many of them to her work at Fancy Footwear. When Hogan graduated she returned to Fancy Footwear. To no one’s surprise, when the head of the company’s largest division took advantage of the firm’s early retirement plan, Hogan was given his position.
Hogan knew the pitfalls of being suddenly catapulted to a leadership position, and she was determined to avoid them. In business school, she had read cases about family businesses that fell apart when a young family member took over with an iron fist, barking out orders, cutting personnel, and destroying morale. Hogan knew a lot about participative management, and she was not going to be labelled an arrogant know-it-all.
Hogan’s predecessor, Max Worthy, had run the division from an office at the top of the building, far above the factory floor. Two or three times a day, Worthy would summon a messenger or a secretary from the offices on the second floor and send a memo out to one or another group of workers. But as Hogan saw it, Worthy was mostly an absentee autocrat, making all the decisions from above and spending most of his time at extended lunches with his friends from the Rotary Club.
Hogan’s first move was to change all that. She set up her office on the second floor. From her always-open doorway she could see down onto the factory floor, and as she sat behind her desk she could spot anyone walking by in the hall. She never ate lunch herself but spent the time from 11 to 2 down on the floor, walking around, talking, and organizing groups. The workers, many of whom had twenty years of seniority at the plant, seemed surprised by this new policy and reluctant to volunteer for any groups. But in fairly short order, Hogan established a worker productivity group, a “Suggestion of the Week” committee, an environmental group, a worker award group, and a management relations group. Each group held two meetings a week, one without and one with Hogan. She encouraged each group to set up goals in its particular focus area and develop plans for reaching those goals. She promised any support that was within her power to give.
Demonstrating Selection Process to Recruit a New Business Tutor
The group work was agonizingly slow at first. But Hogan had been well trained as a facilitator, and she soon took on that role in their meetings, writing down ideas on a big board, organizing them, and later communicating them in notices to other employees. She got everyone to call her “Betty” and set herself the task of learning all their names. By the end of the first month, Fancy Footwear was stirred up.
But as it turned out, that was the last thing most employees wanted. The truth finally hit Hogan when the entire management relations committee resigned at the start of their fourth meeting. “I’m sorry, Ms. Hogan,” one of them said. “We’re good at making shoes, but not at this management stuff. A lot of us are heading toward retirement. We don’t want to be supervisors.”
Astonished, Hogan went to talk to the workers with whom she believed she had built good relations. Yes, they reluctantly told her, all these changes did make them uneasy. They liked her, and they didn’t want to complain. But given the choice, they would rather go back to the way Mr. Worthy had run things. They never saw Mr. Worthy much, but he never got in their hair. He did his work, whatever that was, and they did theirs. “After you’ve been in a place doing one thing for so long,” one worker concluded, “the last thing you want to do is learn a new way of doing it.”
Answer the following questions:
2.1 Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership.
2.2 Explain the difference between leadership and management.
2.3 Compare the leadership styles of Mr. Worthy and Ms. Hogan.
2.4 How do you think the people under Ms. Hogan can be motivated? Explain how Ms. Hogan can motivate the staff to achieve the objectives.
Task 3
You currently work as a customer service officer in a busy customer service department. At the moment the company is looking to recruit a Department Manager who can effectively run the department in order to improve the customer satisfaction by 15% by the end of 2014. As part of the selection process, the candidates should demonstrate their ability to work in a team. Therefore you were asked to answer the following questions:
3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for the above mentioned organisation,
3.2. Discuss how working in a team as a leader would differ from working as a team member. Your answer should include working towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations.
3.3. Suggest how you will review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the above goal.
Task 4
You are the HR Manager at LSBF and need to prepare a report to the board of directors regarding the progress of the members of the Vocational School.
4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance for the above member.
4.2 Make a plan to assess the development needs of individuals and how to implement it.
4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process. How will you assess the success of the assessment process with respect to the goals.
Evaluating the Recruitment Manager’s Contribution in the Selection Process
1.1 The recruitment procedure is a formalized methodology to select a new employee or tutor in this case. The initial step is to identify the vacancy and evaluate the requirements of the position. Thereafter, a detailed description is provided with a recruitment plan. Recruiting committee is selected and finalized for interviews. Interviews, assessments and sessions are carried out and reviewing of applications take place to shortlist some candidates. After selection and hiring recruitment is made as a final decision. Hence, this recruitment procedure can be shortlisted as setup, sourcing, screening, schedule, feedback, offering, onboarding (Taylor, 1987) with recruitment. LSBF is a leading business and management school and is inviting application for the post of HND Business tutor for the next semester. It will be a five hour tutorial everyday on five days a week with initial monitoring. You must comply with the minimum requirement of having an MBA degree from a registered Business School and must have an experience of teaching of two years or more. Curriculum will be provided at the onset to prepare in advance for the lectures and tutorials. There would be weekly reports given to the managers of the institution regarding progress of the class in weekly assessments or projects. The roles of the job are to make students understand the core concepts of the syllabus in both theoretical and practical way. They must be given real life problems and solutions pertaining to contemporary time. The tutor will be given some resources for teaching however, he can request for additional resources from the library. There will be a full fledged selection procedure for this post. Tutor shall be monitored for a period of time and thereafter must be made permanent to the institute after monitoring the progress and feedback of the students.
1.2 There are various acts, laws, legal considerations and ethical implications for recruitment and selection process. Under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 there is opposition for sex discrimination and discrimination carried out on the basis of marriage so as to promote and foster equal opportunity between both men and women in the field of job. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967 forbids the discrimination against employees of at least 40 years (Gregory, 1987) This act prohibits discrimination in hiring or termination of employees, denial of benefits to older employees. Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 is a civil right that prohibits discrimination done on the basis of physical disability and on the other hand Civil Rights Act of 1964 curbed discrimination against sex, religion, caste, religion, color etc. These formal laws have to be followed while recruiting the tutor. According to the laws of the University, the applicant should have a right to live and work in UK. He must have a work permit and a valid license. According to the ethics, there shall be no partiality or biased results and the most deserving candidate shall get the post. There is no room for nepotism in any form and unworthy people do not get access to jobs by the virtue of their relatives.
1.3 The selection process for the post was a three step procedure that had panel of experts involved at various stages. The first phase was the written examination that tested the intellectual level and intelligence quotient of the applicants. This was designed by one of the present faculty member. This contained practical application questions with real life problems to get a better knowledge about skills of the applicant. Soon after the written examination there was a procedure for shortlisting of the candidates based over computerized checking of the answer sheets prepared by OMR technology (Callaghan, 2002). The results were declared and the candidates were shortlisted. Thereafter, an interview was designed which was aimed to be both structural and non-structural. I designed a part of the structural interview to be asked from a business management faculty. This included case studies, scenarios, questions about experience, some distinguished skills, course related theoretical questions and some more. There were three members in the panel out of which one was me. There was another expert from the recruiting team and the third person was an analyst who noticed the body language, level of confidence, way of communicating and command over answers by staying silent during the process. After a long round of interview session we collaborated our views and took some time to further shortlist the applicants. We had mixed views and perspectives about each of the candidate and hence the decision took time. Thereafter, demo classes were arranged in the form of a presentation where the classroom had a few students and experts from the selection panel. Students were asked about the reviews based on a rating scale and experts gave their personal opinions which on collaborating with other results gave a final candidate to be recruited. After verifying his documents, final result was declared and he was appointed as the new faculty member. This whole selection process evaluated the competencies and skills of a HND Business Tutor. These attributes adorned the process of selection by raising the level of interactivity and communication between the two ends.
1.4 My contribution as a recruiter manager was to monitor the tasks of the team in each phase of selection process. I was responsible to craft a piece of structural interview for the process of selection and then control other tasks performed by other members of recruitment. I kept a check on the structure of the written paper and ensured its safety. Thereafter, I had a meeting with the experts involved in the selection and recruitment process to guide them a smooth functioning of the interview. I personally had a word with the analyst to ensure a deep insight into the applicant’s mindset and confidence level. I guided the team to have a proper analysis of the results and to come on an intellectual decision so as to make the right choice for the university. From the initiation of the selection process till the selection of the final candidate, my task was primary to control the tasks. Hence, my productive contribution was to prepare a rough template or the draft for the structured interview so as to ease up process of face to face interview for a better analysis.
2.1 Leadership is a trait that adorns an organization by a sense of ‘WE’ to inspire the followers and refine mutual skills for the growth and success of a company. Leaders should have some unique skills so as to create and sustain a culture that fosters personal and professional growth. Leadership is an amalgamation of leader’s experience, introspection ability, influential charisma and flexible approach. A leader should have an inherent ability to delegate the followers by having an insight into their interest. Communication skills in a leader is a key to successful legacy as what can be accomplished by an open communication, cannot be achieved by a strict formal rule. The ability of a leaders should be clearly, completely, and comprehensively (Connelly, 2000) describe all the important tasks and information. In addition to disseminating information, he should be an active listener to strengthen the team relationships and to monitor the organization. A healthy line of communication is catalyst for work productivity and hence it opens the doors for all together new opportunities. Confidence is an attribute which increases the focus and the level of commitment towards work. It is the key to keep everyone moving onto a fast pace. A positive attitude is the motivational factor for the team as it keeps the enthusiasm level really up. It helps to keep the mood light and productivity is kept at a playful mood. A leader must be creative and innovative so as to fit in this dynamically changing environment and requirements of the market. It is the secret ingredient to set the course of management onto a correct path. It is essential to think out of the box and to come up with the best possible idea to implement a methodology. Being able to set fire in the organization and inspire the team to build a great level of concentration to keep the morale high, energy levels escalated, and a deeper perspective into work. He must have analytical and problem solving skills by becoming flexible, adaptable, flexible and open minded. He must be able to utilize the features of the technology to analyze the information and come on an intellectual result. He must have the ability to dwell deeper into the domain of the problem and find innovative solutions to fix them. He must be strategically competent (Mumford, 2000) by having a commendable level of intellect. Above all, he should be a great learner to adapt to the required situation and learn from the mistakes committed. He must focus on the vision and focus on the bigger picture of the scenario. It is impossible to summarize all the leadership traits as it depends upon various other factors and situations. Leadership is therefore, amalgamation of intellect, patience, innovation, cooperation, flexibility, agility, competency, focus, confidence and a willpower to work for the task undertaken.
2.2 Leadership and Management are two closely related terms which are both intertwined yet different. Management is an art to administer the methods, follow the genre of legacy of famous managers to bring about a change and maintains the position of the company on a successful level. Management lays its focus over structure and the system to exert control. Management is to keenly vision the bottom line with a short ranged views (Kotterman, 2006) and ideas for the company. As it is said that management is to do the things in a right manner whereas leadership is all about doing right things only. Leadership is based over innovation and the true essence of leadership is in originality of thoughts rather than implementation of orthodox management principles in the organization. Leadership has the aim to inspire the trust of the team and focus over the human resources by having a long ranged vision. Leadership sets its focus beyond the horizon to innovate, initiate and invent.
Leadership develops a following to refine the skills and to challenge the present status quo of the society. Leadership is mercurial and brilliant in comparison with management to be rational and structural. Leadership is achievement oriented with a factor of Eureka and management has its outcomes as results. Management revolves around the buzz words of planning, budgeting, organizing, controlling, coordinating, time management, resource management, decision making and problem solving. Leadership on the other hand revolves around the ethics of vision, motivation, team work, persuasion, inspiration, relation building, counselling, listening, coaching and mentoring. Leadership and management are like reflection of each other with subtle differences that have impact over the employees or followers. It is recommended to be more of a leader and less of a manager so as to sustain the organizational health and growth.
Therefore, leadership and management goes hand in hand with each other with subtle differences and visible attributes that differ in approach and operational strategies.
2.3 The leadership styles of Mr. Worthy and Ms. Hogan were remarkably different which had varied impact over the team in the organization. The employees were adaptive to the leadership style of Mr. Worthy and hence a sudden transition of management made them uncomfortable and forced them to give resignation from the job. The leadership style of Mr. Worthy was under the tag of Laissez-Faire. He lacked a direction of supervision exerted over his employees and was least involved directly with the organization. He gave some of the powers to workers to work according to their whims and fancies without commanding directly over their heads. It is also termed as hands-off leadership where the top manager is not directly involved with the team in the work. The leader is responsible for delegating the tasks to the workforce and not putting his nose into their work by providing little or no direction to the followers. There is a high degree of autonomy in this type of leadership and a self rule is formed (Goodnight, 2004) into the organization. He completed the required work for a manager but hardly interfered with the team. He used to send his subordinates or secretaries for the workshop tour but never approached them directly. He hardly monitored the performance or had meetings and the feedback was as given by his trusted employees. There was a level of high job satisfaction with an appreciable production and productivity. Mr. Worthy used to provide with the necessary tools and resources and under his rule the group members were expected to solve the problems of the organization on their own without the interference of the top leader.
But there was a sudden transition from Laissez Faire leadership style towards a Participative and Democratic Leadership style in which Ms. Hogan changed the course of management. Having her office in the building compartment she had all time control over the team. On one side she meant that a healthy, collaborative and open environment will enhance the productivity as problems will come up easily and solutions will be formulated effectively. But, she didn’t know that the team members had become adaptive to the Laissez Faire style of leadership. They did not accept direct intervention and intrusion of the leader and felt themselves to be bound in the tentacles of the manager. There is a high involvement in leadership and decision making with constant meetings and discussion boards. With incoming of so many departments for control, people started feeling suppressed and controlled which was against their work ethics. In participative or democratic leadership there is a requirement for active member participation, fair praise, collective decision making, open communication, timely meetings etc. There is an enhancement in collaboration rather than commitment. With this style, there is a close setting of the leader and the team by focusing on relationships and building rapports. Participative leadership was not at all suitable in this case where the team and group leaders were autonomous to make their decisions and were not much into on-the spot regular meetings and discussion boards.
2.4 To get the staff functional again with the present leadership style of Ms. Hogan, she should have realized that the leadership style should have been shifted and changed at a slower pace, she should have gone to a deeper level in the mindset of the employees and should have gone at a slower pace of change. Instead of having her office right at the outset of workshop she could have arranged workshop tours in a day so as to make the employees feel a bit free to work at their style. And moreover, instead of necessary meetings she could have made the provision of calling a direct meeting in case of any query or conflict. Now since, the matter had gone worse, she should restore back to the type of leadership Mr. Worthy practiced by bringing timely and subtle changes in the leadership style. She should remove all the constraints and restriction of meetings. She should motivate the employees by trusting their skills and style of work and making them understand that the involvement is for the betterment of the company rather than keeping an eye on the workers and their style of working. She should arise a sense of confidence in the employees and must work as per the required level of interference. She must openly claim that in case of any issues, there will be a provision of meeting and for all the groups maintained she must have a periodic check with lesser constraints and regulations. The employees can be motivated by making them believe that their work is appreciated and not negatively monitored. She must ask for the time of a month for resettlement of the company on the basis of a mutual style which is beneficial both for the company and the employees. They must have a feeling of freedom along with an open communication so as to form a perfect blend of both the leadership styles and coming upon to a compromised and mid-way leadership style. For the piece of final recommendation, it should be noted that Laissez-Faire leadership theory should be slowly transformed into participative and democratic theory of leadership by small scaled involvement, subtle control, smooth transitions. This slower change will motivate the employees to adopt to new style of leadership as democratic leadership is the voice of contemporary world where employees need to have an open discussion panel and portals for every upcoming issue.
3.1 In a scenario of a busy customer service department, where the aim is to enhance the curve of customer satisfaction by another 15% by the end of this year, there is a requirement of a sincere, collaborative and concentrated team work. When the tasks of a department are so many and employees are continuously working, team work helps in making the tasks divided and hence helps in producing a better output with a higher efficiency report. With accomplishment of collaborative tasks the efficiency can enhance and enrich. With efforts of many employees and higher contribution from all, the speed of tasks will be faster and the activities may be completed in a shorter span of time. There is a scope of bundle of ideas which can mushroom up in any one’s mind and come up in the form of a collaborative idea. There will be many analytical styles of problem solving applied to a problem and hence solution will be innovative and quick. There is an essence of mutual support where team members can rely upon others for a shared goal and a sense of motivation and encouragement. There is refinement in a greater sense for accomplishment (Barry, 1999) where members take collective responsibility for all the consequences and outcomes. Therefore, there is a value creation by the team to enrich overall effectiveness of the team.
There is a wide opportunity to learn from each other in the team. There is a high potential for cross training where people learn internal to the team and there is a mode of flexibility for reaching up to the potentials. There are synergistic collaboration and blend of ideas and abilities of the team members. There may be provisions for innovations, creativities, inventions and some approaches towards setting up newer limits. There may be an open, healthy and effective communication building up a professional and personal identity with a facilitated level of information exchange. There is a scope for greater degree of autonomy, identity, variety, acceptance, understanding, significance and feedback for all the team members and hence this team work is the key to successful operations in a business. A foundational level of trust gets inbuilt within the team members with a degree of transparency. The overall commitment of the team may be a stimulating factor for the attendance and responsibility of the team members. With a healthy diversity in a group, members tend to perform better on an individual level to give their best as an input. There is a keen focus over bigger picture and the trajectory of success has an increasing shape. Most importantly in this type of department, stress among the individuals reduces and it leads to a better physical and mental health.
The morale of the individuals boost up so as to have a control of the team tasks. There is increased morality with extra accountability. A team work can give an extra sense of belonging and a stamp of recognition to take more pride in the team work and outshine other teams. Working in a team is not only the secret to highlight the strengths of an individual but it also makes room for compensating the weaker areas of a person too. There is glorious presentation of one’s strengths and a scope of improvement to work hard upon the weakness. This leads to a stronger and skilled workforce in a company and that too a department where employees are too busy with strong and hard targets to achieve in a short span of time. The presence of competition in the team steers from being negative towards being healthy and positive. The level of investment in human resource becomes successful and the relationship among the employees become better and improved. Every team member becomes adaptive and hence adopt the working style of the co-members.
Hence, working in a team propels the growth of an individual at both personal and professional level. In the present scenario of high level of busy schedule and a need to upraise the customer’s satisfaction level, there is a dire need to inculcate team work principles and practices so as to motivate the employees on a collective level and make each individual aware of the benefits leveraged out of the teamwork.
3.2 Team is a term where every individual is equal and is regarded equally as per the performance of the whole team. But, when we talk about a leader, there is a whole lot of difference being the leader of a team and being just another member of the team. Team leaders can be motivators, managers, directors, executives, owners etc. Team leaders have this exceptionally unique authority with them that allows them and makes them responsible to set up the tasks of the team. Team leader assigns the team members with their respective roles and responsibilities. He can edit, modify, change and monitor the team setting at any point of time during the project development. He is the one who is partially responsible for recruiting efficient and suitable team members that match up with the tune of the organizational goals. Team leaders have to customize the tasks according to the mission of the project and the competency of the members. The sole responsibility of the team lies over his shoulders of the team leader. He is the voice and face of the team which represents the team at every event or meeting. He has the task of keeping the team members motivated towards their tasks and complete them well within the time frame and the allotted deadline. He must have a long term vision for the team by pre planning the tasks. He has the responsibility of a disturbance handler to resolve any kind of conflicts arising in the team with the help and aid of the members of the team. He should be competent enough to analyze the trends of the team and work in a positive direction to foster a rising curve of productivity and efficiency. He must have a visionary outlook for the future of the team. Team leader is accountable for both internal issues and any of the external issues (Fisher, 2000) hindering the development of the team growth. Team leader is by default a team member who has added set of responsibilities. He can either act as an active member of the team by performing some of the tasks or he can be a passive member who will just handle monitoring and controlling functions of the team. In the active case, the leader will be able to develop his skills along with inspiring others to do so whereas in the passive case (Kozlowski, 1996), he must be competent enough to have a mastery over the skills that his team mates acquire and must have a charismatic personality to motivate them for the completion of tasks. He is the leader of the army of team members. Team members on the other side are the functional people who perform the tasks under the guidance and motivation of the team leader. It is quite different to be a leader and a member of the group. Members do participate in decision making in some styles of leadership but the ultimate decision lies in the hands of the team leader. They are mutants of change but the team leader leads to the final implication of those changes in the group. Members have to accept his orders or requests and incorporate them into their working styles. They must follow up the routine and the working code as specified by the team leader. They become more of an employees than equal members of the team as they are actually lead by a leader. Team leader focuses on sharpening the human resources and team members focus on developing their individual identity within the team and collaborating in a healthy manner for the overall success of the team. Team members go up to the team leader to resolve an issue which is outside the scope of their personal problem solving ability. Team leader on the other hand balances the requirements of every individual team member and align the goals of the team with the goals of an individual.
Team leader actually acts as a bridge between team members and the top management by communicating the information both the sides. The whole responsibility of time and resource management lies with the team leader. He has the inherent ability to steer the direction of focus, working style, work pace and nature of the team. Being a team member is equally important and worthy as the members are taught to obey orders, give their genuine opinion, look forward for becoming the future leaders by learning the capabilities of the team leader, put in their best of the efforts to complete the assigned task within the allotted deadline and many more features.
3.3 The effectiveness of the team to achieve the desired goals can be monitored with the help of blend of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The competency of each of the individual team member can be monitored by observing their productivity in a span of fixed time. The team leader can set aside a few days to observe the performance of the members and develop a comprehensive plan and approach towards it. For a qualitative, peer reviews can be one of the best methods to have an insight into the development of the team. Peer reviews can either be taken in a word of mouth manner or may be taken in the form of a written questionnaire which can be presented either in an online of an offline mode. For a quantitative analysis there can be surveys carried out within the team to compare the productivity, sales, profits, attendance, retention etc. Key Performance Indicators may be useful tool to provide the team leader with an overall picture of the scenario in quantitative terms. There will be an analysis of the improvement in the context of increase in customer satisfaction which can be measured by enhanced productivity, sales and demands. Customer review will also matter a lot in giving a genuine review of effectiveness of the team at a collaborative level. Customers can be contacted either on phone or via emails generated by the marketing team of the company. The number of transactions or the increase in profit will be directly proportional to the enhanced effectiveness of the team. There will be lesser number of customer complaints which can be observed by recording the customer support and satisfaction calls and reviewing them for an analysis.
Therefore, both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used in collaboration to analyze the efficiency and development of the team. The requirement of the task is to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers which can be evaluated and monitored based over the beta testing done with the help of some selected and loyal customers. This would give results of the effectiveness of the team work implied in the task rather than chaotic individual activity.
4.1 For planning the assessment of progress by vocational school, there must be timely observations based over the patterns of progress and studies of reports. The progress must be monitored and noted manually for a better analysis. There can be use of some software which can give the progress results easily and efficiently. There may be a test or an assessment for having a survey of the potential progress made by the department. Also there may be review strategies and operations so as to prepare an action plan and act according to the progress rate. The success curve should be daily analyzed for predicting the future of the department. Technology should be deployed in assessment of planning tasks in which Microsoft Project or Microsoft Access can be used for keeping up a database and Gnatt chart record. The assessment of the work should be given to a specialized team giving periodic updates for improvement and maintenance of the level of vocational training given. Staff development should be focused in order to distribute the tasks of assessment for a better review and monitoring strategy implementation.
4.2 Every individual should be given a full exposure so as to realize his personal requirements and working needs for developing. He should have the freedom to speak via open communication medium to express their needs. There must be proper training provided so that they can express their developmental status and future requirements. They must be mentored and coached in an efficient manner so as to provide with support. After assessing the needs, some of the common needs must be prioritized at the first go followed by special needs as per the urgency. These common needs will satisfy maximum individuals and hence foster enhanced efficiency. After implementation of the plan, it should be matched with the original needs so as to attain the level of satisfaction and efficiency among individuals. There should be feedback forms given to individuals along with surprise tests to check the level of their training process. Individual staff members must be given heterogeneous groups for monitoring purpose so as to have a deep insight into individual level reports.
4.3 To assess the success matched up with the goals there must be a survey whether the goals are met with the efforts or are still yet to be accomplished. There must be a checklist which should be completed and the milestone sheet analyzed to check if the targets are met or not. Meetings are arranged to discuss about the level of success and further plans required after reviewing, there should be a constant monitoring or maintenance for the assessment tasks.
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