Recruitment And Selection Strategy For HR Manager At Rogers Place
Job Description: HR Manager
An organization cannot function without a good workforce. The task of gathering a capable workforce is essentially the task of a Human Resource Manager. The human resource manager is responsible for looking after the employees in the organization and managing their performance, pay, appraisal and grievances (Cascio, 2018).
The primary aim of the given report is to see to throw light on the recruitment and selection strategy of the company Roger`s Place for the post of a HR Manager. The given report shall explain in detail the various aspects of the plan with theoretical references. Rogers Place is an indoor arena in Canada which is used for a variety of purposes. The building opens in 2016 and has a seating capacity of 18347 people for games like hockey and 20000+ for concert purposes. Edmonton Light Rail Transit system provides access to the arena.
The required position that is required to be filled is the position of a Human Resource Manager. The Human Resource Manager will be the head of the human resource team who will be looking after the various hiring and maintenance of the employees in the arena (Bratton & Gold, 2017).
The given factors need to be considered when a company is looking out to recruit an employee:
- Competition: The competition in the industry is a huge determinant of the recruitment procedure. Very often companies tend to hire the best talent and provide huge competition to each other.
- Compensation: The labor supply and demand also plays a huge role in determining the recruitment process. When unemployment is prevalent and the number of graduates is very high, the companies tend to attract the employees with a lower salary also (Renwick, Redman & Maguire, 2013).
- Legislations- This refers to the various employee rules and regulations that are prevalent in the industry.
Step 1: Identifying the Vacancy and Evaluating Need
This step states that the need for the vacancy needs to be identified first and evaluated. Very often there exists a certain amount of gap in the organization which is then evaluated and stated as a need. This is the time when a vacancy is felt and addressed to. At Rogers Place the vacancy of a HR manager was recognized because there existed chaos in the organization with respect to the management of the different employees.
Step 2: Developing Position Description
When a need for a new post is recognized then the company aims at to develop criteria or a position description which begins to describe the required qualities in the given person and the description of his job. The job description describes his tasks and responsibilities in detail. The job description process needs to be very detailed in order to see to it that all areas of the job and duties have been covered adequately (Marchington et al., 2016). The next section throws light on the job description of a Human Resource Manager.
Step 3: Developing a Recruitment Plan
Recruitment Process
A recruitment plan needs to be made which will encompass the whole process where the different aspects of the plan will be given in detail. This will consider the time frame in the given role, the basic requirements, sources to be considered and other aspects. The time frame to select a HR Manager is 3 months.
Step 4: Selecting a Search Committee
A search committee will be developed in order to see to it that they discuss amongst themselves the various links of the given process. They will be deciding upon the remuneration aspect and the budget of the whole process. The manager of the place, the owner and the chief committee will decide upon the search committee at Rogers Place.
Step 5: Post Positing and Implementation of the Recruitment Plan
After all important aspects have been considered; the company then posts the job requirements in the various advertisement portals and means it has chosen. This is also the stage where the recruitment plan which decided the sources of recruitment and other relevant aspects will be implemented (Alfes, et al., 2013) .The advertisement will be posted using various Advertisement strategies which shall be discussed later.
Step 6: Reviewing the Applicants and Developing Short List
It is obvious that many candidates will be applying for the given post. The resume of each candidate will be reviewed properly and then the candidates who are able to match with the criteria will be selected. A short list will be prepared and proceeded with for the interview round.
Step 7: Conducting Interviews
The interviews for the shortlisted candidates will be held which will then, choose the actual candidates suitable for the given post. The interview committee will comprise of the manager and the owner or assistant manager of Rogers Place (Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014).Various interview questions that might be asked during the interview have been elaborated in the later sections.
Step 8: Select Hire
The shortlisted candidates after the interview process will then be shortlisted and the final candidate will be chosen. All the criteria’s will be matched against the skill of the person selected.
Step 9: Finalize Recruitment
The remuneration, duration of employment and other key aspects are decided in the given phase and then he is finally welcomed in the given organization.
Job description: HR Manager
Compensation: $106910
Number of Posts: 1
HR Management and Job Duties
The HR Manager needs to perform a variety of task which includes leading a company`s HR programs and procedures which relate mostly to managing the relations in an organization, looking after their compensation, benefits and safety in the workplace environment. It also refers to looking after their performance and grievances. The HR Manager needs to help the organization in fulfilling its strategic goals through proper design, planning and implementation of hr policies.
Sources of Recruitment
Briefly stated, a HR Manager can come in handy by recruiting and interviewing new employees and also by promoting healthy relationships between the different employees. Depending upon the industry and the size of the organization, the HR Managers may also conduct training amongst the employees and prepare budgets and help accountants to form HR Costing sheets. They are required to carry out all the given processes after keeping in mind all the related legislatures.
Qualification: Masters in Human Resource Management with two years of experience in the related field.
Should be able to:
- Bring about strategic change in the company and increase the productivity of the firm.
- Use data analysis to solve organizational problems
- Having financial skills to make budgets
- Formation and structuring of competitive packages in order to hire thee employees
- Excellent communication and writing skills
- Ability to work under pressure
- Good management and Leadership skills
- Strong work ethic
- Confidence and delegation skills
- Positivity, creativity and a good judgment
The advertisement will be given in the following sources:
- Community adverting: Communities are a group of people associated with one another and engaged in a similar task. Instagram can be described as a community. Hence, the application portal is paid and the advertisement is displayed from time to time (USAJOBS.GOV, 2018).
- Magazines and newspaper: Since the advertisement will be made for the post of a HR Manager in Rogers Place which is an indoor arena suitable for hockey and concerts? The magazines will be mostly related to music and sports. Certain advertisements will also be provided in various job magazines and business journals (Jeston & Nelis, 2014)
- Online websites and job sites: Online job sites such as and are good sources of candidates. They have a large database of suitable candidates of any type which can then be utilized to the needs of the organization.
- Placement agencies: They are agencies who very often have suitable candidate database. They go a long way in helping the organization to conduct a majority of services for the organization. They charge a nominal fee but are worth the service (Marler & Fisher, 2013).
- Internal marketing: This includes marketing within the company itself, it asks the other employees if they have any references that might be suitable for the company or merely engage in training and promotion.
As the post is that of a Human Resource Manager it is very important to keep in mind that, the appropriate avenues are chosen. Secondly as the company is Rogers place the advertisement can be made in normal magazines which relate to business and sports or music in general and nothing too extravagant (, 2018).
Human Resources Manager
Rogers Place seeks to hire a Human Resource Manager who will enable the different employees to develop a relevant relationship with one another and provide efficient services to the organization (Taylor, 2014).
The responsibilities are as follows:
- Performance Management
- Recruitment along with selection
- Development and Leaning of the individual
- Management and reporting of the metrics in ht
- Leadership and Management skills portray.
- Masters degree in Human resource management with two years of related experience
- Good interpersonal, training , negotiation and communication skills
- Commitment to a healthy lifestyle for the workers.
If interested to apply for the given job, the resume can be forwarded to John Dickson at [email protected] or
John smith
Roger Place
Job Advertisement Budget for Human Resource Manager |
Components |
Price for a month |
2 months deadline to fill the post |
Online Advertising |
Job Sites like Monster |
$ 1,000.00 |
$ 2,000.00 |
Various websites like newspaper websites, gaming websites, sports magazine |
$ 750.00 |
$ 1,500.00 |
$ – |
Magazine advertisings |
$ – |
Sports magazine and business magazines |
$ 500.00 |
$ 1,000.00 |
local magazines |
$ 1,000.00 |
$ 2,000.00 |
$ – |
Placement agency advertising |
$ 500.00 |
$ 1,000.00 |
$ – |
Partnerships with Communities like Facebook and Instagram |
$ 350.00 |
$ 700.00 |
$ – |
Internal marketing and promotions |
$ 150.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Total: |
$ 4250.00 |
$ 8500.00 |
A budget forms an essential part of any calculation undertaken to estimate the different costs in an organization. It is the measure of total expenses on a given activity. The job advertisement budget is a very important aspect whereby the organization decides how much money is to be allocated to different forms of advertising. Recruitment advertisement is a costly affair.
As it can be witnessed, the company has targeted different forms of advertising. The website other than the job portal websites work on a click basis, whereby the organization pays only when a customer or a website visitor clicks on the advertisement displayed on the web
The organization has allotted different amounts for different methods. From the given it can be said that advertising on job portals is the most expensive method and internal advertisement is the cheapest method (Lengnick-Hall, Lengnick-Hall & Rigsbee, 2013). The given program will be advertised for 2 months. It is expected that within 2 months the company will find its appropriate candidate.
Assessment Plan
The assessment of the various candidates will be done in three ways:
- Resume screening: The first part of the assessment shall involve the screening of various resumes which shall enable Rogers place to identify which candidates need to be shortlisted and which candidates can be proceeded ahead with the interview process. This step is usually taken to see to it that the organization does not have to waste its time in taking the interview of each and every candidate (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013). A resume screening matrix is given in the later section.
- Initial Interview: After the initial screening has been done then the company shall take the initial interviews of the candidates (Chaneta, 2014).In this interview the different aspects of a candidate’s life will be discussed and it acts like an initial warm up session before proceeding to the next round.
- Assessment Tests: This is the phase where the actual assessment starts. For the post of a Human Resource Manager, the psychometric testing and personality profiling test will be conducted. The psychometric test will be out of 100. The psychometric test will consist of three sections namely numeric ability, logical ability and verbal ability. The pass mark for the given test is 70/100. Only the candidates who will clear the given test will be taken forward for the next level (Taylor, 2014).
Advertisement Budget
The next level shall comprise of the Personality test. In the personality test, the DISC Personality test will be undertaken. This test determines the nature of a person and also understand the manner in which the person will react in case faced by touch situations like work pressure and problems. Both the tests will be undertaken from the internet from a reliable website. The sores of both the test will be added up (Armstrong et al., 2015). The score of the DISC Test will also be converted to 100. The candidates with score above 150 in both the tests combined will be taken to the next round
- Post Interview: The candidates who have been selected from the assessment round will be selected in this round (McGraw, 2013). A variety of questions will be asked to the candidate and he will be marked on a scale of 1-5 accordingly, 5 being a good answer and 1 being a weak answer. From this round the candidates with a score above 200 will be selected. A total of 10 questions will be asked. The candidate must score at least 30 in this round to pass the test.
Hence his total assessment score plus interview should be 180 and above.
- Final interview
This interview can be described as a formality interview whereby the process is finalized and the candidate is selected.
Resume screening matrix
Applicant |
Education |
Qualification |
Work experience |
Skills |
Career goal |
Other skills |
Comments |
Total |
Number 1 |
Number 2 |
Number 3 |
Number 4 |
The adequate components if present in the given matrix, need to be ticked the given matrix is like a check list. The resumes with good comments and maximum ticks as per the required criteria are chosen.
Applicant |
Psychometric score |
Profiling score |
Total |
Number 1 |
Number 2 |
Number 3 |
Number 4 |
In the given matrix, the individual scores of the different candidates will be given along with their profiling scores which were converted to 100. Hence, the last column will be calculating the total marks out of 200 and those above 150 will be chosen for the interview round (Coller, Cordero & Echavarren, 2018).
Phase 1: Pre- Assessment / Introductory Round
This will be the primary round of interview whereby the candidate will be called in to warm up for the rounds which will follow. In this interview, the candidate is provided with a brief interview with respect to what will be done in the assessment procedure and whether he is not comfortable with any aspect of it or not.
Phase 2: During the assessment/ Most important round
This interview is the most critical interview. It is in this round that the candidates are marked according to the answers that they provide. The candidate with the highest scores is chosen for the next round (Jeston & Nelis, 2014). A variety of questions are asked in this phase which make it easy for the panel conducting the interview to know more about the candidate in terms of his capabilities and knowledge.
Phase 3: After the assessment / Wrapping up
This is an after round where the candidate is informed that he has been selected for the process and that he will be given a choice as to where he wishes to be placed. The compensation package is discussed finally and they decide upon the terms and date of employment (Ash, Hodge & Connell, 2013).
Date |
Interview round 1 |
Interview Round 2 |
Interview Round 3 |
15th March |
10 am to 12 pm |
Number of candidates shift 1 |
1pm -3pm |
Number of candidates shift 2 |
18th March |
10 am-12 pm |
The candidates chosen from the assessment |
19th March |
10 am-12 pm |
Final interview of the selected candidates |
The above schedule provides the interview schedule which will be taking place. The interviews will take place on three different days whereby, the manager of the Rogers Place will be responsible for conducting the interview during each phase (Zaharie & Osoian, 2013).
- Being a Human Resource Manager, how do you aim to drive and achieve the results?
KSA: ability to achieve organizational objectives
- In your past workplace, describe a difficult situation you had handled and how did you go about it.
KSA: Problem handling skills
- Has there been a time where you could not follow a policy and what was the result?
KSA: Policy administration skills
- What ideal questions, according to you would you ask yourself in the given interview
KSA: Recruitment skills (Burke & Noumair, 2015).
- Knowing the culture of Rogers Place, what kind of people according to you would be suitable to work here.
KSA: addressing organizational needs
- Have you ever been faced by an ethical dilemma? Explain how you dealt with it.
KSA: Ethical perception
- Describe a situation whereby you went against the organization to support a candidate who was right.
KSA: Ethics and morals
- At Rogers Place, the crowd that needs to be managed is huge in number, if there is a concert taking place, how many temporary employees would you need to hire if the number of permanent employees is 20.
KSA: Problem solving and Recruitment skills (Holmes, 2013).
Behavioral Questions
- Describe in detail the manner in which you will be motivating your employees and how would you help them in achieving their goals and objectives.
KSA: Achievement of goals and motivational skills
- You have come to know that an employee is letting out the trade secrets of your organization. How would you confront the employee and state the steps you would take to address the situation (Giacalone & Rosenfeld, 2013).
KSA: Conflict management and solving employee problems
The rating scale of an interview process serves as a strict code of measurement in order to rate the answers given by the employees. In the given situation, 10 questions will be asked and each question will consist of five marks. The candidate must at least score 30 in the given round to get placed.
The rating scale used by the panel is as follows:
5= Superior in the given competency
4= Good skills
3= Adequate skills (Townley, 2014).
2= Weak skills
1= Not suitable.
Reference check questions
These are the questions which need to be asked to the employee in order to figure out the reason behind his leaving the job and his honesty in the employment procedure.
A few questions which may be asked are as follows:
- Why did the person leave the company?
- How is the person capable as a team member
- What are the person`s strengths and weaknesses
- If an opportunity arose, will you be re-hiring the person (Certo, 2015)?
- Was the person promoted during his tenure?
- Is there any other information you would like to provide.
- Was the employee punctual at work?
Therefore, after analyzing the given report it can be stated that recruitment and selection is not an easy process. The whole process is very complicated and it requires an amalgamation of a wide variety of resources and efforts. In the report, it could be witnessed that the recruitment and selection plan was being made for a single candidate, who was the Human Resource Manager. The name of the organization was Rogers Place which is an indoor arena in Canada. There was only one post available and for this a huge amount of investment had to be made.
The recruitment and selection report had been laid out in the given report which described the various steps which would be undertaken in order carry out the procedure. A brief introduction of the interview process had been provided along with providing the purpose of the recruitment process. The job description along with the advertisement strategy had been laid out. The assessment plan which was undertaken namely the Psychometric and Profiling Test. After that the final interview round would be taken after which the adequate person will be hired.
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