Recruitment And Selection Strategies For WWF
Importance of Recruitment and Selection in Human Resource Management
WWF is a not-for-profit sector independent conservation organisation that recognises that the health and security of people, wildlife and the environment are all interlinked. The organisation currently employs around 300 people, who work in the UK and Internationally. In a move to reach out to the local community, WWF has moved its headquarters from Godalming, which had been home for the Panda and WWF for 25 years, to Woking. The move to its new home, the Living Planet Centre, took place last year in October 2013. The new centre has been planned in partnership with Woking Borough Council. Unlike WWF’ old premises, the Living Planet Centre LPC will enable the organisation to open up its facilities to the general public. The new building will have a visitors’ centre and also an auditorium and education suite. The relocation is part of a five-year strategy that includes, the restructuring of four departments into three, following the merger of the fundraising department with the communication department to form the communications and fundraising department, and cultural change. The new strategy has meant redefining the unique features of WWF – its DNA. Below is an outline of WWF’s strategic vision and initiatives to change.Your task is to produce a report that sets out the steps involved in addressing one of the specific challenges faced by WWF in its move towards organisational restructuring and cultural change.
According to Zhao and Liden (2011), recruitment and selection is one of the most important or central activities that is underlying in human resource management. Recruitment and selection core part that plays several roles and responsibilities such as employee’s development, acquisition and reward. Mufu (2013) argued that, frequent forms of recruitment and selection are important within the workplace of human resource management. Eden (2013) depicted that, recruitment and selection allows the management in HR department designated the specialists in workplace in an organisation. In most of industries where the human resource management department exists, line managers or the non specialists managers takes the decisions. Therefore, human resource management plays the important role of supporting to those members for playing advisory role within the workplace especially for the new employees.
This study examines the important role of recruitment and selection within the workplace of WWF, who move their headquarters from Godalming. Recruitment and Selection process helps in analysing the job specification and provide the process for managing, developing and leading the new employees of their workplace.
Job description is the traditional role that provides the accurate and fixed starting point for the entire business process or organisational structure for the company. Description of job demonstrates that the process is designed for collecting information about the working activities for staffs or employees within workplace. Apart from that job description design the procedure that identifies the skills of people for specific position in the workplace of WWF for complete the job in better ways. According to the role profiles and classified in job families at the business process of WWF following are the information that describes traditional seek at WWF –
Job Description and Statement of Work for WWF
Statement of work and Performance dimensions: The recruited employees have to identify and seek the process that addresses the limitation in generation mix. They have to play the appropriate role of fossil of the natural resources in terms of inspiring the people for climate change or tackling the climate change. Apart from that, employees who are recruited in this particular post have to identify the underlying problem in natural resources and develop or provide the rules or policy that support people to deployment of renewable power. Employees have to work with the employees who are already work for WWF and ha to provide the ad-hoc support to the climate and energy head at WWF in terms of making policy or decisions that necessary for climate and energy change.
Employees for this particular dimension required excellent commitment at WWF especially for their mission and vision. Apart from that, the employee who wishes to apply for this particular post needed relevant qualification according to the designation of the post (Sutherland, 2012).
Experience on the relevant field get preference in terms of getting job and they have to advocate the environmental policy that enables the organisation in changing the working process via decision making (, 2015). Employee has to be a good knowledge about the electricity supply in UK and the particular electricity act named Energy Act 2013. Moreover, the candidates have the knowledge and ability for analysing and synthesizing the complex information and pollicises. Furthermore, they have the wider knowledge for translating the communications and impactful advices (Downey et al. 2011). The candidate has the quality for internal as well as external communication ability with the stakeholders. People have enough knowledge about the European Union policies and the political institutions of European Union. WWF prefer for those candidate who has the working experienced in climate change, energy saving and other related issues in an Non for Profit or NGO organisation.
Following recruitment process model will fit according to the business strategy of WWF –
Figure 1: Recruitment Process
(Source: Klopcic and Boncina, 2012, pp- 917)
In order to recruit the employees, WWF have to use two type of application methods for their recruitment process such as internal recruitment and external recruitment.
Internal Recruitment: WWF have to identify the various types of applicants within their workplace that already holds the jobs. For posting the people in the Climate and Energy specialist’s organisation has to serve the applications forms via online as well as offline. In the applications forms, WWF has to mentioned clearly about the description of job and also mention the need for the performance of the described job positions. Apart from that, HR department of the WWF has to inform their existing employees about the current job posting and prospects at WWF. Sanchez-Bahillo et al. (2012) argued that organisation in business industries especially for the NGO organisations has to include the online corner called e-corner in terms of gaining success about information to the employees. In order to monitor the skills and abilities of employees as well as track the information about educational qualification, EEF have has to implement the Talent Management System (TMS).
Recruitment Process Model
External Methods: WWF need to provide advertise through online as well as offline about their current vacancies in their portal and the local news paper or the published journals. Need to hire the high quality employees in terms of strengthening the opportunities of WWF. In order to provide low cost advertise, WWF has to provides ads via their portal www. In order to recruit the employees, WWF has to take interview in different colleges or universities in UK and select the people based on skills and ability.
In order to generate the success factors for recruiting the new employees at workplace of WWF, organisation has to use the application forms, curriculum vitae and references from different sources such as consultancy or university or collages. Carless and Hetherington (2011) opined that, WWF has to use the application forms and Curriculum Vitae in order to standardize the synopsis of the history of application of the employees. Sanchez-Bahillo et al. (2012) argued that selection process will be based on the qualification in CVs and evidence based.
Screening: WWF has to adopt the techniques of screening for the received application form. They have to filter the application of candidates based on qualification and experience. According to the WWF business strategy, organisation has to select the employees based on filtering. For example, need to develop several rounds such as HR round, telephonic round, aptitude test, etc. It helps in filtering the applicants and identifies the appropriate applicants who suits on that positions.
Forms of Applications: WF has to design their applications forms based on the following formats.
- Educations
- Experience, skills and attitude
- Technical Skills
- Physical criteria
- Project on relevant methods
- Other requirements related to Climate and Energy Specialists (Generations)
Interview: It is the best or important process for selecting the employees. WWF has to adopy the interview round for selection process for the new position of Climate and Energy Specialist (Generation). It will be the useful method for predicting the candidate’s performance. Face to Face interview allows the HR department in selecting employees for the new position at WWF via asking some questions related to Natural resources such as climate, energy, electricity in UK, etc.
Group Selection Method: WWF demands for those types of employees who are able to work individually as well as a member of a group. Therefore, in order to select employees for WWF, the HR manager has to create a group discussion for those employees who complete the first round of interview process. Group selection method will allow HR in observing the nature of employees and carry out the task based on interaction with each other.
Realistic Job Previews: It helps in identifying the issues such as confidentiality of employees after the screening method complete. Apart from that, this process allows to invole more people in selection procedure.
Reference: Apart from that, WWF has to select the employees based on reference for example the applicants suggested by the consultancy or the candidates have relationship with the existing employees of WWF. However, reference is used commonly in UK.
In order to identify the settlement of staff in the workplace of WWF and embrace the values of WWF, HR of the company has to hold meeting in every week and discussed about the working activates of new employees. Rewards and development through training, WWF can settle their staffs and motivate them for good work as well as embracing organisational values.
Reference List
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