Recruitment And Selection Process For HR Teams

Obtaining Approval to Fill a Position

Recruitment is a fundamental business function of the HR team; an effective HR team ensures that the recruitment is in sync with the timeline of filling in the position. Hiring a right candidate who is fit for the job is another key aspect of recruitment. In order to identify the requirement to make recruitment it is expected out of the HR team to lay out the strategic and operational plans indicating when the team would require an addition in the workforce. At the same time the workforce may be sufficient currently, but the future projections indicate otherwise, thus creating projections is one of the important parameter in identifying the requirement for recruitment. Another way to identify the need for recruitment is by going through the historical records of the company and seeing when the need for the recruitment arrives. Based on all these parameters a timeline has to be drawn with all the projection and numbers which are gathered by the line managers. After plotting down all these points the recruitment process has to begin. A previous employment agency, referral, advertising etc. can come handy in picking the right candidate for the job (Sarma, 2017)

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Positions in an organization are created primarily due to following reason: Termination/Resignation of an employee, business expansion, future market projections, need for additional manpower. All these reasons have to be justified by the line managers, or the people who are leading the team. These are the people who are well aware of the business process and know the pulse of the team. They are the best judge of their team and also know how the productivity of the organization will be increased. Hence it is said that approvals are needed before filling up the positions, else it will be a simple waste of human and organizational resources (Chan & Kjellberg, 2017)

It is extremely essential to cater to the timelines before making an appointment in order to ensure no waste of the human and the organizational resources. HR has to keep in mind the notice period which has to be served by the going employee and also the duration in which he has to cover the set target (Russell & Brannan, 2016)

Competency profile for the role of Sales Manager:

A sales manager is a person who is confident, well averse with the current business tools being used in the organization and also has certain experience in handling team. Some of the competencies required for the position of sales manager are

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  • Achievement motivation
  • Emotional stability/Adaptability
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Accountability
  • Time management (Johnston & Marshall, 2016)

Preparing Job Descriptions

A job description is a very useful document which helps in assisting and determining the key responsibilities, objectives and tasks for the job. A job specification entails the skills, education and experience the employee needs to have to actually perform the duties. As mentioned in the earlier question, the job description has to be created for the profile of Sales manager for online real estate portal

Job Title-Sales Manager

Job Purpose-The individual will be responsible for selling the online space of Magic bricks to the real estate clients. The clients are well known real estate giants, brokers and builders. The person will be responsible for retaining old clients as well to acquire new customers. He will be responsible for individual P&L of all his accounts. The position is encompasses revenue generation and product promotion (DeConinck, 2015)

Job Description

Position-Key account manager-Sales

Skills required-Corporate/Retail/Enterprise sales

Experience- 4-6 years

Salary-170000 AUD

Job Location-Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra

Corporate Sales

  • Research and identify the sales opportunity, generate leads, follow up on the leads, lead and manage the team of sales professionals, identify the target and segment the market into brokers, real estate companies and builders(Hase & Busch,2018)
  • Reach out to new customers for new customer acquisitions, make relevant pitches and presentation to the clients and explain the benefit of the product and services.
  • Understand the entire client requirement and customize the product/service according to the needs of the customers.
  • Maintain a healthy relationship with new and existing clients.
  • Ensuring the delivery of products and services in the stipulated time.
  • Ensure proper servicing of the accounts and also after sales service.
  • Keep a track of the revenue from each account.
  • Data reporting to the management and gather market intelligence.

Retail Sales

  • Customer meets and greet.
  • Serves customers by helping them to select the best properties.
  • Advising the customers by providing right information on the products(Rahman, 2016)

Enterprise Sales

  • Achieve the sales/revenue targets for new and old clients
  • Maintain and develop excellent relationship with the clients
  • Promote the company positively and comply with the core values and mission of the company.
  • Ensure timely collection of all the revenues from the client
  • Provide regular feedback to the management on the market conditions, competition and factor influencing sales(Price, 2016)
  • Maintaining a sustained relationship with the clients.
  • Comply with the sales process of the company and communicate the same downward.


  • Confident and an attractive personality
  • Good command over the language
  • Team handling experience
  • Knowledge on the MS tools and other business software
  • Self- motivated


  • Knowledge of the Australian real estate market.
  • Knack of digital metrics
  • Great presenter
  • Excellent communication skills

Qualification & Experience

  • MBA from a Tier 1 college
  • 3-6 years’ experience (Preferably in real estate sales)
  • Age should be less than 36 years

Selection criteria

The candidate will have to report to the regional sales manager who sits at Sydney. The reporting will be direct followed by weekly review meeting with the regional sales managers and the zone sales managers (Kundu, Rattan, Sheera & Gahlawat, 2015)

Task or duties associated with the position

  • The key account manager has to map the account with the team underneath him.
  • Usage of sales force tool to monitor the progress on the account and check if the compliances are being followed(Lane, Armin & Gordon, 2015)
  • Daily reporting to the regional sales manager
  • Daily briefing with the team members

Legislation related to human resource in Australia

  • State and federal legislation
  • Commonwealth legislation
  • Dangerous substance legislation
  • WHS legislation
  • Condition of employment legislation

Anti –discrimination Legislation

  • Age-discrimination act 2004
  • Australian human rights commission act 1986
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Racial discrimination Act 1975
  • Sex discrimination Act 1984

WHS Legislation

January 1 2012, the WHS act 2011 and the work health and safety regulation 2011 took effect.


Standards Australia is the place to go to build a standard. The role of Standards is to assist one in the development and accreditation of a Standard if someone ever decides to develop one for the company. Standards can be understood as published documents setting out the procedures and specifications ensuring that the products and services are consistent. Standards are developed in three ways:

  • National Standard
  • AS/NZ Standard
  • ISO Standards
  • HRF-101:2010

In order to create an accurate job specification or description, consulting with the person who is actually doing the job makes much of a sense as it helps in identifying the clear cut job responsibilities. The person is in a better position to explain his responsibilities in the job to the HR who can further draft the job description for other candidates. The other person can better explain the rationale behind the experience and qualification required to do the job effectively. These personal also helps in designing a better training plan which the person can learn I order to excel further in the organization (Lawless, 2014)

Advertising Vacancies

Commonwealth Government- Governed by the laws passed by the commonwealth government

State/Territory government- Governed the laws passed by state or territory government

Local Government- Local government by laws are passed by the councillors who are elected by the people who reside or own businesses within the local government.

A diverse workforce is the need of the hour; with the increasing globalization workforce diversity has increased and so has the challenges pertaining to workforce diversity. The workforce diversity can be made up of:

  • Difference in Age
  • Difference in social status
  • Difference in culture
  • Different race
  • Different ethnicity
  • Different religion
  • Different experience
  • Different nationality(Moore, 2015)

The position can be filled both internally and externally, but for both the ways organizational approval is must and should for the HR managers. This may differ according to the size of the organization, but the approval is important part. All this has to be in close sync with the WHS legislation. In case the companies don’t have any policies set in the place, the HR has to go through historical advertisement used for vacant position. The same can be replicated with the slightest tweak in it.

Job Advertisement

PET Insurance Expert

Contractual Job (3-6 months)

Attractive salary- (40k-60k Plus commission)

Qualification- Graduate (Any degree)

Experience-Should have a great understanding and experience in sales, customer underwriting and claim. The candidate will be preferred he has the above mentioned experience (1-3 years)

Position for- RBI Insurance

Application to be submitted on or before 28th March 2018

Job Description- Individual contributor, handle and manage the specific territory and handle all the existing account in that territory. Nurture relationship with the clients and explain the importance of PET insurance. Maintain a key account list of 100 plus clients and daily reporting to the regional manager.

Interested candidates can apply on the website, or send in their resume to [email protected] . The shortlisted candidates will be informed through mail or telephonic call.

Note: Outside candidate will be given ticket fare and 1 day accommodation.

  • Government job search engines
  • Industry specific websites and journals
  • Internal communication such as newsletters, intranet and emails
  • Newspaper advertisement

It is extremely important to have a beforehand knowledge on the existing resources in the insurance sector. The data can be obtained from, this will give statistics on the existing resource and the labour market in the insurance sector. The talent pool can be picked from people who are pursuing their careers in the insurance sector and also from job portals where in the candidates are applying for the insurance position.

Out of all the options mentioned in the question, qualified is not a staffing requirement, it is more of a job requirement. All the other options like casual, permanent, full time, part time etc. are the staffing requirements.

Choosing Appropriate Channels and Technology

Job Description

Job Title Waiter at Coffee Shop

Job Type Full time

Location Melbourne

Reporting Store Manager

Responsibilities Take ownership of the store

Cover shift of other waiters, as and when required

Wait on the table, take orders.

Ensure that the waiting time is less for the customers

Keep the waiting list in line and updated them on time

By heart the menu and have knowledge on the specials

Ensure a pleasant atmosphere for the customers

Qualification Undergraduate/Graduate

Experience 1-2 Years of Previous waiting experience

Skills Customer friendly, good communication skills, polite, quick decision making, pleasant personality, self-motivated

Performance Goals Ensure less waiting time

Ensure the orders are taken and served on time

Ensure pleasant atmosphere for the customers

Cover the shift of other waiters in time of crisis.

Interview Questions

Could you please run us through your Profile?

Please give us an insight on your previous job experience

Is there any particular incident with customer where you delighted him with your services?

How comfortable you are with working in different shifts, and if need be will you be in a position to extend your working hours?

I am sure you must have understood your job responsibilities, is there any question that you would like us to address?

How soon can you join?

Tell us something about yourself which is not written in your resume, but defines you as an individual.

  • Please provide information about your previous clients- Confidentiality Law Breach
  • What are your plans if you get pregnant-Anti discrimination law
  • Would you be able to work during menstruation days- Anti discrimination laws
  • How comfortable you are working at one of our workplaces which is not in good working condition- WHS (Ahmad, Bosua & Scheepers, 2014)
  • Describe the sales strategy your previous employer used in the territory- Confidentiality law

In an interview wherein maximum applicants are extremely talented, it becomes quite tricky for the HR to short list the candidates, and thus one has to opt for selection criteria. The criteria can be based on the relevant past experience, qualification required for the job, skill set required to excel in the job and at times if the entire team is young HR use age also as selection criteria.

Experienced candidates are more professional in approach and they have a better understanding than the fresher’s when it comes to understanding the corporate culture. Another advantage of hiring experienced candidate is that they have exposure of the job roles and responsibilities in the workplace and hence took less time in adjusting in the workplace. A big disadvantage of hiring experienced candidate is that they are skilled only in one skills set and thus get lazy and become accustom in doing the same task. Hence, a lot of companies do not give experience a higher weightage, preferably companies with start-up culture give less heads to experienced and prefer fresher’s over them and train them to better fit the needs of the organization.

The following points have to be kept in mind while scheduling interviews:

  • Give applicants at least one week of notice before the interview
  • The time of interview and confirm their availability
  • Duration the interview will take has to be communicated(Elliott, 1996)
  • Provide the location of the venue/ Send maps to the candidate
  • A date by which applicant has to confirm their candidature for the interview(Spradley, 2016)

The questions have to be based on the selection criteria and thus the questions which are formulated around it are:

  • Have you read all the elements in the selection criteria we provided you before coming for the interview?
  • How comfortable you are in playing with children and mentor them? Share some past experience if you have any in similar kind of job role
  • Your working hours will be from 10 AM to 4 PM, Monday to Friday. Do you feel comfortable with the same and can contribute 100% in this time duration
  • What was your learning’s in taking care of children from the age bracket of 3 months until 5 years.
  • What makes you interested in working with children, what is it that makes this position lucrative to you?
  • In the entire day, when do you think you are most productive and why so you think so?

Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Since my early age I was a baby sitter for most of my relatives while they were out for vacations. I always connected with children and it gives me immense pleasure to teach them something useful.

I believe because they are extremely innocent, naïve and the most wonderful creation of god. They are a source of positivity and help me in deflecting my attention from the negativities and cunningness of the world.

I am a parent of 2 loving kids and I feel strongly that my parenting has been hugely successful when I see them doing well with their lives. I would like to impart my love and care to other lovely children as well.

I guess I am most productive during the early hours of the day, starting as early as 5 until 7 in the evening. I believe the reason for the same can be contributed to my morning yoga and meditation, it gives me energy to propel myself during the day

I am a morning person and hence I am productive through the entire day. I run, pray and eat healthy to stay active through entire day

I have worked in many companies in the past with different shift timings and hence I am productive until and unless I am sleeping. Thus time for me Has never been a constraint.

Person 1: I believe the candidate is young, energetic and knows the contemporary ways of working with children. His experience of handling his family kids can be put to good use if his energy is channelized in the right direction. I think we can consider him.

Short-listing Applicants

Person 2: In my opinion the person has all the traits needed in a childcare worker, he loves kids, and he loves their nuances and certainly likes to hang out with them. He has opted healthy lifestyle during his entire life tenure and I strongly believe that he can impart right direction to the child in the early age.

Person 3: The candidate has an absolutely likable personality, but I still believe he is too over confident and he might perceive all the children to be like his children. This can definitely create some trouble in his behaviour towards children

Hence I would like you guys to make a choice from person 1 and 2 for the position of childcare worker.

In order to correct the bias the following has to be ensured after the interview:

  • Give every panel member to speak on the candidate
  • Opinions must be based strictly on the selection criteria
  • Interviewers to take turns reading the criteria rating and overall suitability rating.
  • The preparation phase to train the candidate should also be taken in account.

To reach consensus a good communication has to be ensured among the panel members, a structured communication will ensure:

  • Everyone has expressed their opinion in clear and concise manner
  • The candidate has not been discriminated
  • Rating the value of each performance skill
  • Applicant fits in the current staff.

The following template will have question after doing the basic introduction and confirming it is the same person the HR wanted to reach out to have information on the candidate

Question Template for calling a referee

1- Is it a good time to speak with you, on saying yes, proceed with the following questions and in case of no, ask for a suitable time to call him/her

2- Just wanted to ask how long you did two work together?

3- What was the nature of managerial relationship amongst you two? Were you his manager, if yes, for how long?

4- What according to you was strength of the candidate?

5- What according to you were the shortcomings of the candidate

6- Confirm some of the information as provided in the resume.

7- What according to you is missing in the candidate and how can we train him better?

8- How was his performance and contribution during the team meetings?

9- Is he self-motivated or needs a constant support to fulfil his job duties?

10- On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate his performance and behaviour in the organization?

Referee 1

Referee 2

Yes, sure, I am free to talk

Absolutely, it is a good time to talk.

We were approximately for 2 years

The tenure of our working together was for an year

I was his line manager

We were colleagues; I joined a year later than he did.

In my opinion his confidence and knack for details were his strength

He was really handy when it comes to technical know-how; also he was a very passionate listener.

I think he used to get impulsive at times, which affected his decision making, was his biggest shortcoming

He was a multi tasker, he could not be tapped with one task at hand, and he always multitasked, due to which certain time his productivity got decreased.

All information confirmed

All information correctly answered

I think you can treat him in customer centric approach

He should have training related to dealing with customers and how to build a relationship with them.

He was a good team player, always contributed his out of the box ideas to the team

He was one of the active members during the team meeting and always had something wonderful to say most of the time.

He is a self-starter, focussed on achieving his goals

He is self-motivated individual

Performance in the organization 8, behaviour-8

Performance in organization- 9, behaviour in organization-9

Information on Job posting

· Job title

· Job Position

· Location

· Full time/ Part time

Application Information

· Names

· Withdrawn Applicants

Selection Methodology

· CV

· Reference reports

· Group activities

· Demonstrations

Shortlist Method

Order of shortlist

Referee check

Pre-employment check

Salary to be offered

Recommendation for appointment

Names of people on selection panel


Information on Job posting

· Job title                                              Sales Manager

· Job Position                                       Manager

· Location                                             Sydney

· Full time/ Part time                         Full time

Application Information

· Names                                                Andrew, Sam, Roberts, Harsh, Devesh, Smith, Claire

· Withdrawn Applicants                    NA

Selection Methodology

· CV                                                        Yes

· Reference reports                            Yes

· Group activities                                 Yes

· Demonstrations                                Yes

Shortlist Method                                            Telephonic, Personal interview,  Sales demonstration

Referee check                                                  Yes

Pre-employment check                                  Yes

Salary to be offered                                       15000 AUD Per Month

Recommendation for appointment           I would like to recommend Devesh for the job because of his sincerity and honesty during his interview. He was extremely sharp and bright when it came to answering tricky questions. Also, his experience in the retail sector is an added advantage for us

Names of people on selection panel         Roma, Akriti, David, Albert

Feedback                                                          Devesh aced all the interview rounds

A rejection letter to all the people who applied for the position of Sales manager at, but were not selected for the position.

Dear Candidate,

Thank you very much for showing your interest for the position of Sales Manager at As one can imagine, we received a good number of responses and it felt overwhelming seeing the interest of the people in the said position.

However, we regret to inform you that we will not be in a position to take your candidature forward. Although your performance and qualification were apt, at this point in time it was not a fit for our organization. We have kept your Resume in our records and will surely get back to you in case any exciting opportunity knocks our door. Meanwhile, all the very best for your future endeavours.

Best wishes for your job search and once again thanks for showing interest in

Thanks & Regards

HR Director

Letter in response to candidate’s query needing specific reason for cancellation of his candidature

Dear Candidate,

Thanks for writing in back to us, as you know we get a number of job applications and it is really not possible to give feedback to every person on an individual basis. However, we made an exception for you this time and dig your application records.

Participating in the Interview Process

Your performance as marked by the selection panel was average. The reason for cancellation of your candidature was your lack of experience in sales. We wanted a person with a 3+ industry experience, however your experience was only 6 months and hence it does not fit in our selection criteria.

It certainly is not a matter of getting disheartened, we have kept your resume in our database and as soon as we find a position matching your qualification and experience, we will get in touch with you.

Meanwhile, all the very best for your future endeavours.

Thanks & Regards

HR Director

High calibre candidates are in high demand and hence they have to be secured as soon as the organization decides to go with the candidate, else, the company will have to settle down with the next best option. In order to secure his candidature the following things have to be kept in mind:

Delay in recruitment Process- The final recruitment process may be time consuming and hence efforts should be made to reduce the time in final selection of the candidate and also keep him updated with the process and the timeline.

Candidate may decide not to join- This can be directly linked to not keeping the candidate in loop with the time delays in the recruitment process, this turns candidate’s perception about the organization as negative and he may decide not to join the organization. Hence, to secure his candidature he has to be informed on a regular basis.

Loss and Cost- Sometimes the date of joining might not be suitable for the candidate due to his notice period or relocation or some other reasons. Hence the organization has to keep all the points in mind before rolling out the joining date.

Things which should be done to secure his agreement thus are:

  • The job description has to be updated
  • The timelines has to be clear from the start
  • Ensure that the decision maker is available to read the recommendation of the panel
  • Ensure that the communication never breaks between the HR department and the candidate.
  • Making realistic goals before going in hunt for a candidate
  • Prior knowledge on the mark up the candidate would require on the salary and match with the organization’s policy
  • The final offer should be made max in a day or two after the decision maker gives a final word, the same has to be sent to the candidate and his acknowledge to be kept in records.

In the case of a contract agreed upon, it specifies that the organization is under obligation to give 5 Personal leaves during the year, these leaves will be paid, and the employee is entitled to avail them at any given point in time, or in accordance to the terms and contract of the agreement. It necessary does not mean that the employee will get only 5 leaves during the year.

Another clause attached to it is that if an employee’s takes leave after consuming his quota of 5 leaves, his salary will be deducted. This will come in two categories:

Contacting Referees and Preparing Selection Reports

ULWP- Uninformed leave without pay

LWP- Informed leave without pay.

The only difference is that he will not be paid for the leaves he takes after consuming those 5 leaves.

Documents other than the employment contract which has to be provided to the candidates are:

  • Induction checklist document
  • Legislation related to human resources in Australia
  • Privacy documents

This entire booklet will be comprehensive in addition to the employment contract and will pave a path for his journey in the organization

  • In case of a new appointment team members might be waiting for the new joinee to come in and assist them with his duties and fill the void created by the leaving employee. It is essential to communicate the date of joining thorough the organizational procedures. Mail should be sent out to the entire department about the profile of the hired candidate and the manager has to be informed face to face.
  • They should be told to welcome the employee and join the induction process to make the employee feel welcome; also they should introduce him to every person on the floor. It will be really helpful if the employees can be asked to volunteer for the new candidate and help him with the overview of the office premises.

The first thing a new candidate notices when he enters the office is the Induction program. The induction program should be well written, composed and according to the timeline and also be beneficial for the new joinee. As a part of induction the employee has to learn the culture of the organization, learn the structure of the organization and learn the KSA’s to be successful in the organization. The induction checklist should therefore contain the following:

  • History of the organization
    • Mission and vision
    • Organizational chart
    • Site layout
    • Product and services(Jordon & Lloyd,2017)
  • Terms of employment
    • Leave, contract, probationary period and contracts
  • Pay details
    • Date and how
  • Work conditions
    • Code of conduct and ethics, WHS practices(CHingwena,2017)
  • Walkthrough Including
    • Introduction to team, work area, emergency procedures, job and amenities.


Ahmad, A., Bosua, R. and Scheepers, R., 2014. Protecting organizational competitive advantage: A knowledge leakage perspective. Computers & Security, 42, pp.27-39.

Chan, E. and Kjellberg, A., 2017. # RecruitmentSocialMedia: How Swedish organizations can utilize the beneficial outcomes of using social media in the recruitment process.

Chingwena, N., 2017. The impact of induction to employee productivity at Aggreko International Power Projects (Zimbabwe) (Doctoral dissertation, BUSE).

DeConinck, J.B., 2015. Outcomes of ethical leadership among salespeople. Journal of Business Research, 68(5), pp.1086-1093.

Elliott, R., 1996. Client change interview schedule. Unpublished research instrument, Department of Psychology, University of Toledo.

Hase, S. and Busch, C., 2018. Sales Management. In The Quintessence of Sales (pp. 77-122). Springer, Cham.

Johnston, M.W. and Marshall, G.W., 2016. Sales force management: Leadership, innovation, technology. Routledge.

Jordan, P. and Lloyd, C., 2017. Staff management in library and information work. Taylor & Francis.

Kundu, S.C., Rattan, D., Sheera, V.P. and Gahlawat, N., 2015. RecRuitment and Selection techniqueS uSed in coRpoRate SectoR: a compaRative Study of indian and multinational companieS. Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour, 4(4).

Lane, T.S., Armin, J. and Gordon, J.S., 2015. Online recruitment methods for web-based and mobile health studies: a review of the literature. Journal of medical Internet research, 17(7).

Lawless, M., 2014. Age or size? Contributions to job creation. Small Business Economics, 42(4), pp.815-830.

Moore, F., 2015. An unsuitable job for a woman: a ‘native category’approach to gender, diversity and cross-cultural management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(2), pp.216-230.

Price, R., 2016. Controlling routine front line service workers: an Australian retail supermarket case. Work, employment and society, 30(6), pp.915-931.

Rahman, N., 2016. Impact of DTH service of RealVU.

Russell, S. and Brannan, M.J., 2016. “Getting the Right People on the Bus”: Recruitment, selection and integration for the branded organization. European Management Journal, 34(2), pp.114-124.

Sarma, J., 2017. Recruitment And Selection In Assam Carbon Products Limited. Deliberative Research, 35(1), pp.27-32.

Spradley, J.P., 2016. The ethnographic interview. Waveland Press.

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