Recruitment And Selection Policy For Trainee Administrator
Policy for Recruitment and Selection
Answer (a)
One of the most integral elements of the various recruitment as well as selection policies should be its insistence on offering detailed information to the candidates regarding the various aspects of the job. In this regard, I would like to say that the organization that I work for does not have clear recruitment and selection policy. Here is an overview of the recruitment and selection policy that I propose for the concerned organization-
Area: Recruitment and Selection of new employees |
Title: Recruitment and Selection Policy |
Issue Date: 01/12/2018 |
Policy: This recruitment and selection policy will try to overcome the limitations of the earlier policy followed by the concerned organization related to the same. In this regard, it needs to be said that in the earlier times the organization used to follow manual style of recruitment which was not only time consuming but at the same time very costly. In order to overcome this limitation the organization will follow e-recruitment policy which not only be time saving but at the same cost effective as well. For example, the organization through the use of this policy would advertise regarding the job vacancy over their official website and other social media platforms. In addition to this, the organization would at the same time conduct interviews over video calls and also through the use of similar tools.
Answer (b)
Procedure: For the effective implementation as well as use of the above policy the concerned organization would have to follow the following measures-
- The organization would have to create an effective online portal as well as presence through which it would be able to advertise regarding the job vacancies and also the kind of candidates that it is looking for.
- The next stage would be short-listing of candidates on the basis of the resumes that they have submitted to the organization over their online portal. The HR department of the organization would send an e-mail to the short-listed candidates regarding the time of the video interview.
- The third stage would be to the process of conducting video interviews and analyzing the key competencies of the candidates and their aptitude for the concerned job.
- The next stage would be to conduct a background check of the candidates and also to check whether the details that the candidates have offered to the organization are genuine or not.
- The next stage would be the selection of the candidates on the basis of the manner in which they have performed in the video interview.
- The final stage would be the sending of offer letters which would specify the date of joining, the key job roles, remuneration and other benefits that the candidates would be entitled to once they join the organization. Furthermore, prior to this the candidates would also have to submit relevant documents regarding their educational qualification, job experience and others to the organization.
Answer (c)
Position Description
Job Designation |
Job Roles |
Trainee Administrator |
· Answering the phones in an effective manner. · Maintaining an effective relationship with the different clients as well as customers of the organization by answering their queries related to the services offered by the organization. In addition to this, the candidate would also be required to help the customers use the services offered by the organization in an effective manner. · The candidate would also be required to convince the individuals who make query calls to opt for the services offered by the organization. · Recording the diverse data of the organization in an effective manner. · Effectively managing customer relationship management (CRM) software · Sending relevant e-mails to the customers and other members of the organization · Organization of meetings · Management of forms, templates, calendar of the organization and others · Handling of cash of the organization · Others |
Answer (d)
Job Advertisement
Trainee Administrator A well known reputed Australian company is looking for a trainee administrator to work in close association with its customers or clients. The candidate would be required to not only answer the phone calls of the customers but at the same to resolve their queries as well. In addition to this, the candidate would also have to maintain the data of the customers and also the organizational data in an effective manner. Other important key skills that the candidates are required to have are effective time management, data handling, cash handling and others. Salary is negotiable for the right kind of candidate. Interested candidates |
Answer (e)
Short-listing and interview process
The candidates would be short-listed on the basis of the resumes that they have submitted to the organization through e-mail. The HR department of the concerned organization would match the key skills mentioned by the candidates in their resumes with the requirements of the organization so as to short-list the right kind of candidates. The interview panel would consist of a team of four members, two HRs of the organization (one male and one female HR), branch manager (female) and senior manager (male). Furthermore, the candidates would have to undergo video interview the time of which would be notified to the candidates over mail.
The interview panel is likely to ask the same kind of questions to all the short-listed candidates. Some of the important questions that the interview panel would ask the candidates are-
- What is your primary motivation for taking up this job?
- Why do you think that the organization should hire you as a trainee administrator?
- Where do you see yourself ten years down the line?
- Why did you leave your previous job?
- What new aspects do you think you would bring to the organization?
The HR department of the concerned organization would conduct atleast one reference check for each of the candidates. Some of the most common questions that the HR department would ask in this regard are-
- Do you think that the candidate is a dependable one?
- Is the candidate a team player?
- Do you think that the candidate would be able to handle the pressure of the job role of a trainee administrator?
- Does the candidate have a past criminal record?
- Is the candidate prone to mental illness or similar kinds of problems?
This is to inform you that you have been short-listed for the designation of trainee administrator in our organization. You are required to report to the organization on 10th January 2019 along with all your educational and experience documents so as to complete the documentation and induction process with our organization. You shift timing will be 10 AM- 6 PM from Monday to Saturday. More importantly, you are supposed to report to Mr. Joseph Smith, the trainer of our organization on 10th January 2019 at 10 AM sharp. In addition to this, you would be offered an on-job training of 30 days. On the successful completion of this training you would be under probation for a period of six months. You actual salary will be revealed to you at the successful completion of your documentation and induction. So, kindly report to the business center of the organization at the above mentioned date and time.
Procedures for Recruitment and Selection
The applicants who have not been selected by the organization would be notified through e-mail regarding the reasons why they have not been selected for the concerned job role by the HR department of the organization.
Answer (a)
The major policies regarding which the candidates are briefed about in the induction process are zero tolerance policy, diversity policy, gender equality policy and others. However, it needs to be said that there are several sections of these policies that the organization needs to make changes in. For example, the organization needs to broaden the scope of the zero tolerance policy and make inappropriate and unethical use of organizational resources as part of this policy along with the sexual abuse, harassment and other aspects that this policy tries to prohibit. In addition to this, the organization also needs to promote the gender diversity among the employees along with the cultural, ethnic and other forms of diversities that it is promoting currently.
Answer (b)
This is to inform you that I would propose certain changes that the organization needs to make in the current policies that it is following. These changes would not only broaden the scope of the various policies of the organization like zero tolerance policy, diversity policy, gender equality policy and others but would at the same time would improve the culture of the workplace as well. This in turn is likely to improve the business prospects in a substantial manner and these in short are some reasons why I think the organization needs to integrate these changes within the framework of the existing policies followed by it.
Answer (c)
Induction Plan
Employee Name |
Date of Joining |
Employee responsible for the induction |
Activity |
Signed by staff |
Signed by Manager |
Initial meeting or interaction with the manager, team leader and other members of the organization |
Provided important regarding the job roles, training, organization and others |
Provided information regarding remuneration, benefits, perks, leave and others |
Discussion of the terms of employment and others |
Discussion of the important policies of the organization |
Discussion of probation period, monthly targets and others |
Introduction with the colleagues and others |
Answer (d)
The modified induction will be sent to the management team for approval and for its effective implementation Lewin’s change management model will be followed. For example, during the first stage the management team and the employees will be conveyed information regarding the limitations of the current induction that the organization is following. During the next stage effective training will be offered to the employees regarding the changed induction plan, the importance of the new induction plan will be cascaded to the employees and others. Furthermore, the plan before its complete implementation will be implemented for a trial period to analyze its effectiveness and the different individuals of the organization would also offer feedbacks through e-mails regarding their opinion of the plan and also the changes that they would like in the plan. The final stage would be to make changes in the plan on the basis of the feedback and also its integration within the culture of the organization.
Answer (e)
Feedback form for the employees
- On a scale of one to ten how would you rate the new induction plan which the organization is currently following?
- On a scale of one to ten kindly state the extent to which the current induction plan is being able to convey relevant information to you
- On a scale of one to ten kindly state the extent to which the current induction plan is better than the earlier one
- What are the changes that you would like to make in the current induction plan followed by the organization?
- What do you think are the negative aspects of the current induction plan followed by the organization?
- What is your opinion of the current induction plan of the organization?
Feedback form for the managers
- Do you think that the new induction plan is being able to fulfill the goals of the organization?
- What is your opinion of the current induction plan of the organization?
- What do you think are the negative aspects of the current induction plan followed by the organization?
- What are the positive aspects of the new induction plan of the organization?
This is inform you that I personally believe that feedbacks are important for the current induction plan since these feedbacks will highlight the changes that we need to make in this plan. Furthermore, this will enable us to make the induction plan more in synchronicity with the needs and the expectations of the employees which will in turn improve their performance. These in short are some of the major reasons why the organization needs to collect feedback for the further improvement of the induction plan.
Position Description
This is to inform you that the manual system of record keeping that the organization is currently following for the purpose of record keeping of the documents related to recruitment is causing various problems. In this regard, I would suggest that the organization take the help of recent technologies and digitalize the process of record keeping. This would not only improve the communication process between the organization and the candidates but at the same time would improve the overall recruitment process itself. Here is a list of top five technological tools that the organization can use for the improvement of the record keeping and also the recruitment process-
- Recruiting software: The use of this software will help the organization to find the right kind of candidates and that too in a shorter time.
- Applicant tracking software: This will help the organization to tract the right kind of candidates
- Video interviews: This will reduce the recruitment cost and time for the overall recruitment process
- Artificial Intelligence: This is likely to reduce the work burden of the HRs and at the same time ensure that the right kind of candidates are selected for the job
- Use of big data analysis: This will help the organization to find the right kind of candidates among the plethora of candidates who apply for the jobs.
Answer 1
It is important to trail forms and documents so as to keep an official record of the same and also to ensure the fact that the different individuals related to an organization have access to the same (Rees & Smith, 2017). Furthermore, it is also important to make necessary adjustments as per the feedback so as to improve the forms and documents and also to make them more agreeable with the employees.
Answer 2
The staff related to the process of recruitment and selection needs to be briefed about the current policies followed by the different contemporary organizations and also the benefits of these processes (Warmerdam, Lewis & Banks, 2015). In addition to this, the organization can conduct mock or demo versions of these processes so as to offer the right kind of exposure to these staffs. Furthermore, active cooperation as well as support of the managers and other members of interview panel is also important for the staff members related to the process of recruitment and selection.
Answer 3
Some of the specialists that I would have to access during the process of recruitment and selection are the managers, team leaders, branch managers and others. I would have to contact the team leaders since they would give me a brief about the kind of candidates that they need. In addition to this, the managers would play an active role in the selection of right kind of candidates.
Answer 4
Outsourcing refers to the process through which an organization transfers a part of their business enterprise to other places or nations because of better business opportunities (Slavi?, Bjeki? & Berber, 2017). This is usually done when the organization wants to expand its business or for that matter wants to reduce the operational cost and thereby enhance the amount of profit earned by it.
Answer 5
(a) Anti-Discrimination: As per the “Anti-Discrimination Act” (1991), the organizations and also the employees are strictly prohibited by the national governments of the different nations to make any discrimination between the diverse work-force that is a part of their organization (Ladkin & Buhalis, 2016). This is done to ensure the fact that all the employees of the organization have access to the same kind of opportunities.
(b) Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity: The “Equal employment opportunity (eeo) and anti-discrimination”, “Fair Work Ombudsman” and others ensures the fact that equal opportunities is being offered to the different employees of an organization regardless of their age, gender, social or cultural background and other aspects (Rees & Smith, 2017). These at the same time ensure the fact that no discrimination is being done among the different employees of the organization.
Job Advertisement
(c) Industrial Relations: The relation between the different industries in the nation is being maintained by “Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC)” and its various acts (Warmerdam, Lewis & Banks, 2015). These acts state that the different industries are required to follow the notions of fair trade, ethical behavior and others for maintaining an effective relationship among themselves/
(d) Workplace Relations: The “Fair Work Act 2009” states that the different organizations are required to foster the kind of atmosphere in their workplace wherein all the employees would have access the same kind of opportunities (Slavi?, Bjeki? & Berber, 2017). In addition to this, they are also required to deal with all the employees in an ethical as well as legal manner.
Answer 6
The psychometric tests and skills offer an overview of the key competencies as well as abilities of an individual. The three important psychometric tests that the recruiters can utilize are Big Five Personality Test, MBTI and Gallup’s Test (Ladkin & Buhalis, 2016). The use of these tests would help the recruiters to understand the competencies of the candidates and also find out whether they would be able to complete the different job roles in an effective manner.
Answer 7
The most important policies that the organization Woolworths Limited uses are gender equality, anti-discrimination policy, fair wage policy, industrial relations, workplace relations and others (Cole, 2004). The primary objective of the organization behind the use of these policies is to offer the kind of workplace environment to the employees wherein they would be able to perform as per their maximum potential.
Answer 8
(a) Hire Staff: The existing employees of the organization are not being able to handle the work pressure in an effective manner and also complete the different tasks in the stipulated deadline
(b) Terminate Staff: The existing employees are not being able to perform as per the expectation of the organization and also there is not enough work for all the employees
Answer 9
It is important to consult the relevant managers for determining future human resource needs such as hiring and terminating since it is these individuals who are entrusted with the work of performance management and reviews (Warmerdam, Lewis & Banks, 2015). More importantly, these individuals are also likely to have adequate information regarding the amount of work that the concerned organization is likely to have in future.
Answer 10
The most important things to observe are-
- Whether the employees are being able to complete the tasks in an adequate manner or not
- The behavior of the employees
- Whether they are being able to adjust to the team environment of the organization or not
- Others
Answer 11
The use of two way feedback is the best way to ensure the fact that adequate feedback has been offered to an employee in probation period and at the same time has been understood by them (Cole, 2004). Furthermore, another indication of the same is the performance of the employees in the probation period. For example, if they are being able to perform in an adequate manner then that means that the feedback is working.
Answer 12
There are various kinds of information that needs to be included in an employee contract like the terms of employment, remuneration, leave policies, compensation, incentives, release policies and others (Herschberg et al., 2017).
Answer 13
This is important since the new candidates needs to have proper documentation regarding their new jobs and also to make the job roles and the terms of employment much more transparent to the new employees.
Answer 14
Assessment center can be defined as a process through the key competencies of the different candidates is analyzed so as to determine the kind of job roles that would be most suitable for them (Abraham et al., 2015). Thus, the candidates are required to participate in different kinds of meetings so as to discuss an actual job-related problem.
Abraham, M., Kaliannan, M., Mohan, A. V., & Thomas, S. (2015). A Review of Smes Recruitment and Selection Dilemma: Finding a’Fit’. The Journal of Developing Areas, 49(5), 335-342.
Cole, G. A. (2004). Management theory and practice. Cengage Learning EMEA.
Herschberg, C., Benschop, Y., & Van Den Brink, M. C. L. (2017). Gender practices in the recruitment and selection of early career researchers. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2017, No. 1, p. 10584). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Ladkin, A., & Buhalis, D. (2016). Online and social media recruitment: Hospitality employer and prospective employee considerations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(2), 327-345.
Rees, G., & Smith, P. (Eds.). (2017). Strategic human resource management: An international perspective. Sage.
Slavi?, A., Bjeki?, R., & Berber, N. (2017). The role of the internet and social networks in recruitment and selection process. Strategic management, 22(3), 36-43.
Warmerdam, A., Lewis, I., & Banks, T. (2015). Gen Y recruitment: Understanding graduate intentions to join an organisation using the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Education+ Training, 57(5), 560-574.