Recommendations To Reduce Pollution In The Automobile Industry
Problem Statement
1) Industry: Automobile industry.
Problem: Increasing pollution. In the first year of operation, a new car is responsible for over tons of CO2. Of which, 12 is for production and approximately 3 is during use in the first year. Automobile companies are consistently encouraging people to buy their own cars by reducing prices coupled with banks lowering interest rates. However lucrative the idea of every person owning a personal car may seem, we would all have to bear the brunt of the increasing pollution caused by it.
Increasing pollution in the environment that is caused due to rise in population and increased demands of people is adversely affecting human health and leading to people falling ill frequently. This high pollution is the side effect of fulfillment of growing human needs. Although, every industry has been an equal party to the growing pollution, but the Automobile industry has largely been responsible as the product tends to cause pollution throughout its lifespan. To rectify this situation automobile companies must create products and encourage behavior that reduces pollution. The rise in pollution affects everyone equally. The current global scenario ensures that we are all consistently exposed to the pollution that we face every day (Stern, 2014). The increasing population is often accompanied by other problems besides pollution such as increasing traffic on the road, high usage of plastic and excessive degradation to environment.
2).With the increasing population, there is a growing demand for automobiles. If every person born on the planet starts using their personal cars, the pollution caused by them would be unfathomable. In such a scenario, there are businesses that have created solutions to reduce pollution. It is important that businesses offer solutions that are sustainable in the environment as well as lead to the fulfillment of consumer needs. Many organizations have put required efforts in the field of reducing pollution across the globe. An increasing number of personal cars owing to a high population has also not just led to increasing pollution but have also led to increasing traffic on the roads.
US based company, Uber has aimed to reduce the pollution on the roads and encouraged people to switch to the use of public transport using innovative marketing strategies. The mass changes brought about by the firm has enabled Uberisation of the world (Qi, Li & Liu, 2017). The presence of Uber across many countries has ensured that its widespread presence. Having an easily accessible and availed taxi service, discourages people to buy their own cars. This is important because the pollution caused in manufacturing a new car is much higher than driving an existing car.
Solutions Offered
As a firm, Uber has been addressing the issue of increasing pollution on a large scale. On August 24th 2014, Uber introduced its Carpooling service to discourage people from taking a personal cab every time they step out of their house. The facility allows sharing of cab between 2-4 riders who wish to travel to close by locations. The price paid in a shared cab is almost one fourth of the price paid for an individual cab. The fare has been kept low to encourage people to share cabs (Frenken, 2017). Simply put, if three people who travel together to a similar location, if decide to take a personal car to that very same location, the pollution created in the environment would be three times of the former.
On World Environment day, Uber launched a report in India depicting that the launch of UberPool service in the capital city of Delhi has effectively managed to reduce congestion and pollution in the city. The brand stated that the introduction of UberPool has helped the capital save 936k liters of fuel which has led to curbing of 2203k kilograms of Carbon dioxide emissions (Business Standard, 2017). This contribution of the brand not only massively assisted in the reduction of pollution but also encouraged other taxi services to start pooling services. The advertisements and promotional strategies applied by the brand around this time, encouraged millions of office goers to share their cab while travelling to work on a daily basis.
3).Media plays a very important role in identifying the problem and reaching out to a wide audience in order to devise ways of solving the problem. The problem of increasing pollution is not unknown. And clearly, it impacts every strata of our society. Hence it becomes even more important that media showcases responsibility and does their bit in addressing the issue (Anderson, 2013). The biggest advantage and power held by media firms is their large reach. It is easy for media agencies to not only develop new views among people but also change their existing views and show people a different perspective to their ever increasing and ever changing needs.
Media channels such as television, social media, mobile media, newspaper media and billboards across the globe lay a large impact on people and everyone who come in contact with them (Flammer, 2013). The role played by the social media is specifically larger.
At the same point of time, media acts as a significant agent in setting up the brand image of a particular corporate. Of course, businesses conduct their own marketing activities but media can also make or break the image of a particular business. In such a scenario, it becomes the responsibility of the media to perform extensive research and let consumers know how businesses like Uber, Adobe and Patagonia are putting their best foot forward in creating value and not just in selling their products to a wide audience. When such businesses get recognition from the media houses, this awareness will reach the public at large. This in turn will help boost the companies’ sales and garner more loyal customers.
4).The problem of increasing pollution has taken a massive toll on human life. It is therefore the need of the hour that the automobile industry which massively contribute to our economy also works towards establishing a pollution free planet. Given below are a few recommendations that these businesses could adopt to ensure reduced levels of pollution:
5).In order to solve the problem of pollution even further, automobile companies should promote the use of public transport. This process is often called DE-marketing. This strategy is adopted by cigarette companies to refrain people from smoking. Similarly, automobile companies must work towards encouraging people to take public transport. In order to compensate for the loss, automobile companies could tie up with taxi services to ensure higher sales. To add the cherry on cake, they must start with their own employees and encourage them to avail public or company borne shared transport. After all, these businesses often have a large number of employees who work in their factories as well as corporate offices and are expected to reach the same place at approximately the same time. If every could start carpooling or using public transport it would save a lot of pollution. Many organizations across the globe have thousands of employees and almost all the employees bring their own vehicles. This leads to excessive wastage of fuel which in turn causes pollution. Businesses could provide pick and drop bus facility for their employees at a nominal amount. The low price would result in people using that public transport and hence reduction in pollution. People living in the same area or close by areas would be able to come to office together and leave from office together. Such a step taken by businesses would encourage carpooling and sharing of vehicles.
Mobile applications can also be built within the business to let people book the office commuting service on the days that they need it. Discussions on instant messengers would also encourage people to share cabs. If people still wish to travel by their personal vehicles, they could at least offer other employees to join them in their car. This small step would also help in reducing the overall pollution caused in the environment.
6).The low prices of cars are simply an invitation for everyone to own a personal vehicle. Banks are consistently offering lowered interest rates and zero cost EMI options. Once these cars are affordable to all, it is only natural that the number of on road cars will increase largely. If the supply of these cars is reduced and their price is increased, the number of people buying a new car would automatically reduce very significantly.
Role of Media
An increased cost would also make sure that more people switch to public transport, this would benefit taxi services as well. Government must also increase import duty on these cars so as to make sure that the transfer of a private car from one place to another in the world is not as easy. Few years back a leading automobile firm TATA, introduced a new car in India which costs $1577. India being a country which is dominated by the middle class income group, its citizens rushed to buy the car. The brand had a vision of a car in every household. All the brand completely forgot to identify was the amount of pollution caused this increasing number of cars. Either the government or the automobile companies could mutually decide a lower limit of car prices to be quoted across the world. This would lead to reduced demand and hence lesser pollution caused.
7).The pollution caused by excessive amount of waste caused by unnecessary use of paper is very high. The businesses must work towards putting efforts in reducing this pollution. Organizations often use immense amount of paper which is mostly not required. Limiting the use of paper within the organization can be a great way to create value and reduce pollution in the environment. Businesses could work towards ensuring that internal communications at least can be conducted via email or instant messengers (Doppelt, 2017). This would make sure that the usage of paper is reduced. There are many people in the organization who take unnecessary print outs. It is important that people print on both sides of the page. All the companies have their own instant messengers installed. This should make communicating within the business among employees easier. Formal communication could also be conducted via emails. Every year Americans alone use 700 pounds of paper or paper product (The paperless project, 2017). It is very difficult to guide individual uses of paper in the country. But at the same point of time, businesses could make sure that their efforts are considerable in reducing unnecessary usage of paper. Few strategies that could help reduce paper usage in organizations would be as below:
- Internal communication must be conducted over Emails and instant messengers
- Skype and other video calling platforms could be used to get in touch with employees across other parts of the globe.
- File sharing should be done on the cloud rather than maintaining physical copies.
- Tools like Zoho must be effectively used
- Customer relationships management software must contain details of customers in soft copy which would be accessible to the concerned employees.
8).Green offices are strategies adopted by various office across the globe to reduce their ecological footprint. Green offices is a way of ensuring that the organization as a whole is creating and causing less pollution. Companies in the automobile industry often lead to tremendous wastes in the form of materials like aluminum, glass, plastic and steel. A green office includes effective waste management system, renewable energy sources, no plastic usage and effective conservation and utilization of resources. There are in fact organizations whose business is to create green offices for their clients. These organizations pay attention to energy consumption, saving paper, recycling and sustainable travel. They are built with the aim of reducing pollution from the earth’s surface. Office personnel are encouraged to make small changes in their work life. They install renewable sources of energy whenever and wherever possible.
These offices also conduct trainings for employees to change their lifestyle and save energy and hence reduce pollution. One of the greatest examples of such an organization is WWF. WWF is based out of Finland and has worked hard to reduce the pollution of the country by turning over 100 offices across the country into green offices. More such organizations could be established and more such businesses should work towards turning their offices green. If every business in the world would make sure that their offices are converted to green offices to the best of their abilities then the reduction in pollution across the globe would be evident and the planet would become a greener planet. The benefits of which will be reaped by one and all.
Pollution around the globe has reached catastrophic levels and reducing this pollution is the need of the hour. Automobile sector has had a large role to play in contributing to these haphazard levels of pollution. Unfortunately, their products cause pollution, in their entire lifecycle. Therefore, it is highly important that automobile businesses across the world aim towards reducing this pollution and making the planet a better and greener place to live in. Businesses must aim to create value in the organization and society through their service offerings as well as their business structure. This report lays emphasis on a few automobile companies that have been actively pursuing activities to address the issue of pollution. Few recommendations have also been incorporated within the report that suggest how organizations across the globe can reduce pollution and make the planet a greener place. It is important that businesses become a part of the solution rather than the problem.
Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business venture with an aim of making profit and delivering value (Drucker, 2014). The person starting this new business is called an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship breeds on creativity and innovation. It is the backbone of any economy as this consistent innovation leads to establishment of new businesses which aim to provide a solution to many human problems (Kirzner, 2015). This is why businesses play a massive role in shaping our environment and economy. Hence, they are expected to deal with the burden of the creating value and sustainable solution to worldly issues.
The business world consists of cut throat competition among many organization. Every industry has various leading players who are either competing on the basis of price or product delivery or customer service or better quality experience (Kuratko, 2016). In this era of increasing globalization and enhanced competition, few businesses are shifting focus to creating value in the society and putting their efforts in trying to make this world a better place to live in (Storey, 2016).
In this particular report, the problem discussed is global in nature as well as largely endangering. This problem is that of increasing pollution owing to increasing population. The world’s current scenario is polluted by factory smokes, car discharges as well as many million kilograms of household waste (Victor, 2017). It would be unfair to ignore the problem after carving a hole in the atmosphere. The human needs are consistently on a rise and these needs are satiated by newer businesses that are opening up at every nook and corner of the world. The flatness of the world has also ensured that transportation of these business offerings are plausible and extremely convenient.
This report throws light on the extent of pollution caused by the automobile industry and how related businesses can solve the problem of increasing pollution. This report also discusses how particular companies have done their bit in ensuring a significant reduction in pollution of the world. Sustainable development of businesses have now taken shape and ensured steps in creating a more environment friendly world (Gothwal & Shashidhar, 2015
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Stern, A.C. ed., 2014. Fundamentals of air pollution. Elsevier.
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Victor, P.A., 2017. Pollution: Economy and environment. Routledge.