Real Time Computer System In Passenger Planes: Software And Hardware Requirements

What is Real Time Computer System or Operating System?

This report is about Real Time Computer system that is used in Passenger plane to provide real time monitoring of plane. Real Time computer system responds to an input in a finite time and specified period. These systems are highly programmed in such a way that it produces real time output. This report tells about how the real time computer system are programmed, which hardware and software devices are used. This report also includes computer networking specifications with an approximate cost analysis that is required to implement those systems.

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What is Real Time Computer System or Operating System?

Real Time Operating System (RTOS) are those systems which respond to the input correctly. This framework not just relies upon the logical result of the computation yet additionally relies upon the time at which the outcomes are delivered. These systems are also designed according to the dynamics of physical process. General people have no access to RTOS systems. They are used by different organizations that need security and real time predictions. Some of them are military organization, airlines, and weather forecasts departments. RTOS executes hundreds of tasks at a time that’s why it is so complex. They perform specific tasks not general purpose tasks with tight interaction with physical environment. Physical environment includes sensors, actuators, radars etc. Real time Operating System, genuine time as in a procedure running will complete inside the due date indicated, or there will be consequences regardless of whether the procedure returns helpful capacity, it would be past the point of no return. A case would be the automated stopping device framework in an auto. In the event that it returns wheel slip data past the point of no return, it would be futile.

  • Hard or critical real time systems – These are simultaneous and synchronized applications and need to deal with time. They have high execution cost i.e. transient limitations confirmation, security, accreditation, committed programming improvement units/conditions. These frameworks don’t allow software maintenance. In this limitations MUST be met, generally deformities could have a sensational effect on human life, on nature and on the system. Example – Passenger plane (aircraft)
  • Soft or non critical real time systems – Requirements can’t (here and there) be met with any sensational effect. Example – multimedia on the web
  • Opened or closed real time systems- In this systems task can be created at execution time. These systems have no constraints. (Avionics, 2018,p.6).

Passenger plane has a type of Critical Real Time System in which all the tasks are designed before the execution time and are launched on system’s switch on.

Passenger plane computer systems are very complex. Their operating system is planned extraordinarily to run the flying machine dependably with exact planning. Operating systems are programmed with imperative, structured languages like ADA and JOVIAL. Jovial programming language is now retired. Mostly real time computer systems are programmed with ADA programming. Development tools like debugger, compiler and linker are required that can produce code perfect with the ongoing working framework. Drivers are also required in real time operating system to speak with framework equipment and I/O modules, constant perfect drivers are required that can ensure most pessimistic scenario timing for most I/O activities. The advancement of programming for future flight applications will require that numerous specialized difficulties be tended to. A large portion of these difficulties get from the required constancy objective and methodologies that may be utilized to meet it. The most prominent software requirements are- (Kamenoff, WWeiderman, 1992, p.6).

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  • Prerequisites Specification – Erroneous specification is a major source of defects and subsequent failures of safety-critical systems.
  • Verification – is a mind boggling process. Testing remains the prevailing way to deal with check, however testing can give confirmation just in the extremely most straightforward of frameworks. Verification is done for complex systems like aircraft.
  • Framework Security – Numerous future avionics frameworks will be looked with the likelihood of outside dangers. Unless a framework is completely independent, any outside advanced interface speaks to an open door for an enemy to assault the framework. It isn’t fundamental for an enemy to have physical access. Of need numerous frameworks will convey by radio, and computerized radio connections show huge open doors for unapproved get to. Exhibit basic systems are famously ailing in security. This issue must be managed for flying frameworks. Notwithstanding something as straightforward as a foreswearing of-benefit assault affected by overwhelming information joins or by sticking radio connections could have genuine outcomes if the objective was a segment of the air-movement arrange. Far more awful is the possibility of shrewd messing with the system in order to disturb benefit. Managing altering requires successful confirmation. Once more, this isn’t a tackled issue, and should be managed if aeronautics frameworks are to be reliable.

Different Types of real time systems

Software like WindRiver’s Vxworks is used in aeroplanes control system. QNX software is used in ground control systems.

Aeroplanes have strong physical environment embedded in it. Radar, sensors, actuators, GPS etc. are inbuilt in it. There are sensors as many as it covers the whole plane. And it is directly connected to the pilot’s monitor. These strong sensors detect altitude, fuel temperature, hydraulic pressure, cabin temperature, outside temperature, weight sensors etc. These devices help pilot’s vision to ensure the safety of passengers.

Rugged hardware is used in aircrafts and its chassis is utilized as a part of a real time system that might be intended to manage brutal conditions for drawn out stretches of time.

Hardware like watchdog timer is incorporated that can consequently restart a whole PC if a client program quits running.

Reasonable security must be ensured in the basic flying part. Such wellbeing endeavours as body scanners presented at air terminals and collection and trade of air explorer data from bearers to the state specialists are relied upon to keep an irregular condition of security and guarantee our lives. Threat can be of any type like hijacking of plane by terrorist, attack, assaults on the information uprightness of correspondences systems, assaults on the data and information administration system, concoction, natural, radiological, and touchy dangers, and so forth.

While tremendous consideration and assets have been coordinated to making air terminals and planes more secure in the course of recent years, not as much has been put resources into guaranteeing digital security in the skies. The present airplane and airport regulation frameworks rely on complex interchanges foundation that is defenceless against assault. There are many threats which occurred in recent times. At the point when Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared in 2014, some underlying hypothesis focused on the likelihood of a digital assault that traded off the plane’s route and life emotionally supportive networks. Possibilities of cyber crime in this includes-

  • Utilizing a telephone, tablet or other USB-or potentially Ethernet-empowered gadget to interface with and capture the plane’s infotainment framework (numerous seats in business class lodges come outfitted with USB and Ethernet ports). (National Instruments, 2012, p.6).
  • Taking control of basic flying frameworks from a workstation, by means of in-air Wi-Fi benefit that may go through the same inward wiring and switches.
  • Deceiving plane route into detecting that it is flying higher than it truly is, prompting a crash finding a la the film “Extremist 2” (the International Air Transport Association has particularly skimmed this situation).
  • In 2013, Trend Micro specialists found comparable issues with the Automatic Identification System required on business non-angling vessels weighing more than 300 metric tons and all traveller ships. One of the issues related to AIS vulnerabilities was the potential for an assailant to change existing information and infuse new data that could redirect marine air ship amid a save situation. (Knight, 2018, p.6).

Digital safety efforts like systems administration checking get to controls and hostile to malware assurance will be basic to the planes of tomorrow. With the correct components set up, plane security can be gotten line with the most significant dangers of today and tomorrow. These measures seriously affect protection and information security.


Real time computer system serve a fundamental part in ensuring security at the planning level since they guarantee that hundreds, if not thousands, of specific computations get executed on time without come up short. On the off chance that you take the case of a car accident evasion framework (TCAS) or a ground closeness cautioning framework (GPWS), staying away from an aerial crash or a controlled flight into territory occurrence can rely upon the trustworthiness of a RTOS.

RTOS items have been for quite a while offering help for flying frameworks including autopilots, show frameworks, route PCs and flight administration frameworks, and will now likely start overhauling NextGen unbelievably on line.


Avionics. (2018). Real-Time Operating Systems – Avionics. [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 Apr. 2018].

What operating systems are used in airplanes, a. (2018). What operating systems are used in airplanes, and what programming languages are they developed in?. [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 Apr. 2018].

WWeiderman, N. and Kamenoff, N. (1992). Hartstone Uniprocessor Benchmark: Definitions and experiments for real-time systems. Real-Time Systems, 4(4), pp.353-382.

National Instruments, (2012), Real-Time System Components, [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 Apr. 2018]

Knight, J. (2018). Computer Safety, Reliability and Security Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [online] Available at:

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