Reading Skills And Challenges: An Annotated Bibliography Review

Challenges Faced in Reading Skills Assessments

Issues in Reading and Learning Skills

Write about the Challenges Faced in Reading Skills Assessments.

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Reading skills generally refer to the complex process of cognition that relates to the decoding of the symbols that are used in construction or the derivation of the meaning. The reading of a concerned language might be used as a process of the language acquisition, sharing of the various ideas and information and for the purpose of communication among the members of the concerned society. The basic skills of reading might include the various skills that involve the decoding of the words and the voicing of the words might be considered to be the primary step that should be attended to in the first step of the reading process. The second step that is important in the reading process is the improvement and the enrichment of the vocabulary of the concerned reader. The third step pertains to the fluency of the reader in the concerned language of the text. The comprehending abilities of the reader form the fourth step in the complete process followed in the reading. The following essay deals with review of the annotated bibliography that was presented in the previous assignment. The essay aims to put forth a discussion of the annotated bibliographies that were presented in the previous assignment. The assignment presents a discussion on the various matters that pertain to the challenges faced by the concerned learner in the assessment of the reading skills in the concerned subject.

The annotated bibliography section had put forth a comprehensive study of varied articles that were composed on the matters that dealt with the problems that were faced by the concerned learner in the matters that dealt with the reading skills required in the concerned subject of study and the ways in which the educators might help the students in the improvement of their reading skills. The articles considered in the previous assignment majorly deal with the various issues and the challenges that are faced by the targeted audience due to the reading skills that are displayed by the concerned target audience. The articles that have been taken into consideration deal with the various issues that are faced by the different members of a society. The studies lay more stress on the matters that pertain to the children of the society who are specially-abled or lack the ability to learn the concerned language at a similar pace as their counterparts. The studies also deal with the section of the society that comprises of the adults who have grown up surrounded by the darkness of illiteracy. The studies suggest that these adults might find it difficult enough to pick up the reading skills that are necessary in the matters that pertain to the learning of the new languages. The studies that have been considered for the previous assignment further point out that the various university students who have been adopting the lingua franca of English to be the language that they use to interact with the various non-native people and the other official purposes might also demonstrate issues that deal with the reading and the learning skills of the concerned language.  The studies also put forth the fact that the children who have been studying at the primary schools also demonstrate the various issues that pertain to the reading as well as the learning skills of the concerned students. The students who are the non-native speakers of the language depict a larger amount of the problems that are experienced by them in the matters pertaining to the reading and the learning skills that are required to be displayed in the acquisition of the concerned language that differs from the native language of the concerned child.

Challenges in Reading Assessments

Babayi?it (2014) argues on the matters that pertain to the functions of the various skills that must be depicted by the concerned learners in the matters that pertain to the oral usage of the concerned language. The author in this case does deal with the matters that pertain to the comprehension and the proper understanding of the language that is been studied in the survey that was conducted. Babayi?it (2015) further argues that the learning skills that are depicted by the children having the lingua franca as the first as well as the second languages demonstrated a low amount of difference in the cases wherein there was an equivalence in the matters pertaining to the oral learning, the comprehension of the readings and the reading of the words that had been used in the concerned texts. The author had further pointed out the fact that the significance of the assisting the development of the oral language among the various learners of the concerned minority language. Conrad et al (2014) further opine that the reading and the learning skills that are depicted by the various learners who are challenged in a physical manner. The study conducted by the authors suggest that the concerned learner of the topic might put forth a demonstration of the issues due to the medical and the physical deficits that might have been troubling them. As opined by Ekstrand (2017), there exists a huge number of the recommenders on the matters that pertain to the various problems that might be faced by the people who have been facing the issues that pertain to the effective and the customized nature of the experiences that are put forth by the concerned children who have been facing problems in the acquisition of the lingua franca. Hartshorn et al. (2017) argues that there has been an increase in the number of the learners of English who belong to a different speech community. The authors in this article tend to put forth the various issues that deal with the increase in the second language learners of English. Heafner (2018), however, deals with the challenges and the limitations that the teacher of the various subjects might face in the processes that are followed for imparting education on the same subject. The study conducted by Kosmidis (2018) focusses majorly on the illiteracy that is present among the elderly people of the concerned society. The article further draws on the fact that the people suffering from dementia would react to the survey in a similar way as is the response shared by the adult members of the society who have been shrouded by the darkness of illiteracy.

Research Findings

The students face some major problems at the time of dealing with the various reading skill examinations that they have to take. These problems might be faced in the fields that deal with the issues that pertain to the decoding of the sounds of the symbols or the letters that have been provided to them for the purpose of the evaluation of the concerned student or learner. The students might be observed to stammer on the word several times before pronouncing the word. This might result from the lack of attention to the learning difficulty that is faced by the concerned student. The other factors that might pose to be a hindrance in the assessment of the reading skills of the concerned student is the shortcoming in the comprehending capabilities that are depicted by the concerned student. The poor comprehension capabilities of the student hint at the fact that the concerned student is facing problems due to the poor decoding capabilities of the concerned student. The students might also depict the problems that deal with the speed that they depict in the matters that deal with the reading skills that they exhibit. The lack of speed in the reading might result from the poorness that the student might portray in the fields of decoding the given material and the comprehension of the concerned material that the students are provided with for the examination purposes. The studies that have been taken into consideration in the previous assignment that dealt with the annotated bibliography on the concerned matter put forward a huge number of problems that are related to the reading and the learning skills that are put forth by the various members of the discussed society. The various authors whose works have been considered to be a part of the various matters that pertain to the learning skills of the concerned target audience state the various problems that the concerned authors have identified in their researches. The authors state that the major problem in the reading and the learning skills of the concerned individual lie in the fact that the lingua franca in consideration, English is often studied as a second language and not as a native language of the speaker. Thus, this might lead to the conditions wherein the concerned learner might face various issues due to the fact that there exists a gap in the linguistic structure of the native language of the concerned learner and the lingua franca that he or she might have been planning to acquire as a second language. The authors further opine that the neurological and the social factors also play a prominent role in the various problems that are faced by the learners of English who consider the language to be a second language and not the first language of the concerned learner. The authors further point out to the fact that the concerned learner might also face a huge number of problems due to the various physical and the neurological factors that might have been affecting the concerned learners. The learners who have been depicting the issues arising from the existence of the cleft palate and other such matters do encounter a number of problems in the articulation of the speech parts that are being taught to them. The articles that are discussed in the annotated bibliography further state that the illiteracy among the various elderly members might also lead to the conditions wherein the concerned learners would be facing a number of challenges in the matters that pertain to the acquisition of the language. The major threats that are posed by the concerned article pertain to the comprehension of the matters that are put forth by the concerned literary piece of work. The incompetence in the matters related to the comprehension of the reading materials might prove to be a hindrance in the issues pertaining to the learning skills and the capabilities of the same in the concerned members of the society in discussion. The researches that are taken into consideration for the completion of the previous assignment further proceed to discuss the effects of the physical as well the nervous conditions that might be faced by the concerned members of the society who have already been suffering from the various nervous conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s. MacCullagh, Bosanquet and Badcock (2017) argue that the dyslexic people who have been undertaking the various courses that are offered by the multitude of the educational institutions that are present all over the world might also face the learning problems in the matters that pertain to the adaptation to the lingua franca in discussion, English. The authors in this paper tend to shed light on the various matters that deal with the adaptive techniques that are adopted by the concerned students suffering from dyslexia and the help that is offered to them by the various faculty members of the concerned educational institution.

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The major challenges that are faced by the learners pertain to the decoding of the various symbols that are used in the concerned passages that need to be decoded during the conditions that deal with the assessment of the reading skills of the concerned learner. The assessments of the reading skills of the concerned learner might involve the various types of questions that need to be answered and a variety of multiple choice questions that are chosen for the purpose of the conduction of the tests. The teachers might find the job of setting the questionnaires to be difficult due to the fact that the population of the class might include the members who might suffer from the diseases that are related to the various nervous conditions like that of dyslexia or dementia. The teachers might also have to encounter the cases wherein the learner might be suffering from the medical conditions that might have a physical effect on the concerned learner like the presence of a cleft palate. The students and the other learners who might have been suffering from such conditions might not be able to perform well in the matters that pertain to the reading skills that are assessed by the concerned assessors. In order to deal with the various conditions mentioned above, the concerned teachers might be advised to help the concerned students in the various articulation problems that they might face during the assessment of the reading skills that the concerned students might have acquired in the English language.

The articles that have been taken into consideration in the composition of the annotated bibliography tend to put forth the various matters that pertain to the major challenges that are faced by the concerned member of the society in discussion. The authors of the various articles tend to put forth the matters that are related to the challenges that are faced by the members of the concerned linguistic group. The challenges that are identified by the authors generally put forth the matters pertaining to the acquisition of the second languages that are non-native to the concerned learner. The authors of the article also point out the fact that the learners might also face the difficulties in acquiring the lingua franca due to the various physical and the neurological problems that the concerned learner might be facing during the acquisition of the lingua franca as a second language. The study presented by Tighe and Schatschneider (2016) puts forth one of the various ways in which the age of the learner might pose to be a hindrance in the learning and the acquisition of the second language. The authors of the article present to the readers of the article and the future researchers with the advancement in the concerned field of study by stating the fact that the low literary skills of the concerned person might be considered to be in direct proportion to the reading skills of the concerned learner of the lingua franca. The findings of the study that was conducted by the authors Tighe and Schatschneider (2016) assists in the creation of the base for the further research in the fields of study that pertain to the basic levels of the educational programs that are devised for the assistance of the concerned adults in the matters of the acquisition of the second language as well as helps in the various matters that pertain to the acquisition of the second language in the children who might relate to some other language as the first language of the concerned child. Babayi?it (2014) had in his article put forth the discussion that the concerned teachers and the educators might help the students by indexing the oral language skills displayed by the concerned learner with the help of the skills that the learner might depict in the fields of the vocabulary of the learner and the morpho-syntactic elements of the language that are being used by the learner of the language. The author of the article had opined that the oral usage of the language might help in the prediction of the ability of the concerned learner to comprehend the readings and the skills that pertain to the listening skills of the concerned subject in discussion.  The article had further shed light on the matters that deal with the difference in the comprehension of the given text among the various linguistic groups. The author states that the most important factor that might be taken into consideration is the factors that deal with the oral skills of the language as depicted by the concerned learner. Conrad et al (2014)  puts forth the fact that the presence of the cleft in the concerned learner might also lead to the various conditions wherein the person impaired with a cleft is observed to face a challenge that he or she might have to overcome in order to remove all the problems that they might have been facing in the matters wherein the reading skills of the concerned learner might be tested. The authors of the article explain further that the concerned learner had been demonstrating the reading skills that were far weaker than their counterparts who were not impaired by the cleft palate. The concerned educators in this case are advised to help the student to articulate the phonetic sounds with the maximum amount of precision and might even be advised to spend some more time with the learner in order to help him with the articulatory factors that are in play in the concerned language.

Thus, from the above discussion it might be pointed out that the reading and the learning skills of the various learners are dependent on the matters that deal with the language acquisition of the concerned subjects. The articles that have been considered for the completion of the given assignment put forth certain issues that are related to the various physical as well as the neurological matters and might affect the concerned learners in a variety of ways. The authors lay more stress on the matters that pertain to the acquisition of the lingua franca in discussion, English by the various learners who might belong to a different linguistic background. The authors put forth the various factors that deal with the incompetencies that might arise in the situations that deal with the reading and the learning skills of the concerned learner. The studies also put forth the matters that might add to the incompetencies in the field of acquiring the language. The annotated bibliographies tend to discuss an array of reasons that might be responsible for the lack in the various matters that pertain to the language acquisition. These factors are the various physical and neurological barriers that might affect the concerned learners. These physical barriers include the existence of the cleft palate, the conditions of dyslexia, dementia or Alzheimer’s, and other such diseases that hamper the memory of the concerned learners. The other major factor that the authors have pointed out is the illiteracy that is observed in the elderly people who have been residing in the concerned society in discussion.


Babayi?it, S. (2014). The role of oral language skills in reading and listening comprehension of text: A comparison of monolingual (L1) and bilingual (L2) speakers of English language. Journal of Research in Reading, 37(S1).

Babayi?it, S. (2015). The relations between word reading, oral language, and reading comprehension in children who speak English as a first (L1) and second language (L2): A multigroup structural analysis. Reading and Writing, 28(4), 527-544.

Conrad, A. L., McCoy, T. E., DeVolder, I., Richman, L. C., & Nopoulos, P. (2014). Reading in subjects with an oral cleft: Speech, hearing and neuropsychological skills. Neuropsychology, 28(3), 415.

Ekstrand, M. D. (2017). Challenges in Evaluating Recommendations for Children.

Hartshorn, K. J., Evans, N. W., Egbert, J., & Johnson, A. (2017). Discipline-specific reading expectation and challenges for ESL learners in US universities. Reading in a Foreign Language, 29(1), 36.

Heafner, T. L. (2018). Elementary ELA/Social Studies Integration: Challenges and Limitations. The Social Studies, 1-12.

Kosmidis, M. H. (2018). Challenges in the neuropsychological assessment of illiterate older adults. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 33(3), 373-386.

MacCullagh, L., Bosanquet, A., & Badcock, N. A. (2017). University students with dyslexia: A qualitative exploratory study of learning practices, challenges and strategies. Dyslexia, 23(1), 3-23.

McCown, M., & Thomason, G. (2014). Informational text comprehension: Its challenges and how collaborative strategic reading can help. Reading Improvement, 51(2), 237-253.

Tighe, E. L., & Schatschneider, C. (2016). Examining the relationships of component reading skills to reading comprehension in struggling adult readers: A meta-analysis. Journal of learning disabilities, 49(4), 395-409.

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