Readiness Attributes For Effective Health Promotion Programs
Importance of SMART Goals
Discuss about the Workplace Readiness For The Health Promotion Program.
Health promotion mainly helps individuals to be encouraged and educated in ways by which they can increase their control and at the same time ensure the development of better quality lives. Health promotion is mainly seen to cover a wide range of different types of social as well as environmental interventions that are purposely designed for helping the citizens of a nation (Arnold and Bogg 2015). These interventions are mainly seen to benefit as well as protect the health as well as quality of life of the different people mainly by addressing and thereby preventing the root cause of the ill health and not just focusing on the cure and treatment of the disorders (Guyz et al. 2015). Therefore, the healthcare professionals who are engaged in the health promotion programs have to prepare themselves in ways by which they not only can develop evidence based health promotion strategies but also ensure that they are capable enough to overcome the various kinds of barriers that come in the way of implementing the strategies.
One of the most important parts of being ready for the health promotion program is to develop an idea about the issue and what needs to be achieved. Starting the initiation of the program without having clear goals in the mind may result in tremendous confusion in the middle of the task, excessive and unplanned flow of finances and failure in the achievement of goals. Therefore, in order to be ready for health promotion program, I have developed the idea that I need to be very clear about what I need to achieve and then develop interventions, which would help me to achieve the best health outcomes. I have thereby developed the idea from the course that developing SMART goals is one of the best ways by which health promotion programs can gain success (Salis et al. 2015). This can be explained with the help of an example. When after social analysis, it is found that the weight of children are increasing, affecting their health and life negatively, setting goals like reducing the weight of children can never give a clear view and guidance about what initiatives to be taken. The main SMART goals that I should develop are the increase of physical activities in school of the children by one and half hours every day (Blenner et al., 2017). Other goals can be reducing the availability of processed foods in the locality market by 505 within the next 8 months and so on. Development of SMART goals before the introduction of health promotion strategies is one of the readiness attributes that I need to achieve to ensure better outcomes.
Effective Team Working
Another important readiness for health promotion program is to prepare oneself with professional attributes required for collaborative working in a team. Health promotion programs requires professionals to come from different sections of healthcare who need to work together to ensure development of proper plan and its successful implementation (Lahti et al. 2018). This can be explained with the help of the example. While working for health promotion programs, nursing professionals, workers of the primary healthcare centers, policy makers, teachers and educators, fundraisers, people engaged in advertising and others, all need to work together. Not all people are similar in a team and therefore in order to prevent conflict within the team and to perform successfully, certain important attributes are very necessary (Rowlands et al. 2015). Development of emotional intelligence is excessively important and therefore I need to make sure that I harbor all attributes required for team working. Self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, proper social skills and effective communication are the aspects of high level of social intelligence. Researchers are of the opinion that such attributes help individuals to avoid conflicts, develop tolerance for arguments, and develop negotiation skills and many others (Buekens, 2017). I should be developing these skills as a part of the readiness for health promotion program so that I can effectively work in a team.
One of another readiness attributes is developing problem solving skills. It is often seen that health promotion programs involve different stakeholders working at different levels and therefore different types of issues may arise at different steps of the health promotion program. This can be discussed with the help of an example. While the health promotion program is working smoothly, a crisis may occur which lead to excessive flow of money may hereby result in complete exhaustion of funds. Therefore, this rise of problem may lead to complete failure of the health promotion programs as the intervention or the resources required cannot be arranged successfully (Rubio et al. 2014). In such arenas, it is important for the healthcare problems to have ready wit of mind and effective problem solving skills (Jayatileke & Mackie, 2012). With the effective problem solving skills, they can correctly be able to handle such crises effectively and can hence take analyze the problem and take effective actions. I also need to develop the problem solving skills and in order to develop such skills, I will discuss the skill with my mentor who can provide me with effective solutions as well as some of his own experiences that can enlighten me about the ways I can develop the skills. I will also maintain a reflective journal that will help me to gain new insights about this skill to become workplace ready and thereby ensure smooth completion of the health promotion program even if any issue arises.
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Another important attribute that I need to develop for workplace readiness is effective communication. These communication skills should be in the form of verbal, non-verbal as well as written communication skills. Effective communication skills are one of the most important ways of developing effective healthcare promotion programs. This can be explained with the help of an example (Crawford et al. 2018). When working with the aboriginals, verbal and non-verbal communication skills are very important. While verbal communication skills ensure that, the healthcare professionals are able to educate correctly with the aboriginals making them understand the better ways of living non verbal communication skills are also seen to be important to ensure that their cultural traditions while conducting communication is also maintained (Messum et al., 2016). Again, on the other hand, written communication is also important as professionals of the healthcare promotions need to communicate through emails to their co-workers for explaining as well as sharing information to the different community members (Lewallen et al. 2015). Therefore, I also need to develop effective communication skills in both verbal and written manner and for this; I need to join workshop classes. This workshop classes will help me to develop communication skills that will in turn make me workplace ready for the implementation of effective healthcare promotions.
One another important aspect for readiness of the healthcare promotion is establishing the professional networks as well as relationships. Professional networking as well as relationship building with all-important stakeholders in the health promotion program is extremely important before its implementation. While planning for health promotion program, professionals may require help from any private as well as public organizations, local community centers, schools, business organizations, non-for profit organizations and many others. Therefore, it becomes excessively important for me to develop skills that would help me to interact with each of the organizations and maintain a good relationship with all (Billet 2016). Proper communication skills, information exchange, sustaining collaborative efforts, patience, and tolerance for argument, proper negotiation skills and others are some of the attributes that I need to achieve. All these would help me in the development of a trusting relationship with others and this would help in fostering support from each of the organization when required. Therefore, joining communication workshops and developing knowledge from the evidence based articles would help to develop such skills and would make me workplace ready.
Another important skill that is also important for being workplace ready for effective health-promotion program implementation is the management of time. It is true that healthcare campaigns are mainly implemented after successful planning of the timeframes and allocation of particular activities to each of the timeframes. Moreover, funds get allocated and stakeholders are engaged in health promotion programs according to the decisions taken on the availability of time (Wallace, Brown and Hilton 2014). Therefore, it is very important for every of the healthcare professionals engaged in the healthcare promotion program to maintain their own set of times so that no issues take place in the planning (Yphantides et al., 2015). Procrastination or delaying in the meeting of one set timeline for a particular activity may result in the delaying of the others and therefore not only the entire program is delayed. It may lead to exhaustion of the funds, legal issues from the government as well as many others. Therefore, it becomes extremely important for development of time management skills (Van Howelingan et al. 2016). I need to go through evidence-based articles to see how healthcare professionals can manage their time. I would set personal objectives and SMART goals and would make plans for developing of the skills following the instructions provided on internet articles. I would also maintain reflective journals to assess how well I am developing in my skills to become workplace ready (Qomariyah et al., 2016).
Problem Solving Skills
From the above discussion, it becomes clear that developing SMART goals of health promotion initiatives, time management, effective team working, emotional intelligence, communication skills and establishing networks are some of the skills that are very important. These skills would help me to be workplace ready for establishing effective health promotion program. Therefore, I should take up effective strategies by which I can develop such skills and become expert healthcare professionals.
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