Raise Awareness And Risk Assessment For Dementia In Women Over 60 In Perth

Population and Health Issue

Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia contributing to 5.4 of all in the males and 10.6% of all death in female each year (McKeith, 2017). Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that in 2016, dementia became the leading cause of death amongst Australian women suppressing the death rate of cardiovascular disease, which has been the leading cause of  death both male and female from the decade (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018).  However, a study byHallberg et al. (2016), suggested that women are a higher risk of developing dementia account for 64.4% of all dementia-related deaths. The recent estimation of 2018 reported that approximately 436, 366 Australian women are either living with dementia or at higher risk of dementia without any medical checkup (Johansson et al., 2017). Dementia describes as a collection of symptoms associated with impaired memory and characterized by progressive decline in thinking ability along with the physical function and behavior (Dewing &Dijk, 2016).  A considerate number of individual in Australia, especially in Perth are ignorant about dementia due to lack of sound knowledge and awareness. Consequently, current estimation suggested that 250 people are joining the population with dementia each day in which  the majority of them the women (Miller, Whitlatch& Lyons, 2016). Another study by Jung (2015), highlighted that three people out of 10 people are above 85 years and 10 people over 65years  dementia (Brooker& Latham, 2015). At present more than 40 million people are suffering from dementia, which further increased economic burden and mortality rate. Therefore, with the growing concern of dementia, researchers highlighted the need for urgent interventions focused on risk reduction (Braden& Gaspar, 2015).

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According toGibson et al. (2016), the common symptoms of dementia are cognitive decline. Researchers highlighted that lifestyle factors such as smoking habits, alcohol consumptions, workplace stress, diet, and physical activities increase the risk of developing late-life dementia and accurate interventions for the target group significantly reduces the prevalence of dementia and in the population(McKeith, 2017).Women of more than 60 years with genetic histories are at higher risk of developing dementia. Due to lack of sound knowledge and awareness, the majority of the individual confuses dementia with senility in old age and refuse to seek medical help, which increases the prevalence e of dementia followed by mortality rate (who.int., 2018).

In 2018, Australia cost more than $ 15 billion on management and treatment of dementia. The recent estimation by world health organization suggested that by 2025, the total cost of dementia predicted to increase more than $18.7 billion in recent dollars (Braden& Gaspar, 2015). Therefore, in order to resolve the issue, the federal government established national health and medical research council’s national institutions of dementia research for ensuring the coordination, funding, and communication for resolving the issue.

Project Plan

The prime aim of the program is to raise awareness amongst the community, risk assessment for women of Perth over 60years who are at higher risk of developing dementia, and provide medical advice to the family members who are suffering from higher risk of dementia and free nursing services to the women who are unable to visit the hospital. The concept is taken from the different health program of dementia designed world health organization. The health program will involve raising awareness in the community through the development of a website. According to, the significance of raising awareness by developing a website is to increase sound knowledge about dementia and maintaining communication between potential health professionals and population with a significant risk of dementia. The web development team will be recruited for developing a website with the collaboration of health professionals (who.int., 2018) The website will be depending on how to access help and how to seek help when they will develop symptoms, it will increase awareness within community and aid in seeking help. PR program will be designed with the collaboration of professionals and community for greater penetration of dementia who will provide spread awareness. The pamphlet will be distributed in every house for spreading awareness(McKeith, 2017).

The second element of the program is risk assessment where general practitioner in every hospital of Perth will do a risk assessment of dementia for women of 60 years or more than 60 years.

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The third element of the program will be clinical advice about diagnosis, treatment, treatment facilities and behavioral changes of dementia provided to family members of the suffering patient who will come to the hospital for checkup and who is at higher risk of dementia, coming to the hospital for another health issue (health.wa.gov.au., 2018).   .

The fourth element of the plan will be free nursing services to the house with women suffering from late-life dementia.  The project will engage nurses and other health professionals for reducing prevalence.

The strength of this project lies in the four elements of the project. This program offers website development, which is a unique medium to communicate with the population and addressing their issues. Apart from website development, the awareness program enhances social penetration of dementia and individual will be able to seek help from the local hospital (Miller, Whitlatch& Lyons, 2016). Moreover, a considerate number of individual refuse to seek help due to the higher cost of treatment and therefore this free service will help an individual with dementia. In Australia, my aged care program offers special purpose facilities, which provide accommodation to the individual with dementia (Braden& Gaspar, 2015). Another program Alzheimer’s Association Campaign for Quality Residential Care provides care to individuals with dementia. However, this project is efficient than previous programs since it will spread awareness in the community and recruitment will be culturally competent so that no individual will feel offended for seeking help which will in turn aid in achieving success for implementing the program (Miller, Whitlatch& Lyons, 2016).


First objective for this program is to raise awareness about the dementia as people are still ignorant about dementia. To raise awareness a website will be built which will provide all the relevant information including causes, symptoms, wrong perception, treatment plan and relevant contact details along with free online consultation for people suffering with dementia. Additionally, a PR program will be launched comprising both community members and medical professionals who will provide in person information about dementia for greater penetration.

Secondly, risk assessment for the high risk (risk factors to be considered old age, genetics) individuals will be performed by setting up health camp for free in the local community area.

Thirdly, medical advice will be given to the families of the suffering or high risk individual about the diagnosis, treatment, treatment facilities and behavioural changes of dementia by medical professional specializes in dementia.

Finally, free nursing service will be provided to the suffering individual with dementia who are unable to visit a hospital, economically constrained, and live alone without family.

To develop the website, a web content developing firm will be vetted and hired to develop and run the website for one year. The same firm will be responsible for the program logo and slogan.

Medical professionals specializes in dementia based in the locality will be identified and hired for the content development of the website.

Advertisement will be placed in local community based newspaper for volunteers from the local community along with leaflet distribution. Volunteers will be provided with free lunch and travelling allowance for better response.

Local healthcare care centres and hospitals will be contacted for the information about the suffering or high risk individuals for targeted implementation.

Local administrative authority like mayor’s office will be contacted for the location (such as community hall) of health camp for risk assessment.

Lastly, GP’s and nurses based in locality will be contacted and hired for their services to provide medical assessment, diagnosis and palliative care.

Estimated budget for this program is provided below:


Duration/ Quantity

Unit cost ($)

Cost ($)

Website development

1 month



Website maintenance

1 year



Print media (Advertisement, leaflets etc.)

1 advertisement and 1000 leaflet

200 for ad and 400 for leaflet


Leaflet distribution



Rent for location

6 times



Project co-ordinator

10 hr/ week for 24 week



Project Staff

10 hr/ week for 24 week




5 hr for 6 times and 2 person




3hr/ week for 16 week and 4 person





Travel and transport




Total Estimated Budget


Provisional timeline for this program is provided below:

1st – 4th

5th  – 8th

9th – 12th











Website Development

Awareness Program

Health camp

Care giving program by nurses

Evaluation of program

NB: The total program duration is for 6 months but the website will be online for 1 year.

During the final month of the project the program will be evaluated on the basis of its relevance and achievements in term of objectives of the project, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact (Venable, Pries-Heje&Baskerville, 2016). An objective and systematic assessment will be performed for the current project.


First of all, a detailed report will be provided on the barriers and obstacles faced during the implementation of the project and whether it was overcome or not. Detailed report will be provided on the number of individuals have been served during the program and number of families the nurses have provided their aid.

Secondly, all the individuals participated in the program will be given a feedback form for their experience and comments regarding the program. Along with that, GP and nurses will also be given feedback form for their experience related to the program.

Thirdly, for awareness penetration, a detailed report about website visit count since its inception will be provided. Every month’s visit count will be tallied to see whether visitor count increased or decreased. Additionally, a feedback response section will be in the homepage of the website for visitor comments and reaction.

Finally, all the data will be analysed and the evaluation of this project will be presented in a business report format and will be supplied to all the stake holders and funding organisation of this project.

Currently, various organization are working in the Perth region for the care of dementia and it be better for this program and the local community if all the program works together and in interconnected manner. Dementia Australia is a Western Australia state government program and being a state sponsored program it will help this program gain better visibility and reach (dementia.org.au., 2018). Another program working with the same goal is Dementia essential by Alzheimer’s WA. Alzheimer is one of the main reason for dementia. By working together with this program, this program will gain specific and expert input about Alzheimer caused dementia Another objective of our program is to provide nursing service to the financially or socially challenged families with dementia individual. Working with Home Care Assistance, Perth will help this program get better traction (“Home Care Assistance, West Coast Perth”, 2018). Apart from that, this program will work closely with government authority, local community, local healthcare centre and person with influence such as notable media or sports personality.

Completion of the stipulated timeframe of the program raises the question of sustainability as the estimated cost was provided for the first six months. However, the official website will be online for another six months. To take program further forward, fund can be raised through the community programs and charitable events. To this extent, official website can be used as an advertisement and PR tool. Apart from that, a plea for donation can be posted in the website homepage. Furthermore, Australian governments has various policies to fund project like this. Australian governments GrantConnect is one of such program (“GrantConnect: GrantConnect Homepage”, 2018). Request for fund can be applied to this initiative. Apart from that, this program can always reapply for funding to its original funding organizations and stakeholders. Additionally, the project coordinator should remain as a point of contact for future reference and endeavors.


abs.gov.au. (2018). Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved from https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/lookup/4102.0main+features102014#PERTH%20

Braden, B. A., & Gaspar, P. M. (2015). Implementation of a baby doll therapy protocol for people with dementia: Innovative practice. Dementia, 14(5), 696-706.

Brooker, D., & Latham, I. (2015). Person-centred dementia care: Making services better with the VIPS framework. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

dementia.org.au. (2018). Dementia Australia. Retrieved from https://www.dementia.org.au/support/in-your-region/wa

Dewing, J., &Dijk, S. (2016). What is the current state of care for older people with dementia in general hospitals? A literature review. Dementia, 15(1), 106-124.

Gibson, G., Newton, L., Pritchard, G., Finch, T., Brittain, K., & Robinson, L. (2016). The provision of assistive technology products and services for people with dementia in the United Kingdom. Dementia, 15(4), 681-701.

grants.gov.au. (2018). GrantConnect: GrantConnect Homepage. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.grants.gov.au/?event=public.home

Hallberg, I. R., Cabrera, E., Jolley, D., Raamat, K., Renom-Guiteras, A., Verbeek, H., …&Karlsson, S. (2016). Professional care providers in dementia care in eight European countries; their training and involvement in early dementia stage and in home care. Dementia, 15(5), 931-957.

health.wa.gov.au. (2018). Government of Western Australia, department of health. Retrieved from https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Reports-and-publications

homecareassistanceperth (2018) Home Care Assistance, West Coast Perth. Retrieved from https://www.homecareassistanceperth.com.au/

Johansson, L., Björklund, A., Sidenvall, B., &Christensson, L. (2017). Staff views on how to improve mealtimes for elderly people with dementia living at home. Dementia, 16(7), 835-852.

Jung, C. G. (2015). Psychology of dementia praecox (Vol. 1294). Princeton University Press.

Miller, L. M., Whitlatch, C. J., & Lyons, K. S. (2016). Shared decision-making in dementia: a review of patient and family carer involvement. Dementia, 15(5), 1141-1157.

Venable, J., Pries-Heje, J., & Baskerville, R. (2016). FEDS: a framework for evaluation in design science research. European Journal of Information Systems, 25(1), 77-89.

who.int. (2018). Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/sdhconference/declaration/en/

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