Quantitative Research Design And Qualitative Research Design: A Discussion

Quantitative research design

Give a discussion on quantitative research design and qualitative research design?

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Research design can be defined as the scientific work structure. The research is directed and systemized by the design. It is the framework that is generated in order to find the answers of research questions (Salkind, 2010). The design of a research ensures that the obtained evidence will make us capable of answering the initial questions of a research unambiguously.

There is a great difference between the research design and research method. But often these two words are confused by the researchers. The research design is often treated as data collection methods instead of being treated as a logical structure that is developed for the inquiry of the research (Salaberry & Comajoan, 2013). How the data are collected is not at all related to the logical design of the research. The inability to distinguish between the research design and method, often results in poor evaluation of the research (Spoon, 2012).

The design that is chosen by a researcher depends on the following factors-

  • The aim of the conducted study or research i.e. the information that are needed in order to conduct the study.
  • Whether the design is effective in collecting the data.
  • Whether the information collected by using the research design is reliable or not.
  • Whether the design support the ethical issues of the study.
  • The cost of the research design (De Vaus, 2005).

There are various types of research design options available for the researchers. All of them have some advantages as well as disadvantages. The design that is chosen by the researcher affects the results and findings of the research. There are two main types of research designs that are used by the researchers. These are –

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  • Qualitative research
  • Quantitative research.

The quantitative research methods are also known as the true science methods as in this method traditional statistical and mathematical measures are used in order to get the results.

This method is mostly applied by the physical scientists. Sometimes it is also used by the scientists belonging to the field of biology, economics and social science.

The standard format of the research includes development of hypothesis which is proved by means of quantitative analysis using the statistical and mathematical analysis of the data (Taylor & Posch, 2014).

In quantitative research design, the study groups are generally randomized and incorporation of a control group is done wherever possible.

Hypothetical research design (quantitative research):

Any type of research is based on a hypothetical platform. For different types of research, the hypothetical research designs are different.


Foot massage is able to reduce agitation in dementia affected patients.

Plan of the research:

For investigating the hypothesis, the selected samples are categorized in two groups. In one group, the foot massage method is applied and the other group is taken as control where no foot massage is applied. Here the dependent variable is agitation and the causes of agitation are the independent variables (Moyle et al., 2014).

Strengths of quantitative research design:

The level of agitation is measured in the two groups. Then the data was compared between the two groups.

Research questions:

  • Is there any effect of the foot massage therapy on the agitation of dementia patient?
  • Is the effect of foot massage is different for different patients of dementia?
  • To what extent the foot massage therapy is effective?


The level of agitation is measured using various means before the application of the foot massage therapy and after the application of the therapy and the change in the level of agitation is measured. The data is analyzed statistically in order to determine the effect of foot massage on agitation (Moyle et al., 2014).

  • Quantitative research design is very effective in disproving or proving a hypothesis. The results of the research can be finalized depending on the data.
  • The results obtained after statistical and mathematical analysis of the data can be discussed legitimately and can be published (Pande & Dhami, 2014).
  • As quantitative research is based on the comparison of the data between the study group and the control group, the external factors can be excluded and the results obtained can be considered as unbiased and real.
  • The results obtained by qualitative experiment can be tested by applying quantitative research design in order to get the final results.
  • Quantitative researches are often expensive, difficult and time consuming. These types of researches require careful planning in order to ensure complete randomization of sample and correct selection of control groups.
  • Quantitative researches are based on rigorous statistical analysis which is generally difficult for the scientists who are not statisticians.
  • Again, it is very stringent to confirm the statistical results successfully, as there some ambiguity is always there that needs further research and testing which means investment of additional time and resources (Perreault, 2011).
  • Quantitative research method is applied for only proving or disproving the data. But in case of anthropology, education, social science etc. the data cannot be obtained by simply responding positively or negatively due to the complexity of the human nature.

This research design is mainly used by the researchers and scientists in order to study the human habits and behavior. This is a flexible research design that encompasses a number of accepted structures and methods, ranging from extensive interviewing of many people to case study of an individual person (Parylo, 2012).

The mostly used methods in the qualitative research design include interviews, case studies and survey designs. Designing of this type of study should also be done carefully. No standardized structure is followed in order to design a qualitative research.

Hypothesis: musical therapy is useful to treat mental illness.

Plan of the research:

In the qualitative research design, statistical analysis of data is not performed. In order to prove the hypothesis open ended questionnaires, direct interviewing etc. are generally used by the researchers, which is an excellent way to collect information and data regarding the research.

In the chosen hypothesis, at first the effect of music is observed in a group of selected individuals suffering from mental illness. Then they are invited to attend a music program on the weekly basis along with their care takers and the effect of the musical program on the selected individuals is observed. Then the mentally ill patients and their care takers are interviewed regarding the effect of music on them (Moyle et al., 2014).

Research questions:

  • What is the effect of music on the mentally ill persons?
  • Is music able to connect the mentally ill persons with their care takers?
  • What is the effect of the music on the care takers?
  • Does the music help to strengthen the bond between the mentally ill person and the care taker?


The information obtained is carefully observed and analyzed in order to obtain the result and prove or disprove the hypothesis.

  • Qualitative methods are useful when the research hypothesis cannot be proved by answering yes or no. it is mainly used in case of complex researches.
  • This type of research designs can be planned and carried out easily.
  • Qualitative research design covers a broader scope and ensures that the research will produce data that will be useful (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2014).
  • Qualitative research is not completely dependent on the sample size as in the case of quantitative data.
  • Consumption or resource and time is significantly low in case of qualitative research design.
  • The results obtained by using such methods are very accurate and need further quantitative analysis in order to increase the accuracy of the result.
  • Planning must be done very carefully in order to increase the accuracy of the result (Ortiz, 2007).
  • Qualitative research cannot be replicated.

Conclusion: quantitative or qualitative?

There is always debate regarding the applicability and efficiency of the qualitative and quantitative research design. Both these research designs have their strengths and weaknesses. So the question that arises before conducting a research is that whether qualitative or quantitative research design to be used for the research.

If the research involves an enquiry whose answer depend on numerical evidences and analysis, then it is best to use the quantitative research design. Again if the research is aimed at finding the reasons behind an incidence or phenomena or involve results that do not need numerical analysis, the qualitative research design should be the best to choose.

Again some studies require the involvement of both the qualitative and quantitative design of research, in which the weaknesses of both the research designs are covered by each other (Lund, 2012).


De Vaus, D. (2005). Research design. London: SAGE.

Jackson, N. (2015). Music Therapy and Chronic Mental Illness: Overcoming the Silent Symptoms.Music Therapy Perspectives. doi:10.1093/mtp/miv017

Lund, T. (2012). Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: Some Arguments for Mixed Methods Research. Scandinavian Journal Of Educational Research, 56(2), 155-165. doi:10.1080/00313831.2011.568674

McCusker, K., & Gunaydin, S. (2014). Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research. Perfusion. doi:10.1177/0267659114559116

Moyle, W., Cooke, M., Beattie, E., Shum, D., O’Dwyer, S., & Barrett, S. (2014). Foot massage versus quiet presence on agitation and mood in people with dementia: A randomised controlled trial.International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 51(6), 856-864. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2013.10.019

Ortiz, D. (2007). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches [Book Review]. Qualitative Research Journal, 6(2), [205]-207. doi:10.3316/qrj0602205

Pande, H., & Dhami, H. (2014). Statistical Methods in Language and Linguistic Research. Journal Of Quantitative Linguistics, 21(3), 295-297. doi:10.1080/09296174.2014.911507

Parylo, O. (2012). Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods: An Analysis of Research Design in Articles on Principal Professional Development (1998-2008). International Journal Of Multiple Research Approaches, 1419-1462. doi:10.5172/mra.2012.1419

Perreault, K. (2011). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.Manual Therapy, 16(1), 103. doi:10.1016/j.math.2010.09.003

Salaberry, M., & Comajoan, L. (2013). Research Design and Methodology in Studies on L2 Tense and Aspect. Boston: De Gruyter.

Salkind, N. (2010). Encyclopedia of research design. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.

Spoon, J. (2012). Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. EBL, 3, 33. doi:10.14237/ebl.3.2012.48

Taylor, S., & Posch, A. (2014). The Design of a Quantitative Western Blot Experiment. Biomed Research International, 2014, 1-8. doi:10.1155/2014/361590

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