Quality Planning In The Product Lifecycle

Why Quality Inputs and Outputs are Necessary in Each Phase

Quality input as well as outputs is necessary for completing each activity for the phases because any organization should concentrate on quality before quantity especially the organizations that are organization based. Customers follow the same rule, they inspect the quality of a product or service before making use of it. If the quality is not up to the mark, quantity would be of no use (Beckford2016). If an organization provides quality inputs as well as outputs but the quantity is less, it would be worth it, because the organization does not ignore the fact that quality is more important and if an organization provides abundant quantity of inputs and outputs and the quality is not up to the mark, the customers would not be satisfies with it. Quality is considered as an important aspect for completing each activity because the process of a product manufacturing there are numerous phases that the company has to go through. The phases include proposal-conception phase input and output, feasibility phase inputs and outputs, implementation phase inputs and outputs, execution-operation phase input and output, finalization and closedown input and output (Cassidy2016). All the phases should be carried out with extremely good quality.

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The reasons why quality input and outputs are necessary in every phase mentioned above are as follows

Quality inputs and outputs are necessary in proposal phase because in this phase th entire project is proposed and present in front of directors or managers who would agree on the proposal. In this phase the equipment’s needed for completing the project is described along with its quality and quantity (Colledani, Tolio and Fischer 2014). If the basic things needed to execute the project are not of high quality the output would never be of good quality and if the equipment’s utilized are of very high quality, the output would be automatically good. In this phase the business requirements are outlined along with their proposed solutions that would solve the company needs as well as objectives (El Kadiri and Kiritsis2015). As a result quality matters when a project has to be proposed.

In the next phase called feasibility phase, an analysis has been carried out that is used in measuring the likelihood as well as the ability to complete a certain project successfully along with all the relevant factors. This analysis has to be carried out using the high quality inputs that would be helpful for the organization (Franceschini2016). This phase accounts for factors which affect it like technological, economic, scheduling factors and legal factors. Hence the analysis has to be carried out using high quality resources. This is because various project managers make use of the feasibility study for determining potential positive as well as negative outcomes of the project. This can be done before even initialization of the project. As a result, the feasibility phase requires high quality input and outputs because all the other phases are dependent on the result of this phase.

Potential Risks of Ignoring Quality Planning

In implementation phase, the automated application or system or any other IT solution is shifted from development stage to production stage. In this phase, the products are actually made ready for implementation process and the phase of implementation starts (Govindan, Soleimaniand Kannan2015). The preparation for carrying out the project is taken under this phase. The quality of materials is very important in this phase because if the quality of materials used in the implementation process is not up to the mark the outputs after the implementation phase would be of low quality and those outputs will be forwarded to the execution phase. In this case the quality of materials could not be changed in the execution process because the project has already started in the implementation phase. Hence the quality of inputs and outputs are very vital for this phase of the project. The control as well as communication that is required in this stage should have clarity and a very clear communication channel should be followed for the purpose of communication (Kaplanand Atkinson2015). Progress in this stage is monitored continuously, as a result the quality of input should be high for the implementation phase.

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Execution phase is the most important phase of any project. In this phase the products are manufactured, the products are introduced in the market, servicing of products is carried out, monitoring of the service provided by the products are done in this phase, in case any modification or development has to be done, it is proposed in this particular phase (Kerzner and Kerzner2017). The development is also carries out at the end of this phase. The input of this phase has to be of high quality, not only the resources used in manufacturing the product should be good but the entire process of execution should be done without any error. Suppose the organization has use high quality resources for manufacturing the products bur there has been some issues in the development phase, now if the monitoring part of the processes is not done properly, the organization might face some problems.

The monitoring part of this phase is one of the most important part in the overall process. This part ensures that the entire process is carried out properly without any error. In case the monitoring is not carried out properly, any loophole in the process would not be identified and rectified, this might lead to a defective product getting launched in the market and people would be dissatisfied with the performance of the product (Klochkov, Odinokov and Klochkova 2016). Monitoring not only ensures that the process is carried out properly, it also help the organization understand the demands of customers.Hence along with the resources and materials used for manufacturing the product, monitoring and identifying the defects in the products should be provided with rich quality inputs.  

The finalization and closedown activities include the processes where products are ready to launch in the market. The project the reviewed in this stage. Here the review of the product should be carried out with utmost concern considering that the product is made of every level of customer, it should also be kept in mind that different category and generation of people have different demands, the product must be able to meet up to the demands of the people. This should always be kept in mind that the expectations that have been listed from the product are similar to the outcomes (Nayakand Padhye2015). This phase requires numerous consideration that are important, ignoring a single aspect might lead to the product downfall. The success of the project is reviewed, this reviewing is to be done with experts in this field, and they would be able to understand if the deliverable of the product matches the planning of the product. Hence the quality of output is dependent on the quality of inputs provided.

The risks that might take place in the organization if all the phases are not carried out properly are as follows

  • Proposal-conception phase- defective and unaffordable product:in this phase the entire plan of the product manufacturing is proposed. The planning has to full proof, a single problem in the designing or planning of the processes might lead to a misled manufacturing of the product. Suppose in the planning of a product something as been wrongly designed, this might mislead the workers and produce a product which would be defective due to the error in its design (Ondemirand Gupta2014). This would also result in a wrong product in the market and this as a result would worsen the image of the company. The company can also end up losing customer base. The budget and cost required are also proposed in this phase. This is one of the most important parts in the overall project. The preparation of budget has to be done with utmost care and keeping in mind all the aspects of the project. In case the price of the final product is set so high that would be unaffordable by everyone. This would result in a loss to the company.
  • Feasibility- misbalanced budget: in this stage an extensive market research is carried out, a basic mistake in this phase might produce wrong results and it might mis-guide the entire project. This stage also studies reading the fact that if the product can be delivered within the provided time as well as within the decided budget. Mistake in calculation of the project would cause a great blunder in the entire process (Ptakand Schragenheim2016). The exceeding of budget would result in further problems for the organization. Misbalanced budgetcauses overflow of cost incurred in the entire project and the deadline of the project might exceed as well. This phase also looks after regarding the man power available for the project. The absenteeism of man power can also cause a problem for the project. In case 20% of workers stay absent at different dates, the project is delayed to some extent because their part in the project is overdue and it is continued when the employee is present next. As a result absenteeism of manpower is also a major problem in the project.
  • Implementation- uninterested employees: implementation is a phase of the project which requires a clear channel of communication among the members of the project. In case the communication channel has any barrier, it might prove to be an issue for the company. In this phase the progress is reported to people using regular team meetings between the members (Ross2017). If the team meetings are delayed and the members are not reported regarding the delay or progress of the project, members might feel unwantedand hence they might lose their interest in working and contributing in the project.
  • Execution- change in plan, defective product: The execution phase of a product can also make a company face numerous problems. The major problem might be sudden disappearance of stakeholders. This might completely break the chain of communication and put a break into the entire process. Sometimes when the product is already in the execution phase, stakeholders change their demandsclaiming that they were not new and already mentioned in the documentation. This might be a huge problem for the company, they might need to stop the process in the middle and start it from the beginning in order to fulfill the demands of the stakeholders (Tao, Cheng and Zhang 2017). In some cases stakeholders are requested to adjust with their demands but if they do not get convinced, the company would have to start the entire process. This also creates an effect on the budget and deadline that was decided for the product.
  • Finalization and closure- misguidance regarding quality:in this phase, the products are completely ready and the company makes preparations for the launching of the products. In this phase, the customer satisfaction is analyzed. In case the company does not receive feedbacks and analyze if the customers were satisfied with the products, the company would be misguided regarding the quality of product, they would not be able to understand if customers want more products like that or they do not want such products.


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