Quality Of E-Learning And Strategies For Improvement: Benefits And Advantages

AED5023 E-Learning

Definition of E-learning

The e-learning term has elicited increased debate in the academic environment over the past years. The introduction of computer technology has made a significant transformation in education, society and research. It has been helpful in the growth of an educational system that progressively adapts the demand of the society as well as advances knowledge acquisition (Adam and Healy 2015, p.42). Through the development of technology, the student can learn, communicate and evaluate their results in informal and formal settings. On the other hand, workers can incorporate learning into work, utilizing similar tools and methods for working as they teach. Teachers should receive effective method to viably collaborate with understudies so they can acknowledge the formal and informal learning settings to offer critical qualities to the learning processes (Adams 2018, p.45). Teachers have to help students in accessing knowledge by becoming learning facilitators as well as partners in sharing ICT resources.

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The current quality of learning and teaching processes has increased as a result of computer and digital technologies use. This has prompted education to shift toward e-learning which requires communications as well as information utilization and inclusion of internet in learning and teaching. The flexible use and ease of E-learning have improved the processes of learning by offering an alternative way of delivering education (Adams 2018, p.9). Most higher education institution has adopted e-learning as a support for the face-to-face sessions and for online courses. E-learning has also enabled students of all ages and abilities to have the chance to learn anywhere, at any time of convenience and pace.

The development of ICT in education is creating new ways of learning and has the ability to improve management as well as enhance the level of education (Asian Development Bank 2015, p. 33). It has been noted that e-learning is becoming the most common mean of using ICT to provide education to learners on and off the learning institution. It is argued that most of the learning institution support e-learning but are confronted with lack of expertise and necessary resources to offer quality e-learning (Asian Development Bank 2015, p.87). The success of e-learning does not only depend on technology but also relies on well-trained professionals in ICT, who are capable of dealing with e-learning systems and develop materials that address the need of learners. The success of e-learning can be accomplished if e-learning quality is emphasized through provision of the necessary technologies and expertise (Bennett 2016, p 9).

This paper seeks to address the quality of e-learning which relies on software (systems) quality and the quality of education. The study especially identifies the system effect quality on e-learning system efficiency. The paper further addresses the benefits and challenges that come with improving the quality of e-learning. More so, the study tries to answer what makes e-learning successful? The question has been raised in numerous debates and many people have assumed that the system quality and expertise are the main vital elements of the e-learning system and forms the foundation of developing an e-learning system.

Benefits and Challenges of E-learning

The existing publications have shown a limited study that relates to the quality of e-learning. This has positioned this study at an integral point to add to the field of e-learning in the world. Numerous papers and publications have discussed the concepts of e-learning but none have presented detailed perspectives that contribute to e-learning qualities for higher education (Bhalalusesa et al 2014, p.37). The research further addresses on an issue that is believed crucial for the development and improved performance in e-learning.

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The introduction part outlines the research problem, the scope and further explains the importance of the study. The literature review presents the definition of e-learning, benefits, challenges and strategies involved to enhance e-learning quality based on the conclusions of the literature review of the related study.

The power of societies is immensely impacted by its knowledge stock and how this knowledge can be effectively utilized by the society to develop new knowledge (Bennett et al 2016, p.9). According to Bhalalusea et al. (2014, p.19), most traditional learning style delay the presentation of knowledge in the modern regime. Therefore, internet application can be included in a successful way into e-learning as well as m-learning (Owen 2014, p.18)

E-learning is one of the educational outcomes that have surfaced from ICT development. The general concept of e-learning is a primary learning that involves electronic device use that range from computers to mobile phones. They involve either the use of the internet (Websites) or intranet (local network system) (Button 2014, p.51).  E-learning can be presented through internet websites and computer software. The other applications that have been developed for learning purposes include Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) which have several facilities such as comfortable access to learning materials, enable communication between trainers and learners. Adam and Healy (2015, p. 35) indicate that VLE is flexible in learning because it can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Ruttenbur et al (2015, p.37) describe e-learning as a process that utilizes networked technology to make revolution possible. The author further argues that e-learning is significant in changing the way people work and live (Callaghan et al. 2016, p.59).

On the other hand, (Cooper and Schindler 2016, p77) indicate that the e-learning system is a system which is comprised of an application that can introduce services whether offline or online. The applications involved revolve around information system and information technology. The e-learning application can take different shapes ranging from computer-based systems through digital-based, virtual-based to web-based (Clark and Mayer 2016, p.25). The application of e-learning in education has proved to be a significant chance for learners to increase their knowledge as well as educational abilities. This is because they are easy to use; provide enjoyable learning methods without interrupting the daily routines (Conrad 2014, p. 34).

E-learning platforms are considered as the most effective way to support the learning process. According to Ruttenbur’s four pillars of education for the future, that revolves around learning performance, learning to know, learning to be as well as  learning to live together are implemented to achieve quality for e-learning and quality through education (Asian Development Bank 2015, p.27). This has resulted in more use of e-learning platforms in different universities to improve access to ICT, provide learning opportunities in school as well as a long-term learning environment (Elzawi et al. 2014, p.22). The Blackboard Learning System is a virtual learning environment that adds online components to courses with barely one on one meetings.

Strategies to Improve E-Learning Quality

With regard to e-learning, quality can be considered and viewed in different aspects. Ruttenbur (2015, p 20) illustrate what they perceive about the e-learning quality in a pyramid form. Content is seen as one of the crucial factors of e-learning as it forms the foundation of the learners’ pyramid but increases their interest in learning. The learning systems and enablers are also significant in the learning process (Farmer 2016, p. 36). The e-learning system efficiency is represented in three dimensions which include technology, access and quality. However, the focus on this study will be on the quality of the system that contributes to the quality of e-learning (Gaebel et al. 2014, p. 29). The quality of the system is regarded as essential elements for education in general but not limited to electronic and online education (McCue 2016, p.19).

It is of significance to perceive that the idea of the learning methodology is not something that is passed on to an understudy by e-learning provider but contains the creation procedure of the learning environment and the student (Asian Development Bank 2015, p.64). In other words, the outcome of the educational procedure is not only centered on the production process of an educational institution (Hamari, Koivisto and Sarsa 2014, p. 49). The qualities of e-learning enable as well as empower the learner. This further cultivates the development of student-oriented services portfolios in e-learning (Guragain 2016, p.47).

The utilization of e-learning has been a basic piece of advanced education. It has increased the pedagogical resources, motivate and provide knowledge as well as grow the skills of learners to be productive in the workplace and the society.  The consumption of e-learning is simple to use because the course is done through the electronic medium (Guragain 2016, p.14). E-learning is a major outcome of long distance education courses because the program works on the basis of online form. It is also a successful source of learning that is required in the modern form of management.

E-learning is affordable than the previous existing traditional learning. It is associated with several interactive as well as knowledgeable sessions. Besides, the quality of the e-learning method is magnificent based on the different number of link formats and the efficient and effective way of conveying information (Hannon and D’Netto 2017, p.38). The e-learning is best suited for everyone as it necessitates students’ needs and requirement fulfillment.  Additionally, it fosters comfort and dependability through to people through e-learning medium and sources. It enables learners to get updated as well as current information (Uvalic-Trumbic and Daniel 2014, p. 13). It is also a cost-effective method as a result of its flexibility in knowledge provision.

E-learning can additionally provide knowledge to a number of audiences. According to Pande et al. (2016, p. 52), it is an element that identifies the target audience on whom learning expectations are developed. E-learning also diagnoses the need for training the users by surveying their background and their learning preferences. This is crucial in the development of a learning course (Marsh and Hogan 2014, p.24). The e-learning completes evaluation criteria to enhance the knowledge of learners. Virtual learning has been helpful to improve the experience as well as the objectives of learning. It is also a medium to track the progress of learners as it necessitates data analysis based on the learning trend as well as the subject matter preferences (Gaebel et al. 2014, p.86).

System Effect Quality on E-learning Efficiency

E-learning has assumed a strategic role in the most institution, shifting from a simple solution of developing efficiency in training to individual competencies that impact the bottom line performance (Hannon and D’Netto 2017, p.49). When e-learning is used strategically, it aligns individual development, capabilities and resources with learning institution goals. Furthermore, it is a catalyst that can improve performance at all levels of the institution (Guragain 2016, p.23). For the development of e-learning quality, the issue of leadership, culture, institution challenges and trends and the long-term outcomes must be accounted (Asian Development Bank 2015, p. 11). In the educational sectors, the standard for measuring the quality of e-learning ought to be determined to increase the advantages of using system of e-learning (Hamari, Koivisto and Sarsa 2014, p.37).

The e-learning quality in educational sector should be addressed by experts and academics. E-learning relies on two perspectives. As reported by Cooper and Schindler (2016, p.56), the two perspectives rely on the quality of education and software quality. As much as these perspectives are not similar, their application can contribute to the best outcome of e-learning.  Marsh and Hogan (2015) argued that the possibility of e-learning success and failure could occur during the implementation process. If some educational sectors fail to implement quality evaluation system factor in their system, e-learning system failure will result (Kirkwood and Price 2014, p. 48). For instance, if they implement the e-learning system without following the criteria of the system to obtain results, the unclear path to evaluate quality will be evident.

Another issue that arises is cultural appropriateness. Marsh and Hogan (2015, p.50) suggest that e-learning goes against regional cultural needs because it widens student-teachers integration. However, Marsh and Hogan(2015, p.16) oppose this view and suggest that e-learning is a way of increasing educational access and recommend that different countries should start to develop more online programs (Mayer, Borges and Simske 2018, p.32). However, there are cultural barriers that ought to be addressed to foster an effective e-learning. Lack of critical thinking is one of such barriers that should be addressed. In developing an effective and quality e-learning, the language should also be considered (Kuimova 2016, p.53). Teachers and experts should ensure that online materials are written inappropriate language to accommodate various cultural diversities.

Of late, researchers have suggested several quality systems that can guarantee a successful e-learning system implementation. While Asian Development Bank (2015, p.27) introduce a method that ensures sports occupation for e-learning training frameworks, Minotti and Giguere (2014, p. 36) propose a model that ensures quality in virtual institutions. It has been noted that scarce studies have been conducted on the introduction of a unified quality system in e-learning that ensures software as well as pedagogy. According to Minotti and Giguere (2014, p.74) there is a need to comprehend several students, lecturers, managers, developers and stakeholder’s requirements who can involve in e-learning system participation to satisfy their desires.  For instance, Scoville and Buskirk (2017, p.20) have proposed a model to investigate learners satisfaction on the use of smartphones in order to recommend the e-learning research context.

What Makes E-Learning Successful?

The continued satisfaction for higher education learners is one of the main factors to ensure the progress of quality of e-learning (DiBiase 2014, p. 23).  The problem of students satisfaction is one of the challenges that need to be addressed in future studies. Wang (2018, p.20) suggests that the relationship that exists between the Web Science and Cognitive Computation should be observed I order to create methods the learning analytics to examine the new trends of e-learning framework such as informal situated learning (Pande, Wadhai and Thakare 2016, p.24).

As the world is shifting towards the digital age, more and more educational institutions are attempting to maximize technology utilization in education. To start with, e-learning provides worldwide connectivity to all users. As a result of the good quality of e-learning, it offers several opportunities to learners with a common interest. E-learning is the core platform of learning and research to both primary and higher education (Ruttenbur, Spickler and LURI 2015, p.14). The tools provided by various institutions to students are useful in academic programs such that e-learning tools help them for their higher education.

E-learning is mainly centered on the usage development and outcome.  Evidently, the future of electronic learning will considerably rely on the basis of quality. As stipulated by (Williams 2016, p.69), the nature of e-learning strategy is high and relies on the changed number of connection designs, success and effective technique in delivering of information. The web-based learning has satisfied the need and necessity proving to be appropriate for everybody.

The growth of e-learning quality in education has put some kind of emphasis on students. The e-learning term is flexible and easy for information provision (Scoville and Buskirk 2017, p.47). The materials are stored online and can be accessed any time. The student can also leave what they already know and choose the materials they want to learn and read. It has been granted to the optimal training through online medium (Williams and Goldberg 2016, p.17). This has made students and teachers to take advantage of utilizing the resource through online.

The e-learning tool is essential in the training of the staff members and employees with regard to the operation at the workplace. The staff can access materials without attending class session. They are able to download and save for future references. The learning materials are accessible throughout the day and ensure a level of productivity (Marengo 2015, p.15). The advance of online technology has increased at a rapid rate. Smart phones development has proved to be primary in the provision of knowledge to the user at a touch. The social media, message board and wiki have assisted users to connect with matters that are related to the course. In the survey conducted by (Clark and Mayer 2016, p.78), it has been observed that e-learning generates experimental results and enable the user to learn wherever they want. For gaining social interaction, online communications are embedded at a prior rate.

Furthermore, the quality of e-learning encourages better retention. The use of audio and video materials for e-learning information delivery makes the learning process more fun. This helps the student to recall the things they have learned for a long period. The materials can be accessed at any time making retention much easier (Barron 2014, p. 72). E-learning further helps in creating a global learning society because anyone can access information regardless of the geographical location. In the current system, students can add to the investigation materials which keep the material updated.


The information and communication technology has received a robust growth which has consequently increased e-learning. The drastic e-learning growth has resulted because of technology integration in education affected by the invention of the internet as well as other information technologies (Williams and Goldberg 2016, p.36). The provision of e-learning quality stands to be a problem in the education system. The system quality, as well as service quality, is depicted to be some of the problems that have led to the increased problems (Uvali?-Trumbi? and Daniel 2014, p.55).

The fact of knowing to learn online as well as the concept of online learning is difficult.  The improvement of quality and accountability considers the roles that create tension in the assurance of quality (Ruttenbur, Spickler, and LURI 2015, p.13). With the increase of the negative effects of e-learning, technologies can also develop the problems for the user because, at some point, e-learning fails to work (Scoville and Buskirk 2017, p.42). Some of the technology issues include the errors, slow speed and failure of some features to work correctly or fail to work according to the requirement of academics. According to Chua and Dyson (2014, p.49), the issue that hinder the quality of e-learning include bad performance of systems, usability problems and failure of institution to customize the system according to their requirement. The technical support seems to be inadequate to compare the learning desire success and e-learning technology use. E-learning is a learning platform which is emphasized on the services of online learning for education (Pande, Wadhai and Thakare 2016, p. 28).

Another challenge that is affecting the e-learning quality is the learning style and cultural challenges. Every individual has his or her learning style alongside cultural influences. Individuals who are taught to utilize their own learning style perform better academically. Some student prefers visual presentation learning; interacting and some students consider both listening to instruction and utilize notes (Owen 2014, p.14). These challenges have implications on the learning results and pose a severe academic issue to effectively comprehend the learning style of the e-learning environment. Educators ought to learn varied learning style of different students to enhance the quality of e-learning (Mayer 2018, p.76).  According to Hannon and D’Netto (2017, p.419), instructors fail to take into account the issue of cultural difference in the development of courses. With regard to the environment of e-learning, a requirement for content providers is needed to create materials as well as courses that consider cultural differences to connect various social diverse audiences (Callaghan et al 2016, p.56)

The challenges of pedagogical e-learning are also among challenges affecting the quality of e-learning. The pedagogy enables the better ways to accomplish learning. If pedagogy method is considered in e-learning, at that point, the desired learning result will not be accomplished. Conrad (2014, p.18) highlight social, managerial, technical and pedagogical as areas required to be an online instructor. The teacher should comprehend how students learn to develop and deliver the course materials that mentor students accordingly (Marsh and Hogan 2014, p.43). Pedagogy is essential as well as serious consideration for learning. Since the staff and professionals are major cost drivers, their flexibility and online assessment will encourage development and productivity (Pande et al 2016, p.67).

In addition to the pedagogical e-learning challenges, time management challenges are encountered during the use of e-learning systems. Owen (2014, p.56) asserts that some cyber culture values involve quick response, speed and accessibility. It is recommended Cooper and Schindler (2016, p.21) that an online instructor is needed to access the discussion board ones per day to see if a student has posted. According to cyber culture values, visiting the board ones per day is not sufficient. Some researchers differ with the statement and suggest that academic ought to maintain frequent presence on online platforms to control discussions, answer as well as give feedback to students. When the students are controlled, they will not disengage from the course. On the hand, some studies indicate that e-learning have made communication easier because it is central area to put content and free time for quality content search (Farmer, 2016, p. 26) while others state e-learning consumes more than 30 percent of time than the traditional form of learning (Conrad, 2014, p.70).

The most common challenge experienced is the technical training challenges. This refers to the requirement needed to facilitate training of students to learn e-learning features and utilize them effectively (Kuimova 2016, p.15). Most literature criticizes institutions to academics of poor training. The issues that arise from poor training include insufficient training, poor training styles in use that do not fit individual choices. According to Volery (2015, p.86), the requirements that are needed for success in e-learning include student characteristics, instructor characteristics and availability of technology. The technology improves the process but the characteristics of the instructors and his or her familiarity with the technology are the most significant. Motivated instructors who encourage a positive attitude towards the e-learning technology foster positive results from students (Kirkwood and Price 2014, p.12). The instructor ought to be conversant with some basics of technology to easily tackle with the small trouble shooting problems.

From the above literature review, the concept of e-learning is analyzed through the brief study and description. The growing demand and regular use of e-learning will be vital in the provision of updated information (Hannon and D’Netto, 2017, p.24). The use of virtual learning is beneficial for the student in the development of knowledge because all essential sources and materials for learning are provided online. Additionally, e-learning follows the concept of a bright future in education. This is because students have the ability to choose several subjects based on their flexibility and convenience (Barron 2014, p. 72). It serves as a baseline to create educational backgrounds. The main reason for starting the e-learning concept is to get knowledge from the traditional form of information that cannot give the appropriate result (Adam and Healy 2015, p.19). The need of e-learning is currently at the prior level and it is facilitated almost everywhere.

There are certain ways that necessitate improvement in the learning process. Language is one of the ways, an e-learning tool instructors use to deliver as well as gather knowledge for students (Guragain 2016, p.85). The e-learning has introduced a new concept of learning which helps those who are not physically in class and gives almost similar benefits to those who are absent in class due to the interactive sessions (Gaebel et al. 2014, p.13). The e-learning is focused on relaxing people as well as deliver fast lessons to students. The learning concept has been improved through education quality and began through technology implementation. The learning process develops a positive factor for teachers as technology development assistance in the development of their career.

The major challenges that emanate from e-learning are the problem of resolving errors and getting clarification from professionals. Another drawback is the scarcity of trained professionals in e-learning fully structured program (Farmer 2016, p.45). There are higher chances of online learning material to become outdated and cause errors because best professionals and trainers spent most their time communicating with people and students.  The live training and online training may become fluid because the best method will be used through offline training methods (Loveless 2016, p.12).

Notably, good courses of e-learning require several components such as web development, technical support and multimedia. The practice of e-learning is evolving with a much trickier practice (Elzawi et al. 2014, p.26). In most cases, e-learning provides objective information and its assessment is limited to questions. On the hand, e-learning is readily accessible as compared to the traditional form of learning which require a lot of time to find books. The online medium has provided full support for education and finding convenient ways to increase the students’ knowledge. It also helps in grooming knowledge given by professional experts. E-learning is a valuable component that can set a benchmark for online courses. According to Pande et al. (2016, p.21), the learning design is another element to be considered in e-learning. it creates an effective learning environment. Importantly, the quality of virtual learning should be highly emphasized while putting graphics, font and multimedia into consideration. Graphic helps the user to understand the subject matter (Clark and Mayer 2016, p.34). The e-learning concept is successful and relies on the learning capacity of the learner.


From the content of the literature above, the quality of e-learning has certain advantages and drawbacks but majorly relies on the user. As a result of its flexibility and convenience, it has enabled the growth of learning capacity. E-learning is one of the dynamics that has contributed to the growing demand of education. The traditional forms of learning provide numerous advantages but due flexibility and convenience of e-learning, information can be obtained wherever the user needs them.

The adoption of e-learning is not only a revolution in technology but permits the transfer of information to the user. E-learning is drastically growing for the development of career. From the above literature, it can be justified that both the traditional form and e-learning are equally significant because users take advantage of both. As much as e-learning provide numerous advantages to the users, the challenges that hinder the quality should be addressed. The advantages of e-learning include the flexibility in use, low cost and convenient. The learning style and the cultural challenges ought to be addressed because it poses a serious academic issue. The instructors, as well as educators, should start learning different learning style to improve e-learning quality.  The instructors should understand how students learn to create and convey course materials in order to deal with pedagogical challenges. The instructors are required to know some basic of technology to deal with minor problems that may rise during training.

The quality of e-learning is a vital element because it creates a conducive and convenient learning environment for the users and technology is highly appreciated for the quality in teaching as well as learning, assessment of student and course development. Excellent results have been produced because of e-learning and it the form of learning ought to be improved to cater for the growing population in education.


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