Quality Customer Service For Customer Complaints
Recordkeeping processes
Develop a short (no more than one page) reflection on your plan and how the design of your plan will work to achieve quality customer service and legal compliance and how your plan is consistent with best practice models and voluntary standards and codes of practice. In your reflection, you also need to summarise public relations and product promotion approaches that are appropriate for Innovative Widgets.
The customer service plan designed above will be of great help to the company. It will enable the duties carried out within the organization to be effective. It will also increase the manner in which our buyers will be approached and treated by our given support. I the plan, there is the indication of our expectations from the buyers as well as what the customers should expect from our company. How the customer should be approached is also indicated to avoid the acts of the client clashing with our workforces. Once all the stakeholder involved will adhere to the given plan, there will be great relation in the company. Also, our products and services will, in turn, get high rates of promotions in a great manner. For instance, we have indicated that our delivery will be made exactly three days after the date of the request. Also, that the goods will be of good quality and exactly as the client requested them.the plan will make us keen on making sure that we adhere to the promises made to our client We are therefore looking forward to a great partnership which will come about as a result of this plan.
Write a brief report (no more than 1 page) to the board of Innovative Widgets to:
summarise customer service team performance
the customer service performance is supposed to act kind and willing to serve the customers at all times. They should be highly prioritized and listened to at all times. In the case of ay complains from the customer. The customer service provider should try its best to listen to the customer’s grievance, apologize to the customer and work on correcting the issue and preventing its occurrence in the future.
identify possible causes of customer service shortfalls
The first course of service shortfall can be a lack of supervision. It is because John is the only supervisor of the team. That means that in case he goes on annual leave; the office is left unattended. The other cause is letting a new employee on the desk and not monitoring the manner in which they are handling the customers.
Developing a customer service plan
identify options to address the problem/s.
The company should consist of several supervisors. So that in case one is out on leave, there is another one to monitor the moves of the other employees I the organization. Also, a new employee should undergo training according to the written company plan before being allowed to serve the customers.
Follow the customer complaints policy and procedures provided in this task to draft an email to Yore Mine Co. to clear up the misunderstanding and address their concerns. Ensure that your support of the customer provided is consistent with principles of customer service set out in the Innovative Widgets business plan and the customer service plan you develop in
Assessment Task 1
Am writing this concerning the issue of failure to deliver the goods that were supposed to be delivered to you. I apologize for the inconveniences that may have occurred matter your orders.
I would, therefore, like to request you to consider working with my organization once again. I assure quick delivery of products that are of high quality as well as the exact ones that were ordered. Kindly consider working with my company again.
There are steps to be considered when establishing a coaching session for the person intended to feel well approached. First, the one conducting the coaching should begin with asking a question that is open-ended and seems caring. The open-ended question enables the client to be able to express themselves openly. The question should not be directed to the issue in concern. Secondly, there should an engagement in a report that is in a way progressive. At this point, the person being coached should be asked to give an update of the activities she engaged herself. After which, you should set the agenda of the meeting making her feel secure and willing to open up to you. Then, you should be able to review the available new action items present. It is quite easier to discuss them while the session is still in progress. At this point, make her understand the steps which can make her prosper. Finally, you need to set the steps to be followed as you schedule the meeting at some other time before you get to close the session.
describe the policy and procedures for handling customer complaints
Once a customer comes around [resenting a complaint. He or she should be listened to attentively. The person present at the customer service desk should try gathering all the possible information of the occurrence just as it being explained by the customer. In case the statement is not clear, ask questions so that you get to understand the entire concept (Tucker, 2002 pg 45). Try not to argue with the customer at any cost. After listening to the grievance, kindly apologize to the customer and ask them to still work with your organization. Also, you can as well ask the customer how they would like the is presented before them to be resolved. When it comes to dealing with the customers according to their needs, there should be no dicrimination or in other words ways of treating different customers. they should all e treating equally so as to preventcases of inequality in offering services in The Innovative Widgets company.
Brief report to the board of Innovative Widgets
The rate or even the amount of phone calls have reduced in the organization. To regain or even go beyond the original rate, the customer service team should at all-time be on the watch out. Therefore, each customer service desk should be assigned a telephone.
The customers should be treated with much care and their good be delivered in time. If possible, the delivery time should at least be reduced by one day so that the good get to the owners quit earlier. Also, there should be avoidance in delaying the customer’s products.
The supervisors should on the lookout so that they get to monitor the activities occurring at the customer service desk. They should also be on the watch out with the internal customers involved with the customer service team.
The organization should at least increase the numbers of those playing the role of delivering the goods the customers to get more customers and increase their sales.
When it comes to the complaint, the customer service desk should undergo training to ensure that they will be able to handle the complaint without struggles. Also, the record keeping should at least be coached several make sure that they play a safe role.
The Innovative Widgets is working on improving the qualities of its services. To make proper improvements, we rely highly on your opinion as our customer. Therefore, we require you to provide us with honest answers to the questions provided in this questionnaire. We really value your feedback as it will help us serve you better.
- Do not indicate your name
Personal details (select only one)
- Male
- Female
Marital status
- Single
- Married
Age (kindly indicate)
How often do you suggest the phone calls should be handled with the customer service team? Give a reason for your answer
How can you describe the customer service team of Innovative Widgets?
Have you ever approached our team with any emergency case? If yes, explain how the case presented was handled
What would you like the company to improve ?
Prepare a 1– 2-page report for the management at Innovative Widgets containing recommendations for organization-wide customer service improvement. The report should contain:
A report on organization-wide customer service improvement
The Innovative Widgets should work on ways to increase the customers. The first step required to be taken when trying to work upon increasing the number of customers, is the training the team of the customer service office. They should be trained because they are the one who handle the customers upon arrival. Failure to handle them with care, the customer might decide to go and nit to purchase from the organisation again. Therefore, it is recommended that the team available at the customer service desk should be taken to workshops and seminars where they will be trained (Wagner, 2015 pg. 108). The company should also increase the number of those delivering the goods to the customers so that they speed up the rate of delivery. Also, the number of supervisors should be increased in order to ensure close monitor at the work place.
The issue of managing the relationship between the customers and the customer service, requires the company to work with the customer service department. They should make them understand the ways to handle customers with different characters. In that way, there will be creatio of good relation within the organiation. When it comes the issue of delivering quality products, the record keeping department should be urged upon being carefull when listing the orders placed by the customers. Those in the delivery sector should also be urged to handle the items with care when delivering them.
the company should create thecopany’s website. With the company’s websites, all the clients will be able to see the updates provided at all times. Also, it will increase the demand of the company world wide because new customers will be showing interest towards the company. this will also be away of the company advrtising its offers.
Wagner, R. (2015). Widgets: the 12 new rules for managing your employees as if they’re real people.
Tucker, R. B. (2002). Driving Growth Through Innovation: How Leading Firms Are Transforming Their Futures. https://sbiproxy.uqac.ca/login?url=https://international.scholarvox.com/book/10081311.