Qualities Of An Effective Manager: Communication, Innovation, And Technological Savviness
The Role of a Manager in a Business Environment
The role of a manager is relatively multifaceted as there are many different aspects associated with a business that a manager is placed in charge of. A manager is an individual who leads from the front and who looks into the interest of each and every person working under him. The manager has a crucial role to play in the effective running of the business operations of a company and more often than not, is responsible for the business doing well or badly.
In this essay, I will analyze what I personally believe is to be important for a manager to be effective at the work place. I will discuss in detail the qualities that I feel that every manager should have and will explain why these qualities must be present in managers when they are responsible for overseeing the work done by large or small groups of people in a business environment.
A manager needs to be a person who is communicative enough to get the goals and aims of the business organization across to all of the workers. The manager in my view needs to be well versed with the needs and requirements of the business organization and has to communicate these needs in the manner desired to all of the workers so that the job is done perfectly on their part as well as on the part of the manager.
Workers should feel motivated to do their best under the leadership of the manager. They should find every incentive to work to potential under his leadership over and above the financial incentives that are made available to them by the business organization for all the additional work that they do. They should feel the urge to do as much as is possible on their part in order to further the business goals of the organization and make the manager feel proud of them, provided his communication style is effective enough.
Jin et al. (2014) argue that in order for a manager to be a great leader and to communicate effectively with the people who are working under him, he needs to be innovative in the way that he approaches his colleagues and his subordinates. He needs to develop an innovative and inclusive leadership style that is not equaled by other managers or leaders in other organizations. He has to devise new ways to resolve problems and new methods of hitting upon solutions for hardcore business issues and matters. Only an innovative leadership style can help a manager to stand out at the work place.
Communication: Vital for Success
When he is innovative enough the manager will be able to draw all the attention needed from workers for adhering to the rules and regulations of the organization. An innovative leader will also get leaders to feel a lot more interested in the work that they do. Innovation in essence means a new way of doing things. The more innovative a manager is, the more interested he will get his workers to be in the work that they do for the organization.
The manager is my view is someone who should be capable of organizing the activities of the business enterprise using the latest technological tools. In my view, the best and most effective manager is a person who is technologically savvy and has all the knowledge and skills that are needed to get his workers to use technology to further their work goals. For me, such a manager will look into whether each and every one of his workers are familiar with the latest technology and whether they are using it in their business or not. As stated by Hopkins (2018), the right manager will also communicate to his workers, the importance of using technology when doing their work. He will make sure that his managers understand the value of using technology and that they feel the need or desire to put it to use whenever needed.
The best manager and the most effective manager according to me is a person who takes an inclusive approach when dealing with co-workers and subordinates. Such a person will want everyone who is working under him to feel totally included and involved in what they do instead of feeling out of place in any way. When it comes to recruitment in particular, an ideal and effective manager is a person who I believe will want to incorporate people from diverse sections of the population into the organization. This a person as stated by Hassle and Cotton (2017), who will want people from every segment of society including people from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds to be working at the organization.
The ideal manager for me at least is a person who does not discriminate on grounds of race and religion. I identify with Men (2014)’s view of the perfect manager as a man who is open to the idea of having people from different religions and cultures working at the business organization, provided they are well suited for the type of job they have been recruited for. People who belong to marginalized sections of the society or those who do not belong to the mainstream population should feel safe enough to be working under such a leader.
Innovation: The Key to a Unique Management Style
The effective manager will be a man who according to me has all the right strategies for doing business up his sleeve. He will incorporate effective strategies that have been designed and developed by the best business brains to get the goals of the organization accomplished. He will also ensure that all the people who ate working under him have a good understanding of what the strategic that are being put in place are all about so that they can ensure their successful implementation.
Goetsch and Davis (2014), state that the ideal manager will spend time with each and every one of his workers to explain the strategies to them so that they are not in the dark when it comes to strategic business matters. He will ensure that workers have a thorough understanding of exactly what they are going to do when they implement business strategies for the company.
The effective and communicative manager for me is also someone who is well versed with more than one language. In today’s business environment, given that most enterprises tend to be international in their approach and outlook, the business manager should be a person who is proficient in more than one language. This individual needs to be able to communicate in foreign language not only with his co-workers and subordinates but also international clientele. As mentioned by Cherry and Jacob (2016), he must also be a person who is fluent in his manner of speech if he is to get his point across to other people who are working for him or who will bring good business for his enterprise.
The perfect and ideal manager according to me is a person who spends a lot of time brainstorming on different ideas and suggestions prior to their implementation. This is not a man who develops a business strategy overnight but rather, is a person who puts in all the effort that is needed to ensure that the right ideas ate discussed for business. I agree with Binder (2016)’s argument that the ideal manager may even ask his subordinates for suggestions when incorporating business ideas and plans in order to ensure that the views of all people working for him are taken into consideration.
As argued by Austin et al. (2015), the finest business managers have a broad outlook to business and life in general. This is a person who is open minded enough to provide his workers with a flexible environment in which to do their work in. As Doorley and Garcia (2015), also argue, the right manager will ensure that his workers do not feel stifled in any way when they work for him. He will give them the air and the space that they need without feeling like they are being trampled upon. He will give them all the scope needed to make mistakes in the course of doing their work and to learn from such mistakes.
Technological Savviness: Keeping Up with the Latest Industry Trends
Thus, the perfect manager according to me is one who is a perfect blend of honesty, modesty, open mindedness and strategic thinking. This is a person, who will go out of his way to ensure that those who are working for him feel safe and secure and that they have the motivation needed to do their best for the company. They will feel every incentive to give their hundred percent under his leadership and will never want to question his authority even when he gives them the space or provision to do so.
In my view, if I were ever a leader I would be inclusive in my leadership style. I would be as communicative as possible with my subordinates in order to ensure that they understand the goals of the business and work toward such goals in the best way possible. I would also make an effort to be an innovative as possible so that the business gets a competitive edge under my leadership and that my workers feel secure in the knowledge that the business will do well under my leadership in the long-run even if there are challenges along the way.
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