Purchasing And Inventory Management For Brisbane Outdoor Power Centre
Current Purchasing and Inventory Management Process of Company
Discuss about the Purchasing and Inventory for Brisbane Outdoor Power Centre.
Purchasing of a company is generally done to fill the stock of the organization so that it can run its business well and market the product as desired by the company. Inventory is generally referred as the goods and materials that the organization holds for it, for the purpose of sailing in the market (Armstrong, 2014). The inventory also refers to the science of placing the particular product in the market and sailing it as per the need of the customers. The paper reflects that Brisbane Outdoor is one of the reputed firms and tries to adapt itself to the market situation and sail the products as the demand of the market and earn the profit in retur. This research paper will provide information about the various methods by which inventories are maintained and the products are purchased for the benefit and use of the organization (Entrekin & Scott-Ladd, 2013). Brisbane outdoor power center functions across three different locations in Queensland. The company was started in 1980 and deals with garden artifacts which help the common people to mow the land as they want. The company also takes care of the demands of its customers and targeted sections of the society and tries to fulfill the demand, maintaining the market position as needed.
It has been seen that the company operates from three of the different retail locations from Queensland. Moreover, these here of the retail outlets were identical but they offered the variety of the product mix in order to meet the desired demands of the local people or the customers (Fabozzi & Markowitz, 2011). Brisbane outdoor power cut organization should take into considerations, single supply chain solution. Apart from looking for the least costly option, one can opt for the best business supply chain solution method which can provide benefit for the company for a longer term of years. Only availing of proper supply chain managers won’t be a benefit for the Brisbane organization, one has to maintain and monitor the performance of the supply chain partners who are related in the company to perform the duties that they are assigned by the owners. Above, performing all the technological and supply meeting factors, one needs to analyze the information from the customers to meet their demands. An organization, who wants to come top in the market, should work closely with its suppliers and meet the demands of the customers (Gilbert, De Winne, & Sels, 2015). The company should take care of the demands of the customers and should make efforts to fulfill them through minimum investment in inventory and purchasing but providing with the best result.
Management Concepts and Methods of Supply-Chain and Inventory
Belinda green, the manager of the Strathpine branch, used to take around in the working place and observe the works that were done by the employees (Werner, 2014). This method did not prove to be fruitful as the firm ran on fairly loose and decentralized organization with common sense, mutual cooperation, and goodwill. The other branch managers also maintained their branches without tight operation and trusted the working of its branch managers completely. The working of the company was looked after regularly, and through the general method by keeping a regular check on the working of the company (“Google’s latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice”, 2012). The organization needed heavy investment in stock and also proper maintenance of it was needed. Therefore the company needs to take proper care of the methods that are used to check the regular working of the company.
The company’s distribution network should be maintained well, as it is seen that distribution affects every small functioning of the company, from delivery to sales. By improving the supply chain, one can bring holistic approach in the supply chain management of the company. A company should review the supply chain management process, to get a clear picture for the working of the company (“Google’s latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice”, 2012). Donald Saxon, the owner of the company, Brisbane outdoor had three other outlets which were not governed and maintained by strict rules. Distribution strategy is considered to be an integral part of any smooth running of the company (Waldman, 2011). While setting up a distribution strategy for the company, one should keep a notice in production facilities, warehouse, cross docks and the suppliers of the company. The company should take up correct technology in order to make right decisions and use correct process so that one can be in the top list and gain the confidence of its customers (“HRM and Quantitatives: Decision Tree and Vector Analysis in HRM Theory”, 2014). Instead of doing so, an organization should go through the process and the points that need to be improved and then select the technology that satisfies the process needs. Monitoring the cash flow in a company is also important as it is considered as the fundamental tool, that a company should properly organize in an organization so that the proper condition of the supply chain management is maintained. In order to make all the processes fruitful, a company needs to establish informational conduits, like maintain and share important data, tracking of proper information and other key factors that may affect the supply chain of the company.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Used Processes
Setting up a supply chain management process will help the company to get proper direction to work and help in aligning with supply chain strategy with the organization’s strategy. Using such strategies will help to overcome barriers that hamper the growth of the organization the supply chain council should hold regular meetings and manage the working of the company (Ryall, 2010). The maintained data should be collected and distributed promptly and properly to the person who is involved in the supply chain management of the company (“Understanding the context of workplace health management as it relates to workplace bullying”, 2010). A company can also maintain the supply chain management of the company through tracking the inventory at the proper time. By making use of such software, one can track the item and the purchasing factor for the company (Varma & Budhwar, 2013). The managers related to supply chain, should be capable of identifying dealers who will earn a profit for the company rather than demean it in the market (Varma & Budhwar, 2013). The supply should be properly segmented in the three outlets of Brisbane Outdoor power cut center so that the cost of purchasing the inventory is kept minimal and the profit for the company is at the highest. Brisbane Outdoor Power center can establish the methods of supply chain metrics (Sheehan & Griffiths, 2011). The company has well-trained staffs to work for the organization; therefore the company should involve its employees in the management process of the company, and should accept the points stated by the workers, that may be useful for the organization.
The methods used in running the inventory and purchasing process of the company not only made the organization’s reputation strong but also helps the organization to maintain the working decorum of the place. The clients of the company were happy to pay the premium amount in order to get the best results (“the marketing mix: a review”, 2014). These methods made the company produce quality products that can be relied on and deliver the job and perform as per the need. With the application of these methods, Brisbane was considered as one of the best companies in the industry. The company had experienced people as workers, who provide the best advice on purchasing of the land mower or any kind of garden artifact. The company also provided with reliability, performance and after sales service, and the spare parts were one of the best features of the company (Thompson, 2011). The methods of the company made it so prominent among the customers that it was sure, whenever a person comes to buy products for one’s lawn, the customers will choose only them. The methods used for running the business were so helpful that it made the customers as commercial operators for the company (Thomack, 2012). Some of the crucial disadvantages can be seen as the organization needed heavy investment in stock and also proper maintenance of it was needed. Therefore the company needs to take proper care of the methods that are used to check the regular working of the company.
The company should take up new methods of technology in order to gain more customers for it. The owner of Brisbane outdoor, Donald Saxon opened its first outlet in Mt. Gravatt in the year 1985. The organization deals with various garden artifacts and land mowers. The organization is considered to be the king of garden tool. The company operates in three different places: Ipswich, Strathpine and Mt Gravatt. The three branch managers followed three different methods in order to run the company and this needs to be enhanced to a great extent. The company lacked in inventory and purchasing process which could be developed by taking proper care of inventory and purchasing of products. The company needs to develop proper technology by which they can market the product and also compile its stocks without investing the huge amount of money. One can do so by establishing direct contacts, and maintain the relation. The organization is in need of proper supply chain so that all the branches that work independently of the other can perform up to the mark without worrying about the investment and extra money that will be spent in purchasing the inventory and filling up the stock of the company. All these can be done by, if proper usage of technology is made and one correctly checks the availability of the products and store them up as per the need of the company without investing a huge amount on the inventory and purchasing section of the company.
Measures |
Need for the measure |
Priority |
Activities |
Identification of the present inventory procedure |
It will bring out the desired problems in the current business methods |
Highest |
Providing best solutions and enhancing the process |
Establishing the of authoritarian bodies |
The basic reason is for monitoring the changes |
Highest |
Monitoring the development plan |
Arrangement of Training session |
Enhancing the skills of the employees |
Highest |
Different methods for providing training needs to be implemented |
An organization, who wishes to run a business successfully should have sufficient amount of raw materials, stocked up for itself as the need of the company. A Huge amount of money should not be invested by the company in purchasing the inventory products that are needed by the organization and also keep a proper check on the functioning of the organization so that needs to check at certain time interval. Brisbane outdoor power center has settled itself as one of the biggest company in the market, being the dealers of land mowers and working factors that are needed in the garden. Brisbane outdoor power Centre Company has a huge reputation in the market, therefore one who is willing to buy any kind of land mower products or garden artifacts will take the advice regarding land mowers from the company who are having well-trained staffs, exclusive power tool and a large variety in the brand. The company runs itself successfully in three different section of Queensland and all are independent of the other. Each branch has a different branch manager to look after the functioning of the company and come up with the best result and provide the maximum benefit to its users keeping the expenses within limit by using the methods as recommended in the file.
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