Purchasing And Inventory Management At Brisbane Outdoor Power Centre

Current Purchasing and the Inventory Management Process of Company

Discuss about the Purchasing and Inventory at Brisbane Outdoor Power Centre.

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The different concepts and the theories of the operations management need to be evaluated as these can help in bringing out the desired positive outcomes the firm concerned. Brisbane outdoor has created a tough name all through the concerted market segments of Australia (Benton & McHenry, 2010).  This research paper will help in evaluating the management processes involved in Brisbane Outdoors and the recommendations needed to improve it. Relatively than allowing for strategic supervision as an easy technique of purchasing subdivision, one can connect every choice maker who needs to execute for the corporation and earn revenue on its behalf.

Brisbane outdoor has developed a strong reputation throughout the concentrated market segments of Australia.  The purchasing, as well as the inventory management process of the firms, played the most crucial role in developing the economic growth of the firm. Throughout the 1980s, there were three more retail outlets of the firm.  The availability of the wide variety of the brands strikes the minds of the customers (Armstrong, 2014). The performances of the firm including the reliability of services provided to the customers after the sales increased the brand reputation of the organization.  Excellency in the service delivery to all of the customers was one of the most crucial aspects of the organization.  The tools and the components like the spare parts and the obtainable supplies helped the firm in maintaining the efficiency of the supply chain management system of the organization. The staff at the firm played the most crucial role in assisting the customers with great ease.  The different operational management concepts reveal the fact that management and functioning of the current processes of the concerned firm need to be improved as per the satisfaction of the customers. The most interesting fact is that the retail customers also got attracted by the strong brand presence of the Brisbane Outdoor.   The primary motive of the organization is to deliver the best quality of the products and it has been seen that customers can easily buy the products from different stores but for getting good quality of products they came to Brisbane outdoor (Burritt, 2011). Thus, the reputation has strongly been building up in front of the respective customers.  The fact resides that, theories and the desired concepts of operational management critically evaluate that  the production and the manufacturing process along with the supply chain management system needs to be improved of top most quality as this helps in increasing the profitability and the productivity of the firm. The current processes at the Brisbane outdoor reflected the fact that the staff was knowledgeable and was able to retain all its customers with great ease.  For any of the decentralized organization, there are some of the crucial things such as goodwill, common sense, and mutual cooperation.

Advantages of the Processes Used

There are several advantages of the management processes used by Brisbane outdoors. The management processes brought several positive changes within the firm. It increases the reliability and the trust of the customers towards the firm.  Some of the advantages of the process are the strategy of the good inventory process improves the desired accuracy of the concerned improved inventory orders.  The effectiveness and the efficiency of the supply chain management system increase (“Stroke: latest treatment options in acute management”, 2015). The company has created its reputation by working as per the satisfaction and reliability of the customers but the strategy of the current process as well as the good inventory process helps in organizing the warehouse.  The process helped the firm in increasing the efficiency along with the productivity of the organization. The primary advantages were the coming back of the clients as well as the customers to the firm and this was considered to be of large importance for retaining the customers within the firm. The delivering of the best quality of the products with the efficient services helped the firm in creating the brand image of the firm throughout the concerned market segments (Du, 2013).  It is evident to know that the inventory management processes helped the firm in managing and tracking the real time along with the monetary benefits to increase the desired growth of the organization within the targeted market segments.

As the concerned retail investment, it was seen that there was a crucial requirement of the huge investment for the desired stocks along with the effective and effectual means o the investment management procedures.   Green used to look after the work in the branches with due security and strictness and take a walk regularly around the working campus to have a proper maintenance on the production section (Du, 2013). As a fact, it was seen that this did not help in the improvement of the company as the workers did not consider it fruitful and wonder in their own pace (Härtel & Fujimoto, 2010). The organization needed heavy investment in stock and also proper maintenance of it was needed. Whereas Donald Saxon was not a man of tight policies and procedures and completely trusted his branch managers in order to put the priority of the firm first. Green had observed the loopholes of the working of the organization and did run a tight operation in Strathpine, but Saxon was lenient and did not take up any such strategies of improving the working environment of the company. After a tour of 3 weeks throughout the 3 outlets of the organization, Green realized that one of the sections needed to be taken care in purchase and inventory section. 

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Disadvantages of the Processes Used

In order to increase the supply chain management process for a company and to increase its output the company should follow the following procedures in order to gain the same:

Setting up of proper supply chain process- Setting up a supply chain management process, will help the company to get proper direction to work and help in aligning with supply chain strategy with the organization’s strategy (Du, 2013). Using such strategies will help to overcome barriers that hamper the growth of the organization the supply chain council should hold regular meetings and manage the working of the company.

Proper aligning of staff in supply chain management: It is difficult to develop procedures for supply chain management that will definitely bring profit for the company, but this is one of the best methods to earn a good return for the company (“Special Topic Forum on Resources and Supply Chain Management”, 2013). A company can also take up hybrid approach in increasing the proficiency in the supply chain management process and make the least expense in investment for the company abut also maintain the stock. An organization can also take up methods of the placing of products, procurement, and other factors correctly in the different organization so that the supply chain management can be beneficial for a company.

Using of correct technology: There are many companies that select software and consider it to work efficiently and follow the structure of their scheduled work and other chosen methods as per the need of the company. Instead of doing so, an organization should go through the process and the points that need to be improved and then select the technology that satisfies the process needs. One may consider it as self-evident but selecting the process and then applying on the company makes the working of the organization slow and the benefit is nil.

Developing contact with chief suppliers: An organization who wants to come top in the market works closely with its suppliers. This is generally referred as management of “supplier relationship” (Entrekin & Scott-Ladd, 2013). This is known as one way communication, but organizations demand two way of the communication procedures i.e. both the seller and the buyer jointly manages the working of the company, and helps in improving the supply chain management process of the same (“Special Topic Forum on Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: Critical Research Issues”, 2013).

The primary objectives of improving the supply chain management are:

  • Providing proper mechanism to be sure about the healthy relationship between the supplier and the organization
  • Creating a platform for resolving the problems that arise.
  • Ensuring about performance measuring objectives
  • Developing goals for both the parties in order to enhance the profitability

Management Concepts of Supply-Chain and Inventory

Strategic sourcing is supposed to be the cornerstone in the method of supply chain management.  But a collaborative sourcing of management initiates better results for the company (“Google’s latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice”, 2012). Rather than considering strategic management as a simple method of the purchasing department, one can engage every decision maker who needs to perform for the company and earn the profit on its behalf.

It becomes very important for any organization to maintain the effectiveness of its current management and the inventory supply chain systems as these help in increasing the desired growth of the organization to a wider area of the concerned targeted market segments.  The increase in the knowledge of the employees is important to provide complete assistance to the customers but the skills, as well as the experiences of the employees, helps to improve the overall reliability of the users throughout the concerned competitive market segments.   Therefore, it becomes very important for the firm to increase the skills as well as the desired confidence of the employees to increasing the purchasing of the products by the customers.  Moreover, there is a crucial need to understand the desired issues and the weaknesses while the execution and the implementation of the management processes as these will help in increasing the overall effectiveness of the association.  The case study reflects that the higher quality of the products as well as the knowledgeable staff helped in attracting the customers towards his firm and thus, in order to maintain the brand reputation of the firm the company needs to work on its management process. The retaining of the desired quality of the products, as well as the enhancing the skills of the employees, will help to capture the entire market segments. The components of the supply chain need to be identified as these contribute towards the development of the brand image of the company within the competitive market segments.


Need for the measure



Analysis of the current inventory processes

It will help in identification of the issues in the current processes used by the firm


·         Checking of the issues 

·         Providing solution to the issues

Establishment of regulatory bodies for the improvement

It will help in monitoring the desired changes that need to be implemented


·         Implementation of the plan

·         Monitoring of the management processes

Effective Training to the employees

It will enhance the skills along with the ability of the employees


·         Providing effective training as needed by the employees 

Building of the support systems and quality check system for the products 

Checking the quality is of great importance and thus, it will help in developing the desired support system for assisting the customers 


·         Support system will help in assisting the customers’

·         They will maintain the desired balance between the customers and the employees


Brisbane outdoor established its brand reputation by delivering the best quality of products along with the services. Increasing the efficiency and the reduction of the investment helps in evaluating the desired growth of the firm.  Therefore, it becomes very crucial for the organization to utilize the concepts of supply chain management as to enhance the reliability of the customers. The company needs to follow a systematic approach in defining its current purchasing as well as the inventory management processes. Active governing supply chain process develops opportunities for business leaders to provide leadership with proper information in order to develop projects for future and its strategies.  


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