Public Relations For Today’s More Complex Business: A Critical Examination Of Qantas’ Best Practices

Qantas and Its Public Relations Practices

Discuss about the Public Relations for Todays More Complex Business.

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In today’s more complex business environment, good communication is essential for the success and growth of any aviation organization. For airports this requires a heavy focus on effective communication with the public, customers and airport tenants, on issues such as: noise, pollution, flight delays, cost of parking, cost of landing fees, etc. Along with this, for airlines this requires a concentrated effort on clearly communicating with their customers on things such as: price, service and safety and their staff on job security and wages and with governments on a market that is fairly regulated. On the other hand, this research essay would be helpful to critically examine how effectively Australia’s largest airline has communicated with the public. Moreover, this essay would be useful to portray that how Qantas uses best practices in public relations to communicate with its staff, shareholders, government and customers in an effective and a proper manner.

Qantas (Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services) is the largest domestic and global airline of Australia. Qantas is the third oldest airline in the world. It was founded in 1920 by Winton. In addition, Qantas is the world’s leading long distance airline. Currently, Qantas is known as the one of the strongest brands in Australia (Qantas. 2016). Qantas operates domestic, regional and international services to satisfy its customers. The company is fully dedicated towards its customers. Along with this, Qantas builds strong relations and also makes effective communication with its staff, customers, shareholders, and government. This is the major key of success of Qantas.

In the views of Lynes & Dredge (2006), business organizations use a lot of management functions such as: human resources, research & development, finance, marketing, legal, operations, etc. to operate their businesses and to enhance their capacity. Each of these functions plays a major role in the success and growth of the organizations. Apart from this, at present, public relation (PR) has become a unique function that business firms must adopt and implement for the success and growth of the business (Lynes & Dredge , 2006). PR plays a significant role to develop and maintain relationships with all the key people and stakeholders by communicating with these groups effectively. In other words, it also can be said that, public relations is a strategic communication process that plays a major role to develop mutually beneficial relationships between associations and their publics. Communication is a major key that is essential to maintain a long-term and credulous relationship with publics and stakeholders of the company (Fitch, 2016).

Corporate PR Practice

The authors Truscott, Bartlett & Tywoniak (2009) state that, public relation (PR) is major point of an organization that is used by the business firm to make strong relations and communications with all its stakeholders. Public relation mainly involves media relations, corporate responsibility, social media, reputation management and crisis communications. Along with this, PR combines the broadcast, global print and online media for the success and growth of the business. The major objective of PR is to gain full media coverage, maintain a positive public image, develop brand awareness and also establish strong relationships with the different audiences of the organization (Truscott, Bartlett & Tywoniak, 2009).

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According to the authors Kotler, Burton, Deans, Brown, & Armstrong (2015), Qantas uses a lot of important practices of public relations to make effective communicate with staff, shareholders, government and customers. For case, the corporate PR practice is the major practice that Qantas uses to effectively communicate with staff, shareholders, government and customers. For case, with the help of this practice, the company develops corporate-wide strategies to communicate with the public (Kemp, 2013). Moreover, in the corporate PR practice, Qantas identifies the public, conducts required research, goal-setting, benchmarking, decides measurement criteria for the public relations program, executes the full range of required tactics to accomplish the goals, and also evaluates program success. This area of practice plays a critical role to develop a strong relationship between the Qantas and its staff, customers & shareholders. The main reason behind it is that, the corporate area of PR practice fully focuses its attention on the public (Kotler, Burton, Deans, Brown & Armstrong, 2015).

In the views of Prindle (2011), branding is also the other major practice of public relation. Qantas uses this PR practice to make effective communication with its customers and shareholders. In this area of practice, Qantas ensures that brand messages of the business are executed all the way through the entire organization. Moreover, it should also be noted down that, brand message is essential to develop effective communication with the internal and external audiences of the company. Along with this, branding practice is a part of corporate practice (Prindle, 2011). In this area of practice, Qantas uses research & trust-building tactics for instance community outreach, positive media relations, etc. to communicate with staff, customers, shareholders, and government in an effective and an appropriate manner.

The authors Gittell & Bamber (2010) state that, Qantas uses employee engagement PR practices to effectively communicate with its staff. It is because of the employee engagement practice plays a major role to reinforce communication between the company and its staff.  Along with this, the practice is also helpful to improve employee satisfaction level and to decline the impact of third-party hindrance on the employer-employee relationship. Qantas uses grassroots as well as diversity outreach as the major tools of employee engagement PR practice (Gittell & Bamber, 2010). For this reason, it is clear that, Qantas takes care of its employees and this is essential to accomplish the desired goals & objectives of the business in a specified time period.

Branding Practice

According to the authors Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter (2014), in today’s competitive marketplace, customer satisfaction is essential to success and growth. Qantas uses customer satisfaction PR practice to effectively communicate with its customers. It is well known that, Qantas is the biggest domestic and global airline because of it provides fully satisfaction to its customers. In this area of practice, Qantas identifies the perceptions and expectations of the customers; and also observes the issues that are faced by the customers. Qantas develops specific tools to help out its customers and to decrease challenges that have an effect on the satisfaction level of the customers (Driver, 1999). On the other hand, Qantas conducts post-transaction follow-up to make sure complete customer satisfaction. It also conducts employee focus groups so they may recognize internal obstacles that are reducing the satisfaction level of customers. Qantas also conducts research to find out that it needs to develop and perform training programs to improve the customer satisfaction level in an effective way (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014). As a result, it can be said that, Qantas is fully reliable to its customers; so it uses customer satisfaction public relation practice to effectively communicate with its customers.

The authors Johnston & Sheehan (2014) affirm that, Qantas uses issue management PR practice to effectively communicate with its staff, shareholders, and customers. The issues management practice plays a major role to accomplish client goals of the business. For case, with the help of this PR practice, Qantas recognizes major issues that may present opportunities or obstacles to the firm and also develops strategies to capture the opportunities or to reduce threats in an effective and a significant manner. Along with this, in this area of practice, Qantas expresses that staff, shareholders, and customers are the key audiences of the business (Johnston & Sheehan, 2014). As a result, Qantas makes effective communication with all the people that are related to the business.

According to Robinson, ‎Fallon & Cameron (2016), the public-private partnership projects PR practice is also used by Qantas to make effective communicate with its shareholders and government. This PR practice plays a major role in order to create positive responses as well as actions at all stages of the business process. In addition to this, Qantas uses message development, digital strategies, media relations, politicians, and so on as the major components of this public relation practice. Moreover, in this area of PR practice, Qantas fulfill all its legal obligations as well as business commitments; so it can establish strong relations with the shareholders and government (Robinson, ‎Fallon & Cameron, 2016).

Employee Engagement PR Practice

The authors Vaara, Kleymann & Seristö (2004) state that, Qantas uses granular segmentation practice in order to identify its audience and their drivers in an accurate way. Moreover, in this area of PR practice, Qantas evaluates its target audiences, for instance customers, partners, prospects, suppliers, etc. and also divides them into relevant sub-categories. Apart from this, with the help of this practice, Qantas conducts a research to know that where the target audiences go to gain the information that are related to the company or industry. Qantas also makes efforts to provide services to its target customers at the right place and at the right time (Vaara, Kleymann & Seristö, 2004). That’s why; it can be said that, Qantas uses this practice to cover the target audiences and also to make communication with them in an effective and an appropriate manner.

In the words of Bray & Waring (2009), Qantas also uses marketing integration PR practice to effectively communicate with staff, shareholders, government and customers. The PR practice combines all the public relations tactics into the overall marketing program. Along with this, with the help of this practice area, the firm ensures that the marketing & public relations messages of the business are well-matched.  Moreover, the marketing & public relations messages influence the marketing programs and their tactics such as: media relations as well as special events (Watson, 2007). In this area of practice, Qantas develops an environment of sales relations in which public relations play a major role in order to retain existing customers and to attract new customers for the growth and success of the organization.

On the other hand, Qantas also focuses on social impact marketing practices to change behaviors as well as opinions of people towards the services of the company. These practices play an important role in order to create long-term substantive impact on the wide social issues. Moreover, Qantas believes that these social practices go beyond the traditional PR techniques to accomplish the business goals and to establish a strong relationship with customers (Bray & Waring, 2009). Consequently, Qantas make use of marketing integration practice to effectively communicate with employees, shareholders, government and customers.

The author Ayish (2005) states that, in today’s advanced technological business environment, Qantas also uses social media as a PR practice in order to make effective communication with its external stakeholders. For case, with the help of this PR practice, Qantas use social media platforms such as: Facbook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. to promote its services and to get customer feedback in a proper way. Along with this, with the help of social media, Qantas comes to know about the perceptions, expectations, needs, and preferences of customers. Qantas makes changes in its services to improve the customers’ satisfaction level (Ayish, 2005). In this way, the social media practice also helpful to Qantas to make effective communicate with staff, shareholders, government and customers.

Customer Satisfaction PR Practice


On the premises of above discussion, it can be assumed that, the public relation practices are essential for the growth and success of the business organization. Moreover, it is also observed that, PR practices play an important role to accomplish the strategic as well as competitive goals and objectives of the business. Along with this, it is also scrutinized that, Qantas uses numerous effective PR practices to make strong relations with its staff, customers, and stakeholders. These PR practices also offer full media coverage and also improve the reputation of the firm at the global level. Moreover, the PR practices used by Qantas play a critical role to reduce the obstacles of business and to improve organizational performance & effectiveness in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. In this way, it can be said that, PR practices of Qantas play a major role to improve the customers’ satisfaction level and to make effective communicate with staff, shareholders, government and customers of the organization.


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