Public Relations Contemporary Approaches: Strategies And Campaigns
Discuss about the Public Relations Contemporary Approaches.
According to statistics done in 2014 from a British gambling consultancy, Singapore has been identified as the second biggest gamblers in the world. . However, the latest statistics from the British Gambling Consultancy recognised that the losses because of the gambling incurred by per individual adult of the country have dropped from last three years. The average of the adult individual of this country has lost €680 (S$1,189) in the last year which is reasonable down from the year of 2010, €822 (S$1,451) as per H2 Gambling Capital.
Approximately, half of the amount has been lost in casinos in last year, as well as the reminder of the losses has been incurred from the non-casino game, lotteries, offshore gaming website and betting.
As per the website of the news magazine ‘The Economist’ Singapore is ranked second after Australia in term of losses per adult resident in gambling. The full amount of gambling losses incurred by the people of Singapore amounted to S$9.9 Billion and this inclusive of losses by the visitors and tourist in the country (Dilenschneider and Bartiromo 2010).
There are ten countries, which are incurred big gambling losses subsequently United States, China, Japan, and Britain and Singapore is also included with these countries for the losses incurred from the gambling.
Probably the Singapore is the only country in Asia, where the realistic, actual assessment of the gambling can be accomplished. The assessment for the actual number of the people indulging in gambling and the amount of the losses can be measured (DuheÌ 2012).
In public relations, strategy plays a critical role in determining how organisations handle relationships and demands. (Xavier, Johnston & Patel, 2006) Appreciation of strategy can go against the concept of public relations ‘largely as a tactical communication function’ and ‘thus, public relations practitioners are known as communications technicians rather than managers’ (Moss and Warnaby, 2000). An organization must come up with a vision to be strategic so as to achieve its long-term goal by considering the opportunities and competencies of the organization. The strategy for the word Public relation determines the tactics and the approaches that are followed for the creation of the appropriate achievement of the result. It also focuses on the enhancements of the approaches taken for the consideration of the strategic objectives made for the achievement of the plan or the program made for the Anti-Gambling Campaign. For the judgement of the strategy of the PR, media plays the appropriate and important for the communication with the public and thereby it also represents the combination of the communications that are requisite for the attainment and influencing the public relations. It also creates the medium for the communication of the business and the objectives that helps in the consideration of the approaches for the purpose of the awareness and the marketing of the Anti-Gambling Campaign that was helps in Singapore in the year 2010 and 2014 (Franklin 2009). Apart from this the integrated plan is made with the enhancement of the multilayer design for the creation of the appropriate marketing plan and thereby it also helps in creating appropriate messages to the public. If the appropriate message cannot be appropriately delivered to the public then the strategy of the PR seemed to be failed with the fail outcomes of the desired objectives and the aims (Wŏn 2010).
Linear Strategy
As per the today’s strategy of PR (Public Relations), it describes the actions that can be easily achieved by the achieving the predefined goals. The strategies that help in the creation of the implementation of the celebrity endorsement programs that focus for the coverage of the incidents with the help of the media channel and thereby the strategy becomes the part of the PR which helps in the creation of the public awareness programs. This presents the effect of the conduct of the PR in relation to the enhancement of the programs considered for the case study that seals with the Singapore’s Anti-Gambling Campaign, particularly the 2010 and 2014 campaign (Barlowe 2014). This campaign seems to be the effective campaign that is made with the help of the PR and thus also helps in providing the satisfaction of the strategies made by the PR for this campaign. The second strategy of the PR in the recent times determines the Budget support conditions which becomes the another strategy for viewing the position, pitch and the products. It also helps in determining the brainstorming ideas that represents the strategy better strategy formed by the PR for the firm or the organisation. With the appropriate consideration of the case study, the representation is also made which enhances the considerations of the campaign with the results proved to be viral in the country of Germany. Henceforth it represents the considerations of the case study with visualising the tactics made by the PR while creating the platform for the sending the particular messages to the public (Barlowe 2014). This also helps in representing the ideas of the PR that proves that the strategy and the tactics followed by the PR helps in the satisfaction of the consumers taste and the preferences with the appropriate selection of the process for sending the messages about the case of Singapore’s Anti-Gambling Campaign, particularly the 2010 and 2014 campaign.
The linear strategy approach stresses on the planning aspect of strategy. It looks into the achievement of pre-stated goals and is systematic and logical in its planning process. Acting under the assumption that the organisation is structured orderly, the environment is comparably predictable . This in turn insulate the organisations from environment forces.
The strategy NCPG has adopted has always been considered to be linear. Their campaign advertisement has always been put across throughoutthat gambling harms the loved ones the most and not just oneself.For instance, during their 2014 campaign, the advertisement depicts a scene where a father is begging her daughter for access to her savings, which, given that she is a child, is stored in a piggybank. Viewers have to witness the sight of the daughter’s father begging for money to fuel his addiction and the father having to resort to taking money from his children, expressing no guilt at all, instead believing that the next time will be his time to strike rich (Watson and Noble 2007). Another advertisement shown in 2010, it shows a young girl, where her life is affected from the consequences of problem gambling, from the house being defecated, to the constant arguments which hints that the father’s gambling addiction is root of the problem, with a message in the end, “if problem gambling is affecting your family, you’ve have crossed the line.”
NCPG’s Campaign Approach
Clearly seen in the two advertisement, NCPG has aimed to tug at the emotion strings of the viewers, as it is believed that it is a major factor in persuasive advertising when it aims to change viewpoints and not just to inform viewers from a logical point of view. When the advertisement resonated emotionally, a person will not only feels differently, but also react and think differently.(O’Shaughnessy and O’Shaughnessy 2004) Based on the 2014 Gambling Participation Survey, it stated that there has been a significant decrease in the probable pathological and problem gambling rates among Singapore citizens, dropping from 2.6% in 2011 to 0.7% in 2014. It could be said that the campaign could play a part in contributing to this, although it is uncertain to what extend does it directly impact the percentage. (Media release)
NCPG has also work hand in hand with Singapore’s legalised bookmaker, Singapore Pools. Visual aids have been strategically placed in the betting kiosk of Singapore Pools throughout the nation. These visual aids are video stills from the advertisement andthey help to further reinforce the viewers of the message that gambling addiction can be a problem and that help is just a phone call away (Hayes, Hendrix and Kumar 2013).
It is but a known fact that world cup tournaments especially that of football world cup is celebrated and worshipped by all soccer lovers around the world and during this time a lot of people invest a lot of money while engaging themselves in the evil gambling game of sports betting (Franklin 2009). In order to tackle this problem the NCPG had taken the opportunity of the recent football world cup tournament and came out with a series of thought-provoking stories and snippets of life of a small boy called Andy who is facing a lot of problems and under a great amount of pressure as is father is engaged in gambling and sports betting. But unfortunately in this case it backfired because of the simple reason that in the advertisement Andy said that he was worried as his father had bet all his money on Germany and in the finals it was Germany that actually won. This became a laughing stock as it was found that instead of becoming an advertisement to stop gambling and sports betting, it led on to show that betting and gambling can also make wonders for the people doing it, which is a totally wrong message (Green 2010).
Theories are the collection of assumptions which explains how the processes work. It is used to make predictions about effects of the work processes. Theories play an important role in explaining the whole processes by describing the concept (Theaker 2004). The importance of theories in the public relation is that it gives an understanding to the public relations practitioners of what and how the public relations actually work. There was no theories during early days of the public relations and had no or little guidelines to direct them in order to craft tactics, programs, strategies and communication plans. In the 19th centaury the press agents worked hard in order to create news to influence the public opinion. The model is called as the press Agentry model (GAO et al. 2013). A press agent also conducted a research or survey to manipulate the behaviour of the people. The model is one way communication in which press agents uses manipulation and persuasion to influence the behaviour of the public. Therefore, the model is used by the practitioners as a one way communication in order to sell their products and services. The public information model is also a one way communication methods but the flow of messages are accurate. It helps to provide accurate information and helps to encourage ethical practices. In 20th centaury the focus was on that the public relations practitioners should move towards more accurate and truthful messages. The model is commonly used by the government agencies, law enforcement agencies and military units. The two way asymmetric model shows that feedback system is significant to the practitioner but aim was not to improve the organizational practices but to influence the attitudes of the audiences (Gregory 2010). The model is considered as the most ethical model and feedback gathered nby the organization is used to change the organizational practices.
Discourse can be depicted as the themes attitude as well as values expressed via oral along with written statements behaviour, images etc, which at a undertaken time along with place under a certain institutional and non institutional background as well as considered meaningful. Importantly the disclosure claims to be significant and at the same time claims to be truth (McKie and Willis 2012). For example the discourse is as follows ‘an individual should have at least a degree to become a successful man’. Discourse can be depicted a system of thoughts comprised with concepts, attitude, course of activities, beliefs and practice which methodically construct the matter as well as the world of which they speak. The public relation practitioners are engaged in the maintenance as well as transformation of the discourse initially via the production along with distribution of text that facilitate certain socio cultural practices. With the consideration of the discourse theory, the role of this plays an effective element for the PR. In relation to the civil society, the degree of the work for the public relation helps in the creation of the influence for the public discourse and thereby it also helps in the mitigating the contentious issues. The related academic discipline also helps in the influencing the critical discourse made for the employment and thereby it also helps in the generation of the professional practices for the enhancement of the communication campaign. The current understandings depict the social roles played by the PR with the construction of the public professions and also help in the creation of the articulation of the relationship between the public relation and the public interest (McKie and Willis 2012). With focusing on the part of the conceptualisation, the effective public spheres are made for reviewing the perspectives and the drawbacks of the works made according to the discourse theory in today’s PR relation.
As mentioned above, the advertisement used during their 2014 campaign, the father is requesting to use the daughter’s savings to fuel his addiction to gambling. This can be seen as an inappropriate due to the fact that the daughter is still a minor and that she is unable to provide for herself, let alone provide for her father, especially his gambling addiction. It seeks to inform the viewers that friend and family around you will be affected just by picking up gambling,
As seen, the social discourse this advertisement generated is that gambling is harmful not just to yourself but your loved ones as well.
- Talk about the social impact of gambling addiction, example loan sharks harassments,
- It can be said that the gambler might not focus on his job due to the constant thinking of gambling or solving their monetary crisis with the ah longs, thus they may get fired from their job which can pile on to their list of problem, having to now worry about providing for their family. These worries can lead to an immense amount of pressure, resorting to crime or even committing suicide to ‘solve’ the problems. Ultimately these actions harms the loved ones the most.
- Not just the loved ones, the other party that can be impacted by the gambler would be the company one is working for. Due to one’s gambling addiction, one may not be entirely focused on the job, leading to the other colleague to pick up the slack, meaning that more work has to be done by the others (Oliver 2010).
- Along with hurting the near and dear ones of the family, the gambler also at the same time puts the future of the children of the family in stake. As seen in many cases, children need to drop out from school at a very early age because of the simple fact that their guardian have lost all money on gambling and are therefore unable to afford for the basic necessities of the life of a child (Parsons 2008). Children are rid of their childhood as a consequence of Problem Gambling.
- Problem Gambling leads to people losing out the right track of mind and getting involved in other heinous crimes and activities as they are always in desperate need of money. There are also situations where a gambler is known to be in such a huge debt that he killed his family and himself in order to get rid of the problems (Sheehan and Xavier 2009).
- Gambling can never be good for the society as one’s gain clearly means another’s loss. Moreover since this game is dependent on luck, it is not logical to support such a sport.
The gambling is one of the most dreadful habits of human being as it plays a vital role in the down fall of an individual. Economically a person can be down to the worst position by the gambling. Apart from the financial hazards, the gambling can play significant role to drop the psychology of a human being. It is perceived that due to the bad habit the individuals sale their valuables, ornaments, properties even it has been perceived that individual bets on their nears and dears (Tench and Yeomans 2006). Singapore is the worst example of the gambling country; it is ranked as world’s 2nd largest gambling country. There are several people in this country indulge in gambling activities and they incurred a huge amount of money in order to peruse their gambling habit.
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