Public Law And Private Law, Law And Morality, Separation Of Powers, Writing In Your Own Words

Law- Public Law

Public Law

1.a. Explain the term ‘public law’ and give examples of the different types of ‘public law’.

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b. Explain the term ‘private law’ and give examples of the different types of ‘private law’.

2 a.Explain the differences between law and morality.

b. Identify an Act of Parliament that creates a criminal offence, and state what the offence is. Explain the moral principle(s) that may have led to the creation of the offence.

3. Explain how separation of powers is achieved within the UK constitution.

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4.a. Why is writing in your own words an important academic skill?

b. Re-write this statement in your own words:

Public law forms as one of the most important field in the frame of law. It is that part of the law which deals in the relationship between the individuals and government. It is basically a significant aspect, which is to be considered by the law makers of the country, as in the absence of the same, there wouldn’t be any kind of discipline or decorum in the society or the economy.
The public law comprises of the constitutional law, administrative law, tax law, criminal law and all the matters related to procedural law. These laws are actively used by the society as it deals in the daily activities of all the individuals as a society.

Constitutional Law: It basically lays the foundations of the state, i.e. it is in the presence of this law the state or the economy has been given the regular authority to run the economy as per the regulated principles.

Administrative Law: This field of law is related to all the bureaucratic managerial procedures. The main purpose of introducing this law is to define the powers of administrative agencies.

Criminal Law: This is basically involved with the imposing of sanctions for all the defined crimes committed by an individual or a business. Its main purpose is to make sure that justice in the society is served appropriately.

Tax Law: This relates to all the tax which is being charged by the government, directly or indirectly.

Private law has been that field in the law department, which involves relationships between individuals. It deals with the relationships of both natural and artificial persons. Private laws have been formulated just to make sure that in the transactions where the government isn’t involved; there must be certain laws and principles which would be directing the same. Therefore it can be said that the presence of these private laws does play an important role in the determination of the society’s welfare.
The various examples for these private laws are as follows: 
Civil Law: This field of law is related to all the activities related to civil. All the laws relating to contract, goods, etc. are termed under these laws as it is required in the measurements of all transactions between individuals and businesses.
Corporations Law: These laws are related to the processes of having some principles in making transactions between various business parties. All the companies have to adopt the principles and laws as stated in the corporation law.

Constitutional Law

Law and morality are basically synonyms of each other, yet in some aspects, it becomes an important aspect to differentiate them. Morality is deals more with the process of having an ethical duty, while law is an effective way to process the things as per certain rules and regulations. These rules and regulations lead the companies and the individuals lead their activities or pursue the same in the most effective manner. In the presence of law, morality will not be faithful enough for the people to always work as per the ethics. This ethical aspect of an individual is different for difference individuals. In the presence of morality, there are people who have committed crimes which are against the moral values of the people. Since there is no universal process of determining the ethical behavior of a person, the society has come up with the introduction of law, which would benefit the people and the society as a constant rule to be followed for the purpose of having an effective scenario for the economy.

Laws are generally introduced in the society to make sure that people are living their daily life in the most appropriate manner and will have a universal aspect of making sure that the demographic structure is benefitted as a whole. Apart from this, the introduction of law has been a major aspect for the government of the country to make sure that rules and regulations have been followed with the correct approach. No person or a company will be allowed to work going against the rules and regulations of the act or the principles as per the law defining the related matter.

One of the basic examples of committing a criminal offense is to going beyond the laws of doing business. There are times when a company is engaging itself in activities which are not basically allowed by the rules and regulations of the Act, yet it has been done the way. It is basically because of this reason when the company will have to face certain objectivity by the court of law as it leads to have the most basic form of activity which would help the people in avoiding the crimes. 
One of the major examples of this has been the reason for the recession in 2008. The major aspect considered in this scenario has been the subprime loans which were being given by different banks to the people. Though, it wasn’t exactly illegal, yet some of the activities of the same had been legal and therefore, the process of having the subprime activities was being carried out.
Under this scenario, the corporation law would be applied and the execution would have been made on the people charged for the same. Therefore, it can be said that the corporation law does play an active role in the determination of having an effective scenario in the society, which would aid the economy in the long run.

3 The UK constitution has been one of the stabilized constitutions across the whole world leading them to be one of the superior countries. It is because of the stable economy that the country is being considered as one of the most affecting countries. The major reason to conclude the same is because of the rules and regulations which have been adopted by the people and the government to maintain the decorum in an appropriate manner. Apart from this, the government has adopted a certain method to follow each and every practice or laws for the government to make sure that the changes are made after following all the rules and regulations.

Administrative Law

For the purpose of separation of powers as well, it becomes an important aspect for the people or the companies to follow. But in this scenario, the government or the Supreme Court has to play an active role in the achieving the process of separating the powers within the UK constitution. For this a proper resolution has to be passes by the current government in order to make sure that it has resigned from the post which will lead them to make sure that the new government will come in to power. For them to be in power, the major aspect which is to be considered in this scenario is to keep in mind all the necessary provisions for the particular aspect to be happening as per the rules and regulations. These rules and regulations will lead the current government to have the best possible scenario to execute the change in powers of the company. This process of changing powers has been effective enough for the constitution as it would help the government in easily formulating a new one.

All these necessary aspects are to be followed by the government in order to execute the need to change the power. The current scenario for the same has been one of the major things to change the power. The new government as soon as it is formed, it does have to undergo certain rules and regulations in order to come in to power as per the necessary act. Hence the process of change of power in the UK constitution is considered to be one of the most responsible tasks as it is involved with the most significant aspects of rules and regulations leading the current government to have the power after making all the necessary changes.

Writing in your own words is considered to be an important academic skill because of the fact that it helps in judging the skills of a student in delivering good quality report. It shows the approach of a person and how much the person does has understood a certain concept. It is because of this reason; most of the schools and colleges have been given emphasis of having all the students write their reports in their own respective words.

While writing a report, it is necessary to write it in our own words as otherwise it would be considered plagiarized. It will improve our understanding towards a concept and will help in gaining advantage on the same topic. How perfectly it has been done depends upon our style of writing and the understanding we have got for the same topic. Some words are not replaceable and hence, it cannot be changed, but formulating it in our words is an important aspect to be considered by the schools and colleges.

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