Psychological Analysis Of Behaviour: Learning, Emotion, Personality Disorder, Stress And Group Influence
Case Background
The aim of the report is to analyse the psychological behaviour by considering theories related to the learning, emotion, personality, disorders, stress and group influence. The report includes the selection of an event that includes a person that remains in the news. The event can be related to a celebrity or merely a person of interest that is considered to be different from the norms. The events that have been selected for understanding the psychological behaviour is related to Bollywood star Salman Khan who gets the 5 years for poaching deer. Considering the case, there is discussion related to the different theories which will help in understanding psychology behaviour.
Salman Khan one of the well-known Bollywood stars was imprisoned for poaching deer from wildlife conserves for five years. This took place when the trial judge considered him as a customary lawbreaker. The actor resists that he didn’t harm the two Blackduck deer in western Indian sanctuary in the year 1998. In addition to this, this has been found that 4 stars were involved in case which includes Sonali Bendre, Saif Ali Khan, Neelam and Tabu who were innocent by the Chief Judicial Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri (The Star, 2018). They were acquitted because it was said that they were in the jeep that was believed to be driven by the Salman Khan at the time of the hunt. Tabu and Neelam took only one name due to which Salman remained alone in the case.
The blackbuck is most threatened species that are secure under the Act of Indian Wildlife. Further, Chogaram Bishnoi, one of members of the community said that journalists said that he saw Khan stopping his jeep and shooting the 2 blackbuck deer in the village that is near to Jodhpur in 1998 October (Times of India, 2018). This case helps in understanding the psychological behaviour of the person and the process linked with it.
The learning in psychology is referred to as the relatively permanent change or acquisition of behaviour and knowledge. The learning theories that are related to the psychology are majorly Classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning. The case of Salman Khan reflects that there is the possibility of application of learning theories of development in the psychology behaviour.
Considering the case, it has been found that Salman Khan gets 5 years for poaching deer. The Salman Khan allegedly went on a shooting expedition. The case remains Salman Khan with the learning which is discussed with the help of operant conditioning theory of learning. The operant condition is a term that is mainly used to discuss the behaviour which is reinforced with the reward or discouraged through punishment (McDougall, 2015). The theory of operant conditioning was first discussed by the B.F. Skinner, one of the behavioural psychologist. This theory is also known as Skinnerian conditioning and the instrumental conditioning. The psychologist said that he believes that the classical conditioning doesn’t account all type of leaning and consequences of an action that can influence the behaviour which leads to the event (Cherry, 2018).
This theory of learning is related to the Salman Khan Deer case because it is linked with the punishment that is faced by Salman Khan after the event. According to the operant theory, the behaviour of the person gets change due to rewards and punishment. The star was accused of hunting of the deer and punishment for same which leads to the learning and brought the change in the behaviour of the person. Salman khan learned that earlier behaviour leads to the punishment which is not good for him due to that he never tried to get involved in any kind of event that is related to the hunting and harming them. This reflects the psychology behaviour of Salman Khan due to the deer case punishment. This reflects that deer case punishment brought behaviour learning for Salman Khan. Thus, this is the reason that the operant conditioning theory of learning behaviour best fits the person’s behaviour in this case.
In psychology, the emotion is considered as one of the complex states of the feeling that leads to the physical and psychological changes that appear generally in the thought and behaviour of the person. The physiological suggest the responses within the body that is responsible for the emotions. In the case of Salman Khan, there is an emotion behind it which is reflected through the behaviour.
The theory that suits best to the case includes James-Lange Theory of emotion as this theory is considered as one of the finest illustrations of the physiological theory of emotion. This theory is projected by the Physiologist Carl Lange and William James. The James-Lange Theory of emotion recommends that the emotion take place as a outcome of physiological responses which leads to the event. This theory says whenever a people see an external stimulus it leads to the reaction related to the physiology (Niedenthal & Ric, 2017).
In the case of Salman Khan, he faced the behaviour of being emotional which might lead to the event. In the year 1998, Salman Khan visited Rajasthan for Hum Saath Saath Hain and visited for the shooting expedition with the 4 other actors. This event took place because at that point of time Salman Khan became emotional when they saw deer in Rajasthan as after seeing deer their emotions appear. These emotions made them act in a different way due to which they acted accordingly which leads to the incident or event (Cherry, 2018). In the present time, the emotion theory shows that there were some external stimuli in the form of Blackbuck deer and other co-stars which leads to the change in the emotional behaviour of a person and appeared as an event.
Theory of Learning
This event is affecting the Star in the present era by offering the punishment to them for the act. There is no evidence for the fact that who did the hunting of the threatened species in the Act of Indian Wildlife. Chogaram Bishnoi, a member of the community who put the efforts into protecting the Blackbuck said that they saw Salman Khan driving the jeep and shooting (The Star, 2018). However, this reflects the emotion of the person at the time of the event which took place years back. The whole incident reflects that the theory of James-Lange Theory fits the best to the case which shows that the emotions occur in the form of physiological reactions which leads to the event. This can be understood with the example of drunken-driving, hit-and-run case of Salman Khan which was faced by Mumbai High Court.
The personality defines the extremely embedded designs that are related to the behaviour and the style in which a person notice, relate to and think around the world. Personality disorders are very inflexible, maladaptive, and rigid that leads to the impairment in the functioning or internal distress (Larsen, et al 2017). There are different types of personality disorder that are present in psychology and can influence the behaviour of the person. Some of these personality orders are Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal, Antisocial, histrionic, borderline and much other personality disorder. Out of this personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder fits the best to the case and person.
A histrionic personality disorder is considered by continuous attention-seeking, sensitive overreaction and openness (Larsen, et al 2017). A person with personality disorder inclines to over-dramatize conditions which may harm relations and this lead to sadness. In the case of the poaching deer, the Salman Khan deals with the issues of the histrionic personality disorder which means that he was willing to seek the attention through the hunting the rare or endangered species. This also shows that they deal with the emotional overreaction when the incident was taking place (Beck, Davis & Freeman, 2015). The case of poaching deer shows that he was willing to grab the attention by hunting or shooting endangered species. Though, this was disorder which affected the life of two deer and also gave punishment to Salman Khan. The harm of the disorder was that he faced the case against him in the Mumbai high court as the killing of endangered species is one of the biggest crimes in the front of Indian Law (The London Free Press, 2018). The physical disorder reflects that Salman deals with the interest that remains the self-focused. This is the only reason due to which he became the victim among the remaining stars.
Theory of Emotion
This section includes the ways through which the other behaviour has influenced the behaviour of this person. Over here, the person that is related to the case is Salman Khan who gets affected due to the behaviour. This behaviour is explained with the help of social psychology which is a scientific study that reflects how the people thoughts, feeling and behaviour are getting influenced. There are different types of social psychological phenomenon that are included in these perspectives. The theory that has been suited the best to the situation includes Behavioural (Cherry, 2018).
The behavioural social psychology reflects the learning behaviour and observing the reaction to stimuli. Behavioural Psychology is an approach which emphasises the role of conditioning that influences the thought and actions of person’s (Jung, 2014). This perspective is based on the studies that are experimental and can influence the behaviour of Salman Khan. The theory of learning is related to the idea that all the behaviours are acquired through conditioning. This reflects that it is the high time when the Salman Khan gets influenced with the behaviour of the other people that offer them learning that they should not shoot the deer as they are part of the livelihood on earth (Times of India, 2018). The value of the Blackbuck deer in the livelihood can bring the change in the thought and attitude of the person. Salman Khan brings the behavioural learning from their past experience which taught them that they should respect the species and should not think of harming them. Thus, it has been found that this social psychology phenomenon suits the best to the case of Salman Khan.
In the end, it can be concluded that Salman Khan gets 5 years for poaching deer is not proven true but it has played a major role in the psychology behaviour of the person. The report found that the case has brought the changes in the life of stars. The theory of learning reflects the way through which the Salman Khan learnt the way they should react in the near future. This has been believed that the theory of learning has brought the change in the behaviour of Salman Khan as he started caring for the species. In addition, the theory of emotion reflects the emotions due to which the change in psychology behaviour converted into the event that affected the lives of the actor. Further, I believe that the actor is dealing with the personality disorder due to which he remained self-focused. The actor was willing to grab the attention but this was a disorder which converted the worse of it. Further, this has been found that Salman Khan brought the changes in the behaviour which exits after the change in the social psychological. This is supported with the behavioural psychology. Considering the case, I believe that Salman Khan has brought numerous changes in their behaviour which has made them a better person.
Beck, A. T., Davis, D. D., & Freeman, A. (Eds.). (2015). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. UK: Guilford Publications.
Cherry, K. (2018). An Overview of Behavioral Psychology. Retrieved from:
Cherry, K. (2018). An Overview of Learning Theories In Psychology. Retrieved from:
Cherry, K. (2018). Overview of the 6 Major Theories of Emotion. Retrieved from:
Jung, C. G. (2014). Analytical psychology: Its theory and practice. New York: Routledge.
Larsen, R. J., Buss, D. M., Wismeijer, A., Song, J., & van den Berg, S. M. (2017). Personality psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature. McGraw Hill Education.
McDougall, W. (2015). An introduction to social psychology. UK: Psychology Press.
Niedenthal, P. M., & Ric, F. (2017). Psychology of emotion. UK: Psychology Press.
The London Free Press. (2018) Bollywood star Salman Khan gets 5 years for poaching rare deer two decades ago. Retrieved from:
The Star. (2018). Bollywood star Salman Khan gets 5 years for poaching deer. Retrieved from:
Times of India. (2018). Blackbuck poaching case: All you need to know. Retrieved from: