Pros And Cons Of Servant Leadership As An Effective Management Style
Main Characteristics of Servant Leadership
An organization can grow significantly with the help of an effective leadership style because leadership is about influencing and enabling people to contribute towards achieving the common goal of the organization. The main aim of this essay is to highlight the importance of one of the leadership style that is servant leadership management’s style. The discussion will be made on the pros and cons of servant leadership management as an effective approach to manage people in the organization.
In the context of the leadership, it has been analyzed that this phrase is started with the natural feeling that one desires to serve, to serve first. The leader who is following the servant leadership style is the one who brings one to aspire to lead. Servant leadership refers completeness in itself. Servant leadership is considered as an approach or practices that place the requirements of those being led the self-interest of the leaders. The visions and mission of the company are made from the top hierarchy and each employee need to perform within the organization to follow the same. It has been found that the major leadership skills of servant leaders entail the capability to open lines of communication to all employees that use persuasion rather than an effective authority (Rachmawati and Lantu, 2014).
Servant leaders have a natural wish to serve others which is a deep commitment to the development of others for the aim alone. The main role of the servant leadership is to maintain the relationship with others in an effective manner. This kind of readership helps the organization to increase the productivity of the employees in an efficient manner through which one can perform within the business effectively. The notion of the leaders of a servant has considerable currency and it has been embedded in the principles of major religions. It has been found that the companies have an upper level of performance when their executive applies the servant leadership style.
It has been suggested by Green, Rodriguez, Wheeler and Baggerly-Hinojosa, (2016), that there are some factors which suitable in the servant leadership style that is self-confident among followers that gives them a sense of personal power. Another aspect is the humility that provides the ability to the pot one on its own development and talents in an effective perspective. Authenticity is another aspect of the servant leadership management style that demonstrates the ways of inner feelings and thoughts (Grisaffe, VanMeter and Chonko, 2016).
Benefits of Servant Leadership
There is another aspect of interpersonal acceptance that shows the ability to get understanding as well as experience the feeling of others. Servant leadership has the ability to direct followers on the right path in order to make work dynamics and tailor-made (Washington, Sutton and Sauser Jr, 2014). Stewardship is another ability of the servant leadership that pushes them to show a willingness to take more responsibilities for the huge institutions and to go for services despite control as well as self-interest.
In the favor of the statement, A servant leadership management style is the best approach for managing people in organisations, it has been found that the servant leadership style is an effective approach to reach up to a maximum number of employees within the business. it is the strategy that operates in a highly collaborative and interdependent manner (Ford and Harding, 2018). This kind of personality helps other and gives credits to them which keeps a positive image of them in the view of the employees and they get motivated towards performing the task in an efficient manner. It is the best approach to manage people in the organization because it facilitates in making cooperation.
It is the style that develops the trusts across constituencies and focuses on the ability of the employees. the servant leadership style is comprised charismatic and transformational leadership style, authentic and spiritual leader. Servant leadership and transformational leadership style are considered as the people-oriented approaches which put a significant value to the individualization and appreciation of followers. The main motive of the transformational leaders is to take care of the followers because it would help them to increase the productivity of them. van Dierendonck and Patterson, (2015) .
States that diversity entails in the organization where a number of employees working for the different purpose and it is vital for the leaders of the organization to take care of them so that the communication gap and any other issue related to the diversity could not be developed. There is a number of benefits of servant leadership in which disciplinarian atmosphere is one of them. They do not develop the policies to be imposed on others and follow the policies through listening. Cooper (2010), defined that the role of the servant leadership can be considered as the facilitator by a collaborative approach.
In such way, each employee understands their responsibility to perform in a well-efficient manner. Empowerment is referred as the enabler that handles and servant leaders have the capability to handle the task in an efficient manner by taking consideration of employees in it so that they can feel the same as the part of the organization. Positive networking is developed by the servant leadership that entails the communication, coordination, and collaboration that develop the huge potential for affirmative growth of individuals.
Challenges of Servant Leadership
Every coin has two aspects which demonstrate the positive as well as negative part of the whole scenario. Same applies to this topic statement. There is a number of issues linked with the topic that impact the productivity of the employees adversely and influence the image of the servant leadership. The major concern from the servant leadership management is the excessive amount of work which is needed for developing the lesson and the lack of development actually. Parris and Peachey, (2013), identified that the servant leadership is not successful to manage people in the organization because .
it has not potential to manage people according to the policies and norms because they do not have right to handle policies directly from the operations. Along with that it is time-consuming approach because it would be hard to manage a large number of employees’ individual, and the perception of each employee is different from other (Adamson, 2012). It has been analyzed that the idea of the servant leaders shows hard to develop in the established community. It would be hard for the community to replace with already existing policies.
It is required for the organization to demolish the previous style of leadership from the system to set up the completely new one policy. There is another factor of the servant leadership style that can be the major reason of hurt to others which no involvement of employees in the decision making an approach. However, the use of democratic style is not used under the process due to the existence of the servant leadership style but it would impact the employee’s dignity as they start to think that they are not valuable for the company (Liden, Wayne, Liao and Meuser, 2014).
There are other cons of servant leadership style within the business that is timescale for the business. The role of the servant leadership needs a change in the mentality and attitudes for the purpose of doing task in an effective manner. Dierendonck, (2011), argued that it is not that type of project which can be provided an initiated date but rather must initiate from a change in mind-set. It would be hard for the large organization to carry this for a long time along with that it would be hard for people to being led in a more authoritarian manner to become accustomed to the accountability delegate to them with this style of leadership. This style of leadership might show to be a long project as a consequence of difficult to get everyone on board with the idea. It has been stated by Laub, (2018), that the servant leadership would need huge kind of whole institution approach rather than people linking in it on their own.
Analysis and Conclusion
It can be concluded from above discussion that the role of the servant leadership in the organization keeps huge importance. It has been found that the role of the servant leadership develops the growth of people, the practice of authenticity and community development.
It is recommended to the organizations to make an improvement within the process by adapting the approach of servant leadership because it would be helpful for the organization to make coordination between employees. It is implied to the leaders of the organization to adapt leadership style as per the situation because one leadership style can be suitable with other situation which can resolve the issues. The goals of the leadership should be cleared within the business because it has been found that the servant leadership style can have the influence of developing a parent-child relationship which can lead the employee in the path of demotivation.
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