Proposed Information System For BlueScope Steel Limited

BlueScope Steel Limited – A brief overview

BlueScope Steel Limited is one of the leading Australian manufacturing company that face challenges in terms of their information system (BlueScope Corporate, 2019). Therefore, the study will propose a new information system that should be developed by the BlueScope Steel Limited of Australia in the future. In order to determine this, various procedures related to this manufacturing company such as the critical success factor and the primary objectives will also discuss in this context. In addition, a mission statement will also develop that suitable for the client businesses that provide the current business operations of this firm. Organizational chart, the current system and the specific weaknesses that generate from the new system will also be discussed in this study. Moreover, the main feature of the new system and the use of various information system that should be needed by this company will also provide here. Besides this, a proposal will be constructed that demonstrates the technological platform, four user view, data attributes and data breaches and security aspects of this new information system.

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The BlueScope Steel Limited is one of the leading Australian manufacturing company that produce mainly steel and serve their products in various parts of the world including Australia (BlueScope Corporate, 2019). By manufacturing all types of steel products the firm enhance their success factor in this Australian market. BlueScope Steel Limited provides steel fort various small and medium enterprises present in Australia and thereby gain a huge demand in this country market (Chou & Pramudawardhani, 2015). In addition, they innovate their technological aspects so that they able to maintain their integrity and thereby provide the highest professional standards on their business activities. Therefore, these success factors help this manufacturing company to become one of the most trustworthy manufacturing steel firm for both peoples and businesses.

Besides this, the BlueScope Steel Limited provides commitments to various businesses which enable them to create a long-term value of their services in accordance with their manufacturing procedure. Hence by focusing on these procedures, they strengthen their governance activities which able them to enhance their customers base and reduce their various financial risks related to their manufacturing company procedure. Apart from this, the manufacturing company maintains a strong balance sheet that able to enhance their strategic flexibility in this Australian market (Theorin et al., 2017). By maintaining these practices the firm able to track a good record of being a strong global partnership aspects with the consumer base. Most of the firms that taken products from this manufacturing company are the consumers of the fortune companies. Hence, all these factors lead this manufacturing company to become a success in the respective market.

Primary Objectives of BlueScope Steel Limited

The primary objectives of this BlueScope Steel Limited are as follows:  

  • To provide the best manufacturing services in terms of steel production to their consumer base
  • To identify the shareholders and customers demands in relation to their manufacturing services    
  • To provide a global network by supply steel to all the business and consumers around the world
  • To focus on building an international leader in terms of premium branded coated as well as painted steel products all around the nation  

In order to fulfill all these objectives, the firm manufacture premium painted as well as steel products by which they easily enhance tuber business position in the corresponding Australian market. In today’s environment, the manufacturing company increase their production rate by using various technological aspects and by this way their sustain position and performance in the respective Australian market (Zhang et al., 2015). Besides this, the firm maintains a strong proposition of value got their consumer base which thereby enable them to fulfill their different business objectives. However, they face challenges in their information system and therefore a proposal has been provided that help them to mitigate these issues.                     

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For evaluating these objectives proper information regarding the business strategic focus of this manufacturing company is necessary. In addition, the primary aim or purpose of this BlueScope Steel Limited should be analyzed to evaluate these objectives. Besides this, from the corporate governance information, an idea regarding the major motives of this manufacturing company has been generated that also become helpful in determining the business operations of this firm. If the information on corporate governance, the organizational cultures, as well as the business strategies, are known then it indirectly help in evaluating the respective objectives of this manufacturing company (Guo et al., 2015). The proper information regarding sustainability report of this firm become also helpful in determining the major aim of their business procedures. Moreover, the customer commitment report and strategic focus of business procedure are also considered as important information that helps in evaluating the respective goals of this manufacturing company in this Australian market (Arab-Mansour, Millet & Botta-Genoulaz, 2017).                   

The mission statement is created that determine the business operation of this manufacturing company and also appropriate for the client business. A mission statement is one that uses to demonstrate the organization aim as well as objectives for their stakeholder that includes employees, customers and directed related to their firm (Susilawati et al., 2015). Therefore, the mission statement should be carefully made by the management team that should be suitable for their client businesses. Hence the suitable mission statement for the client business is “BlueScope Steel Limited provides premium painted steel that coated with high quality materials that serve to all communities including client businesses and consumers by constructing good relationships and maintaining a proper ethical standard. For maintaining the relationships manufacturing company follows proper lawful activities and policies and also innovate their technological aspects as per the current trend.” From this statement, the client will get an idea and attracted by this company and thereby it easily influence them to invest a high amount on this firm.

Evaluating the objectives of BlueScope Steel Limited

The organizational chart will develop only to provide an idea regarding the company business operation (Sharma, Govindaluri & Al Balushi, 2015). The figure demonstrates that the shareholders and Board plays a vital role in maintaining the business procedure of this manufacturing company.    

A strategic focus information system has been used by this BlueScope Steel Limited firm that helps them to maintain their business operations properly. Besides this, they innovate their technological procedure so that they can easily attract high consumer base towards their firm. By following the strategic focus information system the firm able to provide premium services to all their consumer base as well as the businesses that related to this firm. The current system used by this firm also help them to maintain the highest standard of professionalism as well as integrity with their employees and customers in comparison to the other similar companies present in the respective market of Australia (Gahm et al., 2016). Apart from this, for sustaining an ethical and lawful organizational culture the company construct risk management framework, endangered buildings of steel in various markets so that they can provide innovative services to the people as well as businesses.

In addition, by using cloud-based infrastructure services the firm able to improve their technology related to business operations and thereby it helps them to provide better as well as innovative services to their customers. Hence their IT procedure is managed properly but with the constant invention of technological means in current day the firm faces various challenges and this has affected their business procedures. For this reason, to improve their IT infrastructure and also to develop their technological aspects proper information system should be invented by this manufacturing company (Shahbazi et al., 2016). Therefore, after implementing the new information system the management team of this manufacturing company can able to enhance their IT as well as business infrastructure that provides a positive impact on the business operations. In other words, innovating the current system also help the manufacturing company manager to improve their position and performance rate in this market.                                       

The improved system helps the manufacturing company to enhance their performance rate as well as productivity but some specific control weakness has been arising that can affect the business procedure of manufacturing company business operations. The system can provide issues in internal controlling process related to their functional operations. The internal controlling process enhances the efficiency of work but innovating new technological aspects can create problems of properly controlling the internal functional operations (Al-Sa’di, Abdallah & Dahiyat, 2017). Therefore, it is necessary that the manufacturing company should develop a proper strategy to mitigate these weakness generate due to this new system.

Mission Statement

The figure demonstrates that the BlueScope Manufacturing company maintained secure and sophisticated business process so that they able to provide better services to their Australian consumers and businesses (Worthington, 2016). Therefore, by following the strategic focus system the manufacturing company enhances their position and performance respectively in Australia.

From the figure, it is clear that with the help of the current system, the manufacturing company manager able to maintain all details of their customers by using proper management information system (Esposito et al., 2016). The figures give a view of the withdrawal and depository act of their consumers and thereby it helps the managers to maintain all the financial aspects occurring in their manufacturing company.

The primary features of the new information system provide various opportunities for this BlueScope manufacturing company such as it helps in enhancing the efficiency rate of business operations and also reduce risks by providing preventive measures (Bokrantz et al., 2018). The various features of this new improved system are as follows:

With the help of this new system, the manufacturing company can able to make a statement that demonstrates the non-financial and financial data of their business procedure. The system mainly provides a supervision measurement of data that provide consistency of the results including all non-financial and financial measures of this manufacturing company (Wu et al., 2016).

The new improved system helps the manufacturing company to construct a target related policy that may enable them to enhance their efficiency of business operations (Waibel et al., 2017). Besides this, by using this new system the management team can make proper strategy by which they easily enhance the manufacturing company efficiency rate. This new system help in controlling various internal activities in an effective and smooth manner (Buiten et al., 2018). Due to this, is able to provide proper prevention for the various financial activities related to this BlueScope Manufacturing Company.

One of the features of this new improved system is to determine the inaccuracy, inability, and irregularities that may present in the former information system use by this BlueScope manufacturing company (Zhao et al., 2015). After reviewing the faults, this new system provides proper safe and secure measures that enable to run the working procedure perfectly. In other words, with the help of this new system the manufacturing company  can able to reduce their loss of data, effects of fire and also restore their previous data too (Herterich, Uebernickel & Brenner, 2015). Hence, it is clear that the system provides proper detective as well as corrected their business activities related to this manufacturing company.    

Organizational Chart

This system is chosen as the best solution for client businesses as it enables the manufacturing company to increase their operations efficiency and also provide proper prevention for reducing their business risks (Herterich, Uebernickel & Brenner, 2015). In other words, with the help of this new improved system, the auditing team will make a statement of both non-financial and financial data attributes which thereby help the manufacturing company to get an idea regarding their financial situations.                                              

MRP information system helps the manufacturing company to control their services by providing proper planning and scheduling all their operating procedure. Hence, this Material Recruitments Planning (MRP) information system also provides various opportunities by which the management team can easily manage their operative procedures related to their business (Francioli & Quagli, 2016). Being a software system MRP provides a financial aspect regarding the materials that should be necessary for this manufacturing company in running their business operations properly. Therefore, it is quite evident that with the help of this software, the manufacturing company not only manages their operative procedures but also able to organize their financial aspects in a proper manner (Tekin & Konina, 2017). Apart from this, with the help of this MRP information system the BlueScope manufacturing company able to maintain their inventory levels at a low rate in comparison to the other similar firms in the market.             

ERP system helps this BlueScope Manufacturing Company to make well-strategic actions that helpful in running their cloud-based procedures perfectly. Besides this, with the help of ERP system the manufacturing company able to provide value-added services and thereby attract a high number of customers and businesses towards their firm (Francioli & Quagli, 2016). This system enables the operative procedures to run smoothly without facing any difficulty. Due to this reason both the interchangeable as well as self-contained transmit help the firm to run their business procedure properly. Apart from this, the ERP system also provides various facilities as well as the mechanism by which the management team can easily control their several business operations (Ramadhani, Sam & Kalegele, 2017). Hence, by using this ERP system the BlueScope Manufacturing Company able to increase their business efficiency which also helps them to fulfill their customer needs.    

ASP is a software system used by several organizations in order to organize their business procedures by following a proper schedule. Therefore, by using this system the BlueScope manufacturing company can cross-check their financial information by collecting it from different departmental branches of this company (Ocampo, 2018). With the help of this information, the manufacturing company managers make proper planning that should provide a positive impact on their manufacturing company business operations. Hence, this software becomes helpful for this manufacturing company because by using this software both the management team as well as the managers become able to construct a proper schedule of their various financial procedures (Storey et al., 2016). Apart from this, they can also build certain techniques by which they easily overcome their business challenges and provide the best services to their consumer base in the chosen Australian market.                             

Current and Strategic Information Systems

New information system improves the technological procedure of this firm by providing the best services to their consumer base. Technology is constantly improving in today’s environment and therefore to cope up with the changing environment this new information system has been introduced by this manufacturing company (Storey et al., 2016). By using this both ERP and MRP software in this new information system the manufacturing company is able to fulfill their company requirements and consumer demands too (Kumar et al., 2016). MRP system is updated automatically and therefore with the enhancement of time the technological aspect are automatically improved. The several ways by which this software system able to make a strong technical platform are as follows:

Enhances the sharing of data

Both the ERP and MRP software help the manufacturing company to stretch their supply chain perspectives in such a manner by which the managers able to control their business operation in a perfect way company (Storey et al., 2016). Hence with the help of this software, the managers share their business information or data to other manufacturing company so that if some problem arises in future, the other firm can help this BlueScope manufacturing company.

Provide good resilience

The MRP system is automatically upgraded and this provides stronger supply links to the manufacturing company business operations. Hence a good resilience has been generated with the help of this MRP system and by this way, a strong technical platform is generated in accordance with this new information system (Ocampo, 2018).

Self-supporting creation

Updated MRP system provides various mechanical advantages to this manufacturing company so that they can easily deliver the best services to their Australian consumer base without facing any issues (Storey et al., 2016).                                         

The figure depicts the financial, as well as non-financial data attributes that become helpful in determining the manufacturing company entity process by using the ER diagram (Rauch, Dallasega & Matt, 2016). Besides this, with the help of this ER diagram, the non-financial and financial procedure related to the manufacturing company can also be demonstrated.

The four user views are helpful in determining the management reports as well as source documents that are helpful for maintaining the business operations (Rauch, Dallasega & Matt, 2016). The four user views are as follows:

  • Strategic planning and policy needed to make the right decisions
  • By using proper strategy both information and management accounting procedure should be handled
  • For planning operations and taking correct decisions, appropriate information is needed and this view demonstrates the necessity of non-accounting users
  • The proper response should be given on business investigation and procedure      

Security risk and database breaches provide various issues to the manufacturing company ing process and therefore with the help of this new information system these risks of BlueScope manufacturing company can be decreased. Security risks generate when the firm financial data has lost whereas data breaches originate when any data or information leaked or stolen by an employee or client related to the firm (Kilic, Zaim & Delen, 2015). Hence to reduce these issues, the new system provides a proper manner by which the manager should check their financial information on a regular basis. In addition, with the help of this new system the administrative department observe the manufacturing company financial activities in a proper fashion (White, Parry & Puckering, 2016). By this way, this information system can help in reducing the security issues and data breaches of this manufacturing company.

Proposed Information System for BlueScope Steel Limited


The paper concluded that the new information system of this BlueScope Manufacturing Company helps them to maintain their company position thereby reducing the various issues and influencing the efficiency rate of this firm in the Australian market. The current system enhances the manufacturing company to be successful in Australia but due to some reason, they face challenges in enhancing their performance. Hence a proposal has been provided on the basis of an information system that helps this BlueScope manufacturing company to enhance their performance rate and position respectively in this country.


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