Proposal And Recommendation For Increasing The Sales Of Turkey By Turkey Farmers Association Of Australia

Communication audit process and steps to improve internal communication

According to the given scenario, it has been found that the Turkey Farmers Association of Australia is trying to launch an Australian based media campaign for encouraging the Australians to eat turkey on a daily basis in their diet. They are trying to convince the Australians that it is not about eating turkey only during the Christmas rather they can in-take turkey as an alternative of chicken and red meat in a less expensive manner and which can also make their health conditions better (Farahbakhsh et al., 2017). All the members of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia have given their opinions regarding the campaign which was going to happen and over there four different companies have presented their proposal regarding the enhancement of turkey sales. Moreover, three different issues have been identified that need to be addressed by the President of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia.

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To: The members of the Turkey Farmers Association of Australia

From: President of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia

Date: 12th December 2018

Subject: Proposal and recommendation for increasing the sales of turkey by Turkey Farmers Association of Australia.

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The main objective of this memo is about addressing of the issues of the members in Turkey Farmers Association of Australia by enhancing their communication skills followed by providing effective marketing strategies for the betterment of the turkey meat business. It can be seen that four different producers of meat have submitted their marketing proposals which can be effective to make a better recommendation for Turkey Farmers Association of Australia.

A communication audit process is a way toward distinguishing inside and outer correspondence qualities and shortcomings. It is a route for an organization to comprehend past correspondence rehearses, how well the objective market is educated of your organization, how well the present communication process is working, and what future specialized techniques could be utilized (Yilmaz, Comak & Turgut, 2016). At the point when the interchanges review is finished, an organization ought to have the capacity to comprehend and assess the objectives, adequacy, reach, and fulfillment of their present communication methodology and execution.

The four steps that are necessary to consider during the communication audit process are as follows:

  1. Recognizing and setting the degree and system:Fundamentally, it is important to pick up an exhaustive comprehension of the association and its procedure. All the more explicitly, it is required to discover the issues the review ought to examine and after that need to comprehend what an individual is attempting to accomplish (Smit-Kroner & Brumby, 2015). Likewise in this stage, it is prescribed to increase senior administration purchase in, consequently recognizing the gatherings of people and conceding to a philosophy.
  2. Revelation process:This progression is centered around research. Essential research could incorporate meetings, center gatherings, studies, and so on. Optional research will essentially audit paid, earned and possessed media.
  3. Refining process:The refining procedure includes evaluating the gathered information. Now, it is imperative to recognize designs that are available in the examination and need to draw out key bits of knowledge.
  4. Translation:At last, it is required to recognize the communication gaps and openings. It is necessary to review several areas such as message delivery and quality checking, identifying the quality of the relationship with the audiences, and evaluating the audience communication (Aydogdu & Yenigün, 2016).

The specific purpose of the memo is about identifying the issues that are faced by the members of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia and accordingly solutions are required to be given for overcoming those issues of the members.

Identification of issues faced by the members

The general purpose of the memo is about choosing the best strategies from the four strategies that are being presented with the case study and accordingly solutions need to be given for overcoming those issues.

Issue one

The first issue that is being faced by the members of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia is that they are not being asked for their personal opinions when any kind of serious decisions are being taken by the Turkey Farmers Association of Australia. The members-only get aware of the decisions of the association when they follow any kind of advertisements that are being shown in the media. This particular scenario provides a clear idea about the fact that there has been an issue of internal communication within Turkey Farmers Association of Australia.

In the second issue, it has been stated that the members of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia used to stay at various locations around Australia and during the time of an important meeting it becomes very difficult for the association to conduct a meeting for all the members belonging to Turkey Farmers Association of Australia. This issue results in poor coordination among the members and which further leads to less productivity of turkey meat.

The emails that are being sent to the members of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia are not at all professional and due to the restriction of the budget, they have employed many unskilled staffs by giving them less money. Placements have also being given to the students in Turkey Farmers Association of Australia but still, they failed to pay the salary to the students even after making them work very hard.

1.The steps for improving internal communication within Turkey Farmers Association of Australia are as follows:

  1. Making both the mission and vision clear for the employees (Ruesch et al., 2017).
  2. Strengthening the connection with the employees.
  3. Implementation of online project management tools (Quirke, 2017).
  4. Defining proper hierarchy structure for both Turkey Farmers Association of Australia and its members.

2.When the members staying in different locations are trying to conduct meetings then the best way to perform that kind of meeting is via online meetings (Sallam, 2016). The application of online meeting can be very effective in this kind of issues and it allows people to participate and get connected even when staying in remote locations. Four best kinds of online meeting tools that can be used are Adobe Connect Pro, GoToMeeting, and Skype for business, and WebEx Meeting Center. The ways for solving all members’ feedback on the proposed new campaign are as follows:

  1. The feedback given to the Turkey Farmers Association of Australia need to be positive and the suggestions given by the members need to be clear.
  2. The discussion of the members needs to be constructive.
  3. Forming opinion for the group at large.

3.In the past, it has been found that the email sent to the members was not professional and due to which there has been a misunderstanding between the members and the Turkey Farmers Association of Australia. There have been several mistakes being committed by the organization which made those emails to be unprofessional. In a few emails there had been no attachment given which might be useful for the members in their work (Byrk et al., 2015). Moreover, in a few emails it can be seen that the name of the members was wrong and which created a chaos among the members. The email structure can be improved in the following ways which are as follows:

  1. Writing meaningful kind of subject line.
  2. Writing the message in a clear and focused manner.
  3. Proofreading the messages clearly.
  4. Showing proper respect to the recipient.

All the issues that are being presented in the case study are being identified and accordingly, solutions are being given for overcoming the issues by the Turkey Farmers Association of Australia.

Firstly, the issues of the members belonging to Turkey Farmers Association of Australia are being identified. Then, the strategies given by four companies are being studied and the best strategy is being chosen. Later on, the solutions related to three issues of the members of Turkey Farmers Association of Australia are being discussed.

According to the strategy being given by Company 1, it can be recommended that telecasting the ads about turkey for a repeated number of times could be effective in attracting people towards turkey meat.

Turkey Farmers Association of Australia

Telephone +61 8 8743 7563

Fax +61 8 6783 3436

[email protected]

Business hours

Monday-Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm


Aydogdu, M. H., & Yenigün, K. (2016). Farmers’ risk perception towards climate change: a case of the GAP-?anl?urfa Region, Turkey. Sustainability, 8(8), 806.

 Byrk, A. S., Gomez, L. M., Grunow, A., & Le Mahieu, P. G. (2015). Byrk, Anthony S., Louis M. Gomez, Alicia Grunow, and Paul G. Le Mahieu, Learning to Improve: How America’s Schools Can Get Better at Getting Better. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2015.

Farahbakhsh, J., Hanbazaza, M., Ball, G. D., Farmer, A. P., Maximova, K., & Willows, N. D. (2017). Food insecure student clients of a university?based food bank have compromised health, dietary intake, and academic quality. Nutrition & Dietetics, 74(1), 67-73.

Quirke, B. (2017). Making the connections: using internal communication to turn strategy into action. Routledge.

Ruesch, J., Bateson, G., Pinsker, E. C., & Combs, G. (2017). Communication: The social matrix of psychiatry. Routledge.

Sallam, A. S. (2016). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/708,690.

Smit-Kroner, C., & Brumby, S. (2015). Farmers sun exposure, skin protection, and public health campaigns: An Australian perspective. Preventive medicine reports, 2, 602-607.

Yilmaz, H., Comak, M. B., & Turgut, F. (2016). ANALYSIS OF FACTORS RELATED TO FARMERS’BENEFITING FROM SAFFLOWER (Carthamus Tinctorius L.,) PRODUCTION SUPPORT: THE CASE OF CENTRAL ANATOLIA IN TURKEY. JAPS: Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26(5).

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