Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Through A Healthy Fast Food Restaurant
Analyzing Consumer Perception and Preference
Discuss about the Foodservice Tendencies and Tourists Lifestyle.
In the present era, it has been noted that the industry of fast food chain has gained a criticism due to its lack of environmental interest and nutritional aspects. Over the last decade, it is observed that the trend of a healthy lifestyle is increasing and people prefer to have health and nutritional diet in their meal (Busse and Siebert, 2018). For promoting the healthy lifestyle, the focus of the organizations is on encouraging the people to have healthy diet and doctors are also warning people to have good and healthy food to stay safe from diseases. It is also confirmed by the representative of modern science to have a balanced diet will promote the health with long-term safety. However, the growing rate of consumption of fast food and junk food has been revealing the need of having healthy food. The over-consumption of fast food with excessive cheese and mayo is not healthy to have on daily basis. Thus, it has been noted that consumer is demanding to have low calories and low-fat menu items. According to the study of Wilson (2018), it is noted that such restaurant is not posing any major health risk if the particular items being used under moderation; the point of conflict is raised when people started to consume food in an excessive way. Thus customers are demanding nutritional as well as delicious food options in restaurants.
To cope up with the cited issue; it is the essential duty of marketers to manage fast food restaurant in an appropriate manner and focuses on thinking from the customer perspective regarding the menu of food to develop proper solution. Therefore, the first step is marketing and research to analyze the consumer perception regarding fast food items. This is an effective way to respond to the new demand of customers based on the perception of consuming healthy and nutritious meal (Kim and Zapata Ramos, 2018).
By considering market trends and customer preferences, a solution of the current problem is a decision to the elimination of TFA content in cooking oil, and the focus of restaurant will be on introducing the healthier or lighter food for consumers by keeping in mind about the quality and taste which will hit back consumers again to the restaurant. Hence, it is not an easy strategy to meet the level of consistency with the fast food concept. Food item will be prepared by adding on genetically engineer cheese and meats and Brown Turkey. Further; chicken to be replaced by beef in burgers and whole grain bread and Omega 3-fortified eggs will be main ingredients (Steffen, 2018).
Proposed Solution for Addressing the Issue
The Focus of restaurants to produce and sell the following meal deal;
- Cold salad-based meals that provide balanced nutrition
- Cold sandwich-based meals that provide balanced nutrition.
It is essential that in both groups the meal must be tasty. The Business expansion towards the product diversification by offering new sandwiches and salad and also to serve a vitamin drink made from fresh vegetables and fruits will help the fast-food sector to retain its customer (Ross, 2018).
This is the best way to move forward by having an idea of generating the healthy fast food restaurants. It is because the focus on the consumer is on the consumption of healthy fast food as an alternative to traditional fast food (Liou and Lan, 2018). The new venture is going to offer a readymade cold meal by keeping in taste and quality of food emphasizing nutritionally balanced diet. The online advice about the balanced and health food plus the weekly change in the menu are also offered by the business by online promotion through social media. Hence, the four competitive advantages to business are:
- The product quality
- The comprehensive services
- Easily accessibility
- And, meeting consumers need
Business quality and wellbeing will motivate conscious clients to spend some additional for more beneficial fixings and a solid menu choice. By adjusting its menu with the two choices (solid and normal), a business can pull in customers who are searching for plates of mixed greens or need to supplant fries with the natural product while holding its esteem purchasers who are searching for a modest dinner. This can prompt expansion in the normal spend per client visit at its eateries, affecting the organization’s valuation emphatically.
The process of development will be the core of the business. In order to place product model and marketing services, business will develop Web Portal, and it will support the latest online service delivery store (Liuo, 2018). The website has been supported by the advanced and modern technological system which will be helpful in communicating with potential buyers. The employee continuing education will also be support by business.
It is identified that there are no authentic means of marketing to the business of healthy fast food restaurants. Therefore, it needs to be done in proper aspects. The focus marketer is to reach a number of customers as possible as can. The advertising strategies incorporated are social media advertising, on the local radio call, pay per click advertising and local newspapers. Most of the people are willing to give a try to healthy food, but consumer feels hesitation to try out new things first. So investing sufficiently in an advertising prospect will help to achieve the business goals (Nothhaft, 2018).
Competitive Advantages of the Proposed Business Strategy
Youngsters are especially attracted to sound fast food. Thus business will market foundation through flyers, bulletins and different promotions close nearby schools and colleges to pull in the youthful statistic. They will find an eatery in a piece of town frequented by youthful grown-ups, so they don’t need to make a special effort to make the most of your delightful nourishment. As far as client maintenance, business will take a stab at the ideal mix of nourishment quality and cost. Delectable sustenance that is sensibly estimated and served rapidly will rouse return visits by consumers (Leung and Lin, 2018).
Team to manage; The healthy fast food restaurant requires a team to manage such as cooks, food prep worker, manager, cleaner, and cashier. Therefore qualified and experienced staff will be recruited to ensure operational tasks are completed in a proper manner. They will be compensated well so they will be motivated to provide their maximum contribution to growth and success of the business.
State & Local Business Licensing Requirements: In order to operate the business of healthy fast food restaurant various state permits and license required (Markman, 2018). The license will be obtained by the Regular Food Authority to deliver a quality and tasty food to consumers. It is also dealing with all legal requirements properly for the business protection such as packaging, images, labels, and trademarks (Yu, McMeekin, Arnold and West 2018).
Certificate of Occupancy: CO is required to confirm that all the zoning laws, building codes, and government regulations have been met successfully (Sarmento, Loureiro and Martins, 2018). This will be ensured by developing sound business policies by considering all regulatory and ethical aspects.
It is analyzed that business idea is feasible because it is supporting the market, taste, and preference demand of customers (Shah, 2018). However, the idea is feasible from the following perspectives;
- Market Statistics: In accordance with the market demand in Australia, customer prefers to take the healthy option in comparison to junk food if it does not compromise taste. Further, in the fast food industry in Australia, there are only a few restaurants specifically focused on healthy fast food, but they are providing this as an alternative to the junk food (Polsky, Moineddin, Dunn, Glazier and Booth, 2016). Therefore; the business idea is feasible to implement to generate revenue.
- Business location: As per above discussion, the location of the restaurant in the busy area where youth can be easily attracted. Thus, this approach will easily attract customers and business will be able to get desired revenue and profits and they can expand further.
- Cost structure: For this business, higher investment will not be required as a place for operation will be taken on a rental Further, cost of material will not be higher, and it can be easily recovered from the revenues of business (Saranya, Shanifa, Shilpa Susan, Umarani and Shetty, 2016). The owner can start this set up with loan and own capital investment. Thus, funding for this business can also be easily managed.
- Management capability: This entire business operation will be owned and managed by the owner and the managerial person so that proper controlling and monitoring can be ensured. Leaders will consider ethical as well as profitable aspects of sustainable growth and development of the business.
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