Project Scope Statement For CRM Software Development

Critical Path Analysis

The red line in the diagram denotes the critical path. It can be concluded after analysing the critical path that the project will take 60 days to complete. Considering the slack time of the project plan, it can be observed that there are some activities which can be delayed little further and it will not delay the project. For example, in case of testing, the unit testing can be delayed until 29 days. The integration testing can be delayed till 67 days. Likewise, the summary activities- documentation, deployment and pilot all have the slack time, and they can be delayed to a certain extent.

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The project manager has prepared the project plan for the CRM software development. The project will take 107 days to complete. However, the duration of the project can be shortened by executing some project activities in parallel. In case of testing, the tester can carry out the unit testing and the integration testing in parallel; it will save a lot of time. The documentation of the software project can be prepared right after the testing. Therefore, the technical communicators can work on the documentation while the trainer is busy training the end users.  Again, the pilot and the deployment project activities can be executed in parallel. In this way, the project manager can optimise the duration of the project by choosing the predecessor wisely.

The table showcases a list of activities along with the resources. The resources have been distributed among the activities uniformly. The project is not overloaded with resources and is not running out of the schedule. The project will take 107 days. The stakeholders will have to complete the project within the fixed deadline that is 107 days.

Management, project manager, developer, technical communicators, deployment team, analyst, testers and trainers have been allocated for the project. The standard rate has been scheduled for the resources as well. Since the project is not overloaded with resources and is not running out of schedule, no changes will be made in the resource sheet and in the project plan.

The project budget has been scheduled to $649, 200. Since the project is not over-allocated and is not running out of schedule, therefore no changes have been made in the project. The project budget remains the same. The overall budget of the project is shown below in the table-

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Task Name

Fixed Cost

Total Cost





CRM Software Development














      Determine project scope







      Secure project sponsorship







      Define preliminary resources







      Secure core resources







      Scope complete







   Analysis/Software Requirements







      Conduct needs analysis







      Draft preliminary software specifications







      Develop preliminary budget







      Review software specifications/budget with team







      Incorporate feedback on software specifications







      Develop delivery timeline







      Obtain approvals to proceed (concept, timeline, budget)







      Secure required resources







      Analysis complete














      Review preliminary software specifications







      Develop functional specifications







      Develop prototype based on functional specifications







      Review functional specifications







      Incorporate feedback into functional specifications







      Obtain approval to proceed







      Design complete














      Review functional specifications







      Identify modular/tiered design parameters







      Assign development staff







      Develop code







      Developer testing (primary debugging)







      Development complete














      Develop unit test plans using product specifications







      Develop integration test plans using product specifications







      Unit Testing







         Review modular code







         Test component modules to product specifications







         Identify anomalies to product specifications







         Modify code







         Re-test modified code







         Unit testing complete







      Integration Testing







         Test module integration







         Identify anomalies to specifications







         Modify code







         Re-test modified code







         Integration testing complete














      Develop training specifications for end users







      Develop training specifications for helpdesk support staff







      Identify training delivery methodology (computer based training, classroom, etc.)







      Develop training materials







      Conduct training usability study







      Finalize training materials







      Develop training delivery mechanism







      Training materials complete














      Develop Help specification







      Develop Help system







      Review Help documentation







      Incorporate Help documentation feedback







      Develop user manuals specifications







      Develop user manuals







      Review all user documentation







      Incorporate user documentation feedback







      Documentation complete














      Identify test group







      Develop software delivery mechanism







      Install/deploy software







      Obtain user feedback







      Evaluate testing information







      Pilot complete














      Determine final deployment strategy







      Develop deployment methodology







      Secure deployment resources







      Train support staff







      Deploy software







      Deployment complete







   Post Implementation Review







      Document lessons learned







      Distribute to team members







      Create software maintenance team







      Post implementation review complete







   Software development Completion







Schedule Risk- The project manager fails to estimate the schedule of the entire project. The software developers fail to complete the software development in time; it can delay the entire project. The project can fail.

Budget Risk- The project manager may fail to estimate the budget for the CRM software development. Cost overruns can lead to failure of the project.

Operational Risk- Inappropriate process implementation can lead to failure, and this can lead to operational risks.

Technical Risk- the CRM software will mainly deal with the customers. The CRM software will evaluate the financial data of both the company and the customers.

Programmatic Risk- The project can run out of the fund. The sponsor of the project can make minor alterations or can change the project scope as a whole.

Recommendations to shorten the duration of the project

Gold Plating- The software developers focus on show off; they might add a flash at the login screen to make the software interface more stylish. However, it is a waste of time.

Sudden requirement growth- Issues that are not identified initially can lead to hurdles at the last minute and can lead to disaster. The project manager must think big and must anticipate the outcome of the project.

Turnover of employee- Employee turnover can lead to several problems. The project will get delayed. The new employees will take time to understand the project and the project scope.

Schedule Risk- The project manager is responsible for preparing the project plan. However, he might make mistakes. The project manager may wrongly guess the project activities’ time duration. The project manager can fail to track the resources; can fail to identify the complexities of the project. The probability of schedule risk is high. The schedule risk has a great impact, and it can lead to project failure. The client company and the developer company will suffer loss and loss of money.

Budget Risk- The project manager is responsible for fixing the project budget initially. The project manager can estimate the budget wrongly. The CRM project cost can overrun. The probability of the risk is high. The budget risk has a large impact. The project due to lack of budget can get halt or can fail.

Operational Risks- Operational Risks can incur due to several reasons. The project manager can fail to point out the priority conflicts; they may fail to resolve the responsibilities. The operational risks also occur due to inappropriate subject training, inappropriate training. The probability is moderate. The impact of the risk is moderate. The project performance suffers due to inappropriate project risks.

Technical Risk- The CRM software is associated with the customers. The employees will evaluate the financial data of the company and the bills of the customer. Due to the continuous requirements change the technical risk arises.

Programmatic Risk- The CRM development project can run out of the fund. The probability of this risk is moderate. The impact is huge. The project stakeholders will leave. The project will halt. This will lead to project failure ultimately. Thus Programmatic Risk impact is quite high.

Gold Plating Risk- The software developers develops the software. Sometimes they add flash to the login screen. The screen may look stylish. However, it is just the waste of time. The developers need to focus on the functionality of the software so that the employee can use the CRM software effectively. The probability of the risk is low, and the impact of the risk is low.

Sudden Requirement Growth Risk- The problems related to CRM software development may erupt at the last minute. The tester may find any issue with the CRM software. If the problem is major, then the software developer will have to make heavy changes. The probability of the risk is medium. The impact of the risk is medium.

Turnover of employee- An employee may fall sick. The employee may leave the organisation. The company will suffer due to the absence of the employee. The new employee will need to understand the code and the work progress, and only after that, he can proceed. Therefore, there is a risk the project will delay. The probability of the risk is medium, and the impact is medium.

To check whether the project is time-constrained

The project manager and the software company must be concerned about the three risks- Budget Risk, Schedule Risk and Operational Risk. The project manager must prepare the CRM software development project plan wisely. The project stakeholders must work responsibly and must work hard to deliver the software within time. If they fail, the client will be dissatisfied and may refuse to take the project. In that case, the project will fail. The project manager must prepare the budget plan and must make the budget ready. After that, they should start working on the project. If the project runs out of the budget, then they will face disaster. The project work will stop and eventually fail. Due to inappropriate subject training and inappropriate decision can lead to project failure. The project manager may fail to realise the project conflicts, and the operational mismanagement can lead to project failure.

Risk Event



Detection Difficulty


Schedule Risk





Budget Risk





Operational Risk




Post installation

Technical Risk




Post installation and installation

Programmatic Risk




Post installation

Gold Plating Risk




Post installation

Sudden Growth Risk





Turnover of employee




Post installation and Installation




Turnover of employee

Schedule Risk

Budget Risk


Technical Risk

Operational Risk


Gold Plating Risk

Programmatic Risk

Sudden Growth Risk








Red zone (major risk)

Yellow zone (moderate risk)

Green zone (minor risk)

Risk factor


Contingency plan


Responsible person

Schedule Risk

The software developers miss the deadline and fail to deliver the project within stipulated deadline

The project manager must make the plan, and the stakeholders must follow the plan appropriately

The project manager must act responsibly and will have to push the software developers, testers to deliver the project on time  

Software developers, software tester

Budget Risk

The project’s cost can overrun, the project manager should always remain concerned about the budget of the project

The project manager must prepare the budget plan wisely and must make the budget ready to use the resources

The project manager must take into consideration every resource of the project and then spend accordingly

Project manager

Operational Risks

Project manager if fails to realise the project conflicts, the CRM development project may fail. The project may fail due to the project mismanagement and inappropriate decision making and inappropriate training. Thus the project manager must realise the project risks, project priorities and must focus on smart decision making

The project manager, as well as the project stakeholders, must act responsibly and must make smart decisions, provide quality training and realise the project risks

The project manager must analyse the risks associated with the project; They must make effective decisions and must encourage the other stakeholders of the project to do the same

The project manager and the stakeholders

Technical Risk

Technical Risk erupts due to continuous change in system requirements. The stakeholder must be clear with all the deliverables before proceed on to work otherwise he works will get delayed

The stakeholders must conduct the partial and get it reviewed by the client and the senior officials. They should work only after the approval from the clients or senior approvals

The project manager must monitor that the stakeholders are doing the partial work and getting it reviewed by the clients. The stakeholders must proceed with the approval; the project manager must manage the stakeholders

Project stakeholders

Programmatic Risk

The project may run out of the fund; the project can thus suffer. The project manager must ensure that the project fund is ready and then they should initiate the project

The project should always start calculating the budget and make money available for the project all the time. The project manager then should start working on the project

The project manager must instruct the project stakeholders to progress on to the work if both the resource and the budget is available for the project


Gold Plating Risk

The software developer sometimes adds extra features to the software that is unnecessary. For this reason, a lot of time gets wasted. The software developers must not focus on adding features instead they focus on the features by which the company can be benefitted using the CRM software

The software developer must work on improving the quality of the software. The CRM software must work fast and effective all the time

The project manager must advise the software developers to focus on matters that needed the most.

Software developers

Sudden Requirement Growth Risk

CRM software related issues can generate at the last time. The software developers then have to make heavy changes in the software

Sudden growth risk can be handled with the assistance of the partial work submission. Then the partial work must be approved from the client’s end. In this way, the project risk can be mitigated 

The project manager must instruct the stakeholders to proceed on to work only after getting approval from the client’s end

Client and Software developer

Turnover of employee

The CRM software development can get delayed due to the turnover of the employee. The new developer will need time to understand the code and work on it. Therefore, they must sign a contract with the developer that the developer cannot leave the enterprise until the project gets completed

The project manager must prepare policies so that the employee currently working on the project cannot leave the project unfinished

The project manager should suggest the employee’s staff to follow the rules and the guidance

Project manager and stakeholders

PERT analysis giving the project duration with a 95% probability of successful completion

List of Activities




Pert Est. (µ)

Std. Dev

Variance (σ^2)








Software Requirements
























































Post Implementation











 P [z = 0.95]

z = 0.8289

D = 0.8289 * 0.53 + 32.17 = 19.04 = 32.609

Desired project completion time = 32.609


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