Project Scope Management: Defining Objectives, Deliverables And Avoiding Scope Creep

Understanding Project Objectives to Define the Project Scope

Project scope management is said to be a set of processes which ensures that a certain project scope is accurately mapped and defined. This enables that supervisors and project managers to allocate the right amount of work to each and every project team. On the other hand, the scope is said to be a set of features or deliverables of a certain project. According to PMBOK, the scope is that work which needs to be accomplished so as to deliver a certain result, product or services with specified functions and features.

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PMBOK has gone ahead of defining three processing of scope management which is closing, planning, and controlling. Scope management has four processes which are collecting project requirements, planning the project scope, defining the project scope, and creating a WBS. (Berger, 2015). This paper will have two sections which are the know assessment tasks questions and a task; project scope management of a website upgrade.

Knowledge assessment task questions

What is an issue in scope management?

According to PMBOK an issue in scope management is a problem which needs attention by both project managers and project stakeholders. Issues can either lead to project failure or scope creep. Issues in scope management are as a result of poorly defined goals; this is resulted by starting a project without clear objectives. Issues are also as a result of unrealistic deadlines; in here project members and managers struggle to have unrealistic expectations which in turn results to slipping of project timelines.

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An issue is something that has already happened. There three types of issues which can occur when carrying a certain task in project management. First is a problem; example a budget can be insufficient to buy or purchase all the required materials necessary to finish a certain task. An off-specification is the second type of issue; this is a request by one of the project stakeholders or the system users to add something to the project scope. An example is to design new packaging as part of a new software development project.

Third, is a request for change; this is a suggestion to change one of the agreed features within the scope of a certain project example is to change the design color of a smartphone development project. Issues are recorded in the issue register or issue log and should be discussed on daily basis. The issues recorded in the register are the one which requires formal action only. The major aim of keeping an issue log in a project is so as to capture only those issues which require formal actions only. A new entry is first recorded into the issue register. The issue log is then monitored and has to be updated daily by the project manager until the issue is resolved.    

Project Scope Management Processes Defined by PMBOK

Deliverable in scope management

A deliverable in scope management is an intangible or tangible service or good produced as a result of the project which is intended to be delivered to a client. Some project management specialists define deliverable as an output to be delivered to a customer. According to PMBOK, a deliverable is a service or a product that is created to achieve a certain objective. An example of project deliverables is improved customer approval rates, usability study, or a software prototype.

There are an only one of attributes when it comes to project management deliverables which are the project stakeholders or the clients, there are whom a project deliverable is created. From the view of a stakeholder, a project deliverable is a path that the project management team take to achieve a certain result. Example of a project deliverable is to create a chair one of the project deliverables is to sit. From a client view, a project deliverable is a statement of work or what project managers refer to as the scope of work; actions carried out to achieve certain project objectives. Some of the tips to ensure successful project deliverables are to start early. This helps in uncovering the needs of project deliverables.

Second is to consider your objectives; this an act of decomposing one objective aiming at revealing important project deliverables. The third is breaking down aiming ate determining tasks for each and every deliverable. Lastly is tracking each and every task; this helps in sharing information about each and every project deliverable. This means from the definition; project deliverables helps in answering several questions in project management which are; what one is trying to achieve, how to achieve project objectives, the things needed to help achieve overall project objectives and what is needed to create or achieve a deliverable (Collins, 2011).      

Scope creep in project management and how it happens

Scope creep is also referred to as requirement creep or what most of the project managers refer to as kitchen sink syndrome. This is the changes or uncontrolled or continuous growth in a project. Scope creep occur if a project is not properly defined or when a project is not properly documented. Project scope creeps results in poor change control, poor communication between project parties, lack of initial product versatility, and weak executive sponsor or project managers.

Project scope is a risk to a lot of projects. It usually results to cost overrun. It is additional functions or features to a new product or project requirements. PMBOK defines scope creep as added functionality and features without addressing project resources, time, and project costs. Project scope creeps occur when project sponsors or executives are not involved in every decision making of a project. There are various reasons as to why scope creep happens one of them is a lack of clarity and an in-depth understanding of the original specification document. Another cause of project creep is allowing direct contact between team and client participants.

Project Scope Management Knowledge Assessment Task Questions

Another cause of scope creep is when project managers or project team poorly define initial project requirements. Lack of proper planning and foresight and lack of requirements analysis and proper cost-benefit analysis (Bruce & Langdon, 2005).

PMBOK has listed five reasons as to why scope creep occurs which are unrefined scope definition, lack of requirements management or a formal scope management, the inconsistent process of collecting project requirements, lack of stakeholder involvement, and project length. Scope creep can be avoided by documenting project requirements. In here a scope creep is avoided when a project manager is able to talk to all users and project stakeholders to work exactly what is required for a project. Second is setting up change control processes (Heldman, 2018).

Task 1: Project scope management

Project authorization procedure

According to PMI, project authorization is a formal process which gives permission or authorizes to begin a certain project or a certain deliverable. Project authorization document is needed before a project gets off the ground or before a certain project deliverable is initiated. Project authorization procedure is specified in the project charter. The following are procedures for project authorization for the Australian website project

A meeting is prepared where the participants are the project manager, system analysts, project sponsor, and the organization CEO.

The project manager then clarifies the project requirements and project scope

The participants then agree on the project deadline and all the project deliverables

A project authorization is the prepared by the project manager; the form must have the project name, scope, the target beneficiaries, planned date of the project, project budget, the strategic objectives aligned with the project objectives, the required organization support, and the project budget.

The project authorization form is then signed by the project sponsor, organization CEO, and the project manager

Governance arrangements are in regards to project delegation

The management framework within which project decisions are made is what is referred to as project governance. One of the most issue in an organization is how resources are to be structured in an efficient and effective manner. Project managers are the delegators. It involves maintaining and establishing a relationship among the project team working on both non-functional and functional requirements. Governance arrangements in regards to project delegation in the website project are consists of three major steps which are

the assignment of responsibility

delegation of authority

Creation of accountability.

Critical review points during the project and is expected to be seen at the review points

Deliverables in Project Management

Critical review points are conducted after every project phase. What is expected to be seen after every phase is a completed project review form which has to be signed by the project manager, project sponsor and one of the system users. An IT project has five critical review points. The first phase is the creating of the project charter. After the creation of the project charter, the document is reviewed, presented to the project sponsors who then approves the execution of the next phase. This process is repeated up to the last project phase.  

The authorizing authority in a project and what they expect to see

The project is authorized by the project sponsor. They are the responsible officers in financing every project deliverable. In cases of project escalation, they are the authorizing officers to continue with the project.  Project sponsors expect to see every project phase and deliverable to completion

Project scope statement

Background information about the project

This project is about upgrading the Australia National actives website so as to ensure the best value for money and then optimal functionality.

Scope definition

A project scope is a sum of results, services, and management. Project scope covers’ the processes and tools to be used in the website project

Project goals and objectives

A list of activities for each of the project deliverable

Project constraints

Project deliverables and assumptions

Product Acceptance criteria

Project scope does not cover the following aspects

Work breakdown structure

Project budget

The human resource plan

Stakeholder’s plan

Objectives and success criteria


Modern interface (Ought to be user-friendly)

The interface must meet the user needs

The site has to interact successfully with exhibition interactive through the available AP

Acceptance criteria

A sample template in the website project will use for keywords for acceptance criteria example Scenario, Given, When, and then

Acceptance criteria for the website project


API compatibility


Website official records


The site is able to fetch official records

Three assumptions for this website project

Not get the required resources from the project sponsors on time

All the project stakeholders will come during critical review points meeting

The required technology is readily available


All the activities of a project team will start after all the design approval is complete. The preceding activity of the project team is always dependent on the customer’s activity.

Outstanding issues

The project team to carry out the website activities are geographically displaced.

Some of the activities deadlines have unrealistic deadlines

Due to the use of API the project may creep beyond

Preventing Scope Creep in Project Management

Project scope management plan

Roles and responsibilities

Roles of a Project manager

  • Delegating duties to the other team members

Preparing a project scope document

Project time estimation

Developing of the project budget

Creating schedules and charts

Roles of a System Analyst

Writing project deliverable reports

Upgrading the APIs

Analyzing business problems and issues

Monitoring website security and integrity

Roles of a Web designer

Preparing of questionnaires to collect user requirements

Holding workshops with users and the organization stakeholders with a website prototype to collect user requirements.

Major milestones and timelines


Responsible officer



The project sponsor, organization CEO, project manager, and the system analysts

One week

Preparing project authorization form

System analysts, project manager, and Project manager

2 days

Content design

Project manager and system analyst

One week

Project design

Web designer, system engineer, project manager, system analyst

Two weeks

Coding/ development

System engineer, web designer, and project manager

Three weeks


System analyst and project manager

One week

Project closure

Project manager, system analyst, project sponsor, and the organization CEO

Two days

How scope is defined and documented for this project

To define the scope of this website project; the site must be user-friendly, easy for the users to find from the Google platform. The website provides the information needed in the website. Documentation ought to show all the project deliverables, activities time frame, and budget.  

Scope change control process

To validate scope for this project the following is required

Validate the scope inputs by checking the project management plan

Validating project documents: The documents required here are Quality reports, signed project authorization form, and requirements documentation

Verifiable deliverables: Deliverables which are completed and checked by all internal stakeholders

Scope Acceptance

The officers responsible for accepting the final website project deliverable are the project sponsors who approve the proposed budget. The organization CEO is the one who approves the commencement of the project

Scope Performance measure

Scope performance measure is done by the project manager and the system analyst. Some performance measurement is done during critical reviews points.

Element 3: Manage Project scope control processes

There are five elements of scope creep for this website project which are:

Poor requirements analysis

Not involving project users early enough

underestimating the complexity of a project

gold plating

Lack of change control (Deeprose, 2002).

Change request

Change Control Form

Project Name

National archives of Australia Website

Requested By:

CEO National archives of Australia Website

Requested Date:


Change Request



Description of the change:

Change of email notification to both the website user and the website administrator

Reason for the change:

Since the website is user-centric the users must be notified via their mail of any change in the website

Impact Assessment

Duration of this deliverable will change


Positive change in cost since the software engineers and web designer will demand more money due to increased coding time


Email notification module requires 3 days to code while that of users require 2 days meaning that deliverable of this module will escalate with 2 days

Step by step of how I used to change control procedures to make a decision for the above change request

Project change is inevitable for some projects. This means that project managers ought to work on how one can handle project changes. Project results in modifying the existing plans and since it, inevitable one needs to consider five steps for change management.

The first step is receiving a project request form  

The second step is updating change log; this a document which lists activities and changes and then making a note of the latest project change request.

The third step is assessing project request change. In here a project manager gives each project change a priority whether it is critical or even nice to have. This helps in providing a sense of urgency to a certain project. It is also used in impact analysis.

The fourth step is to assess the change; in here the project team looks at change request; in here the project team assesses all project changes against certain criteria. The main aim is to decide whether to reject or approve a change.

The last step is to consider the course of action for a certain change request

How to update the current baselines and communicate the new baselines?

This is a three steps process

Opening the initial baselined project which in this case is an email notification

Make the necessary changes to the schedule which in this case is increasing the days from three to five.

 Overwriting the initial baseline to a new baseline and informing the project manager

Scope creep scenario

Methods to identify that scope creep has occurred

To identify project scope creep over the documented requirements, I had to track the duration allocated to a certain deliverable. The cost of the deliverable had also creeped. Unguided project requirements gathering and unsolicited requirements from the outsiders.

Impacts of scope creep

Increased project budget

Project resources constrain

PR implications

How to handle the situation?

Urgent change: Since change is inevitable then the project needs urgent change

Stretching the project schedule


Being agile to accommodate any other change if needed

Communicating project expectations to the project team members (Gao & Rusu, 2015) .


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