Project Schedule, Baseline Report, And Schedule Compression

Activity Definition

Activity definition indicates the procedure of dividing a particular project into different tasks that need to be executed before the completion of the deliverables. Activity definition depends on some particular input processes (Gabrielli, 2016). The processes are projected scope statement, organizational process assets, work breakdown structure, schedule management plan.

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For project management, work breakdown structure is essential for illustrating all of the elements of a project (Milne, 2015). The essential components of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) are hierarchy of elements, 100 % of deliverables, minimum level of details.

There are many differences between a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) and activity list. The purpose of the WBS and activity list is different, WBS is considered as an input to activity process that is definite. WBS is made before the activity list. In addition, WBS resembles the management process of project scope. On the contrary, activity list resembles the time management process of the project.

The three sequences in activity sequencing are tools and techniques, inputs and outputs. The three dependencies of activity sequencing are, start-to-start, finish to start and start to finish. There may be external or internal dependencies (Ramasesh & Browning, 2014). There are some dependencies, which act within the boundaries of a project. Deliverables and logical set of activities directly impacts on the project completion date.

Activity sequencing is the procedure of detecting and recording the relationship among different activities of the project. The main benefit of this procedure is that it explains the rational work sequence in order to get the maximum efficiency and to mitigate all the constraints. There are different techniques, tools, inputs, and outputs are used for this process.

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 There are different things that need to be taken into account while estimating the dependencies and duration of different tasks in order to achieve different deliverables of the project. Effort is the factor that needs to be considered in order to estimate the duration. The work that is required to measure the effort also needs to be considered. Allowance for risk assessment and accuracy related to project regulation and standard performance can be included for better results.

 The precedence diagram shows the dependencies of the activity. It acts as vital tools of communication for stakeholders. The four approaches of precedence diagram method are finish to start, finish to finish, start to start and start to finish.

 The tools and techniques that are used in determining a project are very much important for developing, controlling and monitoring the schedules (Evrard et al. 2016). The right tools and techniques are schedule network analysis, Gantt chart, critical path method, schedule compression, resource techniques and tools, fast-tracking, crashing and schedule compression.

 The activity resource estimating process is the procedure of evaluating the quantities and type of equipment, human resources, supplies, and material. The main benefit of this procedure is that it detects the quantity, characteristics, and type of different resources that are necessary for executing the task by allowing effective duration and cost estimation.

 Scope change, design errors, insufficient and improper procurement, complexity and execution phases are the five conditions that can affect the scheduling of a project. Among these five conditions, scope change and improper and inadequate procurement generally have profound effect on a project schedule. These two factors have the power to completely ruin a project or make a project successful. Base line relevance along with risk review related to the resources is to be introduced.

Activity Sequencing

Q11. Schedule baseline is the process of approving the project schedule that is generally chosen and approved by the stakeholders. It is done before the commencement of the project. It is measured using a planning yard mark by which the schedule of the project can be assessed. The schedule baseline includes the time scale in order to deliver the outcomes of the final project. 


The activities are

Make the list of the work

Make an estimated budget

Hire professionals for shifting and packaging all the required things

Cleaning needs to be done

Can sell the unwanted old items

Secure all necessary documents

Purchase required furniture for the new place

Needs to check all items

Applying for new gas connection

Check electricity and water supply

Check water supply

Organizing new house

Check the all the new and old furniture


The project schedule can be constructed by using the scheduling techniques, deciding the critical path, proper network analysis; schedule compression the project schedule can be made. According to the critical path making the list of work and selling the old items can help to move faster than the schedule (Rajendran & Ananthanarayanan, 2018).

The project schedule is prepared by the technique f networking and critical path analyzing. As per the analysis of critical path, moving house could be simpler by deciding the critical path (Rajendran &Ananthanarayanan, 2018).


Schedule development is for developing a task series to complete the total work maintaining specific sequence within the given time period. The tasks can be grouped together for achieving the goal (Ceze et al. 2014). The focus of the schedule development is schedule work, maintain budget and improve performance to complete the given task.


The tools are required for the schedule developments are  A.critical path analysis, which is required for deciding the best path for completing the project in minimum time (Fleming & Koppelman, 2016) B. Schedule network analysis for creating graphics presentation, C. schedule compression for time management D. crashing and E. Fast tracking for parallel work.


Start time and delay time can affect the schedule of the project. Start Time of the project can help to identify the estimated time required to complete (Walker, 2015). Ending time of project can affect the project schedule and can cause deadline miss. The individual time required for each task complete affect the total time required for the project.


 the critical path technique can help to complete the task in minimum time by completing the key tasks of the project (Marchewka, 2014). The path needs to be decided by focusing on the tasks. The project time management helps to complete the work within time by deciding the start of the project before time, estimating the duration and time and by finishing the work early.


The project baseline can be defined as a measurement of the performance according to the plan. This can help to decide the original scope, cost measurement, and scheduling (Verzuh, 2015).  The project baseline needs to be complete before the execution of the project. It helps to control the project and the evaluation of the project.

Schedule Compression Techniques


Schedule compression can be defined as a technique, which can be used for the project management of the project to shortening the scheduled time of the project.  This can be done without any change in project scope. This can be implemented by using the crashing and fast-tracking techniques (Simmons, 2015).


The original scope of this baseline report is moving to the new house, according to the budget the process of the moving can be organized. The base line of the project report is to create a proper schedule for the moving house, which would simplify the process and helps in maintain budget The original scope of this baseline report is moving to the new house, according to the budget for movement. The movement of furniture and selling old furniture could be organised by schedule base line.


The report of moving house uses an hour for scheduling. However revenue is also a fact in moving house project. The budget of project requires checking the estimation of investment on truck for moving furniture. The electricity, supply of water and ready market should be evaluated in the mean time (Mubarak, 2015). The variance report analyses that the actual expenditure amount and moving schedule is taking minimum time as per the estimation prepared budget and schedule.


The changes in the schedule in reality could have taken longer time. However, less time is used as per the estimated schedule. Selling of furniture was thus saved and could be optimize the expenditure of buying new furniture (Zheng et al. 2016).


The project time management could be impacted by the following five changes in the schedule such as

Evaluating the gas connection, checking the supply of electricity, and supply of water in the house is vital scheduling before moving to the house. Before, implementing the project this should be done for saving time and for ease at moving house.

The critical path diagram preparation would help in simplifying the process and taking decision for implementing the project of moving house and maintain the budget by analyzing the important requirement before implementing to the project (Tabassi et al. 2016).


The changes in schedule of the project would impact the overall transaction time and budget. The management of time would create an issue, in process of moving house. Selling of individual goods could be come into effort. This can because of delay moving time.

The four triggers are

The CPM review this can help to improve a detail critique review by using logic by using logic, resources, and tasks.

The project could be reviewed by narration of the schedule, preconstruction meeting, reports on exchange of data and full details of project schedule or baseline report.  Float analysis can help to determine the path of the project.

Estimated report of buy can help to realize the cost according to market.

Sequence Analysis helps to identify the realistic view of the schedule.


Schedule control process can help to control the changes regarding the scheduling process. The current state of the project, the main factors of the project, change of schedule, the actual changes are the key factors the schedule controlling. Defining the current position can identify the necessary step and equipment needed to complete the project. The process of controlling would help in recognizing the factors related to moving house and issue involved in budgeting for the project. Determination of factors would help in working efficiently for better outcome.

Impact of Schedule Changes on Project Time Management


The performance review can be defined as the work habits of the employees in a fixed time for determining the objective accomplishment. It can be also described as an appraisal of performance, a measuring tool for assessing the efficiency of the employees. The performance review can help the employers and as well as the employees also. The given review of the performance can motivate the employees to do more innovative and accurate work.

The review of performance would entail strength of recognizing the matter and facts related to the projects. The completion of project would help in enhancing the knowledge of scheduling and implementing the plan in future and work efficiently. This efficient work can help the company to gain more profit and skilled employees, which can ensure accurate work. This measuring tool can help to identify their efficient employees and can help to measure the working progress.


The time management review would require the document of contract with depended employer, record of performance, schedule of plan and project, list of work and date when the project plan, the technique used for implementing the project for proceeding the project.


The reports need for the moving house is the report of the safety and the construction of the new house. The report of water supply and evaluation of electricity connection report, the condition and surrounding of new house report, the contract of purchasing new house is required.


 As a project manager, in the moving house project, the manager can make a change by hiring professional for the shifting project and t]for cleaning and organizing in the new house, which can save time and can make possible the schedule earlier. The checking of the connections can be done before starting the moving process, which can save time.

Summative assessment 1:

A skilled estimator needs to set schedule, estimate budgets, run a skilled team and manage the resources effectively. It is important to use the unique online project management software in order to make a job successful. It is important to consider the methods and evaluate the learning process in order to understand the process of accelerating the project. There are different methodologies, which are essential for analyzing a project thoroughly and make necessary decisions (Abate & Biei, 2016). Two of the trusted methodologies are described below:

  1. i) Analogous or comparative estimation: It is very much important to use this methodology for projects, which are analogous to the projects that have been done before. It is very much essential to take the data from the experience that the estimator has gathered while conducting the previous projects (Braglia & Frosolini, 2014). It is also essential to check the success factors of those projects in order to apply them in the current project. 
  1. ii) Judgment of an expert: This is the most common type of process. Project managers and estimators use for estimating a project. It is essential to talk to different groups who have been involved in different activities while conducting the project. It is very much important to understand the requirements of the project. It is essential to ensure that all the required materials and tools are provided. In addition, it is important to identify the experts who are competent for the project.

In order to identify a critical path, it is important to analyze the project management techniques systematically and explain the non-critical and critical tasks for preventing different problems related to period (Nayebi et al. 2018). There are also problems on bottlenecks process. This process is mainly used for those projects, which contain different types of activities that are related to each other. Different steps are followed while applying the critical path method. The steps are generally to detect and explain the necessary tasks and record them in proper order.

It is also essential to create a flowchart or similar diagram in order to find the link between the tasks. In addition, it is necessary to identify the non-critical and critical relationships of different tasks. It is very much important to determine the time approximate time or period for completing the project. Moreover, it is necessary to devise different strategies and locate the alternatives that are useful for evaluating the critical paths.

Factors Affecting Project Scheduling


There are three constraints of opportunity. There are cost and time, which evaluate the baseline of the project. The baseline is generally applied in order to measure the performance for analyzing and approving deviations or changes of the project. It also rejects the unnecessary changes. Project baseline is the process of defining the preferable path of success (Honkatukia et al. 2015). It is also very much important to create a project management plan for getting the approval of charter of the project, which provides the project requirements for meeting the requirements of the stakeholders.

The process depends on similar documents of opportunity statement. It includes the work breakdown structure too. There are budgeting and scheduling which are necessary for assessing the baseline. The three constraints are covered by the three documents. The three constraints are cost, scope and time. These documents help in determining the parameters of the baseline. In order to measure the performance of the project against the deviations and the changes, baselines are applied.


The life cycle of a project varies based on the type of the projects. It is important to analyze the type of the project. In order to understand the phases, it is essential to analyze different aspects of the project (Milewski, Gürsel & Herbst, 2017). Time management is one of the essential need in order to complete a project in a given time period. Time management tools specifically focus on the project plan and produce an effective time plan by which it is possible to manage the scheduling time.

Capabilities: very basis capability of time management technique is it allows the supervisor a proper plan about scheduling, help to set priorities, creates planning tools, stop procrastinating

For this particular project, the department was split into three areas. There were senior executives who are the heads of particular departments.


Decomposition is one of the best ways to create a work breakdown structure. Decomposition process helps in dividing a huge project into simple and smaller segments. In scope management, this decomposition technique is widely used for analyzing different phases of the project.

Capabilities: It facilitates the process of work breakdown structure (Cook, 2017). In order to decompose the scope of a project, it is important to collect information on the deliverables of the main project and evaluate the problems associated with it. It is used to decompose the upper levels of a work breakdown structure and helps in creating detailed components of lower level.


In decomposition process, no buying in process is applied. Numerous tasks need to be conducted at a time, which is quite cumbersome. There is problem in getting the necessary details.   


Very basic application of time management technique is it allows the supervisor a proper plan about scheduling, help to set priorities creates planning tools, stop procrastinating on different tasks.


Decomposition technique is very much useful in getting the desired outcome of a project. It is very much essential to detect the factors that influence the project in order to get the outcome.

Critical Path


The project management techniques and tools are

Gantt Chart- this can be described as a horizontal chart, which can be implemented by using the time and activity. This depends on the availability of resources and dependency of the task.

 Schedule work analysis can help to set a graphical display by following all logical interrelationships of the work.

Critical path analysis can help to sequence the key steps for completing the work in minimum time.

PERT chart can help to create a different chart from the CPM and helps to calculate the activities and for the activities, there is more than one estimation can be obtained.

Schedule compression can help by using two methods crashing and fast tracking,

Risk multipliers can help to identify the risks of the project.

In this project, the critical path can help to fulfill the scope of the project, as there is no capability of understanding internally and can help to find the best-fit solution using the Eject. The risk multipliers help to identify the risk according to the quality measures. The given time is 12 months for completing the project the critical path can help to complete the project before the estimated time.


The structure of the WBS framework requires different facilities and functions for starting the work. The structure of the WBS requires the intranet facility, secured online connection, departmental functions and the report system for starting the framework. The intranet facility must include the internal communication, which can help to negotiate with every working team.  Reporting system can help to report every work done by the employees.

The secured online connection includes communication with every team for successful work done. The department functions need to access the power of each data to estimate the budget and decision making for the management process of the project. The reporting system includes cost enables, which helps to determine the required cost for each work done and helps to create an extensive database for data handling.


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