Project Risk Analysis Plan

MOV – Measurable Organizational Value

An analysis is made on the requirement for the development of the website and the application with the application of MOV methodology. The methodology includes six steps and are given below:

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  • Identification of the areas of impact
  • Cost estimation for the completion of the project
  • Developing appropriate metric
  • Time estimation for the completion of the project
  • Creation of agreement and verification from the stakeholders
  • Summarization of the values

The following table is created for identifying the impact areas and given below:


Impact areas


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Time required



It is used for creating a list of buyers and providing them better service

The details of the buyers are recorded in the database and can be used for keeping track on their preference and improve the quality of service (Schwalbe, 2015)

3 months



For acquiring more percentage of the market improvement of the quality and management of the transactions.

To gain competitive advantage and increase the value of share by providing service that can exceed the expectation of the buyers.

2 months



To record the market price and information such as cash price, offers and the bids (Kerzner, 2013).

To provide free service and reduce the expenses for increasing the efficiency

3 month



To provide live marketplace information to the buyers via the website and the application and reduce the cost of operation for the expansion of the current business.

To configure the server with all the service required and reduce the response time for the improvement of the satisfaction level of the buyers (Burke, 2013).

6 months



All the details of the transaction should be stored in the database and used for generating a statistical report regarding the usage of client data.

The information available in the website should be able to able to be shared with the buyers.

3 months

The efficiency of the i-Crop website and app can be improved with the application of MOV and using the methodology the quality of the gathered information is improved (Leach, 2014). This also helps in reduction of the errors in the final product and automate the management system of the business for the management of the business process.

Scope of the project

For the development of i-Crop website and application information should be gathered from the local environment and the stakeholders. The sharing of data between the buyers and the clients is important for the management of the live marketplace data between users. A high speed internet connection is needed because the loss of connectivity can have an negative impact on the system (Fitzsimmons & Fitzsimmons, 2013). The database should be created with the identification of the flow of information between the different entities and attributes and the system should be kept flexible such that it can adopt the growth of the organization.

The roles and responsibility of the development team are given in the below table:




The resource is collected from reliable sources by the sponsors and allocated to the development team for the completion of the project.

Project Manager

Creates a plan for the project and divides the project into manageable sub parts for the development of the project

Task Scheduler

Creates a schedule of the task and assigns  time frame for completion of the task in the estimated time frame (McNeil, Frey & Embrechts, 2015).


The availability of the resource are analyzed and the constraints that can cause a barrier in the development is also predicted for its elimination and reduce the errors in the development process.

Risk Manager

Creates a risk management plan for the elimination of the risk and complete the project within the time and budget.


Designs the database and the interface for analyzing the requirement (Bavota et al., 2012).

Finance Manager

Controls the expenses and records the expense for the development of the project.

Business Consultant

Provides suggestion for the improving the project and add new feature for attracting more number of users.

For the development of the project different techniques such as programming languages, modelling tools, UML and frameworks are used. The choice of the programming language and technique is important for the success of the project. A gantt chart and WBS is used for estimation of the time and budget and completion of the project on time.   

Training should be provided to the users for using the different functionality of the system and the usability and the information provided by the system should be shared with the stakeholders for increasing the usability of the system. 

Task Name





Resource Names

Development of WEB and App for i-Crop

131 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 18-03-19

   Initialization phase

20 days

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 12-10-18

       Developing the SRS document

5 days

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 21-09-18

Executive sponsor,Requirement analyst

      Feasibility study of the existing system

4 days

Mon 24-09-18

Thu 27-09-18


project manager,Requirement analyst

       Identification of the requirements of the desired system

5 days

Fri 28-09-18

Thu 04-10-18


Requirement analyst

       Utilization of the project specifications

3 days

Fri 05-10-18

Tue 09-10-18


Developer,Requirement analyst

       Meeting with the management team and visitors of show

3 days

Wed 10-10-18

Fri 12-10-18


Accountant,Executive sponsor,project manager

      Project initiation phase completed

0 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

   Appointing of development vendor

35 days

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 02-11-18

       Identification of the development vendor

3 days

Mon 15-10-18

Wed 17-10-18


Accountant,project manager

       Analysing the vendor capability and background

5 days

Thu 18-10-18

Wed 24-10-18


Accountant,Executive sponsor,project manager

       Planning of total time taken to complete

4 days

Thu 25-10-18

Tue 30-10-18


Executive sponsor,project manager

       Budget planning

3 days

Wed 31-10-18

Fri 02-11-18



      Project Vendor appointed

0 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

   Design Phase

47 days

Mon 17-09-18

Tue 20-11-18

       Improving the labour management

5 days

Mon 05-11-18

Fri 09-11-18


Accountant,Executive sponsor

       Start to build the system

2 days

Mon 12-11-18

Tue 13-11-18


Developer,project manager

       Improvement of installation process

3 days

Wed 14-11-18

Fri 16-11-18



       Understanding the system requirements for next built

2 days

Mon 19-11-18

Tue 20-11-18


Developer,project manager

      Completion of Design Phase

0 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

   Implementation phase of the system at organization

65 days

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 14-12-18

       Start implementation according to business objectives

10 days

Wed 21-11-18

Tue 04-12-18


Developer,project manager

       Modification in the first built of the system

3 days

Wed 05-12-18

Fri 07-12-18


Developer,Requirement analyst

       Collection of resources and equipment’s for the project

3 days

Mon 10-12-18

Wed 12-12-18


Accountant,project manager

       Verification of the equipment’s and resources

2 days

Thu 13-12-18

Fri 14-12-18


Developer,project manager

      Completion of implementation phase

0 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

   Testing phase

78 days

Mon 17-09-18

Wed 02-01-19

       test run of the system

4 days

Mon 17-12-18

Thu 20-12-18


Executive sponsor,project manager

       Carrying out the test plan

3 days

Fri 21-12-18

Tue 25-12-18


Software tester

       Analysing the test result in real scenario

4 days

Wed 26-12-18

Mon 31-12-18


Risk manager,Software tester

       Presentation of the result

2 days

Tue 01-01-19

Wed 02-01-19


project manager,Software tester

      Completion of Testing Phase

0 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

   Risk management phase

131 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 18-03-19

       Identification of the possible risks

7 days

Thu 03-01-19

Fri 11-01-19


Risk manager,Software tester

       presentation of the risks to the risk manger

2 days

Mon 14-01-19

Tue 15-01-19


project manager,Risk manager

       mitigation of the risks

14 days

Mon 14-01-19

Thu 14-02-19


Developer,Risk manager

       Registering the impacts of the risks

10 days

Fri 15-02-19

Mon 18-03-19


project manager,Risk manager

       Identify the impacts of the risks

15 days

Wed 16-01-19

Tue 05-02-19


project manager,Risk manager

      Completion of risk management phase

0 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

   Closure of the project

126 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 11-03-19

       Evaluation of the functionality of the developed system

9 days

Wed 06-02-19

Mon 18-02-19


Executive sponsor,project manager

       Rolling out the finally developed project

15 days

Tue 19-02-19

Mon 11-03-19


Developer,project manager

      Completion of project closure

0 days

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

Milestones for each phase and deliverables


Task Name


Project initiation phase completed


Project Vendor appointed


Completion of Design Phase


Completion of implementation phase


Completion of Testing Phase


Completion of risk management phase


Completion of project closure

 Time estimation for each task

Task Name




Development of WEB and App for i-Crop

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 18-03-19

131 days

   Initialization phase

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 12-10-18

20 days

       Developing the SRS document

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 21-09-18

5 days

      Feasibility study of the existing system

Mon 24-09-18

Thu 27-09-18

4 days

       Identification of the requirements of the desired system

Fri 28-09-18

Thu 04-10-18

5 days

       Utilization of the project specifications

Fri 05-10-18

Tue 09-10-18

3 days

       Meeting with the management team and visitors of show

Wed 10-10-18

Fri 12-10-18

3 days

      Project initiation phase completed

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

0 days

   Appointing of development vendor

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 02-11-18

35 days

       Identification of the development vendor

Mon 15-10-18

Wed 17-10-18

3 days

       Analyzing the vendor capability and background

Thu 18-10-18

Wed 24-10-18

5 days

       Planning of total time taken to complete

Thu 25-10-18

Tue 30-10-18

4 days

       Budget planning

Wed 31-10-18

Fri 02-11-18

3 days

      Project Vendor appointed

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

0 days

   Design Phase

Mon 17-09-18

Tue 20-11-18

47 days

       Improving the labour management

Mon 05-11-18

Fri 09-11-18

5 days

       Start to build the system

Mon 12-11-18

Tue 13-11-18

2 days

       Improvement of installation process

Wed 14-11-18

Fri 16-11-18

3 days

       Understanding the system requirements for next built

Mon 19-11-18

Tue 20-11-18

2 days

      Completion of Design Phase

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

0 days

   Implementation phase of the system at organization

Mon 17-09-18

Fri 14-12-18

65 days

       Start implementation according to business objectives

Wed 21-11-18

Tue 04-12-18

10 days

       Modification in the first built of the system

Wed 05-12-18

Fri 07-12-18

3 days

       Collection of resources and equipment’s for the project

Mon 10-12-18

Wed 12-12-18

3 days

       Verification of the equipment’s and resources

Thu 13-12-18

Fri 14-12-18

2 days

      Completion of implementation phase

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

0 days

   Testing phase

Mon 17-09-18

Wed 02-01-19

78 days

       test run of the system

Mon 17-12-18

Thu 20-12-18

4 days

       Carrying out the test plan

Fri 21-12-18

Tue 25-12-18

3 days

       Analyzing the test result in real scenario

Wed 26-12-18

Mon 31-12-18

4 days

       Presentation of the result

Tue 01-01-19

Wed 02-01-19

2 days

      Completion of Testing Phase

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

0 days

   Risk management phase

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 18-03-19

131 days

       Identification of the possible risks

Thu 03-01-19

Fri 11-01-19

7 days

       presentation of the risks to the risk manager

Mon 14-01-19

Tue 15-01-19

2 days

       mitigation of the risks

Mon 14-01-19

Thu 14-02-19

14 days

       Registering the impacts of the risks

Fri 15-02-19

Mon 18-03-19

10 days

       Identify the impacts of the risks

Wed 16-01-19

Tue 05-02-19

15 days

      Completion of risk management phase

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

0 days

   Closure of the project

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 11-03-19

126 days

       Evaluation of the functionality of the developed system

Wed 06-02-19

Mon 18-02-19

9 days

       Rolling out the finally developed project

Tue 19-02-19

Mon 11-03-19

15 days

      Completion of project closure

Mon 17-09-18

Mon 17-09-18

0 days

 Project Budget

Task Name


Development of WEB and App for i-Crop


   Initialization phase


       Developing the SRS document


      Feasibility study of the existing system


       Identification of the requirements of the desired system


       Utilization of the project specifications


       Meeting with the management team and visitors of show


      Project initiation phase completed


   Appointing of development vendor


       Identification of the development vendor


       Analyzing the vendor capability and background


       Planning of total time taken to complete


       Budget planning


      Project Vendor appointed


   Design Phase


       Improving the labour management


       Start to build the system


       Improvement of installation process


       Understanding the system requirements for next built


      Completion of Design Phase


   Implementation phase of the system at organization


       Start implementation according to business objectives


       Modification in the first built of the system


       Collection of resources and equipment’s for the project


       Verification of the equipment’s and resources


      Completion of implementation phase


   Testing phase


       test run of the system


       Carrying out the test plan


       Analyzing the test result in real scenario


       Presentation of the result


      Completion of Testing Phase


   Risk management phase


       Identification of the possible risks


       presentation of the risks to the risk manger


       mitigation of the risks


       Registering the impacts of the risks


       Identify the impacts of the risks


      Completion of risk management phase


   Closure of the project


       Evaluation of the functionality of the developed system


       Rolling out the finally developed project


      Completion of project closure



For the development of the project some assumptions are made that helps in elimination of the barriers in the project. It is assumed that the resource would be available during its requirement for the completion of each of the activity on time. It is also assumed that there would no communication gap between the team members involved in the project development and the project would not have a negative impact on the social life and current environment.

Scope Management Plan

Risk Identification


Member associated with the risk


Mitigation technique

Technical risk

System Analyst

There may be error in network and the server configuration that resulting in errors and increasing the response time of the system.

The health and the configuration of the server should be checked and maintenance process should be done for reduce the security issues.  

Financial risk

Financial Manager

The expense should be controlled as it can cause increase in the project cost.

The project budget should be followed and some mount of cash should be kept in reserve for handling the emergency condition (De Waal, 2013).

Lack of resource

Project Manager

The progress of the project can get slow due to the unavailability of the resources.

Cost estimation tools and techniques should be used for the analysis of the budget the resources should be managed for making them available.

Loss of manpower

Project Manager

The unplanned leaves of the team members or increase in the work pressure can cause involvement of the external agents and loss of manpower (Haimes, 2015).

To increase the team strength such that the unavailability of an expert does not have an impact on the project.

Risk in privacy

Project Manger

The leakage of private data of the buyers can have a negative impact and affect the reliability of the system (Succar, Sher & Williams, 2013).

Security measure such as encryption and use of secure connection helps in mitigation of the risk

Project Name: i-Crop

Project Manager Name



Time taken




Expense Authorization

The expense for the development of the project should be controlled and approved

by the account manager for the mitigation of risk of resource misutilization.

2 month

Financial Manager

Managing the expense


Documentation of the project

The report should be prepared consisting of the configuration details.

1 month

Project manager

The report should be prepared by adding the progress and monitoring the flow of the process.


Work break down structure

WBS should be created consisting of the identified task.

3 month

Project Manager

The project plan should be used for monitoring the progress of the project and inspecting the tasks performed by the team


Project plan

The client requirement is analyzed for aligning the project with the requirement.

1 month

Project Manager

The project plan should be reviewed and planned for the development of the project.


Risk plan

The constraints should be identified for the project development

4 months

Risk manager

The framework should be reviewed for the development of the website and the application.



It is used for stakeholder analysis that are associated with the project development.

2 month

Project manager



Training material

Creating training manual for improvement of the project and increasing the usability

3 month

Project manager

Presentation and journals



The paper describes the development of intranet and world wide web and the use of internet tool for collaboration and sharing of knowledge. It is demonstrated that the website is a layout of pages and the use of different background colours and images and the layout are a factor for the development of the webpage (Lin & Tain-Dow, 2015). The functionality of the webpage and the  development of the dynamic webpage is for fulfilling the needs of the organization is discussed. The different languages that are used for the development of the website such as CGI and PERL are discussed and that is used for the development of the interface. The use of ColdFusion Markup Language and its replacement is used for the evaluation of the website.  

The paper is analysed for the identification of the application of PHP and open source software for applying it as a Web scripting language. The increase use of PHP and increase in its usage and the popularity of the language is defined in the paper. The development concepts, advanced syntax, design of the application and the concepts of web application are discussed in the paper (Walker, 2015). The author states the basic web application strategies such as development of the database access and cutting edge applications using PHP are discussed in the report. Here different case studies are demonstrated and use of extended PHP and hacking of core PHP are discussed in the paper.

HTML5 Web application development – J.M. Gustafson

The author discusses the different components of the HTML5 application and the time for action for the creation of the HTML file, creating the CSS file, creation of javascript file are discussed in the paper. An example is provided for the development of a first application and the steps necessary for the development of the application is discussed in the paper (Bavota et al., 2012). The steps for the creation of the task list, removal of the task and moving is also discussed in the paper.


Due date

Responsible Person


Handing off the deliverables and signed off by the stakeholders

Project Manager

Signing of documents by the appropriate person and organizing the documents


Paying all the invoices and closing all contracts related with the project

Account manager

Finalizing the project reports and archiving them such that it can act as a reference in future

Project Manager

Arrangement of maintenance and support team for updating the project after completion

Operation Manager

Releasing and reassigning the resource of the project

Project Manager

Celebration of the success of the project

Team members, Managers

Use of project management software for closure of the project

Project Manager

For the evaluation of the project the schedule and the budget of the project should be compared with each other and the criteria should be fulfilled such as analysis of the project according to its relevance and strategic fit. The validity of the design of the project is analysed and the progress and effectiveness of the project is evaluated. At the end of the project the efficiency of resource utilization is also analysed for the effective management of the project. 


Bavota, G., De Lucia, A., Fasano, F., Oliveto, R., & Zottoli, C. (2012, June). Teaching software engineering and software project management: An integrated and practical approach. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (pp. 1155-1164). IEEE Press.

Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA.

De Waal, A. (2013). Strategic Performance Management: A managerial and behavioral approach. Palgrave Macmillan.

Fitzsimmons, J., & Fitzsimmons, M. (2013). Service management: Operations, strategy, information technology. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Haimes, Y. Y. (2015). Risk modeling, assessment, and management. John Wiley & Sons.

Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Leach, L. P. (2014). Critical chain project management. Artech House.

Lin, L. M., & Tain-Dow, L. E. E. (2015). Symbolic Economy and Creative Management: Cultural and Creative Industries Urging for New Approaches.Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, 57.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., & Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton university press.

Schwalbe, K. (2015). Information technology project management. Cengage Learning.

Succar, B., Sher, W., & Williams, A. (2013). An integrated approach to BIM competency assessment, acquisition and application. Automation in Construction, 35, 174-189.

Walker, A. (2015). Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons.

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