Project Plan For SAP System Implementation For Yes Chemist Pty Ltd.

Project Scope and Objectives

VUISC is a consulting firm that based on Melbourne. The consulting firm has taken the charge of managing and implementing a SAP S/4HANA for SAP Business All-in-One. The purpose of the report is to understand the scope and the objectives of the project. The report will be discussing the schedule and the resource requirements of the project as well.

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Project scheduling and the roll out strategy identification of the project implementation are important to consider before implementation in order to identify the risks and issues in the project. The scope, business case, schedule and the resource requirement will be discussed in the report. This report will act as project plan that will help in easier implementation of the project. The project plan will be identifying the communication method by developing a communication matrix. The schedules, activities and the deliverables of the project will elaborated in the following paragraphs.

The Project aims in implementing a SAP S/4HANA for SAP Business All in one for the client Yes Chemist. The processes of implementation of the system will mainly consists of appropriate scheduling and execution and testing. The project will be termed as successful if the software is implemented within the schedule and appropriate data conversion and data transfer is followed. The testing phase of the project aims in identification and elimination of the bugs in the system.

The project will be termed as successful only if the project is able to meet the identified deliverables. Successful implementation of deliverables of the project will be based on accurate quality testing and for that the acceptance criteria of the quality standard will be identified. The table below gives an idea of the deliverables and the acceptance criteria.


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Acceptance Criteria of Quality Standards

Preparation and development of Infrastructure Equipment

No more than 15 days can be allocated for this task

Data Conversion and Validation

The process of data conversion should follow the legacy data structure.  

System Integration and System Testing

A comprehensive testing module is needed to be followed and the bugs should be removed within the set time


VUISC should impart training to the users. This is essential as VUISC team members have an idea of the all the functionalities of the organization.


Accurate documentation of each of the phases of the task should be maintained

Maintenance of the Software  

VUISC should ensure appropriate maintenance and support in a regular interval.

The assumptions that has been considered are as follows-

  1. The project schedule is realistic
  2. The Budget estimation is appropriate

The Constraints are as follows-

  1. Maintenance would be provided only for a limited time
  2. The budget will con consider chances in the cost of the resources.

This project is needed as Yes Chemist is finding difficulties in managing the business processes running in the organization. The business needs that the project will most likely address are as follows-

  1. The new system will be replacing the existing legacy accounting system along with the HR management system.
  2. The operational weakness associated with the organization will most likely be mitigated by the implementation of this Software.

Thus is can be said that the project is justified and help in making the process of information management in Yes Chemist quite easier. The benefits and the benefit measures of the project is represented in the following table-


Benefit Measures

The system will ensure management of the work processes

SAP will ensure easier management of the business processes and it should be experienced.

The new system will be cost effective approach of data management

The reduction in the management cost of the business process of the organization will be the benefit measure.

The sales and the order processing cost will be reduced

The reduction in the processing cost will be reflected in the transaction report

The consistent operation in the organization will be followed

The progress report should reflect that

The de-benefits are as follows-

  1. The initial cost of implementation of the system is high.
  2.  Training the staffs about the new system is mandatory
  3. The productivity can be reduced in the initial days as the staffs are needed to be trained.
  4. The feature of point of recovery is not present.

The project will be implemented through a number of phases. Each phase is important for measuring the success of the project. The estimated project schedule is represented as follows-

Task Name




SAP S4HANA for SAP Business All in One for Yes Chemist Pty

221 days

Tue 25-07-17

Tue 29-05-18

   Project starts

1 day

Tue 25-07-17

Tue 25-07-17

   Feasibility Study

6 days

Wed 26-07-17

Wed 02-08-17

      Analyzing the operational Feasibility

3 days

Wed 26-07-17

Fri 28-07-17

      Checking if the Project is technically feasible

5 days

Wed 26-07-17

Tue 01-08-17

      Documenting the report

1 day

Wed 02-08-17

Wed 02-08-17

   Requirement Analysis

11 days

Wed 26-07-17

Wed 09-08-17

      identifying the Resource Requirements

2 days

Wed 26-07-17

Thu 27-07-17

      Preparing the Plan for the Project based on the Requirements and Deliverables

3 days

Fri 28-07-17

Tue 01-08-17

      Understanding the Functional Requirements

4 days

Fri 28-07-17

Wed 02-08-17

      Estimation and Preparation of the Schedule Plan

3 days

Thu 03-08-17

Mon 07-08-17

      Documenting the Requirements

2 days

Tue 08-08-17

Wed 09-08-17

      M1: Completion of The Requirement Analysis and Scheduling

0 days

Wed 09-08-17

Wed 09-08-17

   Project Preparation and implementation

102 days

Thu 03-08-17

Fri 22-12-17

      Server room demolition

15 days

Thu 03-08-17

Wed 23-08-17

      Permission for cloud hosting

10 days

Thu 24-08-17

Wed 06-09-17

      Designing the Interface of the Software

15 days

Thu 07-09-17

Wed 27-09-17


30 days

Thu 28-09-17

Wed 08-11-17

      Database Coding

30 days

Thu 09-11-17

Wed 20-12-17

      Linking with the data base

2 days

Thu 21-12-17

Fri 22-12-17

      connection of new servers with the existing network

10 hrs

Thu 24-08-17

Fri 25-08-17

      M2: Completion of Project Preparation

0 days

Fri 25-08-17

Fri 25-08-17

   Data Conversion

22 days

Mon 25-12-17

Tue 23-01-18

      Understanding the legacy of data structures

3 days

Mon 25-12-17

Wed 27-12-17

      Setting up the data extractor and script development

2 days

Thu 28-12-17

Fri 29-12-17

      Data validation and cleansing

3 days

Mon 01-01-18

Wed 03-01-18

      Development of the automated script for loading data into B1 instance

2 days

Thu 04-01-18

Fri 05-01-18

      Testing in real time instance

3 days

Mon 08-01-18

Wed 10-01-18

      Defect rectification

2 days

Thu 11-01-18

Fri 12-01-18

      Post data migration analysis

4 days

Mon 15-01-18

Thu 18-01-18

      Manual data rectification by client

3 days

Fri 19-01-18

Tue 23-01-18

      M3: Completion of Data Completion

0 days

Tue 23-01-18

Tue 23-01-18

   Integration and Testing

31 days

Wed 24-01-18

Wed 07-03-18

      Preparation for Integration

1 day

Wed 24-01-18

Wed 24-01-18

      Integration of new SAP system with e-gate feature for corporate banking

5 days

Wed 24-01-18

Tue 30-01-18


26 days

Wed 31-01-18

Wed 07-03-18

         system testing

6 days

Wed 31-01-18

Wed 07-02-18

         black box testing

5 days

Thu 08-02-18

Wed 14-02-18

         end to end testing with live e-gate instance

10 days

Thu 15-02-18

Wed 28-02-18

         System integration Testing

5 days

Thu 01-03-18

Wed 07-03-18

      M4: Completion of Integration and testing of SAP

0 days

Wed 07-03-18

Wed 07-03-18

   Documentation and training

37 days

Thu 01-03-18

Fri 20-04-18

      Documentation of the Project progress Report

5 days

Thu 01-03-18

Wed 07-03-18

      Development of functionality manuals

7 days

Thu 01-03-18

Fri 09-03-18

      Review of the standard of SAP business All in one end user manuals

15 days

Mon 12-03-18

Fri 30-03-18

      Customization of the manuals based on client’s delivery requirements

5 days

Mon 02-04-18

Fri 06-04-18

      Training by VUISC trainer to the staffs of Yes Chemist

10 days

Mon 09-04-18

Fri 20-04-18

      M5: Completion of Documentation and training Phase

0 days

Fri 20-04-18

Fri 20-04-18

   Acceptance Testing and Client Sign off

12 days

Mon 23-04-18

Tue 08-05-18

      Performing acceptance testing on the application developed

7 days

Mon 23-04-18

Tue 01-05-18

      Sign Off

5 days

Wed 02-05-18

Tue 08-05-18

         Completion of hardware and software installation

2 days

Wed 02-05-18

Thu 03-05-18

         Ensuring successful completion of the Coding part and data conversion

2 days

Wed 02-05-18

Thu 03-05-18

         Documenting the report

5 days

Wed 02-05-18

Tue 08-05-18

         M6: Completion of Acceptance Testing and successful client sign off

0 days

Tue 08-05-18

Tue 08-05-18

   Application go live

15 days

Wed 09-05-18

Tue 29-05-18

      server equipments tested by VUISC technical staff before SAP installation

2 days

Wed 09-05-18

Thu 10-05-18

      Installation by Frontline Engineer

2 days

Fri 11-05-18

Mon 14-05-18

      go live

1 day

Tue 15-05-18

Tue 15-05-18

      Maintenance post go live

2 wks

Wed 16-05-18

Tue 29-05-18

      Project Ends

0 days

Tue 29-05-18

Tue 29-05-18

The resources associated with this project is represented in the following table-

Resource Name

Max. Units

Std. Rate

IT Project Manager VUISC



VUISC Programmers



VUISC Testers



VUISC business Analyst



VUISC Technical writers



VUISC End user trainers



Peter Cables Pty Ltd



Frontline Engineer



VUISC technical staffs






VUISC Data base Programmer



VUISC Technical Officer



VUISC Administration Office



VUISC Data Entry Officers



VUISC System Integrator



The Budget estimated for the project is represented in the following table-

Task Name




SAP S4HANA for SAP Business All in One for Yes Chemist Pty

221 days

Tue 25-07-17


   Project starts

1 day

Tue 25-07-17


   Feasibility Study

6 days

Wed 26-07-17


      Analyzing the operational Feasibility

3 days

Wed 26-07-17


      Checking if the Project is technically feasible

5 days

Wed 26-07-17


      Documenting the report

1 day

Wed 02-08-17


   Requirement Analysis

11 days

Wed 26-07-17


      identifying the Resource Requirements

2 days

Wed 26-07-17


      Preparing the Plan for the Project based on the Requirements and Deliverables

3 days

Fri 28-07-17


      Understanding the Functional Requirements

4 days

Fri 28-07-17


      Estimation and Preparation of the Schedule Plan

3 days

Thu 03-08-17


      Documenting the Requirements

2 days

Tue 08-08-17


      M1: Completion of The Requirement Analysis and Scheduling

0 days

Wed 09-08-17


   Project Preparation and implementation

102 days

Thu 03-08-17


      Server room demolition

15 days

Thu 03-08-17


      Permission for cloud hosting

10 days

Thu 24-08-17


      Designing the Interface of the Software

15 days

Thu 07-09-17



30 days

Thu 28-09-17


      Database Coding

30 days

Thu 09-11-17


      Linking with the data base

2 days

Thu 21-12-17


      connection of new servers with the existing network

10 hrs

Thu 24-08-17


      M2: Completion of Project Preparation

0 days

Fri 25-08-17


   Data Conversion

22 days

Mon 25-12-17


      Understanding the legacy of data structures

3 days

Mon 25-12-17


      Setting up the data extractor and script development

2 days

Thu 28-12-17


      Data validation and cleansing

3 days

Mon 01-01-18


      Development of the automated script for loading data into B1 instance

2 days

Thu 04-01-18


      Testing in real time instance

3 days

Mon 08-01-18


      Defect rectification

2 days

Thu 11-01-18


      Post data migration analysis

4 days

Mon 15-01-18


      Manual data rectification by client

3 days

Fri 19-01-18


      M3: Completion of Data Completion

0 days

Tue 23-01-18


   Integration and Testing

31 days

Wed 24-01-18


      Preparation for Integration

1 day

Wed 24-01-18


      Integration of new SAP system with e-gate feature for corporate banking

5 days

Wed 24-01-18



26 days

Wed 31-01-18


         system testing

6 days

Wed 31-01-18


         black box testing

5 days

Thu 08-02-18


         end to end testing with live e-gate instance

10 days

Thu 15-02-18


         System integration Testing

5 days

Thu 01-03-18


      M4: Completion of Integration and testing of SAP

0 days

Wed 07-03-18


   Documentation and training

37 days

Thu 01-03-18


      Documentation of the Project progress Report

5 days

Thu 01-03-18


      Development of functionality manuals

7 days

Thu 01-03-18


      Review of the standard of SAP business All in one end user manuals

15 days

Mon 12-03-18


      Customization of the manuals based on client’s delivery requirements

5 days

Mon 02-04-18


      Training by VUISC trainer to the staffs of Yes Chemist

10 days

Mon 09-04-18


      M5: Completion of Documentation and training Phase

0 days

Fri 20-04-18


   Acceptance Testing and Client Sign off

12 days

Mon 23-04-18


      Performing acceptance testing on the application developed

7 days

Mon 23-04-18


      Sign Off

5 days

Wed 02-05-18


         Completion of hardware and software installation

2 days

Wed 02-05-18


         Ensuring successful completion of the Coding part and data conversion

2 days

Wed 02-05-18


         Documenting the report

5 days

Wed 02-05-18


         M6: Completion of Acceptance Testing and successful client sign off

0 days

Tue 08-05-18


   Application go live

15 days

Wed 09-05-18


      server equipments tested by VUISC technical staff before SAP installation

2 days

Wed 09-05-18


      Installation by Frontline Engineer

2 days

Fri 11-05-18


      go live

1 day

Tue 15-05-18


      Maintenance post go live

2 wks

Wed 16-05-18


      Project Ends

0 days

Tue 29-05-18


Each project is associated with a number of risks. Identification and management of the risks are necessary in order to ensure absence of issues in the project. A risk register is a tool for ensuring accurate risk identification and mitigation. The risk register for this project is represented in the following table-

Sl. No

Security Risk




Technical Risk




Risk of Data loss during data Conversion




Operational Risk




Improper training




Schedule Risk



Effective communication among the team members is essential in order to ensure that the project progress is readily updated to all the stakeholders. For that, it is necessary to develop an appropriate communication plan. The communication matrix for this project is represented below-





Progress Report

Team members



Status Report

Team members and stakeholders



Resource Updates

Team Members


Email and Face to Face communication

Scheduling updates

Team Members and stakeholders



Budget Updates

Team Members and stakeholders



The project plan that has been prepared provides an idea of the implementation process of SAP HANA in Yes chemist. The plan discusses the business case scope and the resource requirements of the project. The details of the schedule and the budget have also provided been. Risk register and communication plan are two of the significant project management tools. The project plan gives an idea of the risk register and the communication plan that has been prepared for this project.

Binder, J., 2016. Global project management: communication, collaboration and management across borders. Routledge.

Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.

Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E. eds., 2014. Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge.

Harrison, F. and Lock, D., 2017. Advanced project management: a structured approach. Routledge.

Heagney, J., 2016. Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013. Project management: The managerial process with MS project. McGraw-Hill.

Leach, L.P., 2014. Critical chain project management. Artech

This project is needed as Yes Chemist is finding difficulties i

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