Project Management Practice: Addressing Leadership Skills, Execution, Risks, And Ethics
Leadership Skills Demonstrated in the Case Study
The success and effectiveness of any project greatly dependent on the project manager’s leadership skills [1]. Just like any other undertaking, a project cannot be successfully accomplished without having a competent leader. Project managers are supposed to be in possession of exceptional leadership skills to deal with issues such as resource allocation, time management and budget in addition to high-quality leverage demands [2]. In this case, Bob Moore has been an exceptionally proficient organiser who in most cases has been requested by clients to offer supervision for their construction projects project. Despite Moore being an exceptional leader at some point, he breaches the ethical responsibilities of a project manager. Bob uses project human resources to perform his work at the expense of resources of the project.
On the same note, when Jim Rains talks to Bob regarding the issue of billing the carpenter who had been working at his home, Bob seems to be noncommittal about the matter. As a result, this means that Bob takes advantage of the rain and his position to use the project’s resources to undertake his tasks back home at the expense of the project resources. Indeed, Bob’s actions are unethical because that is a falsification of the project resources since he is supposed to use his resources in carrying out his home construction. As a project manager, Bob makes uninformed decisions and is also disrespectful to his juniors. This is shown through Bob’s fail to show any concern regarding the billing issue of carpenter’s when asked by Rains. Exceptional leadership skills play a significant role in ensuring that project managers make right and informed decisions in response to changes in the nature of a project in the most appropriate manner [3]. In this case, even though Rains is young, he has outstanding leadership skills which are shown through his strictness in the management of the project’s resources.;
After the kicking-off of the project, it was moving on smoothly. Thus, the smooth running of the project offers Rains a better chance to learn by taking on more project management responsibilities each day. However, during winter and spring months which are days that are accompanied by a lot of rain, things start to change. The rains bring the project to a standstill. However, instead of Bob sending home a number of the human resources because of the rains, he asks them to sweep up the floors that are under roof. The sweeping activity only takes about two hours, and the carpenters get paid for a full 8 hours work day. On some days Bob could send the carpenters to his home to pursue his activities and pay then pay them using project resources. Accordingly, this act is a misuse of power and project resources. Therefore, Bob’s actions executions do not act in accordance with the project plan.
Execution of the Project and Alternatives
The execution of a project demands that resources are well-organised such that each task has to be performed using a specific amount of resources and within a specified period [4]. Due to the heavy rains which could not allow for the progression of the project, it could be wise that the human resource stayed off the construction then resume after the rains. Nonetheless, it is unfortunate that Bob takes advantage of the rains as well as his position to ask the project carpenters to work on his interior farming, hand drywall, and finishing carpentry at his home at the expense of the construction cost.
Risk analysis is a vital component to project management practice as it makes sure that there are few cases of surprises during the project progress [5]. Though it is not possible to predict future uncertainties in a project, project managers are required to apply a streamlined risk management process for predicting uncertainties in the project [6]. Certainly, this helps to minimise the occurrence of these uncertainties. In the case of classroom construction project, it shows that there are little preparations regarding the risk management process. The project does not factor in construction risks related to natural calamities such as rain. As a result, during the rainy season, the project faces several challenges. For instance, carpenters report for work, but due to heavy rains, it is impossible for them to work. However, instead of Bob asking the carpenters to take a break till the rain comes to an end he keeps allowing the carpenters to work for as less as two hours and get paid for eight hours full day. Indeed, this could result in constraints on the management of the resources once the rains stop. It could also result in the depletion of resources before project completion. Also, to avoid the issue of sending workers home because of rains is a waste of time which is a vital element. To curb this, the project should purchase waterproof gear like waterproof footwear, raincoats, and hand protection which feature a strong and slip-proof grip in readiness for the rainy season.
Basing on Bob’s leadership skills, it shows a lack of transparency. As a result, Bob’s action does not abide by the law and does not also align with the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. According to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct advocates for responsibility, honesty, fairness, and respect. Bob’s action of using construction resource on his duties at home is an abuse of power and a form of corruption [7]. Accordingly, Bob’s action is unethical because he abuses his powers by using resources meant for the construction project for his gains [8].
Risk Identification and Mitigation Plan
The ethical alternatives that Bob could take are to stop the carpenters from coming to work because of the heavy rains which could not allow for the continuity of the project. The pros of this alternative are that it would save the project income unlike paying them for not working for a full day. Contrary, sending off the workforce could lead to late delivery of the project.
Rains action of questioning Bob about his act of sending project carpenters to work at his home and paying them using the money meant for the project is in accordance with the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct [9]. On the other hand, Bob is disrespectful and unfair because he does not take Jim’s concern about his unethical behaviours and also use company money to facilitate his personal work.
Would sending home project carpenters to be of benefit to the project?
Would Bob’s decision of using project resource for personal work be of benefit to the project?
By sending carpenters at home, it would save the company from incurring financial constraints after the rain stopped. On the other hand, Bob’s decision to use company resources for personal work could cost the project its resources leading to resource constraint [10].
[1] F. Harrison, & D. Lock. Advanced project management: a structured approach. Routledge. 2017.
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[3] R. Burke, & S. Barron. Project management leadership: building creative teams. John Wiley & Sons. 2014.
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[7] H. T. Ingason, & H. I. Jonasson. Project ethics: The Critical Path to Project Success-applying an ethical risk assessment tool for a large infrastructure project. International Project Management Association Research Conference 2017, UTS ePRESS, Sydney: NSW.
[8] M. L. Martens, & M. M. Carvalho. Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey exploring the project managers’ perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 2017.35(6), 1084-1102.
[9] S. Sandeep, “8 Types of Ethical Dilemmas in Project Management”,, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18- Aug- 2018].
[10] D. Whetten, & K. Cameron. Developing Management Skills: Global Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. 2014.