Project Management Plan For Online Farm Management System

Part 1: MOV principle

Project Background

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The Virtucon industry is the farming industry which is proposing a project for developing the online management system for farming operation. The online management system helps in resolving the uncertainties which are accompanied with the human operation performed in daily basis for buyin and selling of the poultry animals. The project owner wants to amalgamate it business operation with the mobile devices for instant payment and booking order. The mobile application helps in increasing the customers from the global world.

The development of the project helps in transforming the manual farming system to an online farming system. The efficiency and effectiveness can be achieved in the booking order management system and payment operation done by the customers. The instant delivery of the required poultry products increases the level of satisfaction an strong bonding with the customers. The purpose of this project is to analyse the sustainability and accuracy of the project in overcoming the complexities and uncertainties associated with the manual system.

Area of impact

The development of the online farming system helps in increasing operational feasibility of the undertaken project. The systematic approach for fulfilling the need and requirement of the project helps in increasing the turnover of the company. The Measurable organization value principles are deployed to analyse the feasibility of the new proposed system to attain long term sustainability. The table below highlight the area of impact associated with the delivery of the project:

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Area of Impact

MOV Principles

Desired Outcome


Operational plan

The accuracy can be achieved in the operational efficiency of the project

Systematic approach for satisfying the customer requirement

Managing database for buying and selling of poultry product

Managing scheduled time of activities completion

Provides services and facilities to the customers for 24 hours


Financial Feasibility

Development of project activity schedule with effective time duration and cost estimation for completing the given task (Devi, and Reddy, 2012)

Completing the project within the estimated cost


Customer Requirement

Voice of customers should be taken under consideration for designing the features of the mobile application

Solving queries posted by the customers within 30 hours


Strategic Plan

Incorporation of change management plan

Monitoring of handling customer request

Managing changes


Social Relationship

Ethical code of conduct should be followed

Managing chaos and grievances


Better: The proposed project is better than the traditional and manual working of the system because it automatically updates the database according to the order placed by the customers (Tonder, and Bekker, 2014).

Cheaper: It is cheaper because it requires less labour cost in managing the farming operation. The record keeping operations are done by the computer system with the manual operations.


Need and Requirement

Project Manager

Requirement specification plan

Clear understanding of the project goal, vision, and mission (Otieno, 2014)

Internal Consultant

Complete history of the internal stakeholders in relation to their work performance

External consultant

Progress report of the project

Project Designer

Project Requirement plan

Details of required features

Project Analyst

Alternatives solution to make a choice of the best design for the project

Project Technician

Analysing the quality of the hardware and software used


Good quality project design


Running project

Quality Manager

Running project and checklist of the project

Financial Manager

Required and estimated cost of the project

Risks Manager

Complexities and uncertainties associated with the project

The operational efficiency, financial stability, satisfaction of customer requirement, strategic planning, and social relationship can be achieved with the implementation of project within the period of 6 months.

Project Scope

The scope of the project focuses on the following areas:

  • Understanding the project requirement
  • Analysing the gaps and flaws which exists with the current working system
  • Identification of the risks associated with the project
  • Understanding the customer requirement for incorporating the required features in the mobile application
  • Providing security architecture for online payment
  • Providing security architecture to preserve confidentiality and sensitivity of the information (Monnappa, 2017)
  • Development of the quality management plan
  • Development of the quality checklist



Project Manager


Internal Consultant


External consultant


Project Designer


Project Analyst


Project Technician






Quality Manager


Financial Manager


Risks Manager


The android operating system and PHP computer language should be used for developing the online farming system to provide connectivity of the application with the smart phones

  • Resource Availability
  • Managing communication
  • Customer service support
  • Flow of information
  • Online booking of orders
  • Online record keeping
  • Login credentials for security
  • Secured payment system

The training and development program should be arranged for the employees to enhance their work performance according to the requirement of the project (Hans, 2013).

Work Breakdown structure:

Gantt chart for Work Breakdown structure:

Part 2: Scope Management Plan


  • Active participation of team members in providing 24 hour customer service support
  • Expert employees in dealing with new technology
  • Easy Graphical User interface

Project Phase

Risk Identified

Risks probability

Risk Severity

Risks Likelihood

Risks Ranking and Impact

Risks Mitigation plan

Planning phase

Social Risks




5 Medium

Managing rewards and award system

Designing phase

Technical Risks




7 High

Training and development program

Development phase

Financial Risks




3 Low

Agreement with the project sponsor

Evaluation phase

Operational Risks




4 Medium

Managing supply and demand of resources

Implementation phase

Customer satisfaction




8 High

Meeting quality standard

The settlement of the risks proactively in the development life cycle of the project helps in reducing the level of uncertainties associated with the project (Mansfield community, 2013).

Quality Input

Quality Assurance

Quality Controls

Quality of resources

Expertise Employees

Effective time management plan

Focused voice of customers

Effective scope management plan

Estimated cost management plan (McDonald, at.el., 2013)

Verification process

 Validation process

Quality Checklist

Feedback and reviews from stakeholders

Change management plan

Resolving complexities

Managing time and cost

Security parameters

The verification and validation process helps in analysing the quality achieved in the development of the online farm management system (Kaziliunas, 2012). The following tables show the verification and validation activities:

Verification process

Validation process

Inspection of customer satisfaction level

Reviewing of the quality checklist prepared from the requirement specification plan

Analysing the output of the programing code

Evaluation of test plan to meet the quality standard (Belout, 2014)

Accuracy in secure transmission of payment system

Designing and program code output should meet

Feedback review

Annotated Bibliography

Monnappa. (2017). Project scope management: What it is and why it is important.

The author helps in analysing the efficiency of the project scope to measure the success and failure of the project. The accuracy should be measured by analysing the division of in-scope and out-of-scope activities. The required resources are allocated to complete and flourish the project scope with ease and efficiency. The paper helps in developing the effective scope management plan for the online farm management system for the Virtucon organization. The scope helps in defining the project boundaries so that the project can be accomplished within the dedicated hours and cost.

Hans, R. (2013). Work Breakdown Structure: A tool for software project scope verification.

The Author focuses on analysing the efficiency of the work breakdown structure development for the project activities to verify the project scope. The project scope and WBS should meet the project goal and requirement. The scope verification process can be optimized by developing the road map of work breakdown structure. The paper helps in developing the effective work breakdown structure for completing the project within the duration of six months. The division of activities helps in completing the project accordingly within the specified time limitation.

Tonder, J., and Bekker, M. (2014). Analysis of a methodology to obtain a work breakdown structure built up from interdependent key project deliverable package.

In this paper authors focus on analysing the role of work breakdown structure in achieving the project requirement. It helps in systematic implementation and allocation of the required resources and cost. The interdependencies of the project activities helps in analysing the critical activities associated with the project plan. The paper helps in estimating the duration and cost precisely according to the project requirement.

The implementation of the online farm management system effectively resolves the complexities associated with the Virturon organization. The profitability of the organization increases by creating online account from the global customers for buying the requirement poultry animals.


Belout, A. (2014). Effects of human resource management system on project effectiveness and success (1st ed.). Retrieved from

Devi, R. and Reddy, V. (2012). Work Breakdown structure of the project. 1st ed. [ebook]. Retrieved from

Hans, R. (2013). Work Breakdown Structure: A tool for software project scope verification. 1st ed. [ebook]. Retrieved from

Kaziliunas, A. (2012). Problems while implementing quality management system for a sustainable development of organization (1st ed.). Retrieved from

Mansfield Community. (2013). Introduction to project management (1st ed.). Retrieved from

McDonald, K., Sundaram, V., Bravata, D., Lewis, R., and Lin, N. (2013). Closing the quality gap: A critical analysis of quality improvement strategies. Journal of object technology, 7(9). Retrieved from

Monnappa. (2017). Project scope management: What it is and why it is important. 1st ed. [ebook]. Retrieved from

Otieno, F. (2014). The role of monitoring and evaluation in projects. 1st ed. [ebook]. Retrieved from 

Tonder, J., and Bekker, M. (2014). Analysis of a methodology to obtain a work breakdown structure built up from interdependent key project deliverable package. 1st ed. [ebook]. Retrieved from

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