Project Management On RALS Rostering Project For Globex B T And Sons

MOV (Measurable Organizational Value) of the Development Project

Discuss about the Project Management on RALS Rostering Project for Globex B T and Sons.

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Prior to the establishment of the Globex B T and Sons started the Annual Riverina Agricultural and Lifestyle show in the year of 2000. The entire set up of the show was dependent on the volunteers of the show, this was making the entire system less effective and the popularity of the show was getting diminished. The show presented the local products of the farmers, various life styles of the local business holders as well as promotes the agricultural equipments in front of their concerned customers and audiences. The volunteers of the show maintain the entire management system of the show: sales of the ticket, cleanliness of the platform of performance, information collection, collection of sponsors etc.

This report is proposing a Rostering project for RALS in order to resolve the problems raised due to the dependency on the volunteers within RALS. This rostering system was able to manage all the specific tasks that were performed by a group of volunteer within RALS. Selling of tickets, arrangement of the sponsors, managing individual events can be easily managed by the RALS. This project needs a structured plan with a proper scope related to it. All technological resources and equipments required for this project are being elaborate in this project. In addition to this risk assessment is also being discussed with a proper risk resolving technique.

The specific aim of this project is to provide a Rostering system to RALS for avoiding the dependency on the volunteers. This aspect involves so many measurable organizational values within this project. These measurable organizational values are customer, Financial details, Operational Performance, Social aspect and strategies applied in this project. in addition to this the stakeholder also add great value to this project as the measurable organizational value. Following tables elaborates the details of these MOVs in RALS.

The MOV process within RALS involves the following steps to be followed:

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Detailed Process

Step 1

Recognition of the areas that provides more impact in the project

Step 2

Analysis of the expenditure

Step 3

Proper metric development for Rostering system 

Step 4

Estimation of the time schedule

Step 5

Authentication of the agreements by involvement of the stakeholders

Step 6

Evaluation of the  valuable core areas of the project

According to the above mentioned process RALS has to consider several impactful areas that will be beneficial for their rostering system.

Areas to be focused

Impact of the focused areas

Rating of focused areas

Time required



Visitors are the main part of the show and they will be served well by the volunteers according to their demands


3 months

Visitors are the core attribute of the show, therefore proper training of the volunteer will results into the availability of the visitors


Strategic plan involved in the rostering system allows the management system of RALS to capture more revenues from the market


4 months

Strategic plan will help to develop the efficiency of the RALS by 14%


Operations should be developed in order to maintain the development of RALS.



This aspect leads to the time saving and cost effectiveness of the system


The communication between the clients and authority of RALS create a good social structure of the system.


5 months

Reduce the inefficient nature of the manual system while considering the delivery of the service

Financial Impact

People with right skills will increase the cost saving.


7 months

Development of the system will reduce extra expense by 40%

Value delivered by the system is considered by evaluating the impact of the stakeholders with respect to the ranking of the measureable organizational values. Measurable Organizational Value of the stakeholders can be elaborated with the help of the stakeholder matrix. In addition to this ranking of the valuable areas of the system can be described by focusing on the impacts of these valuable areas.



Domain of Interest

Higher Management Team of Globex

This team is always active to deliver the efficient and proper service to the clients of RALS

Superior system, cost estimation

Management authority of RALS

Risk management and providing efficient service to the clients

Cost effectiveness and superior system

Volunteers of RALS

Provide guidance to the clients and manages all events

Improvement in service and fast service

Employees of RALS

Maintenance of the platform of RALS and keeps the efficiency high of RALS.

Fast service and superior performance

Valuable areas

Rating according to measurable organizational value


Superior, Cheaper , faster service should be provided


Superior and cost effective features should be adopted


Superior, faster and improvement should be there in operational aspect


Superior and improvement should be followed by RALS


Improvement should be there in strategic thinking

Values Delivered by the Proposed System

The scope of the project is to capture the information from the volunteers and improvise the system management of RALS. Security of this information should be a matter of concern. All the information shared between the management and clients of RALS should be kept private. In addition to this all the manual transaction and other detailed information system should be replaced by cloud base or any kind of web based applications in order to resolve the inefficient nature of the conventional system. Interfaces should be there in between the management and clients in order to avoid conflicts. The entire system must be designed in the manner that the all the requirements from the clients can be resolved. Technological development requires the configured devices in the project. System documentation and training are two other important scope of this project that will provide the effective feature to the project.

Rostering system proposed for RALS is on web based or more specifically a cloud based system. Therefore any kind of cloud or web based system requires proper software and hardware set up to be present within the project in order to have a structured way of managing the project. Generally, for the project management purpose there are several specific technologies available, these technologies are UML project, Database tools for arranging the project elements in a integrative way and innovative programming languages. All of these above-mentioned technological tools should be present in the project in order to have accurate results. In addition to this, Grant chart, Pert charts are another important aspects that are helpful in developing the project. Networking devices are also helpful while considering the improvised system set up of the system.

Roles and responsibilities of the developers in this project are explained as follows:

Roles of the Developers

Responsibilities of the Developers

Project Manager

The duty or responsibility of the project manager is to maintain the entire project in a structured way and obtained desired results with the help of the strategic planning for a rostering system.

Project Sponsor

Sponsors of the project are responsible for generating and collecting funds for the development of the project.

Project Scheduler

Project scheduler is one of the most important parts of any project. They generate the entire plan for the project in order to have the structured performance.

Risk Manager

Risk manager play the role of identifying the risk factors involved in the project and finds the mitigating process concerned with that particular risk.


Designers arrange all the tasks in a scheduled way so that the arrangement of the task will attract the customers and will result into a high quality of performance.


The duty of the analyst is to collect the available resources in the project while considering the project resources. They arrange the resources according to the raised demands of the project.

Business Consultant

The core responsibility of the business consultant is to provide advice to the management authority of RALS in order to resolve the functional disorder within RALS as well as to find mitigating techniques of the Concerned risk factors.

Financial Manager

Financial manager of the concerned RALS arranges all the detailed information about the expenses involved within the project and also try to reduce the extra expenses involved within the project.

Rostering system is one automated and web based application. This aspect introduces the fact that users of this system as well as the operating heads of this system needs proper and effective training in order to have clear point of view about the system base and structure. Web based applications involves so many networking, technical elements within the project. The functionality of each element should be clear to the each member of RALS. The entire system should not involve more than 30 user as this will introduce more queries from each users and will increase the time span of the processing. Clients will get delayed results due to this structure. Therefore, less number of members in the group will result into effective training process.  

Task Name





Resource Names

Rostering Systemm for RALS

445 days

Fri 9/23/16

Thu 6/7/18


   Determination of Specification

52 days

Fri 9/23/16

Mon 12/5/16


      Feasibility Study of the Conventional System

20 days

Fri 9/23/16

Thu 10/20/16


Project manager,Requirement analyst,Developer,Risk manager

      Business Requirements Identification

15 days

Fri 10/21/16

Thu 11/10/16


Requirement analyst,Executive sponsor

      SRS Documentation

9 days

Fri 11/11/16

Wed 11/23/16


Project manager,Requirement analyst,Developer,Risk manager

      Arrangement of Meeting with Visitors and Members

8 days

Thu 11/24/16

Mon 12/5/16


Project manager,Developer

   Development and Selection Team

78 days

Tue 12/6/16

Thu 3/23/17


      Vendor Selection for Development

30 days

Tue 12/6/16

Mon 1/16/17


Accountant,Project manager,Executive sponsor,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

      Analysis of the Development History of the Vendors

20 days

Tue 1/17/17

Mon 2/13/17


Executive sponsor,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

      Development Task Scheduling

8 days

Tue 2/14/17

Thu 2/23/17


Developer,Project manager,System analyst

      Budget Plan for Development

20 days

Fri 2/24/17

Thu 3/23/17


Accountant,Executive sponsor,Project manager,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

   Phase of the Design

195 days

Fri 9/23/16

Thu 6/22/17


      Improvement of Voluteer Management Module

50 days

Fri 3/24/17

Thu 6/1/17


Developer,Project manager,Executive sponsor,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

      Developing the First Prototype

30 days

Fri 3/24/17

Thu 5/4/17


Developer,System analyst

      Improving the Installation of the New System

20 days

Fri 9/23/16

Thu 10/20/16


Developer,Project manager,Risk manager,System analyst

      Setermination of the System Requirements

15 days

Fri 6/2/17

Thu 6/22/17


Project manager,System analyst,Developer,Requirement analyst

   Milestone: Design Stage Completion

0 days

Fri 9/23/16

Fri 9/23/16


   Implementation Phase of the System at Organizational Level

250 days

Fri 6/23/17

Thu 6/7/18


      Business Objectives Implementation

30 days

Fri 6/23/17

Thu 8/3/17


Developer,Requirement analyst,Executive sponsor,Risk manager

      Requirements for the First Built of the System

20 days

Fri 8/4/17

Thu 8/31/17


Developer,Project manager,Executive sponsor,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

      Acquisition of the Hardware and Sooftware set ups

200 days

Fri 9/1/17

Thu 6/7/18


Accountant,Project manager,System analyst,Developer,Executive sponsor

   Testing Stage

39 days

Fri 9/1/17

Wed 10/25/17


      Detemination of the Test Plan for the Test Cases

8 days

Fri 9/1/17

Tue 9/12/17


Tester,Developer,System analyst

      Testing of the Prototype

20 days

Wed 9/13/17

Tue 10/10/17


Developer,Tester,Executive sponsor,Requirement analyst

      Analysis of the Data Collected

7 days

Wed 10/11/17

Thu 10/19/17


Executive sponsor,Project manager,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

      Result Presentation of the Management of RALS

4 days

Fri 10/20/17

Wed 10/25/17


Project manager,Developer,Executive sponsor

   Milestone: Accepting the Test Results by Clients

0 days

Fri 9/23/16

Fri 9/23/16


   Risk Management Phase

33 days

Thu 10/26/17

Mon 12/11/17


      Identification of the Risks in Rostering System

20 days

Thu 10/26/17

Wed 11/22/17


Project manager,Risk manager,Developer,Executive sponsor

      Impact Analysis of the Risks

5 days

Thu 11/23/17

Wed 11/29/17


Risk manager,Project manager,Requirement analyst

      Mitigation Policies of the Risks

9 days

Thu 11/23/17

Tue 12/5/17


Project manager,System analyst,Risk manager

      Registration of the Impacts of the Risks

8 days

Thu 11/30/17

Mon 12/11/17


Project manager,Risk manager,Executive sponsor,Requirement analyst

   Milestone: Accepetance of risk Document Prsented by Client

0 days

Fri 9/23/16

Fri 9/23/16


   Closure of the project

29 days

Tue 12/12/17

Fri 1/19/18


       Evaluation of the functionality of the rostering system

9 days

Tue 12/12/17

Fri 12/22/17


Executive sponsor,Project manager,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

      Rolling Out of the Final Product

20 days

Mon 12/25/17

Fri 1/19/18


Project manager,Requirement analyst,Risk manager

Stakeholder Matrix

Figure 1: Work Break Down Structure

(Source: Created by author)

Risk assessment is a crucial aspect involved within a project. There are several aspects that create malfunctioning disorders and hamper the growth of the project. This aspect involves disruptions within the project. Therefore, in order to resolve these risk factors it is important to identify the risks and their associated mitigation techniques.

Indentified risk factors

Members involved in the risks


Measure of Risks

Likelihood (L)


Severity (S)


Ranking (L*S)

Technological Risks

Project Head

There  are some kind of technical failures that leads to network issues and other system errors




Economic Risks

Financial Manager

There are some extra expenses involved within the system that introduces several financial crises within the project.




Lack of Resources

Project Manager

A project requires a list of resources that becomes mandatory to the system set up. If these are not present within the project it blocks the growth of the project.  




Loss of Manpower

Project Manager

Lack of work force reduces the effectiveness of the project.




Risk in Privacy

Project Manger

The data shared between the volunteer and authority should have to be secured enough in order to have an effective result from the project.




Identified Risks

Mitigation techniques of the Risks

Technological Risks

Accurate monitoring system of the servers and other technical tools can easily resolve the risks associated with that. At a regular interval of time proper maintenance system can resolve these issues.

Economic Risks

Some financial back should always be there for adjusting the emergency economic disasters.

Lack of Resources

Identification of the elements not present in the project can mitigate the problems related to lack of resources.

Loss of Manpower

Work force support should always be present in the project management team as it will support the entire system at the time of crisis.

Risk in Privacy

Private data collected from the communication measures between the authority, clients and volunteers can be kept private by using proper technological tools.

Project Name:

Project Manager Name:



Time Taken




Approval expense

One single source should be there for managing all the expenses related to the project. Otherwise there will be misuse of money.

1 months

Financial manager

Expense involve in the management


Documentation of project

Regular documentation of the project should be there within the project management.

2 months

Project manager

Project growth monitoring


Work Break Down Structure (WBS)

WBS identifies the individual task to be done and responsible heads for those.

5 months

Project manager

Inspirational guidance to the project development team


Project Planning

According to the demands of the project as well as clients, the plan of project should be scheduled.

3 months

Project manager

Project monitoring


Plan associated with risk

Risks must be identified at the first stage of the risk assessment and then those must be mitigated.

2 months

Risk manager, project manager

Review of the project details


Measureable Organizational Values

The impacts of the stakeholders are identified with respect to these characteristics.

1 month

Project manager



Training Materials 

Training materials identifies the specified details about the training.

3 months

Project manager

Presentations and journals



This can be concluded that RALS is developing a project that will help the show for implementing a new rostering system within the system. RALS want to implement a new rostering system that will reduce the dependency on the volunteers. This will make the entire system automated with respect to the conventional rostering system. This system implementation requires the set of project planning with respect to the scope and risk associated measures for the entire system. This report has explained all the scopes and objectives of this project. In addition to this, risk factors associated with this project are elaborated with the resolution techniques of those risks. These risks have involved some responsible individuals. The roles of these individuals are also explained in this report. The WBS structure is explaining the details task structure of the project.

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