Project Life Cycle Phases, Scope Control, Planning Techniques, And Implementation Processes
Requirement Analysis
The use of mobile phones and internet changes many complicated activities in human’s life. All modern mobile phones are not just used for communication purposes. But it do more than that. This report is related to the development of the mobile application for the ABC bank’s internet banking system. This report mainly concentrates on the process of managing the various activities involved in the mobile application development process (A guide to the project management body of knowledge, 2017). Here the MS project software tool used for develop project management plan.
Mobile application development process stars with the initial requirement identification process. In this stage both functional requirements as well as nonfunctional requirements for the projects are identified. In the below context both functional requirements as well as nonfunctional requirements for the mobile application development project are identified and listed below (Al Khasawneh, 2015).
- Require to connect with the bank (Bakare, 2015).
- Allow the user to check their bank details by dedicated username and password.
- Provide the simple and powerful user interface for the users.
- Resists the hacking and malware attacking
- Security etc.
- Reliability (Deeprose, 2002)
- Availability and suitability
- Responsiveness
- Robustness etc.
The above mentioned things are the important requirements of the mobile application development. Also the process must ensure the increase of customer satisfaction, security. At the same time the app must be developed within the minimum time span and affordable budget (E Jarrett, 2015).
In project management process the project planning is one of the most important process. The overall effectiveness of the project management plan mainly depends on the project planning. This process consists of the following activities (Kerzner, n.d.). Various activities involved in the mobile application development project plan is described below with an appropriate methods and images.
Project planning activity starts with the development of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). WBS describes the various activities involved in the process (Meredith, Mantel & Shafer, n.d.). It contains various tasks and milestones of the project. In the below given figure the developed WBS for Mobile app for ABC bank’s internet banking is described.
The developed WBS consists of the 7 activities. And they are required to done to develop the application successfully (Portny, n.d.).
The scheduled date and time for the various activities involved in the project is described in the below context (Rothenberg, 2017). The developed schedule explained as the timeline for better understanding.
Project Starting date: 22-10-2018
Project Completion date: 28-11-2018
In the below given table the detailed time allocated for the each and every activity involved in the project is given.
Project tracking chart or Gantt chart is the project tracking tool helps to track the progress of the project (Shtub, 2016). It also plays a vital role in the activity planning process. Because it contains the various activities and requires resources for the activity. These details are helpful for PM to plan day to day activities.
Project Planning
Network diagram or PERT chart is also an effective project communication tool. It helps to communicate the project activities to the various stakeholders who involved in the project. Here the Network diagram for the developed project is illustrated.
ABC bank mobile banking application development process requires an initial budget of $7000. And the cost spend for the various resources are described in the below given table (Tinnirello, 2000). For better visualization the various cost required for the various resources are shown in the pie chart attached below.
Name |
Cost |
Project Manager |
$1,000.00 |
UX developer |
$1,920.00 |
Android Developer |
$2,040.00 |
System Analyst |
$864.00 |
Software tester |
$480.00 |
Maintenance team |
$0.00 |
Ethical Hacker |
$600.00 |
ABC Bank mobile application development project requires seven types of resources for the successful completion (Shtub, 2016). In this section the detailed overview of various human resources required for the project are described in the table as well as pie chart.
Name of the Resources |
Starting Time |
Finishing Time |
Working Hours. |
Project Manager |
Thu 25-10-18 |
Wed 28-11-18 |
40 hrs. |
UX developer |
Tue 30-10-18 |
Mon 19-11-18 |
120 hrs. |
Android Developer |
Tue 30-10-18 |
Mon 26-11-18 |
136 hrs. |
System Analyst |
Mon 22-10-18 |
Mon 29-10-18 |
48 hrs. |
Software tester |
Tue 20-11-18 |
Thu 22-11-18 |
24 hrs. |
Maintenance team |
Wed 28-11-18 |
Wed 28-11-18 |
0 hrs. |
Ethical Hacker |
Tue 20-11-18 |
Thu 22-11-18 |
24 hrs. |
Here the most suited quality management techniques is PDCA. PDCA stands for Plan Do Check Act. At first the entire process are planned as per the requirements initially. Then the developed plan implemented. After the implementation process the actual work measure against the standards or original plan. If there any deviations are founded the corrective actions are taken as per the deviation. The below illustrated diagram illustrates the process involved in the quality management planning.
In this project there are four important stake holders are involved. And the importance and their roles are described in the below given table.
Stake Holder’s Name |
Roles |
Importance |
ABC bank’s CEO |
Sponsoring for the project. |
High. |
Project Manger |
Lead the project and coordinate various departments. |
High |
Technical Director |
Guiding the work. |
High |
Customers |
End users of the project. |
Very High. |
Mobile Application Development for ABC Bank |
Project Manager: |
Objectives: To develop the mobile application for ABC bank’s online banking. |
Start Date: 22-10-18 |
Completion Date: 28-11-18 |
Project Duration: 28 Days |
Sponsor: ABC Bank’s CEO |
Project Deliverables: · Android Mobile application for ABC bank’s Internet Banking. · IOS application for ABC bank’s Internet Banking. · Maintenance & support. · Bug Fixing and updating based on user review. |
Estimated Budget: $ 7000 (Initial Estimation) |
Important Stake Holders: · ABC Bank’s CEO · Project Manager · Technical Director |
Signature: |
Stake holder Name |
Signature |
Date |
Remarks |
Technical Director |
Project Manager |
ABC Bank’s CEO |
Risk assessment is the important process having higher significance in the project management planning. In this section the various estimated risks involved in the mobile application development and day to day usage are described (Al Khasawneh, 2015).
Likelihood |
Very Likely |
Likely |
Unlikely |
High Unlikely |
Consequences |
Security Breach |
High |
High |
High |
Medium |
Data leakages |
High |
Medium |
Medium |
Low |
Mobile Missing |
Medium |
Medium |
Low |
Low |
Here the set of recommendations for developing the online banking application for the ABC banks are described (E Jarrett, 2015).
- Ensure the security of the data at all the stages.
- Improve the availability of the application. Launch the application through Google play store and Apple app store.
- Improve the accessibility of the application by simple interface.
- Increase the responsiveness of the application by reducing unwanted promotions and advertisements.
- Reduce the overall development cost by monitoring and tracking the project correctly.
ABC bank’s mobile application development project is planned and scheduled successfully. The developed project management plan has an estimated budget of $7000. And the estimated time for this project is 28 days. Here the various resources required for the project completion is identified and allocated. And finally the risk assessment matrix for the developed project is described. In that some of the major risk and their probability are analyzed.
Al Khasawneh, M. (2015). An Empirical Examination of Consumer Adoption of Mobile Banking (M-Banking) in Jordan. Journal Of Internet Commerce, 14(3), 341-362. doi: 10.1080/15332861.2015.1045288
Bakare, S. (2015). Varying Impacts of Electronic Banking on the Banking Industry. The Journal Of Internet Banking And Commerce, 20(2). doi: 10.4172/1204-5357.1000111
Deeprose, D. (2002). Project management. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub.
E Jarrett, J. (2015). On Internet Banking. The Journal Of Internet Banking And Commerce, 20(2). doi: 10.4172/1204-5357.1000101
Kerzner, H. Project management.
Meredith, J., Mantel, S., & Shafer, S. Project management.
Portny, S. Project management.
Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA.
Rothenberg, M. (2017). Review of Cadw Mobile App [application]. Internet Archaeology, (44). doi: 10.11141/ia.44.15
Shtub, A. (2016). Project management. [Place of publication not identified]: Pearson.
Tinnirello, P. (2000). Project management. Boca Raton: Auerbach.