Project For Hosted Desktop Solutions – IT Upgradation And Organizational Restructure
Project Management Sub-Plans
The project will be based on the complete upgradation of IT for Hosted Desktop Solutions along with the development of new organizational structure in order to meet the needs and demands of the current market and the customer requirements. It has been found that the company runs on a very old IT setup without any sufficient maintenance and with obsolete policies and organizational framework. Hence, there is an entire overall needed to replace the current organizational framework as well as the IT setup. The organizational framework changes require appointment of new specialized and skilled personnel, formation of new management departments and others. On the other hand, the IT requirements include the upgradation of the existing website, hardware, software, internet server, communication system (telephones) and others.
The scope of the project includes the following.
- Analysis of the current organizational framework is within the scope of the project.
- Restructuring the organizational framework is within the scope of the project.
- Analysis of the current IT setup is within the scope of the project.
- Analysis of the existing company website is within the scope of the project.
- Upgradation of IT system of the company is within the scope of the project.
- Reforming the CRM system of the company is within the scope of the project.
For the management sub-plans, a number of project work packages have been developed that are described as follows.
Time Management – From an initial analysis, it has been found that the entire project will cost the company with a significant amount of funds. Hence, in order to save the company from additional expenses and gain high cost benefit, time management is necessary. For this purpose, a project schedule has been developed that should be followed in order to complete the project within suitable time.
Scope Management – Scope management is necessary in order to ensure there is no scope creep during the course of the project. Due to poor clarification or definition of project scope and objectives, scope creep occurs that causes a loss of huge amount of funds. Hence, determination of project scope is necessary and additionally, the project manager has to monitor the project for scope management.
Resource Management – Another important sub-plan needed to ensure project success is resource management. Proper estimation and usage of resources saves the organization from a lot of additional cost and time. Before the initiation of the project, an estimated list of resources should be made and verified with the project management team before budget is allocated for the procurement of the resources.
Risk Management – Finally, risk management is also an integral part of a project management sub-plan. Any project, regardless of its scale, has certain risks that may occur unless sufficient preventive measures are taken. Hence, it is important to identify the project risks early so that they can be avoided without encountering losses.
There are several models of project management that demand different types of methodologies depending on the type of the project. Some of the common project management models are as follows.
Project Management Models
Agile – Agile model is used when the different parts of the project do not depend on each other i.e. each phase of the project can be executed independently regardless of the progress of other phases.
Waterfall – In this model, each phase of the project depends on the results of the previous phase. In other words, the phases of the projects must be completed in a certain order in order to complete the entire project successfully.
Adaptive – Adaptive project management model is used when there are variable scopes in the project. For instance, for some business organizations, the scope of the project may change due to certain changes in the market and hence, the methodology must be able to adapt with the changed scope.
This project will follow a particular product development approach instead of procurement approach. This is mainly because instead of mass procurement of resources, it is required to overhaul the entire system of the company and hence, development approach will suit the project most. For the IT overhaul of the company, sufficient technical resources should be procured and the development will start accordingly. The development will include the design of a new website with up to date features so that the company can finally compete with the rivals who have developed well-defined IT systems.
The most suitable project management and systems development methodology for this project will be Agile Methodology. This is because; there will be several different phases in the project that can be executed independently and at the same time. This will not only save a lot of time but will also spare the company of additional costs. However, at the end of the project, it should be ensured that all the different outcomes of the phases are aligned with each other.
In order to suit the requirement of the project, suitable tailoring of the methodology will be necessary. Since the chosen methodology is agile, it should be tailored accordingly. The project will consist of a number of distinct phases that will be executed independently. The two main phases of the project will include the IT development and upgrade and the organizational framework overhaul.
The project component breakdown is shown in the following work breakdown structure.
The project effort for the human resources and the resource usage is shown in the following table.
Resource Name |
Type |
Max. Units |
Std. Rate |
Ovt. Rate |
Cost/Use |
Accrue At |
Base Calendar |
Program Sponsor |
Work |
100% |
$0.00/hr |
$10.00/hr |
$0.00 |
Prorated |
Standard |
Senior Executive |
Work |
100% |
$200.00/hr |
$12.00/hr |
$0.00 |
Prorated |
Standard |
Project Manager |
Work |
100% |
$175.00/hr |
$10.00/hr |
$0.00 |
Prorated |
Standard |
Consultant |
Work |
100% |
$125.00/hr |
$7.00/hr |
$0.00 |
Prorated |
Standard |
Project Team 1 |
Work |
100% |
$150.00/hr |
$0.00/hr |
$0.00 |
Prorated |
Standard |
Project Team 2 |
Work |
100% |
$150.00/hr |
$6.00/hr |
$0.00 |
Prorated |
Standard |
HR Manager |
Work |
100% |
$8.00/hr |
$10.00/hr |
$0.00 |
Prorated |
Standard |
The project is expected to start on 5th March 2018 and will end in 31st July 2018 if the exact estimated duration is maintained and followed.
Product Development Approach
The project schedule is shown in the following table.
Task Name |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Project for Hosted Desktop Solutions |
107 days |
Mon 05-03-18 |
Tue 31-07-18 |
Project Planning and Initiation |
26 days |
Mon 05-03-18 |
Mon 09-04-18 |
Analysis of Current Organization Framework |
10 days |
Mon 05-03-18 |
Fri 16-03-18 |
Analysis of Current IT System |
10 days |
Mon 19-03-18 |
Fri 30-03-18 |
Analysis of Client and Market Demands |
10 days |
Mon 19-03-18 |
Fri 30-03-18 |
Development of Project Charter |
5 days |
Mon 02-04-18 |
Fri 06-04-18 |
Meeting with Company Board |
2 days |
Mon 02-04-18 |
Tue 03-04-18 |
Appointing Stakeholders for Project |
4 days |
Wed 04-04-18 |
Mon 09-04-18 |
Completion of Planning and Initiation |
0 days |
Mon 09-04-18 |
Mon 09-04-18 |
Detailed Planning of Project |
21 days |
Tue 10-04-18 |
Tue 08-05-18 |
Development of Plan for Changing Organizational Framework |
10 days |
Tue 10-04-18 |
Mon 23-04-18 |
Proposal of New Organizational Structure |
4 days |
Tue 24-04-18 |
Fri 27-04-18 |
Analysis of the Effect of New Structure |
2 days |
Mon 30-04-18 |
Tue 01-05-18 |
Development of Plan for IT Upgrade |
3 days |
Mon 30-04-18 |
Wed 02-05-18 |
Proposal of New IT Setup |
3 days |
Tue 24-04-18 |
Thu 26-04-18 |
Feasibility Testing |
5 days |
Tue 24-04-18 |
Mon 30-04-18 |
Consulting with Developer |
3 days |
Tue 01-05-18 |
Thu 03-05-18 |
Development of Final Project Plan |
5 days |
Wed 02-05-18 |
Tue 08-05-18 |
Completion of Detailed Planning |
0 days |
Tue 08-05-18 |
Tue 08-05-18 |
Project Execution |
55 days |
Wed 02-05-18 |
Tue 17-07-18 |
Formation of New Recruitment Team |
5 days |
Wed 09-05-18 |
Tue 15-05-18 |
Formation of New Teams |
2 days |
Wed 02-05-18 |
Thu 03-05-18 |
Recruitment of Employees for New Teams |
10 days |
Fri 04-05-18 |
Thu 17-05-18 |
Training of the New Teams |
10 days |
Fri 18-05-18 |
Thu 31-05-18 |
Procurement of Hardware and Software |
5 days |
Wed 09-05-18 |
Tue 15-05-18 |
Hardware Upgradation |
15 days |
Wed 16-05-18 |
Tue 05-06-18 |
Website Development and Testing |
30 days |
Wed 06-06-18 |
Tue 17-07-18 |
Completion of Project Execution |
0 days |
Tue 17-07-18 |
Tue 17-07-18 |
10 days |
Wed 18-07-18 |
Tue 31-07-18 |
Project Documentation |
4 days |
Wed 18-07-18 |
Mon 23-07-18 |
Post Project Appraisal and Review |
5 days |
Tue 24-07-18 |
Mon 30-07-18 |
Stakeholder Sign Off |
1 day |
Tue 31-07-18 |
Tue 31-07-18 |
Completion of Project Closure |
0 days |
Tue 31-07-18 |
Tue 31-07-18 |
The allocation of work packages to respective stakeholders is shown in the following table.
Task Name |
Resource Names |
Project for Hosted Desktop Solutions |
Project Planning and Initiation |
Analysis of Current Organization Framework |
Project Team 1 |
Analysis of Current IT System |
Project Manager, Project Team 2 |
Analysis of Client and Market Demands |
Project Manager |
Development of Project Charter |
Project Team 2 |
Meeting with Company Board |
HR Manager, Senior Executive |
Appointing Stakeholders for Project |
HR Manager |
Completion of Planning and Initiation |
Detailed Planning of Project |
Development of Plan for Changing Organizational Framework |
Project Manager, Senior Executive |
Proposal of New Organizational Structure |
Project Manager, Project Team 1 |
Analysis of the Effect of New Structure |
Consultant |
Development of Plan for IT Upgrade |
Consultant, Project Manager |
Proposal of New IT Setup |
Consultant, Project Team 2 |
Feasibility Testing |
Project Manager, Senior Executive |
Consulting with Developer |
Project Manager, Project Team 2 |
Development of Final Project Plan |
Consultant, Program Sponsor, Senior Executive |
Completion of Detailed Planning |
Project Execution |
Formation of New Recruitment Team |
HR Manager, Project Team 1 |
Formation of New Teams |
Consultant |
Recruitment of Employees for New Teams |
HR Manager, Project Team 1 |
Training of the New Teams |
Project Team 1 |
Procurement of Hardware and Software |
Project Team 2 |
Hardware Upgradation |
Project Team 2 |
Website Development and Testing |
Project Team 2 |
Completion of Project Execution |
Project Team 2 |
Project Closure |
Project Documentation |
Project Team 2 |
Post Project Appraisal and Review |
Consultant, HR Manager, Project Manager, Senior Executive |
Stakeholder Sign Off |
Consultant, HR Manager, Program Sponsor, Project Manager, Project Team 1, Project Team 2, Senior Executive |
Completion of Project Closure |
The areas of anticipated project spend involves both human and material resources. The human resource will utilize certain amount of budget that has been specified in the project effort part. From the analysis of the involvement of human resources in the project, the total spend is found out to be $278,128. The anticipated spend for material resources is shown in the following table.
Resource |
Anticipated Spend |
Hardware Costs |
$75,000 |
Software Costs |
$75,000 |
Peripherals |
$15,000 |
Refurbishment Costs |
$5,000 |
ICT Upgrade Costs |
$15,000 |
Website Development and Testing |
$25,000 |
New Team Budget |
$250,000 |
Recruitment and Training |
$50,000 |
Others |
$100,000 |
$610,000 |
However, the sponsor for the project is willing to pay $500,000 for the project. Hence, the anticipated spend for the project is $388,128.
The dollar amounts and timings of cash flow are shown in the following table.
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
$327,500 |
$710,000 |
$1,153,000 |
$1,662,550 |
$2,245,305 |
$2,908,586 |
$3,660,444 |
$4,509,738 |
$5,466,212 |
$6,540,584 |
$7,744,642 |
Cash incoming |
Sales |
$500,000 |
$550,000 |
$605,000 |
$665,500 |
$732,050 |
$805,255 |
$885,781 |
$974,359 |
$1,071,794 |
$1,178,974 |
$1,296,871 |
$1,426,558 |
Asset sales |
$0 |
$0 |
Debtor receipts |
$0 |
$0 |
Other income |
$50,000 |
$55,000 |
$60,500 |
$66,550 |
$73,205 |
$80,526 |
$88,578 |
$97,436 |
$107,179 |
$117,897 |
$129,687 |
$142,656 |
Total incoming |
$550,000 |
$605,000 |
$665,500 |
$732,050 |
$805,255 |
$885,781 |
$974,359 |
$1,071,794 |
$1,178,974 |
$1,296,871 |
$1,426,558 |
$1,569,214 |
The project budget will consist of all the spends that will be involved in the project and some additional fund for emergencies. The total project budget is shown as follows.
Requirement |
Budget |
Human Resource |
$278,128 |
Material Resource |
$610,000 |
Emergency Budget |
$100,000 |
TOTAL (Approx) |
$1,000,000 |
The budget control process is to be done in order to avoid extra expenses in unnecessary areas. In order to control the budget, it is recommended that the entire budget should not be rolled out for the project. Instead, it should be allocated to the teams in different phases. As shown in the cash flow, the investment in the project should be made in 4 different phases so that there is continuity in the overall expenses in the project.
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