Professional Skills In Action: Evaluating Team Performance And Personal Contribution
Task 1
Team performance needs to be an effective part of the organization and any firm which requires considerable success would be required to ensure that they engage in effective team build up and performance so as to ensure that all the goals of a team are achieved at the right time and in the right manner. In our team, we were given a series of tasks which were to be carried out in order to ensure that along with developing our coursework related skills, we are also successfully able to build upon our skills relating to working in a team and ensuring cooperation. According to me, out team was considerable successful in carrying out the different tasks and ensuring that they were completed in a timely manner. In the beginning of the team formation, we were all new to one another and with respect to this, it can be stated that we were unaware of the working style of one another and this caused a certain level of miscommunication in the beginning which was later on solved as the team members became closer to one another and began to understand each other`s needs at large. The roles of the different team members were divided considerably and with respect to this, it became easier to achieve the different goals and objectives at large. This is in line with Belbin`s theory of team roles whereby it is stated that the different members are required to have designated some roles in order to ensure success (Belbin 2014).
Figure 1: The Belbin`s Roles
(Source: Belbin 2014).
I believe that the Tuckman`s Team development theory can be rightfully applied to our team whereby it had been mentioned that any team whether in a workplace scenario or an informal scenario undergoes the four basic stages of development before the overall objective of the team is achieved at large. These four stages are Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. Our time was initially in the first stage whereby we had been assigned to the group by our lecturer and with respect to this stage we came to understanding of one another`s working style and the contribution which we could make to the overall work with which are team was assigned. In the second stage, which is considered to be the most crucial one, there took place various conflicts and misunderstandings as some of the team members were not willing to work in a manner which was required by the tasks and they rarely met for the meetings and for this reason, there took place conflicts (Natvig and Stark 2016). However, these conflicts were soon solved and the stage in which we then entered into was the norming stage whereby the different rules and regulations with respect to the working of the team were correctly formed and regular meetings which were being held and thus the division of the task became considerably easy. Lastly, we imbibed all our efforts into a particular direction and due to this, we were able to ensure considerable success in the completion of the different tasks.
Team Performance and Development
Figure 2: The Tuckman`s Theory of Group Development
(Source: Natvig and Stark 2016).
Another factor which contributed to the success of our team and its performance was the interpersonal communication which took place between the different members. Our team members belonged to the same background and with respect to this, it became easier to communicate among us. The overall objective of our group was to secure good marks in the task and although we were not familiar to each other, out interpersonal communication is what helped us to transit into the different stages of the team development. Effective communication is often considered to be an integral part of the study and with respect to this it becomes considerably relevant for the business to ensure that the different members of a group communicate with one another freely so as to ensure considerable success in their future. Hence, as the different members of the group were constantly in touch with one another, the performance of the task became considerably easier for the overall performance of the firm at large.
No team is complete without conflicts, this is because conflicts means that the members are taking considerable interest in one another which thereby ensures that the different members of the firm are easily able to communicate with each other and resolve any doubts which take place in the workplace environment (Natvig and Stark, 2016). There were several conflicts which took place in our group as well and a majority of these conflicts can be contributed to the lack of response from a few members of the team. However, once the team as a whole observed that the team was unable to make considerable progress, there arose a conflict between the members and this conflict contributed to the welfare of the team whereby the different members were forced to take their roles seriously and hence, the team goals were fulfilled. Lastly, I believe that our team was bound by professional conduct as well. The different members of the team although belonging to different backgrounds believed in ethics and in this way the output of the work was achieved in a diligent manner.
Furthermore, the professional’s skills like the technical skills of using various software’s of Microsoft, using keywords to research and others helped in ensuring considerable success for the team. To summarize the evaluation, it can be stated that the team performed well with respect to different factors of team work, interpersonal communication, ethics, conflicts and professional skills.
Belbin’s Team Roles
When a team task is provided, it opens the door for an individual with respect to various opportunities and other relevant knowledge gaining experiences. Hence, when I was assigned to work under a team and perform the different assessments as present in the coursework, I was looking forward to it in order to ensure that I am successfully able to attain good grades and additionally ensure that I will be able to develop my knowledge skills. At present, I believe that my experience in the team went a long way in ensuring that I am successfully able to enhance a large variety of skills like decision making, leadership skills, flexibility, initiatives and team building as well.
When I first joined the team, I lagged these basic skills but could be stated to be a good performer on an overall basis. Although there existed certain cultural differences between the members, everyone made use of the Hofstede theory of culture to understand the working style of one another (Beugelsdijk, Kostova and Roth 2017).
Figure 3: The Hofstede`s cultural dimensions
(Source: Hofstede 2017).
However, as the team progressed, I was able to understand the different group dynamics which takes place and how on the basis of this dynamics one could contribute effectively. As a team player, I took the role of the organizer whereby I was involved in ensuring that all the team members reached for their meetings on time and that they were aware of their tasks and responsibilities as present in the team (Kim 2017). Moreover, I also played the role of an initiator whereby I was responsible for starting the meetings and briefing the different players as present about the context of the meeting and what the agenda held. This contribution to the team work taught me the initiative skill whereby I learnt how to take the initiative for the actions and based on this I will be able to apply these skills in my future area of work as well.
Moreover, in the assessments, I was responsible for the decision making as well. This was in choosing the format for the projects, choice of examples and other relevant examples. This enhanced my decision making skills at large and thereby ensured that in the future, where I will be required to take relevant decisions, I will not face any difficulty and will be able to delegate tasks and take decisions effectively. This shall have a positive impact on my future endeavours as a manager and I will be easily able to take different decisions at the earliest. In addition to this, throughout the coursework, I had to attend various classes at different times and manage the meetings, group assessments and other personal commitments accordingly on the basis of the same, I will be able to adjust my schedule in future and will be able to easily inculcate different tasks into the schedule which will then allow me to succeed and achieve my goals easily (Runkel et al. 1997). Additionally, with the flexibility I am easily able to work with different people who belong to a different background as it enables me to perform well and take in their views. This allows better quality work and this has a further impact on the overall performance. In the group as well, I was able to adjust with the different people present and this has greatly enhanced my skills to interact with different people.
Tuckman’s Theory of Group Development
Lastly, at the end of the assessment, I was also provided with the task of assembling all the work and this went a long way in building my skills as a collaborator. I learnt how to delegate responsibilities and how to build a team effectively. Team building took place after I assigned the different employees with adequate duties and encouraged them to work together towards the success of the group which would then ensure better results (Forsyth 2018). In a way, I believe that engaging in the team activity greatly allowed me to build my leadership skills as well. The building of the leadership skills would go a long way in ensuring that I would be successfully able to inculcate in future tasks of the same kind and can thereby play the role of a team leader. This would then ensure that I will be able to build up my leadership skills which would then enable me to excel in my career. We believed in celebrating the short wins and with respect to this, keeping in line with the Gantt theory, we decided to provide a bonus to each one of the team members and celebrated our wins in this aspect.
Hence, it can be stated that as a team member I performed considerably well and have made considerable contribution to the overall success of the tasks and the team work. Moreover, along with good grades, I have learnt skills of leadership, decision making, flexibility and team building as well.
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