Professional Skills Development For SWOT Analysis
Week 3 – Critical Thinking
Discuss about the Professional Skills Development for SWOT Analysis.
The main objective of this report is to evaluate the significance of the critical thinking on the context of ICT professionals. For the better understanding of the presentation for an ICT professional analytical tool of such as SWOT has also been incorporated. Strategies have been recommended to overcome the shortfalls. Apart from that, the reflection of the personal experience has been included here that involves both the positive and negative side of the incident along with the recommendation to avoid such mishaps further. Moreover, working ethics have been described here as well as the personal opinions on different issues related to the workplace. Feedback has also been taken to understand how the course has satisfied the learning outcomes along with the justification on the reason behind the comments.
Part A: Definition of critical thinking and its importance:
Critical thinking involves the application of the collected information to gain particular outcomes, assessment of the data and finally incorporation of the concluding part that must be relevant to the assessment. In my opinion, critical thinking can be defined as the way of thinking that might involve any type contents and problems Critical thinking always required an evaluation of the connection between my logics and the ideas. The argument is one of the principal components for the critical thinking as it helps in the most proper construction of any thinking (Paterson, Roodt and Moleke 2015). During any problem in a particular part of work, critical thinking has helped me to sort out that problem systematically without harming the other parts of the work. As critical thinking detects the common mistakes I can also improve my skill by avoiding any inconsistency in a task. For this new age of the society, where fluctuation of the situations is typical, flexibility to the intellectual skill is necessary so that effective decision can be made by allowing analysis of the information and integrating the diverse knowledge. Critical thinking is thus essential for the implementation of the analytical and systematic thinking. Individual can improve their efficiency through the application of critical thinking as it includes self-monitored, self-disciplined, self-directed and self-corrective thinking style (Omar and Noordin 2013)
Objective of the critical thinking is to analyze the entire topic and evaluate the process whether it is wrong or right so that correct judgment can be made on the concerned issue. For the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professionals critical analysis is fundamental criteria to be followed. The primary function of an ICT is to maintain the constant communication with the society. Three unique aspects behind the importance of the critical thinking for the ICT professional can be as below:
Week 5 – SWOT Analysis
According to, Prestridge (2012), critical thinking involves few dimensions such as application, analysis, synthesis of the information and communicate with the world afterward. ICT professionals can leave the impact on the socio-economic structure as they can access to the information of the economy and transact the cost for the needy. ICT professional promote the significant social factors such promotion of the women empowerment, gender equality and health services.
For a country that has the most advanced service of the ICT, that can lead the global market efficiently as it makes the country integrated with every part of the society. Both the financial and social issues become accessible to the regarding authority and ICT professional can mark the issues as per the priority by analyzing the gathered data.
Social connection involves both the positive and adverse impact; thus ICT professionals are require assessing the outcome of an action conducting the synthesis and analysis of that proper judgment can be concluded (Whiting and Williams 2013).
SWOT analysis of presentation skills:
Strengths: Body language is the primary attribute for the presentation skill. Another important factor is the way of delivering the speech to the audience. It is imperative to maintain the eye contact with the audience so that they can connect with the topic of the presentation.
Weakness: Lack of confidence is the principal weakness during the presentation. It also results in nervousness while presenting the topic in front of the audience. Moreover, addressing somebody during the presentation is another weak aspect. It becomes confusing to address a person, required during the presentation.
Threats: Presentation skills differ for the different presenter. Professional way of delivering the performance is required along with the full command over the talent of communication. Various approaches are present to speak about the topic; hence lack of expertise and control of the speech can be a matter of threat for the presenter.
Opportunity: The primary opportunity for the ICT professional is learning the appropriate way of the communication to others. It helps to obtain a practical approach to the communication by enhancing the ability of the professional. Another scope is the increment of the self-development while working as ICT professional, as it involves much analysis of the application.
Strategies to overcome the weakness:
mprovement of the communication skill: Expertise and command over the analytical finding must be maintained for an efficient and successful communication. Self-confidence can be increased with the help of enhancement of the communication skill. One can adopt the friendly and supportive body language that will make the approach of communication more reliable engaging more people in an interaction (Weckert and Lucas 2013). In the presentation, information can be provided to increase the validity of the topic along with making the audience more attached to the reality.
Week 7 – Reflective writing on the experience
Interaction with the people: The main objective of the ICT professionals is to maintain the most efficient interaction with the people as well as the world. Thus, maintaining of the right relationship is mandatory to hold the strong communicative relations with each other. ICT professionals are trained to make the presentations so that sound interaction can be acquired. To enhance the communication skill one can also take the help of the social sites that involves numerous activities that can result into an increment of the communicative behavior for the professional.
Description of the experience:
In the 21st century it is the trend to be socially connected with the others, across the globe as well, via different social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, linkedIn etc. As per, Moran, Abramson and Moran (2014), around 45% of the people takes an interest in the social sites to contact their near and dear ones.
As advanced technology has improved the communication methods, it has also brought its side effects along with it. For instance, I can provide my experience of an adverse outcome of social networking site. I have a profile on LinkedIn, where I have provided my personal details along with my address and contact number. All was perfect until strange phone calls started coming. I got scared as the person used to tell me every detail. I started feeling of someone is stalking me. It all stopped after I ceased to responding to the strange calls and changing of my contact number. I also customized my profile settings with the help of ICT professionals from the LinkedIn.
From my experience, it can be said that social media is not entirely secure for the users and can be vulnerable if personal details are used for the wrong purpose. Social networks might provide an easy and effective way to connect with people; however, maintenance of the user’s security is the paramount concern that must be followed by the respective authority.
For my contribution it can be said, I should have followed all the terms and condition prior to the provision of the personal details. Moreover, checking all the settings of the social site is another essential requirement while creating an account on the LinkedIn. I have already shared the negative impact of using social networking site and for the positive impact of my experience; I can say that I will be more careful for the next time whenever I am using the social networking sites.
As per the learning from my experience, I have understood the fact that social sites can be useful to some extent while it is being used as the medium of the communication; however, due to the proper supervision of the activities of the users’ temperament of the security can be occurred.
As I had given my personal details on a social site; people who have created their profile for no reason and just to peer over other’s profile, they have got a chance to get entertained by disturbing other people. However, this type of situation can be avoided by providing an alternative number that is not personally used; moreover, an active step can be taken by making the security issues as the matter of attraction to ITC professionals of the concerned sites. As I mentioned before, going through the terms and conditions of the sites is mandatory to be aware of the requirements and criteria for a social site.
The situation has been handled before the further complications have arisen. I have understood the importance of maintaining the personal details and keeping it safe from any violation. I will be more sincere while using any other social networking sites. The negative impact of this experience is that the incident has affected my personal life making me vulnerable to any unknown person. On this regard, ICT professionals must adopt modified strategies overcome the security issues and breaching of the policies. They must sophisticate their tools to monitor harmful activities of the user such as an invasion of the privacy.
Perception to be a real ICT professional:
ICT professionals are provided a number of code of conducts as the guideline for their activities. It helps them to follow all the principles and ethics of their working criteria such as maintenance of the dignity and efficacy of their profession along with being honest to their professional standards.
ACS code of ethics: ACS Code of Ethics involves the criteria as follows:
More focus on the Public Interests: This ethical issue states that, clients and public concern would be given highest priority over any personal interest. Every effective measure must be taken by the ICT professional to fulfill the requirements of the public so that effective communication can be built.
Honesty: Honesty to the profession is one of the primary criteria for the ICT professionals. This code of ethics makes the professional to be honest with their skill representation, knowledge and products.
Competence: This approach states that professionals must provide the service diligently to the clients and will be competently dedicated towards the stakeholders of the company.
Improvement of the professionalism: ICT professionals must be active to develop their professional requirement along with their co-workers and other staffs. Professional development should also influence the improvement of the society.
Impact on the community: ACS code of ethics also covers the social aspects as it guides the professionals to enhance the standard of the life those are related to the work or have been affected by some actions of ICT practitioners.
As per my working ethics, all the ACS code of ethics must be followed. I agree to the principles of “honesty” as it keeps my works transparent resulting into less complication. Moreover, I also follow the ethics of improvement of the quality of the life as it is necessary to leave a positive impact on the society so that my dignity of professionalism gets unaffected.
Loyalty to the profession as well as for the colleagues and stakeholders is essential for me. Apart from the development of my professionalism is another valuable approach; communication system could be more efficient if the ICT professionals enhance their skill and apply their strategy in more integrated way (Weckert and Lucas 2013)
It is not possible to provide an uninterrupted service if the intercommunication among the ICT professionals are fragile (Burmeister et al. 2014) Unstable interactive relations negatively affect the integrity of a system. I have adopted a friendly approach to my colleagues so that any discussion can be made with less hesitation. However, I never support the person if he has done any breaching of the policy. I tend to be supportive where it is required; however, I never outweigh my professional ethics by the over friendliness in the workplace.
Liberal thinking is the only way to balance the diverse cultural practices in an organization (Lindley et al.2013). For ICT professionals, logics and analysis are not the only options; they must allow the emotional attributes also. It is not required to support the practices of a colleague who belongs to a different background; however, there is no need to oppose the practices and beliefs also. Religious and cultural beliefs are very sensitive for an individual; thus, adjustment and support is required to maintain a healthy working environment as long as the practices are not arrayed with the rules and regulations of the company.
The importance of the Information and Communication Technology lies with the advanced and sophisticated social practices worldwide. People can connect with the greater population in less time by applying the ICT activities.
The important outcomes learned from this eight-course learning outcomes are communicating effectively to the people; presentation has enhanced my self-confidence along with the increment of the analytical findings. Moreover, ICT activities required co-ordination among the teammates; thus my co-operative skill has been improved. This learning outcome has encouraged the creativity through the presentation of the topics. Apart from that, there is a clear explanation on the code of ethics whereas the importance of the securing the social networking sites have also been drawn to the matter of attention allowing the share of personal experience. It has validated the real problems one can have while using the social networking site. Furthermore, this learning outcome has helped in the self-evaluation of ICT professionals.
The first thing I have liked most of this course is the learning about how I can improve my presentation skills. Next one is about the strategies those I can channelize for my skill development and improvement of the communication.
Security concerns should be taken more seriously as it is one of the important problems in the present scenario. There are a large number of people who are suffering from the security invasion while using the social networking sites. Apart from that, there are different ways of communication; however, majorities of the population have agreed to the point that they find the social networking site easier to access than a medium of the communication. This tendency has led to the weak security for the users. Hence, ICT professionals can upgrade the communication system by applying innovative ideas to hold a new service. Thus, this learning course could have given more focus on the advanced technology rather giving the highest priority on the traditional way of the communication.
Therefore, from the above discussion it can be said that this assignment has embedded all the aspects of the information and communication technology allowing greater knowledge for the learner. This study can be revised during further requirement on this topic.
Reference list:
Burmeister, O., Al-Saggaf, Y., Schwartz, M. and Johnson, L., 2014. Internet resources to help Australian ICT professionals identify and solve ethical challenges. ACIS.
Lindley, D., Aynsley, B., Driver, M., Godfrey, R., Hart, R., Heinrich, G., Unhelkar, B. and Wilkinson, K., 2013. 11. Educating for professionalism in ICT: Is learning ethics professional development?. Professionalism in the Information and Communication Technology Industry, 3, p.211.
Moran, R.T., Abramson, N.R. and Moran, S.V., 2014. Managing cultural differences. Routledge.
Omar, S. and Noordin, F., 2013. Career Adaptability and Intention to Leave among ICT Professionals: An Exploratory Study. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 12(4), pp.11-18.
Paterson, A., Roodt, J. and Moleke, P., 2015. ICT and associated professionals.
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Weckert, J. and Lucas, R., 2013. Professionalism in the information and communication technology industry. ANU Press.
Weckert, J. and Lucas, R., 2013. Professionalism in the information and communication technology industry. ANU Press.
Whiting, A. and Williams, D., 2013. Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), pp.362-369.