Professional Practice Issues And Leadership Challenges In Nursing For Graduate Registered Nurse
Challenges Experienced by Graduate Registered Nurses
The nurses are playing a very crucial role in the wellbeing of the patients. The nurses provide several care facilities to the patients for their betterment. However, there are different areas exist where the nurses can face significant challenges. At the initial stage, the nurses face fear from taking effective decisions for delegating care services to the patients. Many of the Graduate Registered Nurses (GRN) thinks that they do not havse the direct authority to provide care. In hospitals, there are several guidelines have been provided for the nurses. The nurses have to follow those guidelines for care services (Wong et al., 2018).
Graduate practice nurse needs to be well versed in an effective and safe delegation of duties. The nursing and Midwifery Council is mainly responsible for providing roles and code of practice. The prevailing challenge for the graduate nurse is their accountability to provide effective care. The responsibility for providing care along with legal accountability towards patient is essential. They are accountable for making the decision but since they just joined the healthcare immediate initiatives are identified as the challenge for the graduate nurses. The overall patient management is difficult for the graduate nurse. The management of patients mainly includes planning, evaluation, and assessment as per healthcare standards. Ensuring safety practices were said to be a challenging aspect for the graduate nurse. In the initial period, the graduate nurses face challenges related to comprehend the system of supervision and instructions (Eveleigh, 2018). They face issues in following the guidelines of the stated standard. The communication process in healthcare is different which the graduate nurse is unable to acknowledge in the primary stage. They also face challenges related to their role in the organization. The job description, protocols, and policies were not properly comprehended by the graduate nurse that results in the ineffective delegation of care and safety practices (Wagner, O’Connor & Hasenau, 2015).
The Graduate Registered Nurses (GRN) can face several challenges during the transition to practice. The main challenges faced by nurses are related to delegating care services. The GRN feels that they do not have the right to provide care services to the patients. Due to this reason, many of the nurses hesitate to provide effective care services to patients. The communication process is a very vital factor in the hospital. The GRN can face extreme challenges in the communication process with the hospital management at the initial stage. The nurses have to take effective decisions for the patients in the absence of health practitioners. But, the GRN fears to take useful decisions for the care services of the patients. When a Graduate Registered Nurse tries to implement own decision, they remain confused about their own decisions. Mostly the graduate nurse misses out the standard that they need to take into consideration while delegating care safely and efficiently (Globalstf, 2018). In this case, the GRN intends to communicate with experienced nurses or health practitioners. But, the GRN may not able to understand the communication technique of health practitioners or experienced nurses. Due to being inexperienced in the nursing fields, the GRN can face those challenges. The morale of the graduate nurse gets significantly low. This also results in the degradation of their confidence. In the practical field of nursing, the GRN tries to implement their study knowledge. But, the study’s knowledge of the nurses is not the same as the practical field of nursing (Hofler, 2018). This results in the formation of a gap in the healthcare
Short- and Long-term Implications of Professional Practice Issues for GRN
The graduate nurses of healthcare need to follow the instructions and tasks delegated by the supervisor and the healthcare provider. The definite procedures and policies facilitate the legal basis of the graduated nurses’ decision regarding delegation of care. The guidelines incorporated mainly define the activities which need to be performed by the graduate nurses. The impact of the prevailing issues related to the delegation of care to the patients possesses significant outcomes. During the short period, the issue of delegation of care would have a significant impact on the safety and health of patients. The quality of healthcare practices would be significantly degraded. This would also result in the improper delegation of care services. The negative impacts of these issues would be raised to a significant level that hampers the healthcare institution in the long-run process. Therefore there would be an increasing level of turnover of the graduate nurse (Juliff, 2017). The cause of improper communication, knowledge, lack of proper working atmosphere and change of role has a very significant impact on the short term and long term operations. These areas were considered as the most common challenge that the graduate nurses would be more likely to experience during their transitional period. During the long run, the graduate nurses have to go through dissatisfaction in work and a significant level of stress. Due to this reason, many of the graduate nurses refrain from their job position. The main cause of quitting the jobs is the unstable working environment and lack of support from the human resource management. These are some of the factors that result in the maximum range of resignations. The routine work that they are expected to conduct mainly includes the issues of prioritizing and proper management. This results in hampering the operations and health of the patients (Lisa A. & Miller, 2018).
The prevailing challenge regarding the delegation of proper care to the patient mainly portrays negative outcomes within the healthcare institution. The challenge mainly illustrates the need for proper training and development approaches. This would minimize the prevailing challenges faced by graduate nurses. The graduate nurses face many challenges during their transition period. Thus the nurses try to learn and understand the working culture and how to mitigate the challenges they are facing.
Introduce the issue briefly and the reason why a GRN faced with the issue/challenge needs to bring about change
Delegating care effectively and safely is the most important topic in nursing practices. Delegation is the process carried out by the nurse for directing another person involves in performing nursing tasks. However, in these recent days, there were arises of nursing shortages. It has been observable that the rate of care assistants has increased at an extreme point in comparison to nurses. The roles of nursing have become blurred with the evolving of care assistants and associate practitioners. Even in this modern era, many nurses who are in the training zone are using the titles of nurses and this confuses the health professions and the patients. However, the only way to address this issue is to utilize the regulated registered staffs that are well trained.
A GRN (Graduated Regional Nurse) faces various challenges while carrying out safe person-centered care. They are required to address s the issues and these were illustrated below:
- One of the most important matters the process of delegation should be appropriate. It is, therefore, much important to provide instruction to a person who has the competence to perform. They will fully understand the instructions and as per the instruction, they will be able to effectively delegate care safely and effectively. So, GRN must have substantial skills and knowledge to carry out the activity.
- Dependable upon the nurse practice acts the GRN has to provide proper nursing care to the entire age group of patients (McEnroe Ayers & Montgomery, 2010).
The three actions that could help in achieving safe person-centered care are the:
- The delegation process must be appropriate and delegation instruction should be provided to the appropriate nurses who can understand the instruction. Then only the graduated regional nurse will be able to overcome their related issues (Puskar & Kathryn, 2019).
- Apart from that, they have to provide nursing care to the total age group of patients. Most significant is to communicate properly with the patient. With proper knowledge of the problem of patients and feedback from them, the GRN will effectively carry out their tasks.
- It is important to create a good relationship with the old age people. it will also let the patient focus on their health. Further, it will help to maintain a good relationship with staff and patients (Semanticscholar, 2010).
Eveleigh, M. (2018). Safe delegation techniques for practice nurses | Nursing in Practice. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
Globalstf. (2018). GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC). Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
Hofler, L. (2018). Transition of New Graduate Nurses to the Workforce Challenges and Solutions in the Changing Health Care Environment. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
Juliff, D. (2017). Graduate nurses face frustration in gaining registered nurse experience. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
Lisa A., & Miller. (2018). Delegation. The Journal Of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 32(2), 104-106. doi: 10.1097/jpn.0000000000000327
McEnroe Ayers, D., & Montgomery, M. (2010). Delegating the “right” way. Nursing, 38(4), 56hn1-56hn2. doi: 10.1097/01.nurse.0000314799.61091.24
Puskar, & Kathryn. (2019). Nursing students and delegation. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
Wagner, E., O’Connor, N., & Hasenau, S. (2015). Improving Patient Care Outcomes Through Better DelegationCommunication Among Nurses and Assistive Personnel. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from;jsessionid=A806ABB63676CF029B4790B1E9FF29CC?sequence=3
Wong, S., Che, W., Cheng, M., Cheung, C., Cheung, T., & Lee, K. et al. (2018). Challenges of fresh nursing graduates during their transition period. Journal Of Nursing Education And Practice, 8(6), 30. doi: 10.5430/jnep.v8n6p30