Professional Development Plan And Personal Growth Strategies
CBE6194 Managing People in Organisations
CBE6194 Managing People in Organisations
The Process of Personal Development Planning
Personal development planning is considered to be the process of developing an action plan related to planning, goal-setting, reflection, values, and awareness of personal development. It helps an individual to develop self-improvement to achieve the goals. It is a process that helps an individual to design and plan a career, academic and personal development. The paper provides with the professional development plan that includes three development plan based on self, group working and academic goals. It also discusses progress review of personal and professional developmental plan. The primary aim is to focus on the long-term goal that is set for the development plan.
Professional development plan (PDP), which is also known as the Individual Development Plan or Employee Development Plan is utilized to set out a strategy and to document a career goal of how to achieve them(Ethiraj, Gambardella & Helfat, 2018). It helps people to get some opportunities that are beneficial for them to receive support, planning their careers and receiving feedback from the line managers for their personal and professional development. PDP provides a mechanism for the organization for developing and managing people effectively to support the provision of quality services and enhance their quality of work based on money. To develop a professional development plan, it is significant to apply three different forms of a diagnostic test such as self, a group working, and academic goal.
A self-personal goal helps an individual to decide what he seeks to achieve in his life. It helps an individual to motivate themselves to build self-confidence to achieve the goals successfully. A self-personal goal helps to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that motivate a person to make them feel tangible (Peng, 2017). It is important to follow the steps based on SMART that makes people realize their goals to work upon them. Setting a goal provides short-term motivation and long-term vision. To meet the organizational goals, it is required to meet some objectives such as communication, conceptual and technical skills.
Group working goal highly helps an individual to effectively work as a team that makes individual respect the opinions of others and cooperate with others. It can be seen that most effective teams are considered to be those who comprise an adequate balance of different types of people (Lejeune, Beausaert & Raemdonck, 2018). Working in a team helps the person to resolve the differences among a majority of group members and individual group members. A successful team can comprise and negotiate.
Professional Development Plan (PDP)
An academic goal helps in improving the academic performance such as the ability to critically synthesize, analyze and research information’s into the essay’s and report while preparing the assignments. Making use of SMART goals helps the student to be more attainable and realistic. The goal could be achieved by getting good marks in the tests or the assignments. The acronym SMART will highly help to be successful in both personal and professional life. The development plan must include some strengths such as effective management skills, listening to the opinions of others, having strong communication skills, efficient academic background in administration and management (Maguire & Blaylock, 2017). Another strength includes the capability to execute the work with the diverse teams and must have experience in the particular field. To set a goal an individual also possess some weaknesses such as lack of presentation skills and academic qualification, unable to work under tremendous pressure, difficulty in completing the task before the deadlines and takes emotional decisions (Hirsh, 2014). To set a development goal, it is important to improve the weaknesses to overcome the difficulties faced during personal as well as professional life.
To develop a specific skill, it is important to review and evaluate the plans for personal and professional development. Once the development is planned, then it becomes possible for an individual to develop the identified skills (Kivimäki & Meriluoto, 2018). Reviewing the development plans regularly would help to revise both the goals and the activities based on development plans. However, the reviewing process may take some time to execute. Setting a SMART academic goal will eventually help an individual to achieve a desirable result. To set a SMART goal, it is essential for a student to its professors related to the development plan (Jenkins et al., 2015). It is believed that human nature is forgettable; thus it is important to review the personal development plan.
Based on communication skills I worked as an administrative team member in the corporate service company. My job was to interact with the customers and proceed with their paperwork. I also did budget, report and letter writing. As I was held from a commercial background thus, to have an effective business communication, I lack some of the skills. To improve my communication skill, I made a personal and professional development plan that includes practicing debate, group discussions, doing presentations and writing reports. Productivity skill is considered to be the most vital skills to develop and achieve self-personal goals (Banwell & Kerr, 2016). To practice various learning opportunities to have a personal development plan I went through the following processes such as,
- Recognize my strengths and weaknesses
- Keep a record of the formal activity
- Changes required to achieve the demands
Three Different Forms of Diagnostic Tests for a PDP
To prepare and agree with the professional development plan it is essential to receive feedback from the line manager and discuss the development opportunities (Chumg et al., 2016). It is done to make a development plan related to the information received. Every 4-5 months it is important to review the plan to ensure that the plan is monitored on a daily basis to complete the plan. Usually while making a personal development plan, the team managers are required to receive feedback from their line managers to develop their plan. The development plan must be discussed and agreed with the line managers (Coccia, 2014). In such particular areas, the line managers require training in conducting meetings, building trust, negotiation, expectations, managing individuals and receiving and giving feedback. As per the theorist, it is observed that to prepare a development plan it is significant to focus on the concepts and logic as well as trust thinking. It is also essential to be good at planning and figures. An individual must be analytical, rigorous and precise while proceeding with the personal development plan. Workplace, emotional, personal and practical, as well as cultural and social barriers, put a great impact on the process of a development plan (Carpenter, Berry & Houston, 2014). All this are considered to be the common barriers in achieving the goals. To achieve the goals through group work, I have applied the strategy of co-operating with the team and discussed the problems. I have developed my communication skills to better interact with the people at various stages of development. I have also recognized and applied the team dynamics in the provided scenario.
I effectively planned to achieve my objectives and goals that makes me be focused on my professional development skills. To attain this, I planned to keep myself dominant and prominent from leadership and coaching. To achieve this, I would not miss any opportunity for training provided by the company that will develop my personal and professional development skills to keep myself prominent within the organization. As per Honey and Mumford’s Learning styles which is similar to the Kolb’s sequence (Klotz & Neubaum, 2016). The learning style categorized their learner into four main categories like pragmatics, theorists, reflectors, and activists. Based on this learning style I believe that I am a pragmatist learner as I always prefer to do practical work at the time of my working hours. Also, I am aware of the issues that will come on my way for achieving my goals. To accomplish the task provided to me, I put an extra effort to get the work done effectively before the deadline. On the other hand, the routine practice helps me to develop both of my professional and personal skills.
Importance of Setting SMART Goals
Motivational theories play a vital role in the development of personal and professional plan to achieve the goals. Motivational theories highly help in motivating an individual to improve its self-personal goal, a group working goal and academic goal. All these developmental goals could be achieved with the help of adopting motivational theories (Lazaroiu, 2015). It is significant for an individual to implement the motivational strategies to achieve the goals for that it is necessary to develop a personal and professional development plan. Motivating an individual in the workplace is highly required to achieve the goal based on service, productivity, and quality. Motivation in practice develops team working and empowerment that allows an individual to proceed with the professional and personal development plan. Personal development plan helps in achieving marketability and employability externally and internally (Dumay, 2016). PDP helps a person to obtain more comprehensively and quickly the knowledge and skills that required for the purpose. It helped me to focus towards my career plan to accomplish different tasks. With the help of PDP, I have recognized my strengths and weaknesses based on the development needs. Taking feedback from others for the development plan is important.
Emotional Intelligence plays a significant role in the personal and professional development plan. PDP helps an individual to control his emotions. The emotional intelligence measures analytic reasoning, verbal reasoning, memory, and judgment. It helps an individual to overcome their difficulties by recognizing the challenges. PDP is determined to be the working strategy that helps in recognizing the development requirements. It is a planned process that helps an individual to set development objectives. For example, giving positive feedback related to the work of an employee by acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses. The PDP sets an action plan that helps in learning and developing the objectives. This highly helps in enhancing career development of an individual based on the development goals.
A long-term goal something which an individual wants to execute in the future. It is not something which could be done in a week or within a year; it requires planning and time. Long-term goals take a long time to achieve (Christina et al., 2014). For example, graduate from college, setting up a business and saving from retirement usually takes a long time to accomplish. To set a long-term goal, it is important to give priority to the goals. To achieve personal goals, it is required to acquire some study skills. Hence, I have started my studies and pursuing my post diploma degree. This is a one year plan, and after that, I have a plan to do my MBA degree which will prove to be helpful for me to achieve my target. Thus, to attain the goals, it is vital for me to develop my skills.
Group Working Goals
In the next four years, I would like to see myself as a manager in the organization where I am presently working. The company in which I am working is a large-scale organization, and we are providing corporate services like payroll accounts, outsourcing, and document keeping. In my company, I am working as an administrative assistant, and my long-term goal is to become a manager of the administrative team. To achieve this, I must develop a professional development plan to attain my vision.
The primary aim of this professional development plan is to develop a process of self-development and self-management (Gelfand et al., 2017). To develop my ability, it is essential for me to have an idea of my strengths and weaknesses that will help me to improve my weaknesses and convert them into strengths. I must take advantage of the opportunities that come to my way. This long-term action plan will help me achieve my goals successfully.
Personal development is determined to be the set of activities whose purpose is to enhance self-identity and knowledge. It includes improving the quality of life, building of employability and human capital, potential development and realizing personal dreams and aspirations. The concept of personal development is not based on self-development, but it also develops informal and formal activities. Personal development plans ensure that the goal set is on the right track to achieve the target. Personal and professional development plans help to achieve success in personal and professional life. Therefore, the paper provided the evaluation of understanding and managing people through personal development plan.
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