Professional Business Document On Hospital Information System (HIS) Implementation
System Planning and Technical Architecture
Write a report on System Implementation.
This report is the second part of professional business document and system implementation of Hospital information system (HIS) document detailing is covered here based on system planning report approved My State Hospital. It deals with ICT infrastructure required and an enterprise system required with justification and recommending methodology for successful implementation (Han et al., 2012). It also look into costing analysis supported by justification, road map highlighting the milestone and transition from present to future status with focus on critical success factor. It concludes with risk analysis for the plan so that high risk items can be mitigated.
Hospital information system (HIS) is comprehensive software and part of health informatics that can enable my state hospital to manage the administrational procedures and data management in an effective manner. The technical architecture of HIS presented in the system planning to my state hospital comprises of main location comprising of two servers, firewall for security measures and connected to remote users with the help of internet connection. The first servers in the main location support location A while the second server in the main location support location B and location C (Han et al., 2012). Based on the technical architecture in the system planning the HIS implementation in my state hospital demand the ICT infrastructure namely 4 servers, a dozen computers or more as required, high speed internet connection, firewall device, proxy server. The software requirement of ICT include payment gateway software with proper security measures, data management software, laboratory information system (LIS), Policy and procedure management system, picture archiving and communication system (PACS). It also needs operating system like UNIX or MS-Windows, relational database management system (RDMS). The justification for the selected ICT infrastructure is supporting the health professionals and health care seeker in providing and accessing health care information effectively with the help of internet and smart phones.
An enterprise system is an enterprise resource planning software and it is the hospital information system (HIS) that will be implemented in my state hospital. HIS architecture has three major levels namely central government level, territory level and patient carrying level. In most of the cases the HIS are connected to client server architectures to enable networking and processing of the information related with the hospital. Initially it supported resident based work but with technology breakthrough it supports mobile computing and people can access information with laptop, tablet and Smartphone (Kim, and Choi, 2009). The internet architecture of enterprise HIS can be implemented in the public health segment and it can be accessed by remote user as mentioned in the system planning. The HIS facilitate patient information to be accessed with the help of electronic information located centrally in the main server. The justification of an enterprise system requirement is it helps in streamlining the information flow of the patient. It can be easily accessed by doctors, other health care provider, patient and family members thereby by better decision making. Health information system (HIS) facilitates patient information, database management with safety and security that justifies the use.
ICT Infrastructure Required for HIS Implementation
Based on the system planning report and the architecture plan comprising of the information architecture of new HIS system and technical architecture of new HIS system it is recommended that the top down approach is more suitable as it involves high level of system overview of the existing system, the requirement of my state hospital and user request and DBMS requirement and it will be customized by analyzing the three aspect by the internal team IT team of the hospital (Kim, and Choi, 2009). With regard to the technical architecture of the new HIS system it is recommended that the internal IT along with the top management sit for a meeting with the external implementation partner and decide about the design of the system, software requirement, hardware requirement, networking requirement, operating system requirement, type of servers and distribution in the main location and other location, interoperability of system in HIS system, RDMS requirement. The HIS implementation involves different stages with regard to infrastructure and enterprise system. It is recommended that my state hospital needs to assign an internal team for implementation and it is recommended there are two sub team taking care of infrastructure and enterprise so that it is dome in a an effective manner
Cost Head |
Product |
Value (AUD) |
Hardware |
Hardware System |
202876.7442 |
Network equipment |
658813.9535 |
Security equipment |
89263.95349 |
Disk Storage |
476767.4419 |
Other devices including PC |
1063946.07 |
Subtotal |
2491668.163 |
Database Software |
Database construction cost |
202876.7442 |
Development costs |
4409858.14 |
Commercial software costs |
2138120.93 |
Subtotal |
6547979.07 |
System infrastructure |
System design |
511627.907 |
Network construction |
25581.39535 |
Subtotal |
537209.3023 |
System audit |
Inspection cost |
138372.093 |
Total |
9918105.372 |
The comprehensive cost analysis for hospital information system (HIS) is conducted in the above table and justification for cost analysis in related with benefit and efficiency of administrative information and saving from reduction in outpatient data maintenance (Wu, Laporte, and Ungar,2007).
Steps |
Phases |
Project/Milestone |
Expected Date |
1 |
Project initiation of HIS |
Arrangement of project governance |
May 2016 |
Arrangement of project report |
May 2016 |
Arrangement of change control |
May 2016 |
Authority delegation |
May 2016 |
Description of work package |
June 2016 |
July 2016 |
July 2016 |
Change management plan sign off |
July 2016 |
Communication plan sign off |
August 2016 |
August 2016 |
August 2016 |
Baseline project plan development |
September 2016 |
2 |
Implementation planning of HIS |
October to December 2016 |
Software development of HIS |
Jan to Mar 2017 |
Acquire technical infrastructure |
The above table explain the project/milestone mentioning the different steps involved in the hospital information system implementation in my state hospital along with the time horizon for each step. The critical success factors for each step iis proper coordination between the internal IT team of the hospital and external implementation partner (Wu, Laporte, and Ungar,2007). In the initial phase the critical success factor is following the eleven steps explained namely Arrangement of project governance, Arrangement of project report, Arrangement of change control, Authority delegation, Description of work package, Benefit register maintenance, Evaluation plan sign off, Evaluation plan sign off, Change management plan sign off, Communication plan sign off, Risk register maintenance, Issue register maintenance and Baseline project plan development. In the implementation planning the critical success factor is effective coordination and communication between the internal team and external partners so that gap analysis is identified and corrected immediately (Chae et al., 2010). In the software development of Hospital information system it is the proper software based on the my state hospital requirement that will act as the critical success factor. In the last phase it is proper training and development to the end use that act as the critical success factor.
Risk analysis in system implementation project like hospitality information system (HIS) is an essential part of the project management. It comprises of assessing the risk and devising a mitigation strategy for the risk identified. Risk assessment can be defined as the process of identifying the potential risk involved in the implementation of HIS in my state hospital and evaluating the impact of the risk. On the other hand the mitigation plan related with the risk can be defined as the process of reducing the impact of risk by identifying the risk with negative implication on the HIS project (Chae et al., 2010). The various risk related with the HIS implementation in my state hospital include technical aspect, cost factor of the various as mentioned in the cost analysis above, schedule of the project as mentioned in the milestone, contractual issue with the external factors, problem with weather, financial constraint on the part of my state hospital, political disturbances in the locality, environment issue or people not willing to accept the new technology as it involves breaking the comfort zone. In the HIS project the people factor is very crucial as if the internal team selected for the HIS implementation lack the skill and not knowledge it can create gap between internal IT team of my state hospital and external implementation partner impacting the implementation negatively (Minghetti, 2003). Once the identification of risk is done then the project team need to evaluate the risk. It is done to understand the probability of incidence and the criticalness of the potential loss. It is based on three level low, medium and high impacts. Once the risk identification and risk evaluation is conducted then the team involved in HIS project devise risk mitigation plan. The process used here include risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk sharing and risk transfer.
The system implementation report explained the detailed document related with the HIS implementation in my state hospital based on the approved system planning. The ICT infrastructure and enterprise system requirement for HIS implementation is identified with proper justification and suitable method for both recommended. The cost for implementing the HIS project is analyzed with justification (Minghetti, 2003). The milestone for implementation with time horizon and critical success factor was explained. The system implementation report conducted risk analysis and mitigating strategy to reduce risk. It is recommended that my state hospital should implement the HIS for improving the performance and saving cost.
Chae, Y.M., Kim, S., Cho, K.W., Kim, H.S., Kang, S.H., Kim, H.H. and Park, C.B., 2010. Economic analysis of hospital information system by information economic approach. J Korean Soc Health Inf Health Stat, 35(2), pp.195-205.
Han, J.M., Chae, Y.M., Boo, E.H., Kim, J.A., Yoon, S.J. and Kim, S.W., 2012. Performance Analysis of Hospital Information System of the National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital. Healthcare informatics research, 18(3), pp.208-214.
Kim, J.I. and Choi, J.Y., 2009. Effectiveness for hospitals management of electronic medical record. Health Welf, 11(1), pp.87-93.
Minghetti, V., 2003. Building customer value in the hospitality industry: towards the definition of a customer-centric information system. Information Technology & Tourism, 6(2), pp.141-152.
Wu, R.C., Laporte, A. and Ungar, W.J., 2007. Costâ€Âeffectiveness of an electronic medication ordering and administration system in reducing adverse drug events. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 13(3), pp.440-448.