Procurement Of New Computer Systems: Insourcing, Self-Sourcing And Outsourcing
Procurement Methods: Insourcing, Self-Sourcing and Outsourcing
Procurement of new computer systems for an organization has been an issue everywhere throughout the world. The techniques used to obtain new software incorporate self-sourcing, insourcing or re-appropriating. A wrong choice at this stage prompts losing and even can prompt the termination of an organization [12]. Despite the fact that an ideal decision is difficult to make, cautious examination ought to be done to land at the proper and informed decision. The accompanying components ought to be thought about: the level of ability the organization has for building up the system, the expense of picking every strategy the level of customization required for the framework, the business goals, points of interest and impediments of every technique and future expected changes. The strategies for adopting new software include:
Insourcing – a composition of in-house IT expertise is relegated the job of building up the software. This is for the most part controlled by the level of ability the organization has. Methodologies and strategies for information systems implementation are connected. Poor decision of either the methodology or the procedure prompts the software fizzling. On the off chance that this decision is made, at that point an organized methodology ought to be utilized.
Self-sourcing (end-user implementation) – the implementation is done with end users in mind (workers with the knowhow) with practically no assistance from the IT experts. The end users probably won’t be IT or computer gurus. Considering the accompanying issues if self-sourcing is picked: self-sourcing endeavors ought to be lined up with the hierarchical objectives, the support from the outer circle required ought to be resolved, when the software is finished documentation ought to be done, continuous help ought to be given.
Outsourcing – an outsider is allocated assignments by implementing a particular for a particular software with a deadline in place, at a given cost and a predetermined level of administration [14]. This decision takes four structures to be specific: buying officially existing programme and paying the developer to roll out the coveted improvements, re-appropriating the functionalities of another and novel framework for which it has not been in presence. Outsourcing has the accompanying benefits: centers around the one of a kind center ability, misuse of the acumen of another organization, better future cost forecast, simple securing of the main edge innovation, diminished costs, enhanced execution responsibility.
Outsourcing has additionally the accompanying negative impacts: decreased level of control, lessened capacity for future development, expanded helplessness to vital data [15] and expanded reliance on different organizations.
Analysis of Procurement Methods
Both insourcing and self-sourcing are costlier as compared to redistributing. For insourcing and self-sourcing there are additional procedures prompting new division in the organization. For outsourcing, the outer circle of an organization has officially created work process.
Redistributing organizations don’t utilize their resources which is a little different from self-sourcing and insourcing where the resources claimed by the organization are utilized to accomplish the objective.
For redistributing, the organization has no influence over the procedures of operation while for self-sourcing and insourcing the organization has a higher power over its activities and representatives.
For outsourcing and insourcing, another site is set up at the organization while for redistributing an outside organization is utilized which is situated outside the fundamental organization’s processes. Along these lines, the technique utilized for gaining software applications is reliant on the investigation made by the organization. A legitimate decision needs the reasonable assessment of the upsides and downsides of every strategy for obtaining. The strategy that has more gains to the organization now and later on ought to be considered as the most suitable.
Review of Other Related Work
Similar project ideas to that of ACRS have been implemented previously with most of them being job portals which is open for many job providers and acts as a universal platform where they meet job seekers. Following research to determine the requirements for ACRS various systems were analyzed. The analyzed recruitment systems included,, Taleo, Brainbench, and RecruitUSA just to mention a few. Most of the systems that were brought on board showed that there is a gap that needs to be filled despite each system trying to work on the weaknesses of the previous one.
Research has proved that technological development is responsible for taking recruitment activities to the next level since many of the attempts today is to come up with systems that are cost effective, reliable, fair and less time consuming. Initially recruitment management system was an idea developed by a university student with the main aim being coming up with a tool that can be used as platform where job providers can post vacancies and students apply through the manual system [2]. It was a success since it was adopted by many of the organization then and also benefitted the student since they did not have to move from office to office in search of vacant positions. [6, 8], as one of the earliest systems offered all-inclusive career resources in regard to job seeking. User Interface offered by was so user friendly as they used to display their posted jobs with simple search options for access purposes. ACRS utilized the same posting technique to come up with most appealing UI.
Review of Related Work: Recruitment Systems
Taleo, is another one of the backbones in recruitment system idea though the designer brought it out as a recruitment software. At first it was very successful as much as recruitment market is concerned but later flaws made it a plagued. According to a blogger Andrew Greenberg [1] who worked at Recruiting Division by then had stated that Taleo recruitment process takes much time before completion and required filling form twice which is discouraging to the users and also data redundancy witnessed.
Job seeking got another achievement when HotJobs that was absorbed by, and was made a module in Yahoo! Network. The aim of Yahoo! Integration was to have as many user profiles as possible in their system for business purposes. As a result their system became more loaded with traffic. Despite being a recruitment company it was majored in advertisement with mailing services which they offered for free to sell the advertisements.
According to Jacko [5] and Andrew [1] technological education advancements has brought new features in the recruitment systems trying to expand the services offered. Due to the education job search engines have been implemented. is one of the widely used job search engines which hovers over various organizations’ online system looking for key words related to job seeking after which it combines them into a single directory where they can be accessed. Job posted are categorized according to factors including geographical locations, categories of job, descriptions among others. According to a post in International Employment websites, stated that databases in the search engines servers are a secreted job bazaar.
With focuses being on the trend seen on online recruitment systems there is a clear indication there are features need to be incorporate in a new system to make the process more effective in terms of time and reliability. Rachel [2] stated all the feature added in the design should be user oriented and should include modern tools such as CoverLetter designer to help users draft a cover letter from the details provided and MyResume to enable professional CVs creation by job seekers.
In addition, the trend of the world going mobile should be utilized in many of the systems to today since mobile gadgets have become common with tablets and Smartphone’s technologies in the boost resulting [9]. Scholars have it that the trend now is crossing from universal job systems to more specialized websites because of the doubling job seekers year after year and thus demand moving higher [5].
The Importance of a Paperless Office
A paperless office is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or greatly reduced. The traditional offices have paper-based systems, which may include filing cabinets, folders, shelves, e.t.c. There has been a need to change from the paper office to the modern digital office. This can be associated with the risks associated with the paper office and also the cost involved in the processing and maintaining the paper offices due to the high number of customers involved in the paper offices.
According to, without full records management capabilities developed for automated office systems, how can the archivist document the decision-making process within the organization? How will the archivist determine what forms the complete record of the activities of the organization? How will the archivist be able to identify the documents? This were questions asked by the IT manager once when they were writing a proposal to automate their manual archive system to become electronic archive.
From the increased need to store and retrieve data faster and safer this shows that there must be a mechanism put in place to make the systems electronic. Sound Selector have made various attempts to have an automated system to ease the operations but they has not been fully implementation of the electronic systems. They have only achieved the storing the details of the payments for the employees, projects and stakeholders in a table like papers and saved in a file.
ACRS has some aspects of a banking system to ensure correct and faster balance calculation and also generation of receipts and reports on requests. Also deposits aspects in the banking system are also captured here to ensure top-up in the applicants account
ACRS web job platform is entirely focusing on electronically cover all the recruitment activities carried by Riverside Refinery, with additional that requires technological integration being put into consideration features that . The purpose of the system is triggered by the growing number of recruitment number of job position in the company and the trend shows that there are some in the management position but day after day only carries the recruitment activities lowering their productivity in the organization.
Paperwork being the major HR challenge, triggers cases of irregularities such as corruption and nepotism among others. With ACRS developed, a large portion of the tasks carried out by the Human Resource is achieved using the system. Other affordable features by internet service providers (ISP) integrating Mobile phone codes with databases such that access is easy have made services lay in our pockets and above all real time USSD codes [4].
ACRS is seen as the center of all the activities that take place here relying entirely on its design. The system is linked to modules that make it whole categorized into job seekers, HR management, database and finally administrator. The final output in the system is a combination of all the outputs of what that make ACRS complete.
Context diagram
Current devices for web advancement, Dreamweaver CS6 for this situation, are exceptionally essential in the front-end User Interface structure and coding of highlights that make it more adequate to the clients. HTML5, PHP, JavaScript, and CSS are advancement segments that support the front and back end going further to enhance security.
System analysis is a process of system development that is targeted in the understanding the problem in depth. In this level of design, all decisional variables are identified to the level best, analysis of all the factors related to the conventional system is done. Analysis of the problem leads to the identification of the problem. That is, going deeper into analyzing why the system to be developed solved a certain problem and why is termed as a problem.
ACRS is a software development project. This is a translation that all the activities required in the process of software development must be adhered to. In ACRS development, SDLC was the pathway towards the success of coming with acceptable and standard software as it is now. SDLC begins with software requirements identification following all the following stages till it comes to completion comparing the actual SYSTEM with the contextual design. Suh [11, 13], views SDLC as streams of events that must take place for it is a lifecycle.
It is a requirement that before moving on with system design or any other step trying to implement any functionality that requirement is clearly understood as the first step as this is the basics of system analysis. After system analysis is done then, system Objectives are laid down basing the argument on what is the essence of the system. To understand the objective then it’s good to list the functional and non-functional requirements with the scope clearly defined. When doing system analysis for ACRS, it involved understanding the state of Riverside Refineries regarding what they need to be done and how they expect it to be done.
Selecting the most favorite Software development model comes as the next stage when identification of the actual problem is done. Basically, implementation model is identifying the technique in which information and data relating the software under development will use.
The development process of ACRS wasn’t solely a task for a developer, but instead worked hand in hand with users as their tool for testing the system during implementation phase [7]. A development method that majored on user’s incorporation during the development of the system was the best for ACRS.
Different development models were analyzed with the aim of getting a clear picture how they relate to users during implementation. Also, the advantages and limitation of various methods was investigated. Incremental software development model was the most ideal for this case that has some features of waterfall development model. However, waterfall method has a limitation which may slow down the development process because if something at a previous stage needs modification it does not have the provision to go back but wait until the final stage so that the user can give the review. The incremental process works hand in hand with the users to ensure that the outputs of every stage are user certified, and requirements explicitly covered.
Incremental advancement instrument studies client cooperation. The purpose for the utilization of the incremental model is to decrease all the dismissal chances conceivable in the wake of finishing the usage procedure. The clients feel like piece of the framework as from begin to the end and at whatever point suggestions for upgrades are communicated then it’s right away dealt with.
The incremental form display is a technique for programming advancement where the item is structured, actualized and tried incrementally (somewhat more is included each time) until the point that the item is done. It includes both improvement and support. The item is characterized as completed when it fulfills the majority of its necessities. This model joins the components of the cascade show with the iterative rationality of prototyping.
The item is broken down into various segments, every one of which is planned and fabricated independently (named as manufactures). Every part is conveyed to the customer when it is finished. This permits halfway use of the item and dodges a long improvement time [10]. It additionally evades an expansive beginning capital cost and resulting long holding up period. This model of improvement likewise helps facilitate the awful impact of presenting a totally new framework at the same time.
Project Deliverables, Goals, and Objectives and their accomplishment
Goal 1: Effective communication achievement between the Riverside and those seeking the job
Objective 1: phone and email modules Implementation via PHP coding to integrate GSM
Correspondence in ACRS advancement was provided for at whatever point openings for work are posted on the association entryway. After these postings, all enrolled activity searchers bought in the classification, which the activity posted have a place they get telephone SMS and email warning without essentially visiting the entry.
This module was enter in the advancement of ACRS. Informing was viewed as a notice method for correspondence. Warning through SMS was accomplished using OZEKI MESSANGER SMS portal programming. OZEKI associates with the database in the frameworks server utilizing triggers to send message substance to OZEKI message out the database. There is a usefulness in OZEKI massager for a telecom message for every one of the clients in the framework. Subsequently, permit sending mass messages on the double. The message content contains the position promoted the due date for application and the particular for the activity.
Then again email, notices are accomplished through the coding in PHP and to structure the message to be sent according to the post that the Human Resource division has put on the entrance. The mail structured has the determination a connection for the application and the due date for a vocation.
Goal 2: Reliable and Consistent vacancy application
Objective #1: user-satisfying system working
Objective#2: Auto-selection of candidates who have qualified
Flow chart diagram for job seekers
Objective#3: Notification sending on new posts to users
Those who are seeking for employment makes their application. With the application, the users upload their files and fill the mandatory fields provided by the system on the front end. Applications deadlines are much observed in the system to avoid the late submission. Reliability is achieved through the assurance that human interference in the system from the HR department. When there is new posts or communication from HR, users are notified.
Tenets of User Interface (UI) plan of programming created are pursued to guarantee that the front end of the framework is provided food for. The seven guidelines guarantee that activity searchers are given a shot given the chance to feel some portion of the framework and feel suited in the structure. The menus toward the front are clear as crystal with the end goal that the clients no not battle while in the framework.
Unwavering quality here is accomplished by building up a usefulness of the framework that gives it the command to complete its examination of the data gave and select the potential possibility for the promoted occupations. There will be interference from the management and the management only gets the potential candidates and are the only once that are considered for further interviews. The system restricts the selecting of candidates by allowing selections to ensure that an every job seeker must be in a certain category.
Goal 3: Online interview and short listing
Objective#1: Questions selected randomly, and success rate indicated with shortlisting to successful candidates
Applicants are expected to undertake online interview answering questions that are generated randomly by the system and a review done by the administrators upon the successful applicant. The questions that used for interview are prior loaded in the system. The system is designed to ensure that no two applicants undertake the same test for interview.
Online meeting is among the last phases of the enrollment framework. After the activity searcher has filled all the required fields and transferred the required reports, (CV, Certificates, and some other applicable archive), the best hopeful gets to the meeting area where there is twenty choice inquiries, paper questions clarifying the job and give a specialized inquiry to the interviewee. An occupation searcher may pass all the past stages and shortlisted by the framework however neglects to convey with regards to the meeting segment. At the point when the effective applicants demonstrate ability in the meeting section, an affirmation message is sent to him/her to give the outcomes. After the end date, the framework will produce a report in an email arrangement and send to the HR division demonstrating the points of interest. Is none has passed the procedure effectively ACRS return invalid outcomes. Along these lines, the administration just gets the last possibility for further conferences.
Goal 4: Data Retrieval using USSD
Objective #1: Develop USSD database retrieved code
It is new feature that has never been implemented in the recruitment systems so far analyzed. On dialing a USSD code, the user gets a feed back in the form of an SMS listing all the available vacancies, their descriptions and requirements. The categories which the applicant was registered against determines the number of the messages received.
The implementation of his usefulness was the hardest involvement in the ACRS deployment process on the grounds that there must be distribution from the ISP to permit the utilization of different numbers and connection to a server. The usage includes some significant downfalls which couldn’t be met by ACRS in light of the fact that it just required being utilized for testing.
The inability to utilize USSD questioning did not check the finish of the execution and rather, sort an option. OZEKI server has a usefulness that can be utilized to question the framework server. OZEKI message in brings the substance of the message that gets to the server and looks for certain key works, for example, the JOB and sends an input message. This was a point of reference however not the manner in which it was arranged from the earliest starting point, yet it demonstrates that future research will be in a situation to fuse the usefulness successfully and of course.
Objective 5: Reporting
Objective: Generate Audit Reports
Target 2: Provide interface for particular announcing
Reports are a following instrument for what ACRS has been preparing for some random period. It incorporates every one of the records that are required at a specific time. It is likewise an apparatus to give the rundown of the considerable number of exercises. The proposal can be made utilizing this reports for they are exact since no single administrator has the consent to alter except if the predominant supervisors. Reports are arrived at by the database receiving view commands and only gives selected information and leave the rest, through advanced searches.
Searching through the database and users selecting what they want to search leads to reports. The user must select the kind of report from the given. What is distinctive in reports is that activity searchers and the businesses have an alternate perspective of similar reports sine there are points of interest that ought not be uncovered to unapproved people for secrecy purposes. HR office has the privilege to experience every one of the records in the framework, yet altering requires particular identities with access consents. The framework has the capacity to float around the database with the capacity to the view made while making the database configuration to get the information required in the handling of the reports.
Goal 6: System Advanced Search options
Objective#1: fetch search commands from users and create a view for database display.
Objective#2: Develop client fulfilling interface dependent on the directions issued by the framework
ACRS has joined the propelled pursuit alternative. The substance to be shown by the framework is tremendously directed by the clients of the framework. For instance, a client might need to know the candidates in classification; the framework does the inquiry through the database and concocts a rundown where classification that predefined class is the key work. It has given numerous choices that the client can choose from relying upon where one is signed in (Admin or Job searcher).
The point of cutting-edge look usefulness of the framework is to give a stage that the framework can turn out to be ongoing. By constant it implies that the client can know the yield of the framework even wrapped up the demand. Announcing totally rely upon the propelled hunt usefulness to experience the different tables in the database to guarantee that all the required substance is brought and joined to deliver the desire.
Its execution relied on the utilization of CSS, JavaScript, and PHP amid the coding to structure the tables and the explanations that can have the capacity to yield the substance and give an arrangement where the outcomes can be printed effectively. Thusly, obviously the framework must be coordinated with a usefulness that interfaces the framework and the printer.
Tasks |
Time taken(weeks) |
When started |
Completion date |
Problem definition |
5 |
04/11/2018 |
04/26/2018 |
Requirement analysis |
3 |
04/29/2018 |
04/11/2018 |
Design |
5 |
05/14/2018 |
05/01/2018 |
Coding and unit testing |
7 |
05/04/2018 |
07/27/2018 |
Integration |
3 |
07/30/2018 |
08/10/2018 |
Operation and maintenance |
25 |
08/13/2018 |
1/25/2019 |
Documentation |
52 |
04/01/2018 |
1/25/2019 |
The task improvement can be affirmed a win since manatee of the normal goals were met and accomplished an effectively. The extent of the undertaking, and the set target go about as a proportion of achievement of the framework. ACRS extension was all rotating around the HR office. The framework was to cover the HR chiefs in the associations agree with the jobs in the enrollment segment and just those that have the entrance control to private archives. At work searcher side clients are offered access to the framework if just they are enlisted to the framework. There are no functionalities that are from outside the HR division except if in future usage. About 95% of the focused on functionalities have been accomplished, and the rest of the makes a space for further research and framework joining. Beneath clarifies the framework improvement in better subtle elements:
Issues experienced
There are different difficulties that are experienced amid the plan procedure the planner needed to concoct different approaches to deal with the difficulties one of the real difficulties include:
- Miscommunication
The technique utilized in the advancement of the product includes working intimately with partners and. Hence, it calls for good relational abilities to guarantee that all the client determinations are precisely cooked. Sooner or later, there happened miscommunication because of a misconception of the necessities of the HR division. The miscommunication as a test was illuminated by guaranteeing that there are particular occasions that designer and client meet to make suggestion and objectives accomplished.
- Unrealistic schedule
The time frame that was stated in the proposal was a mere estimate. Many times the period the timeline overlapped since there are those activities could end before time while others went passed time. There was a variation in the timeline but to resolve the differences extra time to work on the project was required to meet the deadlines due to the presentation dates
- Inadequate testing
In the implementation of ACRS, HR office was the focused-on clients and was to affirm the testing stages. Through client grumblings or frameworks crash that is just time that one can know the framework is completely tried. HR directors have a tight calendar and possess no enough energy for framework testing, and in this way, the arrangement was to work with partners and companions they give their sentiments and scrutinize the framework and changes done.
Regularly programming testing is considered as one time of the software development life cycle. There’s evident incentive in consolidating testing in all stages, regardless. We ought to explore what the central focuses are and how this system could improve your product progression. Programming Testing is the route toward finding bugs in the item and make the item bug free.
In the software implementation life cycle (SDLC) the Testing is accept a noteworthiness work, which upgrades the quality, resolute quality and execution of the system with all check what all limits programming anticipated that would do and in like manner watch that Software isn’t doing what it shouldn’t do. There are genuine Importance of testing in the bit of SDLC and it is more intelligent to exhibit testing before all else period of SDLC arranges so it help to perceive the distortions to start with period and attempt to keep up a vital separation from the bugs finding and get resolve in the last essential stage. We can take other less demanding points of reference to clear why testing is fundamental. For example, in the ACRS programming think in the case of showing zero instead of thousand out of a basic position entirety field due to bug in the keeping cash programming or in the understudy check sheet understudy got extraordinary stamp anyway system exhibiting the mixed up results in light of bug in the understudy result programming. If item will exhibit some mix-up message or cautioning instead of wrong result if there ought to be an event of system bumble that could be better choice to use.
- Requirements mismatch.
At first, the requirements were just conceptualized, and when it comes to the implementation, the real ideas are put into practicality. Many times in the implementation there were some missing requirements that were added as the point of where it is noted. This made the working easier to the end.
At first the system was planned to use oracle database for implementation. Oracle database is not an open source software and require huge amount of money to purchase. This made it hard to implement it in ACRS development and instead opted for an alternative. SQL database was utilized in this case. It is an open source software though secure. The features that were necessary in for ACRS design were all met. Therefore, it became a good alternative which brought the system to a success with the achievements of goals from the initial stage to final and from one module links to another.
e. Featuritis
Client needs are changing every so often and during the time spent structure subsequent to completing with a segment/module the client accompanies over again determination that makes hard to coordinate into the framework and meet the due dates. To deal with this issue in the improvement, the best alternative was to give the clients a chance to express the entirety of their prerequisites in composing and decrease the odds of changes.
Purposes behind changes made to unique arrangement
Applied structure of the undertaking isn’t a certification that the real usage is settled at. At the point when there is aneed for changes in the structure execution, it is on the grounds that for the last item conveyance. Client focused plan is inclined to changes, and the client needs are given need and should be in the designers mind dependably. In this way, there are a few changes that are unavoidable with just to determine clashes.
Issues to do with time was likewise an explanation behind change on the grounds that the not every one of the exercises that were in accordance with the timetables. The calendars possibly pursue previously or time and in this manner compelling the changes.
Unforeseen necessities or segments that should have been settled
There are prerequisites that are were foreseen from the begin yet trim as the usage procedure commences. One of the foreseen prerequisite in the framework advancement is the high expenses related with USSD module assignment by the specialist organizations. This necessity needed to call for activities to discover choices just to execute the requirements. The option, for this situation, was the utilization of OZEKI server just to fill the need of USSD for testing confirmation. There are other minor prerequisites, yet they were resolved locally, and an answer found without adjusting the advancement procedure.
ACRS is a framework structured with more prominent expectations that it will have a more noteworthy effect in the HR branch of the association. The manual and tedious framework that exists has been obsolete with the innovative progression in the 21 century. The significant advantages and effects to the association include:
Balance: past enlistment framework was had imbalance in it since those in the administrative seats and in the meeting boards used to utilize just those that satisfy them and not the execution triggers. All jobseekers as long as they have the required abilities and qualifications can apply for occupation opening and grant without segregation.
Unwavering quality: the framework is more dependable since no much HR office impedance in the choice making process, however the framework delivers every one of the outcomes for them. Likewise, HR department can get all the required data concerning their enlistment forms at whatever point required effortlessly. Altering in the framework is limited and along these lines once the client is enlisted just not very many people who have composed consents while others can just peruse the data.
Cost: Cost is a perspective that specifically impacts the execution of HR division. ACRS is a financially savvy framework since the measure of cash spent in the enrollment framework and contracting numerous representatives to take a shot at the enlistment board can be utilized in different fields that can gain more benefits.
Morals: Unethical practices like defilement and nepotism in the manual enlistment framework are stopped. Morals is introduced mightily in the HR division since nobody meddles with the procedure until the point that the last outcomes from the framework are out.
The developments accomplished in the ACRS usage demonstrates that an answer for the enrollment framework that is manual has been a discussion, and all that is required is the combination of the principle association framework and no second thoughts until the end of time. It is a financially savvy framework since in a route there are assets utilized in the enrollment framework that can be utilized in another region of the office effortlessly. The enrollment procedure is completely robotized, and just those individuals who can convey are allowed to work with the association and no impedance.
Amid testing done toward the finish of each module, it demonstrated that obviously the framework have at the main stages inquired about well and prerequisites plainly comprehended. Despite the fact that there were varieties in the prerequisite coordinating the framework execution was recommendable for there denoted an extraordinary accomplishment. This was confirm amid the framework support period. Numerous amid the support time frame on numerous product ventures, framework conflict and numerous client condemning remarks demonstrates that a framework has an issue. For the instance of ACRS the framework has to a great extent demonstrated that the plan was more registered with since the inquiries asked and the proposals made by the clients were out of the degree. Framework conflict amid the support time frame did not happen not in any case once. The issue that happened in the upkeep time frame was database connect issues and which was explained inside five working days in the association and the usefulness continued to ordinary.
At first, the undertaking appeared to be unachievable because of the restricted data relating electronic meeting framework. Through research and ideological help from various gatherings, the achievement was winding up simple and as it were. The implementation has opened wider knowledge and a way for further research which will be a way for future explorations into the future technology. The unachieved objectives like the USSD use can be researched and be incorporated.
The entire development procedure for this system was based on incremental model of software development. The system was broken down into modules and subtasks. During the initial module development, an initial version of the system was developed it was then submitted to my supervisor and colleagues to criticize it [3]. It is from their criticism that I was able to know the user needs in details. Also the criticism helped me to design the user interface and the development till the end of the project. During the development process, the system went through the phases of feasibility study, requirements elicitation, requirements analysis, design, coding, verification and validation and implementation and support.
The incremental model used is based on the advantages including ease of management of risks since risks to programming process of software can be noted amid beginning implementation of the software and in this manner software engineers can realize how to deal with the difficulties, particularly where contradiction emerges between the customer and the designer or when the customer can’t concur on the necessity to be executed which ensures early conveyance of definite item as every addition prompts the advancement of programming and It is less demanding to test and investigate amid a little cycles.
- Operating System (Windows 7 and above).
- Web browsers: Mozilla, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer.
- Integrate Development Environment (IDE) tool – Net Beans.
- Gantt Project for project management.
- WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) Server.
- Ozeki Server (manager and monitor).
- Macromedia Dreamweaver studio 8.
- XAMPP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) Server 1.8.0 [PHP 5.4.4].
- HP PC, PROCESSOR; AMD Athlon ™ II P360, Dual-Core Processor 2.40 GHz, with 2GB RAM and 500 Hard disk and 64 –bit Operating System.
- Flash disk.
- Compact disk.
- Modem
Two main categories of requirements are identified for this project:
- Assist in password generation
- Keep track of all the accounts registered and their respective amounts.
- Help in account to account amount transfer
- Generate report on the accounts
- Produce receipts for transactions
- Register new accounts
- Delete accounts
- Top up for accounts
- The mean time failure of the system shall be at least three years.
- When updating the database the system must notify the users on the progress
- The system shall also notify users on wrong inputs and suggest the required inputs
- User’s authentication shall be via valid username and password for administrators/catering department.
- User’s authentication shall be via valid registration number and password for students.
System design is an integral part in any working software worth implementing. In this section we shall look into the data aspect and component interface for
The system will generally interact with various entities from database server to user interface. This is as shown below.
We look at identification and formulation of data flow diagrams (model) which constituted architectural design and the identification of data structure for the application which constituted data structure design of this project. It’s the integral part in working software that is worth implementing. It shows how different entities interact within the system.
System backend: The back end of the system consists of the MYSQL database and Apache server. MYSQL is used as a storage media for data entries (made from the webpage module) and processed information. The user is not aware of this as he/she just interacts with the interface provided for them in the front end.
System front end: This is the interface that the user interacts with in order to enter data. It is made possible by using web browsers e.g. Mozilla Firefox and internet explorer.
There are three design levels that were applied in development of the system which are
- Design Methodology
- Architectural design
- Component design
- Interface Design
- Database design
In designing the systems’ interface, I attempted to emulate Jacob Nielsen’s usability heuristics as described below:
User control
The interface has been made to adapt to the needs of the user. I provided more than one way of doing same task. This is made possible by provision different links located at different parts for doing the same task
Match between system and real world
The web-page module was designed to emulate/resemble the normal requirements as it is in the educational sector.
Consistency is about making similar things look and behave similar. The front end up to the back end of ACRS is consistent. This provide users with a good chance to learn new contexts (and to detect new contexts), to concentrate on relevant tasks, to feel safe.
Buttons in the whole system are placed at the left side and top of each form in a consistent manner.
Minimalistic design
In each form, only information that is directly relevant to the task in hand is displayed.
Error recognition and diagnosis
While using the system a user can tell when an error has occurred as error messages are displayed and possible ways to get out of the error are suggested.
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