Process Architecture Design For University And Consultancy
Process Architecture of University
Discuss about the Process Architecture Design for University and Consultancy?
This study will examine the creation of process architecture of both university and consultancy. Process architecture defines the orders, interfaces and other relationships among process segment in a conventional procedure. General use of this paradigm is to recognize and structure business operations already present in an organization. Four different categories of the design process are as identification of case types, identification of functions for case types, construction of function matrices and identification of processes (Dumas et al. 2013).
Classification of class types is the initial phase of this procedure. Selection of the right properties is a critical part in developing the architecture. Consider it as the base of the work. The need of classification of types arises because university handles various processes in different ways (Kirchmer, 2012). The names of the properties that needed to be included are service type, channel, and customer type. This study will only concentrate on the ‘customer type’ classification for identifying the case.
Customer type: University provides only services to their respective students. Students are the customers for this architecture. University provides industrial engineering, building or construction engineering study to their regular student and students who come after completing polytechnic. Students fill up their admission form and submit them to the admission department. Through an eligibility check, university selects their students and sends them a confirmation letter. University confirms their students through examining their previous study report in detail.
Students from other countries also get the chance of getting the education. University also considers part-time students. Part-time students are those who simultaneously work and study. Part-time student’s projects are.
Figure 1: Case Types of University
(Source: created by author)
Different case types consist of different functions (Kirchmer, 2012). The major aspect of this process is to identify the functions by inspecting each case type in detail. The various roles of the university are admission process and education. The decomposition of admission process results into two parts, accepting admission forms check and confirmation. Education consists of courses and projects. One function of ‘admission’ is to provide the students a chance for becoming an integral part of the university. The project can be decomposed into two parts, conventional and actual life. Plans of part-time students are more realistic.
Figure 2: Functions of University
(Source: created by author)
The ‘identify case type’ and ‘identify features’ studies leads to the present task of developing a function model (Yin et al. 2014). The sign ‘X’ in the individual matrix represent that corresponding function can be performed for that case type. The matrix here in this study shows the relation between three distinct case types with functions. Part-time students get to do the projects that more relates to real experiences. On the other hand, regular and polytechnic students do current projects. Education and project functions do not have total participation with pupils. Regular and polytechnic students do not get a chance to do real life projects. Part-time students do not possess the opportunity to have the benefit of optional function.
Identification of Case Types
Figure 3: Function Matrix of University
(Source: created by author)
It is the final step in the process. Developing a business process require a finding combination of business function and case type (Harmon, 2014). For this purpose, determine the tradeoff between two extremes. The rules for determining the ‘big process’ in this study are, split the process vertically if it has distinct flow-objects (Karthik et al. 2015). Separate the process horizontally when it has subtle differences and when a process consists many functions for one case. These rules are the guidelines for making the architecture possible (Niemi et al. 2013).
Flow objects flow through a business process. In this matrix, the indication of having more than one flow object is present. One flow object for the education function is a perusing course.
Sometimes few functions perform for all the cases at the same time (Kirchmer, 2012). It is typical for batch processing. The ‘accepting admission form’ function works for all the cases. Though confirmation is also performed for the case, it more relates to the ‘big process’ perusing course. The conventional project function for both types of students represents a ‘big process’ related to study. For part-time case, it indicates the process related to existent.
Figure 4: Identified processes of Function Matrix of University
(Source: created by author)
Like the university, the discussion on the architecture for consultancy will cover up to four topics.
Case types can be of mainly four types (Jeston & Nelis, 2014). This study concentrates on choosing service as case type over all the other cases. It is because the consultancy choose asset of products over clients. Consultancy provides the services do the works of consulting, outsourcing and interim management. Consultancy services are in exchange of money providing expert knowledge to an organization. It is often required by an organization when business demands expert advice (Yin et al. 2014). For managing businesses, outsourcing services is becoming more popular. Interim management describes the process, the short-term task of a proven established interim executive manager for managing a span of transition, crisis for an organization. The services of the organization are different for new and old clients. It provides services to the new customers and upgrades the performance of the products already old client consist.
Figure 5: Case Type of Consultancy
(Source: created by author)
Functions are an with a various employees of the integral part of case types. Features determine the how the business process works (Jeston & Nelis 2014). It requires meetings organization, especially with product and service managers. The functions are, project plan, consultant research, and interim task. Outcomes of decomposition of project plan are team project creation, kick-off meeting, execution, and evaluation. For new customers, interim task focuses on networking events and framework contract. On the other hand, old clients conduct regular meetings.
Identification of Functions for Case Types
Figure 6: Functions of Consultancy
(Source: created by author)
The signs ‘X’ in the matrix represent the relation of ‘case type’ with a particular function (Dumas et al. 2013). The outsourcing case is severely related to all the sub-function of ‘project plan’ function. Consultant research case concerns itself with leasing and secretary sub-function. New client conduct a meeting and the organization tries to establish a relation that will last long. Old customers get the service for updating the product further.
Figure 7: Function matrix of Consultancy
(Source: created by author)
Rules for determining identifying processes in this matrix are, split vertically if a process changes change transactional state (Harmon 2015). Split-up when a process contains logical separation in time. Split-up when a process includes logical separation in space. Few ‘big processes’ are, networking events, team creation and execution works for outsourcing and new customer case. The team creation for outsourcing and new function defined as team assigning. Regular meeting function is related with consulting and old case type.
Figure 8: Identified processes of function matrix of Consultancy
(Source: created by author)
This study concludes identification of case types and functions are the central part of creating process architecture. A university in this study consists of case types like, regular, Polytechnic and part time. On the other hand, consultancy consists of a project plan, consultant research and interim task. Through identifying process ‘big processes’ are found. Big processes are the processes that consist of more than one flow. These flows assist in the decisions of business procedures. Combination of process creates big process that decides the direction of business processes. The process to create architecture of distinct businesses is same.
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