Privacy, Security, And Ethics: Implications For An NGO Adopting The My Support Approach
Personal and Ethical Implications for Privacy
Cloud computing services are the future in upcoming time of computer field. It was start for data storage and it provides data everywhere. One thing was required for accessing data is Internet. There are various cloud services for providing different facility to organization. In this report, I will discuss about security and privacy of a Non-Government Organisations (referred as NGO). NGO have some money for distribution to different clients (Chen & Zhao, 2012). They want an online system, in which clients access money and other things with the help of MySupport approach. Some NGO helps to government for handling some functions in a process. It is a very sensitive system because of their work process. They had clients, which are required help form government, and it delivered through the NGO’s (Cuzzocrea, 2014).
For that architecture, they have to implement different services form cloud computing services, such as Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, and Google cloud. It was a pack of different services as per requirement of an organization. Now days, cloud is used as a service provider to different organization. They provide different services, such as servers, data storage, application software, and platform for executing programs (Garg, Versteeg, & Buyya, 2013).
Cloud computing is a latest service for enhance the business of an organization. It has new IT technologies for providing better services to clients with security and privacy, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and deep learning. Hadoop and Big data are the best technologies used in cloud computing. NGO’s are a self-governed body, which provide various services in different fields. Government release funds for NGO have to help them in their work for public services.
For implementation, a system to connect different clients of a NGO with a valid identification of client requires a system in which many facilities should be there for help of clients (Krutz & Vines, 2010). I want to suggest that, they should adopt an IaaS for managing all the services for clients and NGO functions. There are many function of a NGO with lots of responsibilities. I will discuss about services and code of ethics of NGO (Kshetri, 2013).
In this scenario, a valid authentication system will provided to NGO for managing different functions with their clients. There are some issues in starting but if it is implement for fully managed system then it will beneficial for all the department related to NGO. I will discuss about ethical issues of implementation of cloud services, and discuss about privacy and security on cloud system with the help of some cloud computing services (King & Raja, 2012).
Personal and Ethical Implications for Security
(Source: visiontechme, 2018)
NGO’s are following code of ethics and code of conduct at different level. All the members of a NGO are fully dedicated to serve needful persons in all over world. It has a sustainable process in which all organization contributes money or anything else to the common good (Mather, Kumaraswamy, & Latif, 2009). That money will be used for progress, peace, and justice to needful people, such as Rohingya people, and many more. NGO should integrate many things for providing public services. NGO’s are responsible for providing services to particular people or large amount of the public ( Maziliauskaite, 2018). It is public money for use of good purpose by the government, so that money not used for personal purposes. Also, make as public trust on NGO by everyone. NGO can be conduct different activities for betterment of environment (Pearson, 2013). There should be cooperation beyond boundaries, such as inter-religious, intercultural. An NGO should be willing to work for people in different fields beyond borders of ethnicity, politics, culture, and religious matter. NGO’s always follow human rights and dignity of every person from all over the world. They are religious free and help every religion, when they require help (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016).
Source: ( Fu, 2017)
There are three types of services provided by a cloud vendor, which are Infrastructure as a Service (referred as IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a service (PaaS). It is a simple process in which cloud service provider charge according to your usages of services. If anyone required only data storage then they provides only infrastructure for data storage, such as servers and storage in terabytes (Heiser J. N., 2008). These services are so costly so not everyone can implement all these services for personal use. Servers are too costly for implementations, as well as other services are also too complex. NGO’s are also having lot of data and important things to serve public with the help of governments of country and other outside agencies (Jansen, 2011).
Recommendations for Protecting Individual Privacy and Security
NGO’s should be truthful for their working and dealing with the clients, staff members, and government. NGO is a integrate project of many things, such as nonprofit, non-governmental, organized, independent and self-governing. There are some mission and activities of NGO, according to their field. There are some activities in NGO for accomplishes mission of NGO. Activities should effective and efficient for achieving mission. Feedback should be there for satisfaction of beneficiaries and stakeholders ( Schouten, 2014). Elevation is also necessary for every activity by which some good changes should change in the activities by members.
Cloud computing is an emerging technology for providing cloud computing services to various organizations for betterment of their business and other things (Sen, 2014). Cloud computing depends on different things, such as Web services, virtualization, and internet. It provides scalable and inexpensive infrastructures as per the client demand. They are helpful for saving cost of implementation and provide new opportunities for business. Cloud computing is a group of services, such as platform, webbing hosting, services, data storage, and softwares. It is a group of services in which user can acquire different services according to their needs for a particular time (So, 2011).
Many NGO’s acquire cloud-computing services for taking advantage of new technologies. NGO’s are spreading there activities through cloud computing services. It is a platform where they start their activities for public help. There are many advantages of cloud computing, but some are so important feature of cloud computing, such as availability, Elasticity, reliability, and quality of services (Subashini & Kavitha, 2011). It provides extend service in which any organization change their requirement as per their need, such as data storage. It provides scaling in different services, according to client’s needs. It is also reliable to all organizations. It is capable to ensure about security and privacy of client data and services. It is main feature of a cloud computing service (Svantesson & Clarke, 2010). It provides good quality of services to every client as per their requirement.
It provides best services as per the agreement between client and vendor. Clients are free to change their demand according to need (Takabi, Joshi, & Ahn, 2010). Sometimes requirements are change for data storage and softwares. However, cloud computing enhance their service and provide better service to client. There are so many services for client and all of these are available for the client. If there is any problem in the system, then a team is always there for your help (Wu, Casey, Hazen, & Hall, 2013).
Cloud computing is also cost effective, if any organization have their own infrastructure then they should pay for many things for maintenance and acquisition. However, cloud provides all those service in lower cost with the better maintenance and acquisition. It is also charge according to uses of services. They take charge for actual use of services. Many organizations are not from computer background so it is not their core competency. So less focus on implementation of these types of services and hire these services from any cloud service provider. It is also environment friendly system and save many things (Zhang, Wuwong, Li, & Zhang, 2010).
Using cloud computing any organization can reduce complexity of system including management and configuration of infrastructure. It has a great advantage that is no restriction of physical location on working. Anyone can work from anywhere. Using cloud computing Resources Company develops their business instead of developing infrastructure for data management.
Cloud computing service providers are providing services but there are some risk for security of personal data and processes of different modules. It provides access control to related client but there are same space for data storage and same platform for development of application, so it was an issue of privacy sometimes. Your data is secure on the cloud. However, when you access your own data using Internet then make sure you access your data using a secure channel.
They also used three level security systems for dynamic group in cloud. Cloud is a way to store and share the information by clients in an efficient way with the high security and privacy. It is helpful for organizations to avoid burden of data storage and ensure data integrity. There are still research going on the security and privacy of clouds data storage and services. Virtualization makes it better day by day based on client’s needs. Every client needs services for security and privacy of their data. Cloud computing makes feasible all things in a single place with security and privacy. Amazon was the first Cloud computing service provider and now various cloud service providers in market (Yan, Deng, & Varadharajan, 2017).
Cloud services are more secure than other ways, because there is a big team for researching on the security and privacy. Day by day cloud computing is the only way to use data storage for future use. It is also providing data sharing with a high security of your personal data. It is beneficial for NGO has to store information of all previous data on the cloud and using data mining tools, they can analyses actual figures for processing. There are lot of softwares and services of cloud computing to manage security and privacy of organizations.
According survey, cloud computing provides a better platform for NGO to provide money to their clients form any place of world. It is fruitful for NGO’s as well as for clients also. They need only an access key for getting that fund for betterment of their future. Cloud computing provides better services to all their clients in low cost. As an example, AWS provides services to Netflix for their data storage and infrastructure. There are many more examples, which can use cloud, as an infrastructure. NGO’s should provide their service by helping of cloud services, which can more beneficial for the clients. It is a better way to provide services to needful persons (Jansen, 2011). Cloud computing is also providing backups, if in any case your servers are fail then you can get your data from different backup servers.
In the cloud computing services, all things are legal and ethical, according to rules and regulation of the country. NGO’s are world level organizations, so it is useful for their use and provide different services to public. It is a better way to use the latest technology for betterment of new generation. So many good things in the cloud service for managing so many works with effective and more secure to NGO’s.
According to my opinion, Mobile devices will secure by two things, first is security provided by mobile operating system, and second is from antivirus of third party software. Mobile devices are used by most of the person in current scenario. Mobile devices have many capabilities for access sensitive data. They are helpful for the user but sometimes they are a way to enter unauthorized threads by other mobile device using mobile network. There are lot of personal data, such as personal information, medical history, online transaction details, and business data. Mobile devices are very sensitive, because they used cellular network. Malware is a program, which access mobile device to exfiltration user personal data. It breaks their privacy and security. Mobile security is an issue for current generation, and research is going on at large level in industry, as well as academia for improving privacy and security of mobile devices. Now a days research is continue on novel techniques for proving privacy and security to mobile devices (Choo, Rokach, & Bettini, 2016).
Risk management issues are also raise in implementation an environment for personal data storage. First thing is cost, because software and hardware are so costly for managing virtual machines. It requires few months for implementation as well as maintenance cost will also high. All these are risk for implementation of persona infrastructure for getting privacy and security, but it will cost so much high then hire a cloud service form a vendor. There is a service legal agreement (referred as SLA) for providing services with security and privacy. It is mandatory for taking benefits of current scenario rather than implementing own virtual machine stations.
Encryption techniques are so helpful for managing security features (Garg, Versteeg, & Buyya, 2013). NGO’s must use MySupport for managing different functions of NGO. The MySupport approach will helpful for clients and it is cloud based approach so it provides so many benefits to the all clients. It also provides different function to all clients to creating activities for different people, which really need the help of NGO. There are some key features of mobile computing, which makes it better than other services, such as scalability, reliability, and lower cost. NGO’s are having different activities simultaneously, so they need data at different place, which can only possible by the cloud service. NGO’s are providing services to all their clients, so using cloud computing, we can provide access control of the system to the client on the basis of high security, such as biometric and user ID, password concept ( Maziliauskaite, 2018).
For privacy, public key based holomorphic linear authentication system will used by cloud. There are so many ways in cryptography, such as hash functions, MD5, SHA1, and IDEA. There are many security protocols for securing data on Internet, such as Internet Protocol Security (referred as IP Sec). IP sec provide security of your data, when your data is travelling in the network. Some cloud-computing vendor assures that you use your data only, after that, they will dispose of your data and all information related to your portal. For more secure data transfer you can use virtual private networks. There are lot of ways for securing data and information on cloud but cryptography is a single way to secure your data from unethical persons. They also provide antivirus and highly secured firewalls for data security and privacy. Many organizations have their business data on cloud that was so important for their business. Therefore, it must be secure and reliable thing to process all data on cloud (Zhou, Cao, Dong, & Vasilakos, 2017).
There are so many kinds of application, they take permission through user for providing some free services, but actually, they are taking personal information of the users. It is also happed due to unsecured Wi-Fi connection, in which many unauthorized users working, and they harm your devices. Network spoofing is an example of hacking username and password of a user. There are so many unwanted mails are coming on the mobiles device, some important mails are missing due to that type of phishing attacks. Spam facility is available in the email portal, but they are not safe. I had facing many issues in mobile device. Finally decide to install a solid antivirus for stooping malwares.
It is concluded from previous parts of this report that, cloud computing is helpful for implementation of an infrastructure for any organization. In case of NGO’s cloud, computing provides many series and resources for completing their need for betterment of their purpose. Cloud computing provides services as per requirement of clients, as I discussed in previous part. Cloud service is available at lower cost for managing data and services of different organizations. NGO’s are providing help in different areas, such as urban, and rural. Most of them are helping needful people’s, which are in trouble because of some natural disaster or genocide.
It is concluded that, if cloud service will used for identification for clients of NGO then it will be best for the security purpose of NGO as well as it maintain privacy also. There are many ways to provide security to clients, such as authentication system. Every client will have a user Id and password for his or her portal, such as education portal of a NGO. Few NGO’s are providing education in rural areas for development. They can use cloud services for spreading education in each part. It provides a better platform for development of softwares and application according to clients and organization requirements.
Cloud computing is a basic need of this era for every person. Every person has their personal data in terabytes and they need that data at different place so cloud is the best things for this thing.
Finally, it is concluded that, NGO’s should use cloud computing for providing better services to needful persons. They are also used different tools for analysis and details of different activities. So cloud computing is the best way to enhance business as well as services of NGO’s. MySupport approach will be beneficial for the NGO’s services.
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