Privacy Issues In Technology: Is Access To Technology Worth The Potential Loss Of Privacy?
ENG3U English
ENG3U English
Positive and negative aspects of technology on privacy
The thesis statement says that technology is the reason behind development; it is true it causes some potential loss to privacy but access to technology can’t be overlooked. There are various issues linked with privacy of technology
It is true that technology is becoming an integrated part in everybody’s life. Technology has captured every event and is involved in every sector. There is various privacy issues associated with technology. On one hand technology has made life easier but on the other hand it has decreased privacy as most the information is made public(Geneiatakis, Kounelis, Neisse, Nai-Fovino, Steri & Baldini, 2017). Technology is made things public thus it is important to deal with privacy issues. Privacy is important to protect the information from fraud activities and viruses. Technology has made life easier but has also made things less private. Thus it is suggested that there should be string privacy controls like picking up unique and careful passwords so that sensitive information remains encrypted and it is not accessed by any unauthorised user (Hicks, Lee, Berson, Bolick & Diem, 2014).
Technology has provided many options to help people but it has somewhere degraded the privacy issue. In the modern society that are many events related to privacy breach thus it is important to maintain low level of privacy so that technology advancement does not affect the sensitive information (Joshi, Han & Wang, 2018). Technology and privacy are connected two each other, technology is a practise that create possibility and opportunity but privacy is a key factor in direction of technological development. Access of technology can cause loss of privacy if the rights are offered to authorised users. Keeping the information public can cause various security breaches (Hicks, Lee, Berson, Bolick & Diem, 2014). Access to technology is beneficial but on the other hand there exists a chance of security issue.
It is true that technology has changed the way in which communication take place between organisations and has also impacted the personal privacy. Technology has proved to be beneficial in many sectors in education, health care, business and marketing. It has allowed people to access the information from anywhere at any time (Ifenthaler & Tracey, 2016). In educational sector it improves the way of learning by offering flexible and cost effective way. It also offers cheating and fraud means to complete the assignment but the other benefits are more worth it (Page, 2015). Technology has a greater positive effect as compared to other privacy loss.
Evaluation of technology is beneficial for human in many ways especially in the medical sector as it helps in treating sick people by detecting harmful viruses and bacteria. It is found that technology have improved our daily lives by improving the entertainment sector as well as virtual storage (Rajpoot & Jensen, 2015). There are various issues associated with technology but the benefits can’t be ignored. The privacy issues can be resolved by designing strict actions that help in controlling the security concerns. The impact of technology cannot be ignored as it has already captured the lifestyle of people (Sagafi-Nejad, Moxon & Perlmutter, 2017). It has changes everything into a digital world from wrist watches to digital watch. It has made information access easy and worth it by allowing employees to navigate information from anywhere.
Privacy concerns associated with technology
The access of technology has eliminated the issue of distance but has also increased the chances of false activities. It has replaced the old technology by advancement. It has allowed instant messages and transferring money in a single click. It has made things easier and more affordable which results in flexible result (Roy & Manoj, 2016). Apart from that, transferring money and making online transactions have increased the risk of false activities. There is various privacy issues linked with the technology but they offer wider benefits (Sgora, Vergados & Chatzimisios, 2016).
The rapid advancement in technology has improved the working of various operations but on the other hand there are various cultural and ethical issues associated with it (Yi, Qin & Li, 2015). Internet is a medium through which information is captured and shared throughout the world. Some people use this benefit for hacking the sensitive data or misusing the images and then bullying for wrong means (Theoharidou, Tsalis & Gritzalis, 2017). The sense and awareness of privacy came in the modern word later but technology cannot be blamed for privacy.
Technological change will bring a better outcome ad the otter issues can be kept aside as there are ways through which they can be improved. Thus it can be said that access to technology is worth it as privacy issues can be resolved easily. The real danger related to technology is privacy of online information (Weber, 2015). Thus, it is found that the use of computer technology is a legal procedure but it give rise to some security and privacy issues while storing and transmitting the information. As information is personal it should not be disclosed thus encryption methods are used so that information is coded in a form that is not readable (Reiman, 2017). Access to technology is important because security risks can be controlled by taking various actions.
In 21st century technology there are various challenges that are observed on privacy due to technology. Technology has lost the control over personal information and many marketing firms face data breaches issues. Most of the people think that the use of electronic system is recorded but for this technology cannot be blamed (Lee, Kim, Ha, Rajput & Oh, 2015). As information and privacy measures need to be controlled this could be done installing firewalls and avoiding downloads from unauthorised websites or servers (Mason, 2017). The two way security measures should be used so that privacy could be analysed and addressed.
Technology has not affected the privacy as there are various ways through which privacy measures can be controlled. So for this the access to technology should be not be blamed (Krause, Franks & Lynch, 2016). Technology had made things very flexible, easy and comfortable but on the other hand has many security consequences. The privacy is at greater risk as anyone can access the information that can cause loss of private data.
The access of technology is not at issue but various challenges that need to be considered to establish privacy policy. Anonymous use of data is should be used by collecting and processing the data and identifying that correct user access the information (Geneiatakis, Kounelis, Neisse, Nai-Fovino, Steri & Baldini, 2017). The major effect of technology on privacy is due to electronic surveillance it monitors the activity of people without their knowledge.
Importance of privacy in technology
The emergence of technology has generated various global communications so that private information cannot be exposed for communication. Online fraudulent activities continue to grow as the victims try to access the information through illegal means. Technology has simply modified the e-business platform by offering organisation a better way to perform. On the other hand, it was found that third party users sometimes read the information that exposes the privacy (Drachsler, et. al, 2016). From all the research and discussion it was found that technology has made life easier for everyone but has affected the privacy due to various technological devices.
Technology has effect on privacy but the access of technology cannot be limited. Technology has helped in tracking people by just embedding the chips in computers, cars or clothes. It is also used in hospitals to maintain the patients data digitally but the privacy can get affected ta this time also as the access to records can be gained by anyone (Camara, Peris-Lopez & Tapiador, 2015). In the age of biometrics and other advanced technological advancement access to anything has become easy. The theft has increased as the ways to link and reach to people have become easy (Aminnezhad & Dehghantanha, 2014). Apart from that, privacy can be controlled by various ways like using cryptography and firewalls so that only authorised users are able to access the information.
Technology cannot be blamed for privacy issues as it has also developed ways through issues breached could be controlled. Some of the ways in which technology has impacted privacy is that hackers are becoming more skilled which has gained offered the access of protected files and data. It is found that spear phishing is increasing through which business secret and private information is gained. Various substantial cyber security risk plans are developed so that confidentiality, integrity and availability are maintained.
The concept of maintaining hard copies have been eliminated and the concept of digital technology has arises (Mason, 2017). All the information and sensitive data is maintained digitally which increases the security issues and also increases businesses at risk. It is necessary to protect data from all the cybercriminal activities and in this the role of information technology is significant. It allows user to access the information and fix all the holes in cyber security (Rajpoot & Jensen, 2015). Apart from that all the above measures, support organization to have a contract so that information can be protected from liability so that security breaches do not occur. Technology has helped in bringing the world together and therefore the likelihood of cyber-attacks will only amplify in the future. However, organisation should constantly update themselves about the scale and sophistication of cyber security threats. To eliminate these security issues adequate precautions to safeguard themselves are needed. A person’s privacy is just as valuable as ever but the only thing that has changed is technology as changed in recent years is who holds the value (Krause, Franks & Lynch, 2016). While each individual used to the value of their own privacy, companies now sell private information of others to make money. These companies continue need to be captured and efforts need to be done to stop such things.
Security measures for protecting sensitive information
Access to technology in today’s time is worth the potential loss of privacy as the benefits that are gained due to technology are much more than the privacy concern. Privacy is also important but yes it can be maintained in various ways. The access limit should be controlled to avoid the problematic issue of privacy breach (Joshi, Han & Wang, 2018). Using electronic communication also increases the risk of privacy breach but the value of modern technology cannot be ignored (Ifenthaler & Tracey, 2016). The national security administration has hired many staff that takes care of all the security breaches and assures that only authorised user gets the chance to access the information.
Thus, from the above discussions and research it can be said that technology plays a significant role in day to day activities. Technology is worth it tough it has violated privacy in many cases but that can be controlled. Technology has allowed company to improve their revenue margins by offering various services for free and allows user to track the information. The use of technology has also increased the risk of misuse of personal information . The issue with the entire privacy problem is linked up with technology various laws are designed to control the privacy. It is suggested that user should remain updated to the technology and they should stay up to date on the newest technologies so that chances of information being tracked by wrong users gets eliminated.
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