Principles, Skills And Processes Of Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Music And Visual Arts


The stream of art is popularly known and offers wide opportunities among students in various fields like mass communication, teaching, counselling and many others. The main subjects’ options available in art are Drama, Dance, Media arts, Music and Visual Arts. Drama as a subject helps in understanding the difference between reality and portrayal. Drama as an art requires seriousness towards work and develops deep concentration for participating in the activities that are available. Dance is an art form that consists of sequence of human movement purposely (Holvoet, 2018). The real purpose of introducing dance as a subject is because it is considered as a good exercise and makes a persona a better individual. Dance is a ritual that demonstrates all the specimen of human soul. Media art is a subject that makes the communication through films, video, audio, photography, interactive media and digital platforms. It introduces a new curriculum that requires new competencies and offers new learning ways. It helps the students to learn how to communicate effectively and creatively by the use of new technology. Music is an important art field in the art stream. The purpose of introducing music as a subject is to explore basic music theory so that students who have interest in music can extent their knowledge and have a more comprehensive concepts. Music is a melody of sounds that can unify the mind and soul (Holvoet, 2018). The other subject that would be discussed in this report is visual art; it is one of the elective subjects in the art education. It supports children’s in their acquisition of art and aesthetic way. It stretches the potential of students and develops new values and attributes so that their future could be brightened. These subjects are important as it encompasses development domain in child. It offers physical development along with mental relief.

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Art should be a compulsory part in everyday activity. It offers a lot of tools so that skills could be developed. It helps in improving the imagination power, creative skills and also offers open-ended experiences so that success is oriented is a right way to do something (Chen & Grauman, 2018). Below is a discussion of the key elements of various art subjects. The way it can be taught is also discussed.

Drama- The elements of drama is a composition of proses that is used at time of performance (Desai, et. al, 2016). It offers an interaction between the character and audience through a message. They elements cover enacting the role through the emotions and persons personality (Holvoet, 2018). The key elements of drama are thought,  idea, action scenario, characters, language, music, audience and the theme of message that need to be delivered.

The basic things that are taught in drama classes are performance techniques, fundamentals of drama, playwriting and screenwriting (Chen & Grauman, 2018). In drama classes, short actions plans are created that need to be depicted and then materials are prepared so that level of confidence and willingness to take risk could be improved.


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Dance- It is one of the most unique and important form of art. The four fundamental elements of dance cover space, time, force, and shape. Space is the compositional elements that refer to the way in which dancers move ad interacts with the physical world (Epstein, 2015). Time is the other element that is related to space as dancer cannot move through space without moving through time. The other is energy that demonstrates the movement of dynamics and build by passion and stamina. The last basic element is relationship that is ability to relate to other dancers and objects (Apine, Pokrotnieks,  Leja,  Atteka & Krumina, 2016).

The dance is taught by educational programs in which public and private performances are prepared that covers the practices and teaching sessions so that students enjoy dance (Lepikhin, 2017).


Media Arts- The elements that contribute in media art is light that deals with the artwork required for using the light. The other is sound that deals with the music and sound effects required (Apine, Pokrotnieks,  Leja,  Atteka & Krumina, 2016). The other element in media art is time, point of view, performance, framing, narrative and editing skills (Lepikhin, 2017). The principal of media art is interactivity, heterogeneity and hybridization. It is used to create art piece that determines the nature of work.

This can be taught by allowing students to work in groups and gain opportunity to apply knowledge. Students are offered a chances through which they explore, generate and develop the idea for creating media productions (Koch & Han, 2014).

Music- The elements of music allow students to learn in a captivated way. The first element is dynamic that tells about the difference in volume. The other is rhythm that covers the concerns related to timings (Bailey, 2016). Pitch is another element that is used to match the melodies so that it could be matched with the song. The other elements are timber, texture and form of music.


During the music learning the instructions for playing an instrument are given along with giving singing and voice lessons. A platform is also offered to students during classes so that they can get a place to practise (Eschenburg, 2018). It offers in depth musical knowledge, enthusiasm, patience, good communication skills, flexibility and motivational skills (Yusoff, 2015).

Visual Arts- The elements of visual arts covers line, colour, texture, perspective, volume, form and space. The line is an element that depicts the point moving in space. The shape and form tells about the height, width and depth. The value focuses on the lightness that is involved in understanding the visual arts (Nanayakkara,  Burton,  Margerison & Worsley, 2018). The space and colour are the elements that are used for maintaining the intensity and hue of the colour. Visual arts are taught by allowing students to focus creating art by showcasing visually.



The art subject are very important in the education system as it build up creativity among students, it also somewhere improves academic performance. It offers visual learning techniques to the students interpret, criticize, and use visual information, and how to make choices based on it. It also strengthens the problem of making decisions. It increases the focus and thinking skill of an individual. The major elements that are seen in art are unity, balance, movement, rhythm, focus, contract, pattern and proportion. In this report, the art related subjects that are dance, drama, visual arts, media arts and music. The keys elements of each of the subject are discussed along with the ways in which these subjects are taught to students. Art also improves children’s cognitive growth that helps kids with their early math skills. Art can be said as a reflection of what a child knows about the world and enables the child to choose how to translate those ideas and experiences. It can be concluded that it is significant as it allows children to be creative.


Apine, I., Pokrotnieks, J., Leja, M., Atteka, S., & Krumina, G. (2016). MRI Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in Collapsed and Distended Small Bowel Loops and Their Potential Importance for Excluding Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a Study in Healthy Subjects. Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 16(1),  pp. 23-30.

Bailey, B. M. (2016). Objects and Their Subjects: Art, Power, and the Making of History in Modern Japan and Europe. Yale University.

Chen, C. Y., & Grauman, K. (2018). Subjects and their objects: Localizing interactees for a person-centric view of importance. International Journal of Computer Vision, 126(2-4),  pp. 292-313.

Desai, S. N., Dodge, J. L., Landay, A. L., Glesby, M. J., Latham, P. S., Villacres, M. C., … & Peters, M. G. (2016). Hepatic fibrosis and immune phenotype vary by HCV viremia in HCV/HIV co-infected subjects: A Women’s interagency HIV study. Medicine, 95(33).

Epstein, A. (2015). Changing Subjects: Digressions in Modern American Poetry by Srikanth Reddy. Wallace Stevens Journal, 39(1), pp. 121-123.

Eschenburg, M. (2018). Migrating Subjects: The Problem of the” Peasant” in Contemporary Chinese Art (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh).

Holvoet, A. (2018). Marja-Liisa Helasvuo & Tuomas Huumo (eds.).(2015) Subjects in constructions–canonical and non-canonical. Constructions and Frames, 10(1), pp. 98-105.

Koch, V., & Han, S. (2014). ‘Of Vital Importance’: The New York State Task Force on Life and the Law’s Report and Recommendations for Research with Human Subjects Who Lack Consent Capacity.

Lepikhin, A. V. (2017). Banking Activity in Accordance with the Subjects of Banking System and Its Importance for the Establishment of the Objective Evidence of Crime due to the Art. 172 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Bull. Kazan L. Inst. MIA Russ., 27, p. 116.

Nanayakkara, J., Burton, M., Margerison, C., & Worsley, A. (2018). Importance of home economics compared to other secondary school subjects: Australian parents’ and young adults’ views. International Journal of Home Economics, 11(1), p. 72.

Yusoff, K. (2015). Geologic subjects: Nonhuman origins, geomorphic aesthetics and the art of becoming in human. cultural geographies, 22(3),p. 383-407.

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